Connie's Betrayal


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She looked at the masked men standing looking down at her, I pulled out the pistol and pointed it at her face. She cringed and tried to hide, screwing her eyes tightly as she cried and mumbled. I got real close pressing the muzzle to her temple not saying a word as I looked into her eyes. I saw the fear, I let it linger and fester, I wanted her to be scared, she should be scared I could blow her fucking brains out and I really felt like doing it, but not yet, but maybe. She needed to suffer first. I felt Carlo looking at me, this was the point he was worried about me losing it I knew that. I tapped Connie on the head, she opened her eyes wider as I pointed the barrel between her eyes as she looked into mine. I slowly squeezed the trigger. She could see my finger tensing and somehow relaxed oddly. Carlo started to move but before he could I pulled the trigger, Connie had closed her eyes. I was wild with love, hate, and every feeling possible, rage was uppermost. As Carlo grabbed for my hand the hammer came down with a loud click! Connie had wet herself soaking the bed, Carlo wrenched the gun from my hand. He looked at me with his steely eyes and after breathing a big sigh he started to laugh. His eyes were all that were visible but they told the story, he was pissed!

Connie was crazy with fear and then shock as she stared at the two men in front of her staring down at her. She started to shake her head wildly from side to side, the tears were flowing now too. I looked at her in disgust. She stared wide eyed at the two silent men in front of her, not a word had been said in the preceding two minutes it took to destroy her evening and possibly the rest of her life. I stood for almost another minute in silence, not moving a muscle as I looked at the bitch on the bed, naked and showing the paw marks of her lover on her skin. Her eyes were locked onto mine, I could taste her fear. I gripped the edge of my mask and pulled it off. She gasped and then fainted.

I saw the slight movement from Carlo at my side as he looked at his phone, and knew we had to leave, I followed Carlo out the room leaving Connie spread eagled on the bed. We slipped down the stairway and used the exit at the rear of the hotel to blend back into the dark city. In a few minutes we were back at the car. We had not spoken during the walk back, each with our own thoughts. Carlo gunned the engine and we sped away heading to the rendezvous.

"You took the bullets out! You bastard! I was worried for a second there I thought you had lost it."

I laughed grimly. "Yes, I wasn't going to go down for murdering the bitch, just a fucking good scare will do for now. I think the lesson will come when she sees Tony again."

"I am sure the guys will do the necessary with him, no need to dirty your hands Sal, I know it's important to you that he knows you were there but I think he will remember this for a very long time anyway."

"One way or another I need to be certain of that." I stared grimly ahead as we dodged through the dark streets towards our destination.

We stepped inside the bar and Alfredo was waiting for us, it was almost 1am so he poured us healthy drinks as we sat in front of the log fire in the back room, slowly as the adrenalin faded we started to feel more like human beings. For the past several hours I had been in a trance, a state of mind where the real world was kept at bay and where only pain and anger lived. Now in the warmth of the back room we sat and ate quietly. Carlo's phone pinged and he read the message and smiled at me.

"All done and taken care of. The boys are on their way."

"I know I can't thank them enough for what they have done but I will never forget this night."

"Sal, shut the fuck up, it is done, you now have other battles to fight. You need to deal with the bitch now. Don't go getting all soft on me OK?"

"Sure, I understand." No more needed to be said.

I remembered we had left her in the hotel, I wondered how she would get home or what if anything she would have to say about her adventure. Well I had the rest of the day to kill yet before I returned home in keeping with the plan. She now knew that I was aware of her activities but would she say anything or confess? I doubted it somehow even with my knowing and catching her at it.

"There are rooms ready for you both when you are ready."

The tiredness seemed to suddenly wash over me as I was shown my room, I peeled off my clothes and Alfredo took them and disposed of them before I crashed out on the bed. Sleep didn't come easily as I replayed the events of the night and everything that led up to it. I also thought of Connie and how I last saw her. I was filled with sadness and revulsion at the same time, I had loved the woman for so long. She was my everything, now it was all gone. The only thing left was to face her and see how it broke out between us, I had the divorce papers already in my possession. She would have the official copy delivered to our home later today. By the time I was due to get home she would have no doubt as to what I knew, I suddenly had the thought that what if she didn't go home? Now she knew it was me at the hotel she would be terrified to go home for sure. Fuck! I better call and get the papers diverted, maybe at Terri's place, yes she would go there I was sure.

Amost seven hours or so later I was woken from my uncomfortable sleep by Allissia, there was a mug of coffee under my nose as she grinned at me.

"Lunch time Sal, you have thirty minutes. Carlo said you have an afternoon flight to catch so time to get up, your change of clothes are on the dresser." She patted my shoulder and left the room.

Slowly I eased myself upright and dressed. Looking in the mirror I saw a face I thought I knew but it was changed, it was a changed me. I had almost killed a man last night and I had watched him being taken away to his fate but I felt nothing. At this moment in time I felt no regrets either. Whatever shit had befallen Tony was brought on by himself I just hoped it hurt like hell and for a long time too.

I joined the others at the table and the normality was surreal yet comforting too. We ate, chatted and even laughed too. All too soon it was time to leave, we gathered our things and strolled to the car. Looking out the window as we pulled away I waved at the faces watching me leave. There was a mixture of pain and a deep concern showing through, it was comforting in some way. I made a mental promise to return as soon as possible and not leave it so long next time.

I drove homeward slowly, the miles ticking away and like a countdown to Armageddon I felt a sense of dread building. My anger for the moment was gone, only a big hole remained which had been filled with love for my wife. I dropped Carlo off and Joanne came out to meet him, she grabbed him as he got out of the car and hugged him as if they were newlyweds. I felt the lump in my throat grow as she came to me hugging me tightly.

"Sal, it will be OK, understand this, there will be a tomorrow for you I know things will seem rough for a while but believe me you will be OK."

I couldn't speak but Carlo gave me one of his man hugs and I was on my way home to face the bitch.

"Call me later Sal." I nodded and drove away trying not to think of anything I felt blank.

I put my key in the door and turned it, the house sounded empty somehow. The heating had kicked in so it was warm but not so welcoming. No sounds. It was quiet as I strode warily into the lounge, then the kitchen, nothing. I looked at my watch it was after six now, Connie should have been home. That is if she were trying to save our marriage. I checked my mobile, no calls or messages. I slumped into a chair in the lounge.

"What a fucking anti fucking climax!" I blurted to myself. I could feel my anger starting to rise again it had been dormant but now it was waking from the imposed slumber. I looked at the photograph of Connie and me on the mantle, I felt a surge of rage as I grabbed it and threw it across the room. The heavy silver frame punctured the wall and the glass shattered as it disintegrated.

"Fuck you!" I screamed. I stared at the wall breathing heavily when I heard the phone chirp into life.

I grabbed the handset. "Hello!" I bellowed into it.

"Oh, er sorry I that you Sal?" a female voice shakily asked.

"Yes, it is now what do you want?" My tone was loud, direct and fucking angry.

"Er it's Terri Sal, I .." She almost whispered.

"Yes Terri, sorry bad time is all. What can I do for you?" I breathed slower trying to regain my composure.

"Well, it's Connie, she is here and in a bit of a state really. I can't make out what has happened but something has and she is not good. She doesn't want to come home, she thinks you might hurt her somehow. I don't think she should go anywhere right now and definitely not drive herself."

"Terri, is she there?" I cut in forcefully.

"Yes of course she is."

"Ask her to talk to me, if she won't that tells me something and should do to you too. Then ask her what happened, see what she says."

I listened to some murmuring and then the voices got a little louder. Terri came back on.

"She won't say anything Sal, I am worried about her."

"Terri, bear with me here, just tell her that I am coming round to pick her up see what happens."

I heard her tell Connie what I had said then the scream from Connie was answer enough.

"Sal, I don't know what to say to you."

"Terri, I know OK."

"What do you mean Sal?"

"I know it all Terri."

"Oh my God!"

I heard Terri relay what I had said. Then another howl filled the earpiece followed by sobs and more shrieks.

"Sal, I am so sorry."

"So am I Terri. I know all about it, I know about the girl's nights out and the argument you had with Phil over it too."

I heard her gasp. "Oh my God no! "

"Yes. I do, while I am at it I know who as well, and when I catch up with that little bastard he will pay believe me."

"Sal I am so sorry, Phil couldn't persuade them to stop we both tried, I know we should have said something to you but we were caught in a bad situation." Terri was rambling now as she spoke quickly trying to get all the words out as fast as she could.

"Terri, rest assured I don't blame you and Phil for what she did with Tony I am just saddened that you didn't tell me earlier, I am afraid it has damaged our friendship, we will not speak of it again. Tell Connie that I won't come for her so she can relax but her things will be packed ready for her to collect, sooner rather than later or they will go in the trash. I mean everything too. She no longer lives here. Lastly, I have some papers being delivered for her today, I have called the servers and had them redirected to your address as I had a hunch she may bolt to yours. Should be there any minute now I think. Tell the slut to think before she does anything and especially before she calls me or anyone else, got it?"

"OK Sal."

I put the phone down and breathed out slowly. It was as if I had been holding my breath as I had been speaking, all the angst had flowed easily from me and now there was nothing, I had said all I needed to at this point. Now I was quiet, I was not ranting or screaming at anyone, inside I felt that I wanted to but I was alone, and she was gone. Maybe she had been gone for a while and I had not noticed. I missed the bitch, I hated her and I loved her all at the same time. I went over it in my mind again and again, I must have been blind and stupid not to see it coming. The more I had thought the more I saw the little signs that all was not well between us.

The past few days had taken it out of me and as I sat in the now silent house I suddenly felt exhausted. Things had really moved on and now it was just a matter of time before the real shit hit the fan between the two of us . I knew it was going to get personal and painful. I would have to face the bitch sooner or later but now I was in no state to fight her, but I would be soon. There would be no forgiveness or quarter either.

I sat and cracked open my bottle of JD and after filling a glass with ice poured a nice measure. I sipped the dark nectar and savoured the taste as it warmed my throat. I sipped and somehow allowed my mind to become blank as I waited for oblivion or at least some state of mind that will allow me to sleep.

I slept like a log, when I woke my mouth felt like the bottom of a parrot's cage, my head was a little fuggy too. I showered and headed downstairs flipped the coffee maker into action and swallowed orange juice from the carton. Toast filled the toaster and I wandered around waiting for the coffee to brew. It was seven thirty when the first call came.


"Sal, its Carlo, you OK? Sorry it's early but just needed to make sure you are OK and haven't done anything stupid yet."

"Yes I am fine, my head hurts though. You don't need to worry I have been cool. She didn't come home but went to Terri and Phil's place. I spoke to her and filled her in on what I know so it is in the open now. I haven't heard fuck all since about seven thirty last night. I thought I would have after she was served but from what Terri said she was in a bit of a state when she arrived anyway." Carlo laughed.

"Well that's not a surprise really but sounds like all is going as well as it could Sal. I heard from the guys all was OK their end, the package was dropped off in the midlands. I don't expect to hear anything about that for a day or two though, you know what to do. I won't call again till tomorrow as I Have some business to take care of today. The family send their regards, understand?"

"Gotcha, talk soon my friend."

"You bet." Click.

I poured myself a coffee and sipped the black liquid, it was enough to start to clear my head of the alcohol induced fog. I began thinking about what to do today, I resolved to call my office and check on things there first then organise a locksmith, deal with the bank etc., fuck it everything needed to be done. Even though I didn't want to lose her I knew I could not stay with her as the trust we had was gone, I was not going to live on tenterhooks wondering if she was cheating or not. No this had to be done. I hadn't heard anything from Connie regards the papers that I know were served on her last night although I was sure I would hear something today once she got herself together.

Just after nine there was a soft knock at the door.

Here we go I thought to myself as I went to the door.

I opened the door and saw Terri and Phil standing there, I stood silently looking at them both. Terri broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Sal, we had to come to apologise, it's the least we owe you. Can we come in and talk?"

I stepped back and held the door as they filed inside. I closed the door and pointed to the lounge.

They sat together on the sofa as I sat in my lounger opposite.

"OK, what did you want to say guys?"

"Sal, we are both sorry." Phil began.

"So am I Phil, real sorry too. Sorry two people I thought were my friends couldn't tell me my wife was going after some strange. Sorry my wife felt the need to fuck someone else. Hell I am sorry about a lot of things." I could feel my anger rising again.

"Sal, we really are sorry, we tried to tell her, well both of them, but they wouldn't listen. I don't know what she was thinking. She is at our place now, still not making any sense but something bad seemed to have happened yesterday before she came back." Terri pleaded.

"What do you mean Terri? All I know is that I had to be away on Wednesday while the papers were being set up, I couldn't bear to even look at her. I went to a meeting in Leeds and then you called me. I assume you mean something happened between her and her lover, Tony?" I wasn't going to volunteer any information or divulge my involvement yet.

"We don't know, we haven't heard from my brother." Phil said. "I called him but there was no reply. He isn't at his flat either and Connie can't tell us where he might be. Hell, she just garbled something about being tied up and that he had left her in the hotel!"

"Come on Phil, she must have said more than that! What the fuck happened, obviously, something did. Did that bastard do something to her? Not that I give a shit anymore though. I don't give a fuck where that piece of trash is but I will say this much, If I ever see him again he better hope he lives to regret it, understand me? Now you make sure he knows that too."

Phil and Terri looked at me stunned at the vehemence in my tone, they had never seen me in this state of rage before. Phil in part icular understood my words and was visibly shaken at the thought.

"Anyway, apart from that wanker how is Connie? I take it she had the papers served to her last night?"

"Yes Sal, she seemed to have calmed down after a while but when she was served it started her off again. Sal, she is rambling and not making any sense, whatever happened has hit her really hard. When she arrived at ours she was upset, angry but above all scared and she won't say exactly what happened."

Good I thought I hope the bitch remembers what happened that night every night from now on too.

"Well guys I hate the bitch for what she has done to me so if she is in some pain now then good, cos so am I here too! She made her bed with that cretin so she can stay with the bastard for all I care now. I am done with her!"

They looked at me lost for words at my anger at Connie.

"Is there no way you can work it out with her Sal? I mean she made a mistake but you are so good together can't you at least try to straighten things out? Divorce is a big step Sal, please talk to her first, surely she deserves that at least." Terri's voice was cracking as she pleaded with me, I listened as I looked at her eyes that were filling with tears. She at least was showing the emotion of a good friend. I paused as I tried to look away from those eyes of hers. I had always liked Terri, Phil too come to that and even after the way they had acted in this mess I couldn't deny that what Terri said needed to be taken seriously. I knew I would have to have it out with Connie sooner or later.

"OK, I will talk to her, but, I want all her stuff gone first. It will be just her and me, I will call and let her know when and where. That, do you?"

Terri swept towards me hugging me tightly, Phil looked on sheepishly.

"That's all we can ask and probably more than she can expect too, yes Sal thank you I will tell her to wait your call. Please don't leave her hanging too long Sal, that would be cruel."

Phil just looked at me, his face sullen. "Sal, I am sorry man, my brother is an asshole, you should kick his ass good and proper, I wouldn't blame you one bit if you did."

I watched through the window as the couple left, they quickly swung into their car and pulled away towards my soon to be ex-wife.

I sat and thought over what Terri had said, it was true I needed to speak to Connie of course but I needed to cool down some before I could trust myself within arm's reach of the bitch. I poured another coffee, the strong taste left in my throat was satisfying. Filling another large one I picked up the phone and called Sadie and caught up with her. I spent the next half hour listening to how well Sadie was managing without me, what a woman! Once she had finished with that she started in on me about Connie. Jeeez it was like listening to my mum! The upshot was that I was ordered to attend her home this evening for dinner with her and her husband, by the time I put the phone down with my ears still reverberating I was convinced she was at least half Italian!

The rest of the day was spent making changes, locks, bedrooms, clothes, photographs anything I could think of at the time I moved, trashed, packed or destroyed. My anger by the end of the day while still rampant was somewhat salved. I sat back exhausted by the whole emotional trauma of it all, as I sat tears flowed easily down my face. I knew I was maybe going off half-cocked and without talking with Connie, but sub consciously I had made the decision to ditch the bitch. Everything was in place, all that was left was the final showdown I was under no illusions this was going to hurt me as much as it would her.