Costco Experience Ch. 09


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Shaking my head, I looked her deeply in the eyes then said, "Honestly, the damn thing also has a lot of good memories in it too. I'm not sure I can throw our the good with the bad." I couldn't help it; I began to cry. Linda came around from behind her desk and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a bear hug. It lasted a long time. Even when her legal secretary knocked then entered the room, she mouthed the word, 'Later' to her so she left. When I eventually stopped crying, she kissed my cheek and returned to her chair on the other side of her desk.

"Ok, Michael," Linda asked, "when would you like her served? Is she still living with her friend, Rebecca Morrick?"

I looked at this beautiful woman and said, "As soon as you can get the papers drawn up, I would like her served. And second, as far as I know, she is still living with her former lover Rebecca." Linda was typing this all into her computer. Her phone buzzed and she began talking into the handset. I heard her say, 'tomorrow' and 'perfect' then she finished typing and looked up at me with a big smile.

"Well, Michael, it looks like we will be able to get this into Judge James in time to be on the record so we can have your wife served as soon as he signs the order and it's in the recorder's office. With luck, I'd say about noon tomorrow. How's that sound to you?" Linda said grinning from ear to ear.

"That works for me," I told her. "Now, may I take you for a drink?"

Linda gave me a funny look and said, "Michael, I'm flattered but I don't date clients, sorry. Maybe if we had met under different circumstances things might have been different." She came around the desk and walked me to the front door.

I got to my car and called CeCe to let her know to I was on my way. "What should I wear?" she asked.

"Oh, how about something light and sexy for me, OK, Sweetthing?" was my comeback.

CeCe squealed and said, "Hurry here."

When I arrived at CeCe's she was wearing a ruffled mauve blouse, a pair of jeans and tennis shoes. As she hopped into my car she asked, "Ok Michael, where are you taking me?" When I told her, we were going to a make-over salon she squealed in delight. "My girlfriend got one of those done for her husband and she looked completely different. She said it got her husband so turned on he wouldn't leave her alone for weeks afterwards. Now she has learned how to do it herself."

We got to the make-over salon and CeCe was looking around at all the before and after photos adorning the walls. She was turning in circles checking them out when Lola, the manager came out and said, "Michael Bloom I presume, and this is your lovely daughter CeCe I take it."

CeCe shot me a dirty look and I leaned close to Lola and said, "I'm afraid I misled you. CeCe is my lady friend. I hope you can keep this between us." Lola got a big grin on her face and CeCe hugged my arm.

Lola took CeCe by the hand saying, "Michael, please pay at the front counter for the basic make-over and we will call you when she's ready. If you want any boudoir photos, those of course will be extra," Lola said. The two ladies walked down the hallway arm in arm and left me standing there. My stomach was rumbling as I hadn't had a chance to eat yet but I didn't know if CeCe was going to want to go to lunch so I decided to go see if I could find a taco wagon.

I was hungry and the tacos looked small so I ordered the three-taco plate with rice and beans. Damn, I should have only ordered two tacos al a carte. I was walking around the plaza trying to work some of this lunch off when this beautiful blond flash ran past me, suddenly stopping in her tracks a few feet in front of me.

"Michael Bloom, is that you?" she asked. I recognized Vickie Walker immediately. If you had put her in my wife's wedding dress and taken a picture, you wouldn't be able to tell the two apart.

"Yes, Miss Vickie, how's the day treating you?" I asked.

Taking a sip from the water bottle she carried on her hip she stepped up close to me and asked, "So what's really up with you and my father? I went down in the basement last night and went through our old records and found we used to have a Vickie Bloom for a client but there is no mention of you anywhere. Tell me, what gives?"

I said, "Well we used to come together on my wife's account."

Young Vickie looked at me and said, "No, we've never done that. Our insurance wouldn't allow it. Every client, even their guests, had to sign in and there be a waiver on record. I found no such waiver for you. Now tell me, what did you want with my father?"

Looking at this almost carbon copy of my wife I said, "Young lady, I think that's something you need to ask your father, not me." Then I tried to step around her but she blocked me and grabbed ahold of my shirt, putting her face right up next to mine.

Miss Walker shouted in my face, "I tried asking my father about what's going on this morning and he told me it was none of my business. It was the way he said it that almost broke my heart. Now I want to know? What's going on between you and my father? You may be bigger than me but I'd be willing to bet that I'm one heck of a lot stronger and quicker than you are."

I had had enough. I said, "Do you really want to know?" Vickie Walker nodded her head. "Well Miss Vickie, it seems that while your father was training my wife, they became lovers. I guess they had been having the affair for about 8 months when they were caught by our youngest daughter, Cynthia. She had come home from college to do her laundry but forgot to call her mother to let her know. She raked her mother over the coals and my wife promised her that she would end the affair. Well yesterday, your father told me that he couldn't stay away from my wife and wanted to marry her but she told him that she still loved me and refused to divorce me. Well they continued their affair and two years later while I was working out of state, your father impregnated my wife and you are the result. Does that answer your question!"

I was rather loud at the end and had several people looking at us. Young Vickie broke down and fell upon her knees in tears. I pulled her up and hugged her. Through her sobs she asked, "Is my mother alive?" I nodded. She pleaded, "Would you take me to see her, please?" I didn't know if there would be time to take her to Rebecca's and make it back to the make-over salon but I thought I had better try. I led this beautiful young lady to my car and called Rebecca's house. When Rebecca answered, I told her to keep Vickie there that I was bringing someone over to see her. When she asked who it was, I told her it was someone she needed to see.

As we walked into Rebecca's house, the two Vickie's stood looking at each other in silence for what seemed to be an eternity. Then they both broke into tears and ran to each other and hugged so tightly that a flea couldn't have survived in between them. I told Rebecca that I needed to go and she walked me to my car and as I was about to get in, she said, "Michael, you did a good thing today."

I said, "If it was so good, why does it hurt so much?"

I was almost to the make-over salon when my phone rang telling me CeCe was ready. Talk about timing. I checked my face in the mirror to see if they could tell I had been crying and I felt I looked ok. I walked in and looked around for CeCe.

There were several beautiful young women standing around in the lobby but no CeCe. Lola walked up and asked, "Well Michael, what do you think?"

I looked back at the young women standing there and the one that stood out to me had this angled bob cut that framed her beautiful face perfectly, the color was cinnamon with highlights of chestnut and gold. She was wearing a red leather bustier with lacing in front that almost exposed her nipples and open to her waist. She was wearing a skin tight pair of capris and 4" open toed strappy red patent leather heels. She did a pirouette and stepped up to me and kissed me so tenderly and said, "Thank you Michael. You'll never know how much I appreciate this."

I was in shock. While pointing to this goddess, I asked Lola, "Is this really CeCe? You performed a miracle. Oh my God, what a difference a hairdo and make-up can make." I thought to myself, damn she looks so sexy. She's going to have to fight off the men left and right.

Lola asked, "Would you like some boudoir photos of your lovely lady? We have a wide selection of lingerie to choose from and three prop rooms you might like." We spent the next two hours shooting photos and I spent nearly two hundred and fifty dollars but the pictures of CeCe would rival anything that came from the pages of Playboy in my opinion. Damn Lola was a good photographer and knew how to get CeCe how to pose. I also took a bunch of pictures of her with my cell phone for myself. I was being realistic; I was going to have to have a lot of competition with CeCe's new looks.

When we got back to CeCe's, she really showed me her appreciation. She sucked me and fucked me then sucked me again. While we were lying in her bed recuperating CeCe asked, "Michael, would you like to tell me what's been bothering you these past few days?

I went into detail about finding out my wife had continued her affair and that she had a child by her lover and had hidden it from me. CeCe was very understanding and kept telling me she would love to help me get over my pain and sorrow but I wasn't sure that she was what I needed right now but I didn't want to tell her that. At least I didn't have to worry about what time I got home, then I thought about Joe. He was probably hungry so I gently kissed my young lover goodbye and headed for home.

After feeding Joe, I poured myself a tall drink. I sat at my computer, going through my emails. My phone began playing 'Daughters' so I knew my baby girl was calling me. I answered, "Hello Babycakes. How are you doing?"

She asked, "Daddy, is mom there?" I told her that she was at her friend Rebecca's and she asked for her number so I gave it to her. She thanked me and hung up. A few minutes later Cynthia called again.

"What's up Babycakes? Did you forget something?" I said to my youngest.

"Daddy, mom won't talk to me. Rebecca told me she was busy. Do you know what's going on?" my daughter asked.

I figured she had to know the truth sometime so I said, "She's busy getting to know her daughter right now."

Cynthia said, "What are you talking about daddy? I just talked to Kelly ten minutes ago and she's at home babysitting two of her granddaughters, Mika and Azitha and I'm here with the twins and some of their friends."

It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do but I said, "Sweetheart, after you caught your mother with Tom, they continued their affair for another two years until your mother became pregnant. I was working out in Nevada and California most of that time and she hid it by wearing baggy clothes. She delivered a baby girl in another town under a fictitious name. Tom kept the baby girl and named her Vickie after your mother and raised her on his own. He told her that her mother died during childbirth and she knew no different until I told her today. She's the spitting image of your mother and it really breaks my heart. At her request, I took her to meet her mother today. I have filed for divorce and she will be served tomorrow around noon." My daughter was crying. "Don't cry, Babycakes. It's not your fault." I told her.

"Daddy, you don't understand. I'm pregnant!" she said.

I said, "Well I guess congratulations are order. Were you and Chad trying for one? I mean the twins are nearly out of school."

"Fuck, daddy," my daughter said, "Chad doesn't know. It's Brad's. That night we were dancing, I went to the bathroom and as I exited the ladies room, he pulled me into the men's room and pushed me into a stall and fucked me until we came. Chad has been clipped. He's going to kill me. What am I going to do?"

'Isn't life fun' I thought to myself. "Cynthia, did you go with him willingly?" I asked.

My daughter said, "Daddy, I didn't fight him. I knew what he was going to do."

'Shit' I thought to myself. "Cynthia, go to Planned Parenthood and talk to them about getting an abortion," I said. My daughter protested but I was adamant. She finally said she would as otherwise it would mean the end of their marriage. "Cynthia, going out with your girlfriends and dressing sexy is just looking for trouble. If you want to dress sexy, save it for your husband. Hell, if you want sex with another man, see if Chad is interested in becoming a swinger."

"Daddy!" my daughter yelled. "How could you even say something like that.

I said, "Look, let's be realistic. After you've been married for a long time, sex can become, well, stale. Quite often that leads to one or both of the spouses cheating. What I suggest is that you both have an open mind and allow the other to experience others without any guilt or consequences. No lies and no cheating. It's really a win-win situation."

My daughter said, "You make it sound so simple, daddy. I really wish it was that easy." I told her good bye and blew her a kiss. She blew one back saying she loved me then hung up.

I dreaded my next phone calls as they would be to my other two children. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and made a conference call to Jeffery and Kelly. "Hello,' -- - 'Hello father' - - 'Hello dad- - Ok you two, now listen up," I said, "please let me talk and don't interrupt until I finish ok." They both agreed. "Ok, Whew, where to begin. I'm filing for divorce from your mother. Before you ask, I want you to know that she was having an affair with her gym trainer. It started over 25 years ago. It had been going on for about 8 months when Cynthia caught them going at it in our living room then she made them promise to end their affair or she would tell me. They promised but they soon broke it. Tom wanted your mother to divorce me and marry him but she wouldn't. They continued their affair for another two years until your mother became pregnant then they stopped. She had the baby under an alias. Tom Walker took the baby and raised her by himself, telling that little girl that her mother died in childbirth. She didn't know her mother was alive until I fold her today. Your mother will be served divorce papers tomorrow. There, I'm done. Any questions?"

There was silence from their ends. Finally, Jeffery said, "I have another sister? Why couldn't she have had a boy to even up the score." Kelly laughed at that statement. I'll have to admit that I found it a bit funny myself.

Kelly asked what her name was and I said, "Tom named her Vickie after your mother. Why?"

Kelly said, "So you're telling me that my so-called sainted, church-going mother had an affair, got pregnant by her lover then abandon the baby and never had anything to do with her upbringing. I really find that hard to believe."

"When I talked to the young lady today," I told them, "She had no idea her mother was alive. I highly doubt that your mother had much if anything to do with her care or how she was raised but that's something you're going to have to take up with your mother. Cynthia has been trying to get in touch with her and she's incommunicado right now. I think she's trying to get reacquainted with young Vickie but that's just my opinion." We said our goodbyes and they promised to keep in touch.

I went to the kitchen and fed Joe and looked for something to eat. I found some tuna in the cupboard and made myself a sandwich. Boy this old house was quiet without Vickie here. I was about to return to my den when I heard a car pull into my driveway. I opened the door and here comes Jackie. She was pulling a carry-on bag. God she was beautiful.

I opened the door and as she entered the house, I asked her what she was doing here. She said, "Your wife called and said you might need some company tonight. She wouldn't go into details. She said to ask you so I'm here. Would you like to explain or should we just go to bed?" Shit she had a sexy grin. I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply as she dug her nails into my ass. We stumbled together down the hallway and into my bedroom where we managed to lose our clothes and crawl into bed. Even though CeCe had drained me, I was able to get out another wondrous orgasm. Thanks to Jackie's Kegel exercises and her luscious tits to suck on.

As we lay together in post orgasmic bliss, Jackie asked, "Michael, care to talk?"

I let out a big sigh then told her all about young Vickie and about my wife being served tomorrow by noon. I wasn't sure how Jackie would take it but it didn't seem to bother her one bit.

Jackie said, "So your wife won't be coming home? Is that right? Do you mind if I spend the night? I have to get up by six o'clock if that's ok with you." Knowing Joe would wake me up at 5:30 I smiled and nodded. We pulled up the covers and nodded off to sleep with her in my arms.

I awoke very early the next morning to find Jackie's legs were on her pillow next to me. Her luscious lips were wrapped around my dick as she sucked like she was going for the gold medal. I reached over to her crotch and fingered her waxed pussy, which made her moan, causing delicious vibrations in my cock.

Suddenly Jackie threw back the covers saying, "Damn it's hot under here." She grinned at me then spun around and straddled my crotch, guiding my hard shaft into her silken wetness and began rocking. I grabbed her hips and soon her orgasms filled the room. I didn't care if I came or not, I was enjoying making her cum over and over. Jackie's hips were a blur as she came almost non-stop. She built to a massive orgasm and as she did, her Kegel muscles clenched around my cock like a vise and we orgasmed together which made Joe howl. Jackie and I both ended up laughing.

Jackie laid down on my chest and I said, "Damn you're a wonderful young girl."

Jackie gave me a funny look and said, "Michael, how old do you think I am?

I'll have to get back to you on that.

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RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago


Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

I need a flowchart to keep up with everyone!!


Well-written!! Thanks for the dose of REALITY when the daughter ends up pregnant, even though her husband has had a vasectomy. Yes, it was a dose of reality that we NEVER see in these pages followed by some real-world advice about not dressing provocatively and 'going out with the girl', opting instead to keep it inside the marriage. NICE touch!

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star and no comment

AngusMAngusMabout 3 years ago

Wow what a corker. Is that the complete end? There are still questions to be answered

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

I picked this up at the end because it’s in so many categories. Really bizarre to step into this late in the game. Seemed way too far out there to be believable

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 4 years ago
Don't buy it

A fifty-year-old man sleeping with his wife after having three children, cannot detect she's pregnant? It's not that he's in Afghanistan or Iraq and far away at war, unable to go home. This is a guy working out of the state and coming home every other weekend, and sharing his bed with an attractive wife in her forties, and I have to believe she can fool him, his son and two daughters by wearing baggy clothes? Remember his son and daughters were also around and they could also notice an advanced pregnant mother by the size of the belly, especially if the woman is not obese. Again, I don't buy it. I can believe in a pregnancy plus an abortion, and the husband being clueless for he's working far away and coming home intermittently. The divorce despite the many years married is understandable. Anyway, thanks for the story.

patilliepatillieabout 4 years ago
The amount of good sex this 70+ yr old man

is having, with women much younger, strains all credibility. Otherwise fairly well told story of profound betrayal by the wife.

IscreamforJoyIscreamforJoyabout 4 years ago

Birth control the morning after pill why did she become pregnant?

What I do not understand is how she hid her pregnancy? Baggy clothes really, and

he gets to fool a fool around but she can not. If this is about the baby, she gave it up and had nothing to do with the girl, In that in its self is hard to believe. Is it about not telling him of the baby and yet he is thinking of having a child.

This might be fantasy but should it be believable?

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Why put chapter nine of a story from another site in LW? Few readers will be interested enough to hunt the other right chapters.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 4 years ago

The wife's betrayal is so complete, there's no alternative to divorce... a really nasty BTB nuclear armageddon.

Here's a list of her marital crimes:

1) Fucked another man for 3 years, then lied to cover it up for 25 years.

2) Gave the lover blowjobs and her virgin ass... both things she denied her husband.

3) Convinced her daughter to cover up the affair.

4) Had a gangbang with three guys.

5) Had the lover's bastard daughter!

6) Turned down vacations with the husband to keep fucking her lover's big cock.

7) Was repressed with her husband in bed for the entirety of their marriage, while being a wanton slut with her lover.

8) Cut the husband off for 8 years and started a lesbian affair with Rebecca.

Just one of these is unforgivable... but all of them?!

The husband wouldn't be having conflicted feelings towards his wife and still lamenting that he loved her. There'd only be pure unvarnished hatred. He was faithful to her for the 50+ years they'd been together and she rewarded his fidelity by treating him like a piece of shit. The last 25 years of their marriage have been a complete sham.

This story should end with a vicious bitch burning. He should toss Vickie out on her ass, turn the kids against her, try to make the financial settlement as grossly one-sided as possible, then ride off into the sunset with CeCe and Jackie... getting his young lover pregnant too.

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