All Comments on 'Conversations 05 - No More Regrets'

by Tinman_1903

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MightyHornyMightyHornyalmost 2 years ago

Sometimes, authors must write the stories they feel like writing. That's understandable.

Just as it is understandable that readers may not like said stories.

Penny is a cunt. I understand why Troy and, to a lesser extent, her father had to eventually forgive her, but it doesn't at all change the fact that she's a cunt.

No wonder the marriage rate keeps plummeting - after hearing nightmare tales like this one, who in his right mind would even entertain marriage?

Turns out, not all Conversations deserve high ratings... it is what it is.

zeuspmzeuspmalmost 2 years ago

thank you for not writing a cliche story.

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 2 years ago


"He was so damn immature and selfish. All he cared about was himself," - Sound like someone we know?

It does for sure...look in the mirror


Not that it wouldn't still be wrong, but when Tomas returned, and she still had feelings for him, she should have asked for a divorce THEN, not cheat.

There would be NO need for this story if THAT happened!


"I started to allow the feelings I once held for my old boyfriend to return," - Key word there, "allow." She COULD have denied the feelings, that she had made her bed, and it didn't have a lumpy mattress, she should just live with it.

That is not good advise, "just live with it"! I doubt you would live like that if you had strong feelings for something!


"I'm not proud to admit it, but when I married you, I settled." - Then you shouldn't have married him! Stay single until you meet someone who you're not settling" for.

I am sure that you settled for things you have.


She didn't have to tell him that Tomas was back, but as soon as her feelings returned, she had to.

That would be "obvious" for anyone reading this story.


"He's still an asshole!" - HE'S an asshole? Pot, meet kettle.

Good advise.


"Penny, I've been a dick." - No, he shouldn't be beating up on himself.

Why not you are!


Just couldn't buy her HEA. When she got that call, I was hoping that it was Tomas who got killed, leaving her alone with three kids.

You WOULD hope that on someone ELSE.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This woman is horrible. And her effort to justify her actions is perhaps even uglier than her actions.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A well written story. Great dialog. Readers may not like the characters, the plot line, or the ending but it does not negate great writing. I think this is one of the best stories in for a while. Thank you. -BRIC

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nothing 'just' happens, she allowed it. She made a commitment and failed to keep it She did not think of her children, she thought of herself. Further when lover boy came back he should not have pursued her as she was 'married' thus they are both selfish so perhaps they are right for each other. He needs to move as far away as possible for his own sanity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great writing! Realistically emotional. Selfish cunt puts herself first and causes turmoil for untold others and stands proud of it at the end (ugh). Troy shoulda capped her LOL.

Not how I would have reacted in the end, she'd be persona-non-grata forever, but great read anyways.

OPrimeOPrimealmost 2 years ago

He is better off without her.

argeelogargeelogalmost 2 years ago

She cheated for 9 months for crying out loud! 2 stars for the way you just brushed over that fact.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Statistics are against affair partners that marry each other after an affair. Only 5-7% percent of affair partners marry and 75% of those marriage end in divorce in 5 years or less. Sounds like Penny's mom cheater on her father. Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Women always seem to support cheating in other women especially if they've also cheated in a relationship. Hopefully, the statistics catch up to Penny.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Narcissists like Penny only care about themselves. They have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. Their lack of empathy leads them to take advantage of people, with no regrets. So, no we know why Penny says...No regrets in life".

orion2bear2orion2bear2almost 2 years ago

Do not care for cheater getting happ ending if she can't betrue to vows she shouldn't mak them.also any man who goes after married woan is ot a good man

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nope, cheater is a pos human being who doesn't deserve a happy ending. Easily your worst story.

Hiram325Hiram325almost 2 years ago

Tomas should be thrown down a mineshaft.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I bet troy regrets marrying a lying piece of crap

sdthundersdthunderalmost 2 years ago

He was right, she wasn't worth dyeing for, or going to prison for killing... But he should have tracked down the boyfriend and beat him to within an inch of his life for seducing and stealing his wife...

Hopefully in real life she would die a slow painful death!

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 2 years ago

I can truly understand the low score on this one. She’s not worth cunt she came out of. Troy should’ve given her anything. He should have fault for custody and keep all his shit. Steal the kids and run. Instead he just became a pussy and made nice with the whore.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 2 years ago

It’s a good look inside one woman’s head. That she married the first man to interest her after Tomas left, calls her feelings for Troy into severe doubt. Did she convince herself to love Troy? Marrying to prove to the world (and herself) that Tomas was wrong?

As for Troy…. Surprised that he tolerates Tomas’ presence at family events. I get it: he’s there for his daughters, and has no other family. She truly destroyed him. Penny really deserves to feel more pain for how she treated Troy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"he had been a royal ass for that entire time" Jeebus, she LIED to him about loving him, SETTLED for him, DUMPED him for a dishonorable, wife-stealing asshole (who she said had become "a better man" -- GAG!), and her FIRST husband was a "royal ass."

"In all my life, it was the only decision I ever made which put me first" in defiance of your vows, you self-centered cunt.

When asked “How do you write women so well” Nicholson responds, “I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability”. Truer words were never spoken. Can you please write a story where the woman can be RESPECTED?

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyalmost 2 years ago

I've never truly before wished such I'll upon someone as I did upon this woman while reading this. I was trying to will her husband into shooting her. The contempt that I even have for the writer to let this woman and her douchebag 1st boyfriend get a happy ending after causing so much pain. That guy deserved none of that shit and whole I guess it's nice that he made peace with her and himself but how do you ever trust anyone again? This Tomas dickhead deserves testicular cancer. One thing I do know though is that LEOs take care of their own and that Tomas dick woulda been getting tickets galore amongst other bad things.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionalmost 2 years ago

As I thought of what it was, I wanted to say about this story. I realized I gave it too low a score with just 4-stars. I changed it to 5. It's not very often that we realize and admit the mistakes we make in life. There were many mistakes admitted to in this story. Penny made the most, followed by Tomas and then Troy. The true innocent people were the two girls who made no mistakes. Penny's mistakes were first falling in love with an immature Tomas. When Tomas was first called on his academic failings he quits and runs away, Penny meets and falls in love with Troy even though she still was carrying a torch for Tomas. Then years and two girls later she gets involved with Tomas again, knowing it will hurt her family. When everything blows up, Troy makes a mistake in not just loving the two really innocent girls, that should have his love regardless of what Penny and Tomas did to him. It was his near-death experience that opened his eyes.

What changed my mind on the score was that even though it took a near fatal accident for them all to see their mistakes, in the end they did see them, and admitted their mistakes. Good writing, good story. Thanks for sharing.

GhostdogginGhostdogginalmost 2 years ago

Overall a pretty realistic story except for her and Troy living a happy life at the end. He's at heart a self centered asshole that left and totally ghosted the supposed love of his life and joined the army because he was upset over being a dropout. You don't do that to someone you love, he came back stole and settled for a lying conniving faithless C U Next Tuesday. He's definitely not marriage material if he couldn't find and make a connection to a woman in all the time since he got back. He should be worried that she'll do the same thing to him or that she'll cheat. If she could lie and cheat on a man she supposedly loved and had a family with for 9 months then blindsided him instead of being honest when her feelings started returning what makes him think she won't do "what is right for her to make herself happy" when they get into a fight or she just gets bored and feels old when she turns 40 or 50? Who knows the selfcentered wife stealing will probably start his own affair cause it's what will "make him happy" or when he starts treating her daughters differently once he has his own child cause that's in his character.

other2other1other2other1almost 2 years ago

This was a very painful to read story, but well crafted. Troy did not deserve what Penny did to him and her selfish attitude would really rub so many of us the wrong way, giving this story the lower rating. I agree with the comments that Penny was a selfish bitch. I did like that Troy mentioned to her that she would have a lot to shoulder when she stands in front of God.

Let’s see, she told Troy she settled, she got everything she wanted, yet said she loved Troy. For that alone she should burn. This so called love of her live is a low life piece of crap as well for entering into a relationship with her when she was married with kids. And the kids, while not much is said. Penny should have done more to have them with their father, co-parent or something like that, she had family, he had none.

As I said, it was well written and painful to read as Troy never got justice, it sounds like he never found love again and that makes me said. Penny had no regret.

Thank you for writing

Cringo31Cringo31almost 2 years ago

Wow if yor intent was to illicit a visceral reaction you succeeded. I have not hated a character in many stories as much as I hate this woman. She was pure evil and her asshole new husband deserve so much evil thrust upon them. Then to write that the ex husband had to forgive her to get to heaven was such a piece of shit writing. So, in your writing, the only way her dad and ex husband could be happy was to forgive the losers for treating someone so horribly. Just insane.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Her epilogue is cute. She’s already older when she remarried her old flame. She’s preggers with one kid from him, and she’ll be damned lucky to have one more. Most likely that’ll be the only kid they ever have together. And it’ll cause a rift…because she gave up a lot for this old flame. And he might feel like he settled over time.

She did put herself first, and put her family second. They’ll forgive her, but won’t forget. The love and trust her daughters hold for her isn’t the same. She’s no longer a role model for them.

As for her ex. He’s fit and youth matters less. His kids are a testament to his dad skills. It’s easier for a fit single dad to find someone young and special than a single mother. If she’s as cruel and fucked up as she says, that she still loves him: well she’ll become jealous when he finds another woman to marry.

And unlike his ex, he’ll have everyone’s support because he’s a good guy. He’s not some shallow idiot that splits his family up over some other person like she did. Her days of quiet suffering are starting. His are over.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor63almost 2 years ago

Good story, selfish, self righteous, bitch. Just because she admits she was selfish does not make it right. Perhaps she should have sucked it up and kept her marriage vowes.

xtc5xtc5almost 2 years ago

first story i didn't care for.

Thanks anyway and I look forward to the next

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 2 years ago

A very well done tale. The only glitch is that two of the critical characters are twisted by the author to provide the drama a good story needs to be good! If Tomas had really matured during his military experiences, he would NOT have pursued Sweetie. Even worse was Hubby’s twist. As portrayed, he would NEVER blow off his own progeny, especially given their age when his marriage went to shit! Some aspects that prefaced Hubby’s lack of perfect-human-maleness should have been demonstrated early on to make his poor treatment of his kids plausible. The same applies to the Family-Breaker. That character was woefully underdeveloped as a first love. Young Sweetie loving him was not enough to support his BadBoyness nor his later (and slightly more plausibly-developed) good side.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 2 years ago

He should have been a better dad but the ex and Tomas deserved no happiness. They were selfish scum who broke up the girls’ happy home. No forgiveness, no happy ending. Troy should find a better woman who could be a better role model for the girls.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Subtitled Celebration of a Vicious Bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

She cheated when she first saw Tomas. Enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Let's see.... she marries Troy as a 2nd best, rekindling a love & affair from before him. She divorces Troy to marry her 1st love Thomas even after he hurt her so many years ago. She willingly destroys her marriage, Troy, & harms her daughters. Troy could've been a better father for the girls for the past 2 years, but he's severely hurt & raging in anger over being 2nd.

-- I don't buy the total change of him after the accident while thinking he's going to die. Troy did nothing wrong except love his family. That he somewhat hurt his daughters was a very unfortunate result in being human with those feelings. The question: without the accident, would he have become to realize the damage he's doing to them?

-- Wanting his ex to have a happy life? I don't see it, & portrays him, for all intense & purposes, of being wimpy. I'm also not sure that, awakening to an ex who caused all that emotional pain & anger, if I'd want her to be there. Did she regret divorcing Troy to marry Thomas, & all that resulted? No, she did it for her, she says. She felt bad for making Troy #2, but not bad enough for not discussing things before the disaster of the divorce. And THAT tells me everything there's no know about her. Wonder how long marriage #2 lasted.

-- Story was well written, good layour, & despite the above, which's the story, 4 stars. Bob

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 1 year ago

Ah well some fantasies just don't work! Thanks for the try of creating a "what if" can a happy marriage survive the return of a true love. I don't second guess writers fantasies/stories. I want to think the wife would never forgive the old flame and if she was truly in love with her hubby she would flaunt it to show Tomas what he had lost "bye bye Loser". But then again again that's just my fantasy. In this case I like my fantasy better than yours.

The story is well written but an outlier from your past works. Oh, truth in commenting "Loving Wives" is not my favorite genre. I hardly ever read it but decided to based on the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Oh isn't she such a wonderful woman wife bitch slut self serving douche-bag? To go to the hospital and hold vigilance as he came to after surgery. Let's face it, if she didn't have a pussy, there would be a bounty on her ears.

such as they did with wolves and other unwantables. LP

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

I had been enjoying this set of stories until this one.

Love can be such a powerful, even overwhelming emotion. The story was very sad with no winners, not even Tomas, who has to live with the hurt he has done to the father and his daughters.

SeafoamzoneSeafoamzoneover 1 year ago

Great story, well written. Real life can be hard and tragic at any point in our lives, and this story captures that feeling. 5 stars

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Adulterous cunt. Two assholes deserve each other.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Never marry the girl with a broken heart.

James G 5James G 5over 1 year ago

She's a hateful selfish bitch. Her daughters will grow up to be poisonous women like her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just a selfish bitch story!!! No redeeming qualities in this self centered whore!

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 1 year ago

Of course there are no regrets! Having regrets would entail having a degree of empathy. This sociopathic bitch is only concerned with herself. She gets whatever she wants and the rest of the world just has to make do. I’ve been reading Literotica for a long time (maybe too long?) and I don’t believe I’ve ever encountered such an entitled, self-centered, brass bound cunt. She’s worse than the wife that launched a thousand sequels to George Anderson’s ‘February Sucks’ and that’s saying something. Thanks for sharing your story, but your protagonist is a sad, miserable example of a human being. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a sudden need to watch some Hallmark movies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wife is a selfish slut

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My ex thought that to. I'll just say I have friends and she has no need of friends anylonger

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written. Had empathy for Troy character. Not the ending I was expecting.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Rotten cunt. Never marry a girl with that kind of past.

argomez99argomez99over 1 year ago

fucking hate that bitch. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Do I regret reading this story, yes. Once again another selfish slut story, who only cares about their own happiness. Everyone else be damn. Oh but the thing that tipped me over was having the ex apologise for how he treated her after she cheated and left him, really?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

what a cunt

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Tomas failed academically but didn't need to fail romantically , that was all down to his own choice , running away and severing all links to Penny .

Upon his return and succeeding in his attemt to renew his former relationship with Penny is all on her. .

That she went and had an affair with Tomas , taking care to keep it hidden speaks volumes . She was hedging her bets , seeing if Tomas was going to run off again .

There are certainly some nasty , shallow people out there , and as much as I would have loved to read of some karmic revenge I feel all too often in the real world there isn't any .

This ending is probably all too true for many people .

Horrible tale , well written .

4 *


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting how she has remorse for causing pain to Troy but no regrets about her decision or her affair. She was clearly obsessed with Tomas. As the author said "good things happen to bad people". Both Tomas and the MC are not good people, and as Troy said she has much to account for in the eyes of God. It was good Troy made peace with himself and got back together with his girls. The MC has no regrets but then again she is a selfish, obsessed woman who felt she deserved Tomas at all costs. She clearly had a long affair to hedge her bets to make sure Tomas would deliver and not leave her high and dry again. She has no regrets because she got what she wanted and didn't really care about Troy or their marriage vows. This is what greedy people do. They make decisions that put themselves first, no matter hoe bad they hurt others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nasty self-centered woman knew she was living a lie the whole time....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really need to do a follow-up so that the husband ends up with a much better wife!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. And authentic. Reality is like this.

kiteareskitearesover 1 year ago

Can't say I like it, though it's well written, because no one I know would ever be in the same space as someone that actively chased their wife (successful or otherwise) knowing full well they were married. I personally would want to slap Tomas every single time I saw him. The very best would be a tense silence.

He could have left the girls with their mother and gone and shot Tomas that would have crushed her no end.

I'm not sure that someone cutting you out of their life, especially at such a young age, would not have bred hate and loathing for that person. Troy appeared the opposite of that and in comparison I'm surprised she even gave Tomas a chance. "No, you were an ass back then and I've found a man who is a man, a man who is a wonderful father and husband, a man that does not make unilateral decisions, a man that does not chase married women."

But Penny wasn't written this way, she was a nasty piece of work and lied to Troy from the get go. Ever heard of made your bad, now lie in it?

Still wound up that Tomas didn't at least get dragged down a dark alley and have the shit pummelled out of him... several times... a month.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoover 1 year ago

It is a shame that Tomas didn’t get his cum uppance during this story, he comes out a winner but in reality he is still a slimeball, knowingly breaking up a marriage and a family. Such a shame that some form of retribution wasn’t visited upon him.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

Yep, always a woman has to put herself first .... and evetybody just adjust to that. She deserves that. And she shouln't regret anything. The world and life itself owe her happiness... 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really don’t like this one. The whorish slut shouldn’t have married Troy and definitely not had children with him. Her whole thought process is suspect. For me the Slut’s justifications don’t work. She has also pissed off the sheriff’s dept, I doubt Arsehole and the Slut would have been able to remain in the area

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

she's a greedy bitch, hope she rots away in hell

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ok. I have seen this sort of situation before. Two people get divorced, and one of them is so angry, they never really recover. The hate makes it impossible, for their kids to have a normal life.

But here is the thing about marriage. A woman spends a great deal of her time, having kids and taking care of them. This is one of the reasons, why traditionally women made less than men in the work place. Marriage used to be a safe haven, for a woman to bear children, and raise them.

A man commits, to working his ass off, for the same reason. He takes on mortgages, and goes into debt, to make a better life for his family.

In today’s world, neither the man, or the woman need each other. The fact that the court system, and society could allow someone who had been cheating on their family for months, to just walk away with no recriminations, really sucks. And the author made this out to be about the husbands rage, on accepting something that should be normal and accepted. I disagree. There should have been more reaction from hubby, to his Narcissist wife’s betrayal. I wish someone would write another ending where things weren’t so rosy for the bitch. If you go on tic toc, there are plenty of women who cry about men not wanting to commit to them. In the US, 25% of children live with a single parent. This is the highest in the world. The US needs to return fairness and parity to the divorce process. Men have gotten smart. Marriage, as an institution, is a worthless, legal contract.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Uggh. Self-centered, selfish woman obsessed with another man who left her years ago, feels justified in making a decision that blows up their marriage, committing adultery for 9 months, and is convinced she has no regrets? Guess what she will have a lot to answer for. And also Tomas is an asshole with no honor. Disgusting. At least Troy got rid of his hate, maintains a relationship with his girls, and will move on.

Ocker53Ocker53over 1 year ago

The scoring says it all⭐️

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

He should have taken care of her at the lake. People putting themselves first are ruining the human race.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 1 year ago

No, she didn't deserve forgiveness and neither did Tomas. Troy should have treated his kids better and found a better woman. It wouldn't have been too hard to do since his ex was such a piece of garbage. There are better women out there, ones that could be better role models for his kids. The ex deserved nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Penny is typical modern day toxic, entitled 21st century female who doesn't give a shit about how disruptive her selfishness is to those closest to her. She deserves no forgiveness from Troy or her children for behaving like a child. Only children hide behind the, " you can't chose who you Love" , garbage. Her entire rationalization of her callous, selfish, narcissist behavior is right out of the narcissist handbook. She's a walking talking path of destruction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Typical narcissistic bitch thinking. Me Me Me above everything

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

BS. She should root in Hell

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

There you go girls if the ex is being a dick (justifiably) just arrange for him to be trapped in a wreck for a while, after a visit from god and the good lord performs a lobotomy he’ll once again be the dumb bastard that you were fucking around on before the divorce.

Ain’t love grand.

rockthedogrockthedogover 1 year ago

Well written story with a plot that is not a standard LW trope. Kudos for that. Can't get past the fact that she is a self centered skank, who treated this guy much worse than life ever treated her, yet she rides off into the sunset with her lack of self awareness unshaken. Also seems like the apple did not fall far from the tree, which she takes to validate her actions. Cannot bring myself to rate the story, as I simply dislike the character and ending, but don't need to impugn your writing with a low rating.

Optimistic7Optimistic7over 1 year ago

Penny is a self-centered, selfish, child. She made commitments, took vows, and started a family. It sickens me that she was rewarded for her abhorrent behavior. This story is not up to your usually excellent standards.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

4 stars on the writing & making this an interesting story. However, he marries what turns out to be a selfish wife, who actually married Troy because she couldn't get Thomas. So no matter how she may spin it, Troy's #2. I don't think I'd have forgiven her for the pain she put me through, tho he shouldn't have treated his daughters as he did. It wasn't their fault.

... Penny shouldn't have made herself available to Thomas- she's now married with children. And Thomas should've let her be, knowing she's married, instead of breaking apart a family. She doesn't seem to care about the fallout, as long as she's happy. Yes, she should be, but at least have a heart to heart with the man who's your current husband instead of dropping a divorce suddenly. Penny's mom seems to have some history along these lines as she almost accepted what Penny did, although her father did not for a long time. Maybe more should've been written on this, as it's introduced. At least as a side.

....But a big however, WHY should Troy have to pay child support when she's living, then married with another man? Damn if I'll figure that out. He should've fought that.

... A somewhat dark & totally painful but well written story. Again, 4 stars. Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a horrible horrible human being. I hope those that settle the way she did suffer long, painful, sorrowful deaths.

An alt ending is needed where he cheats and abandons her again. Or better yet, he loses hope in her. After all she's an adulterer, she cheated on the husband she vowed to stay true.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She broke a man into a cuck. What a whore!!! Troy was a man, his wife turned him into a wimp. Now she is parading all over town with her emasculated puppy!

32419573241957about 1 year ago

I don't agree with Penny and her choice to leave Troy. I am a 66 year old man who just had a very hard time reading this story though The tear. I am not a person that cries very easily, but the part in the hospital got to me, the last time I felt that much emotion was whin I lost my father almost 20 years ago. Great job bringing out an emotional response, IT took me over an hour to read this chapter through the tears. Great job 5+ stars.

MarkItZeroMarkItZeroabout 1 year ago

Well written from a somewhat different angle. Penny is truly a selfish bitch who will hopefully get hers in a future story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a selfish spiteful bitch, all for I want, never mind the children and loving husband, She destroys an honest man for a so called man who ditched her then came back years later saying he still loved her. Walks away with it all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She lies to herself. She claims that marrying Thomas was the only time she put herself first. Earlier she claimed that she settled for Troy when she married him. Settling for someone means that you don’t cherish or highly value and will be less likely to sacrifice and give all you have for them. But, Troy did love and cherish her. So she got his best and only gave back her “good enough “. Thereby thinking of herself first and definitely not Troy.

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 1 year ago

Well written. But the subject matter irks me no end. She screwed up badly and never paid a price.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nothing redeeming and too real in this modern age where the selfish never have to face the consequences of their decisions.

Just a little bump in the life of dear, sweet, fragile little Penny.

usaretusaretabout 1 year ago

Rings of truthful reality. Not sure I could do what you wrote Troy finally did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

"It's the only path that would give me a chance to find happiness." - She's not happy now? Maybe not AS happy as she thinks she's going to be, but "[she] was happy with my life." Meanwhile, in exchange for her marginal gain in happiness, her children will lose some degree of happiness, and Troy will lose most of his happiness.


They didn't start seeing each other until 10 months ago, not sleeping together until a month later. WOW! A whole month, she must have really struggled.


"All he cared about was himself" - Just as she only cares about herself. How immature and selfish!


"Penny, I've been a dick." - Bull shit! Maybe with the girls, I would have found some way to get at Tomas.


I can't believe that he's asking her for forgiveness.


"No. In all my life, it was the only decision I ever made which put me first." - And no regrets for that?


She is such a self-centered cunt who deserves to be miserable. I hope Tomas cheats on her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Me, when I woke up, I would of told the doctor no visitors what so ever. After getting out of the hospital I would of resigned my job and moved far away.

BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 year ago

Terrible bitch of a wife and an asshole ex-boyfriend who should have left her alone after he found out she was married. Bullshit story selfish woman only concerned about her happiness not husbands or daughters he would have been better off dead. This is an evil woman.

WrickettsWrickettsabout 1 year ago

This fing sucked. The only person that suffered was the husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Окончание рассказа -это просто гимн современных женщин.дикая смесь из эгоизма, расчётливости и лицемерия с лозунгом- я достойна и достигну этого любой ценой

AngelRiderAngelRider12 months ago

Lol. Fuck no. This is ridiculous

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Story really needs — it screams — for an epilogue. Maybe 5 years out when Troy has recovered and has found the true love of his life who leaves Penny in the dust. Meanwhile Penny is a sad, depressed widow, One night Tomas picked up the wrong married woman in a bar, and her husband was not happy. Thirty eight calibers of unhappy!!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What a miserable, despicable slut and human being, the MC owes this waste of space nothing, Slut and Arsehole Thomas should count themselves lucky, policeman have the ability to make your life really miserable if you hurt one of their own, really think there needs to be a second part hopefully with the MC healed and the slut and the arsehole getting some well deserved comeuppance.

LucasredLucasred10 months ago

She lets herself off lightly.

Norseman123Norseman12310 months ago

Self-centred bitch and a snake ruin a good man 4****

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

What a self centred bitch who got away with cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

She married Troy almost as a placeholder for Thomas; while she didn't plan on his returning, Troy was her 2nd choice, & likely not a close one at that. She's only thinking about herself, & one can only hope that she'll be cast aside by her "true love" once he meets somebody else. Thomas, knowing she's now married, should've bowed out. Troy doesn't need to apologize for ANYTHING/ -BODY except to his daughters.

I'm hoping for another part- in the future some 3 or 4 years of so, to find out just how good her new marriage to that bastard is. For what they've done, hope they're miserable. 4 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good things do sometimes happen to bad people. The wife and Tomas are not good people. They are both selfish and self centered. Tomas has no honor. Felt bad for Troy buy at least he let his anger go and will move on. Feel bad for the kids. She is happy with Tomas and with her girls. There will be no accounting for her sin in this life. It happens.

FordF150guyFordF150guy9 months ago

Everyone lives happily ever after. What a load of crap from a cheating piece of shit of a wife, and for the snake in the grass Tomas. They have no honor, and no moral compass that they can pass to the two girls.

CamdudeCamdude9 months ago

Well written, but stories where bad people flourish dont sppeal to me.The author apparently agrees that she did the right thing by perpetrating a fraud on Troy all those years.A true mudslime slut.

Busman19639Busman196398 months ago

She left her husband and took the kids. I have no sympathy for her.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Troy should have just spit at her and said get out of my room you bitch. He should never treat his kids poorly but to piss off the ex he should get a DNA test done. He should also use his law enforcement position to have her and her new husband tailed and anytime they go 1 mile over the speed limit, get a ticket. Tow their vehicles, stop them for not using turn signals, do everything until they finally move.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The story was going great until the mc apologised. The writer clearly has no.idea what it is like to be situated in a situation of having an evil wife and should refrain from writing such drivel.

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