Creating Constellations


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"Not as gorgeous as the woman in my arms." Soft lips kissed Lexi's cheek. "Though it's a close second."

"That'll teach me to shirk those couple of invitations up here after I graduated." That summer had been when her beloved uncle had a heart attack. Lexi stepped up to keep the plates spinning at the brewery while the family spent time at the hospital. She knew that it was necessary to keep going and have a way to pay off the coming medical debt.

"I don't know, I was pretty hot and heavy with a boy last time I was up here, and I might not have given you the time of day." Grace snuggled in closer. "You probably would have caught me checking you out a few times."

"Are you kidding? I wasn't this hot back then. Body by brewery, remember?"

"I still would have stared, Lexi. How could I not?"

"Yeah, I might have made your boyfriend uncomfortable when I stole you away." Lex gave her most confident smile.

"Probably would have worked. What do you say we take a dip and then see if our tent is still being used?" Grace's fingers wiggled their way into Lex's.

"Good plan."

"I usually like to end a night with a shower."


"Depends. Am I trying to get clean or get off?" Grace eased into the water and pulled Lex with her.

They floated for a few minutes. Longer than needed, but frequent kisses kept serving as a distraction. The magic of the warm grotto couldn't last forever, and a long day was starting to summon yawns.

"The rocks are a little too hard to sleep on." Lexi teased as they made their way out of the water. Each had brought a pair of towels with them. One for their hair and the other to fend off the bite of the quickly cooling thin mountain air. Grace was wrapped in hers as she stared back up at the stars.

"Yeah, it's just so peaceful and beautiful here. I'm not quite ready to go back into the real world." Grace's voice was soft again.

"I'll be going with you, and the longer we put it off, the colder it'll get." Lexi pulled her girl close. "Besides, I was promised a sleeping bag to share with you."

"That sounds heavenly." Grace grabbed the pilfered cowboy hat and put it on top of the twisted towel on her head. "Yay or nay on the new look?" She giggled as she modeled the exciting ensemble.

"You look beautiful in anything." Lex stifled a laugh as she paused, tying on her hiking boots. She scooted over and collected a kiss. "That said, I think I prefer just the hat and boots."

Grace -- The following day

The hard ground wasn't aiding her slumber, but the tiny blonde sharing a sleeping bag with her felt amazing. Her perfect ass was cradled against Grace, and it felt like Alex belonged here. She had been expecting at least a slight hangover this morning. However, her head was remarkably clear. It wasn't the beer that had led to the incredible sex in and around the hot springs. The dynamic and charming young woman in her arms was the cause.

I think I'm dating a woman now. She smiled as she moved a little, assessing her skin's feeling. Grace wasn't feeling any sting of a sunburn. Alexus did make sure that I was covered frequently. It had seemed like genuine concern and not just an excuse to touch Grace. It was probably both.

It took a moment for Grace to realize that it wasn't just the sunlight that had started to streak into the tent that had awakened her. In the sleeping bag across from her, there was movement. Rhythmic, though slow motions, had the sleeping bag crinkling against the tent's floor.

"Mmm." There was a barely muffled sigh out of Celina.

"You two aren't the only ones awake," Grace whispered. She didn't mind them having sex; she just wasn't going to be a silent voyeur.

"Sorry," AJ whispered as the motions slowed to a stop. "Wanna see the hot springs, Cel? It's cool out there but should be warm around that."

"Sure. I mean, if we're going to use the last condom, we need to make it count." Celina whispered. She unzipped the sleeping bag and slid out. AJ followed swiftly behind her, but not before Grace got visual confirmation that Celina had found the big cock she had been searching for.

"Morning," Lex said with a sleepy yawn. "No wonder it smelled like sex in here last night." She giggled indecently.

"I think we did too good of a job with those two." Grace nuzzled a kiss into Alex's neck just behind her ear. It was an excuse to get another whiff of the extraordinary woman.

"I don't recall having to do too much." Alexus rolled her nimble form around to stare into Grace's eyes. It was her best view yet of the incredible blue irises of her new girlfriend.

I sure as hell hope she's my new girlfriend. Grace only worried momentarily about how goofy and impure her smile must have looked. "I was distracted most of the day by this incredible blonde."

"Someone I know?" Lex played dumb but couldn't hide her grin.

"You could say that." Grace came in for a kiss, completely ignoring her morning breath. "My new girlfriend is hot!"

"We have a tent to ourselves for at least five minutes." A pair of dexterous fingers slid around Grace's quim.

"It would be a shame not to take advantage."

"Good. I want to see if I can make you scream my name again." Alexus unzipped the sleeping bag and climbed atop Grace. The view of her breasts hanging above her was hypnotic. They were perfect perky handfuls. The puffy little nipples were infinitely alluring.


Grace made Alexus cum several times but was unsuccessful in forcing the lass to scream out Grace's name. Her lover succeeded more than once. They were still cuddling an hour later when there was a knock at the tent.

"Umm, are you two decent?" Celina's voice sounded tentative.

"We're still naked. Kind of hard not to be when our clothes are in the car." Grace answered.

"Yeah, um, about that. We didn't get provisions for the weekend out here, and it's no longer nude day." Celina poked her head into the tent.

Alexus was draped over Grace's body, their breasts pressed together, allowing Grace to feel the young woman's heartbeat. She didn't seem concerned about Celina seeing them in a post-coital glow.

"Shit..." Grace felt like she should be panicking over the thought of walking back to her car wearing only a backpack, but Alexus in her arms and several orgasms suffusing through her nervous system weren't allowing it. "What about wrapping up in some beach towels?"

"That's the thing; we might have tripped and dropped them in the hot springs on our way back."

"I have a change of clothes in my pack, but I don't think they'll fit you, Gracie." Alexus offered. "Or you, Celina, sorry."

"You're a little shorter than me." Grace shrugged with a coy smile.

"Not to mention all this." Lexi giggled as she fondled her new lover's breasts. "How about we all walk to the car, and I can grab your clothes while you hide?"

"That would work." Grace nodded.

"Walk back naked?" Celina blushed.

"It's that or a cold, wet towel."

It took them almost a half hour to get the campsite packed up and scour the area for any missed garbage. The college kids had done a decent job cleaning up before leaving. Lucy had no doubt used her authoritative glare to compel the buzzed students to fulfill their promise to pack out anything they brought. That look proved effective even an hour after Salvy, and Lucy left. The quartet of fast friends only managed to find a couple of beer cans in a clump of taller grass.

Grace was a little surprised that neither AJ nor Lex dressed as they hauled the now empty, save for cans to be recycled, cooler out of the camp. Lexi looked terrific in her backpack and hiking boots. Rae stole her cowboy hat again and wore it on the way down the path. The conversation was delightfully easy as they walked. She felt AJ and Alexus would be a part of their group for a while. This hadn't felt like a drunken hookup. Grace was falling hard and fast for the petite blonde, and the way Celina held on to AJ's hand, it was apparent that Cel was smitten with the man.

A piece of Rae wanted to walk out of the wilderness naked and get into her car, but as they approached, they could hear a constant stream of voices as people took advantage of the beautiful Saturday to walk the trail. That was the reason for the parking lot. However, watching Lexi put on a sports bra and pair of running shorts was fun, even if it only foretold the fun of taking it off her lover later.

"Where's your clothes?" AJ asked when he got on his shorts. He left his powerful and chiseled torso uncovered.

"They are only a couple of robes on each of our seats." Celina blushed.

"Had to sit on something." Grace shrugged as she grinned.

"Okay, that might look odd coming out of the woods." Lex came in for a kiss.

"I'll manage." Rae fished the keys from her backpack and handed them to her new girlfriend.

AJ and Alexus waited moments for a group to clear the area before they snuck out of the hidden path.

"So, how was the sex?" Grace asked as soon as their lovers disappeared.

"Fucking amazing," Celina stated simply, but the candle power of her incredible smile betrayed a deeper connection.

"Big enough for you?" Grace bounced her eyebrows out from beneath her sunglasses suggestively.

"Couldn't handle any larger. I found my limit. We had a condom break, though." Cel blushed. "I guess I rode him too hard."

"Celina!" Grace admonished with a big smile. "You needed a night like that, didn't you?"

"I was so fucking horny. I couldn't stop myself." Celina played along with the faux distress on Grace. "It had been so long since I had cock and even longer since I had a good one!"

"He didn't, did he?" Rae implored an answer. Her bestie would get a hint without having to spell it out exactly.

"No, I made him pull out whenever he got close, just to be careful after the break." Celina's expression became impish as she lowered her voice. "He didn't seem to mind me swallowing every drop."

"That was never my favorite part of sex with men. I always avoided letting them finish on my face or mouth."

"I did let him cum on my chest the last time. Since we were by the hot springs, I could rinse the sticky off me when we got done. You could do that, but I don't think you have to worry about that anymore." The smile from Grace's bestie got a few lumens brighter. "You always preferred the flavor of pussy, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I thought I needed a cock to cum really hard. Lexi proved that assumption incorrect last night. I think I nearly passed out from bliss more than once." Grace smirked. It was an attempt to throw Cel off balance after her last few comments.

"We had similar evenings." Celina didn't flinch.

"We're you worried after the condom broke?" Grace did another sudden subject change.

"I have an IUD, so I wasn't too worried. I'll just need to get tested. How about you? Are you going to see Lexi again?"

"I sure as hell hope so. I've never felt this way about anyone, man or woman." Grace couldn't help making an excited bounce.

"Good. You need it, Grace."

"What about you? You need something outside of kicking ass at work." Grace hoped Celina didn't mind Grace clutching her shoulders while they were both still nude.

"I like him a lot, actually. He's cute, funny, and knows how to use his big cock." Celina's smile became taciturn. "I don't know if he'll fit into my schedule."

"It would make you come visit me more often." Rae would love to have more of her bestie in her life again. Phone calls were becoming inadequate to play catch up. Though Grace didn't voice it, it felt too greedy to invoke it while Celina was paying her dues in the restaurant business.

"Boy, could I ever use more of that." Celina smiled. "And much more cock."

"Talking about us?" Lexi had an enormous grin as she came back from the car.

"Hope it was all good things." AJ's smile gleamed in the mid-morning light. A look that was very conspicuously mirrored by Cel. Her friend might deny it, but she was falling head over heels for AJ.

"We were comparing notes, seeing who had better sex last night." Grace couldn't help acting mischievously around X. She exaggerated her playful side. That part of her had atrophied since she started working at Agco.

"Who won?" Lex handed Grace the fluffy pink robe from the driver's seat.

"I know I did. But we're at an impasse. We've agreed to disagree." Grace kissed her vixen, even if it required an awkward lean, as she donned her robe. She wasn't going to miss a smooch. "So, what are your plans for the weekend? Do you need to get back to the brewery?"

"Not until Monday."

"Oh, goody. Can we drop AJ and Celina off at your apartment? Grab whatever you need and come home with me." Grace embraced her new love. There was something titillating about feeling her nipples poking through the thin material of her robe. Especially when coupled with Lexi's erect nipples that were hardly concealed by her tight sports bra.

"Emergency repairs mean that the brewery is closed until early Monday." Alexus sounded like she was contemplating, but her smile gave her away. "Sounds like a plan if we can get those two to play along." Lex motioned toward the other pair that hadn't gotten Cel dressed as they made out. AJ's shorts did a poorer job hiding his excitement than Lexi's sports bra.

"We'd still be having sex if AJ hadn't run out of condoms." Celina shrugged as she finally tied her robe closed. "Come on, you only have me until Sunday." She pulled AJ's arm toward the path.

"You're still going to brunch with us before you head back, right?" Grace asked, wanting to nail down plans with her bestie before Lexi consumed the rest of the weekend. This had been the first time she had been in town for a while.

"That was my plan. I still have dinner service on Sunday, but if I didn't, Lucy might track me down."

"At least you'll be back in a few weeks for the wedding."

"Yeah, I will," Grace noted Celina's smile and longing look at AJ.

"I'm here all the time, Alexus." Grace stopped them before they emerged from the hidden path. "I meant what I said about wanting to date you. Let me know who I need to send the telegram with my intention to woo you." Another long, slow kiss from Grace kept them in the forest as Cel and AJ moved toward the car. "How about we go get some clothes and then coffee?"

"If you sent AJ or Uncle Finn a telegram, it might be hilarious." Alexus's hand intertwined with Grace's fingers, leading them back into the real world.

Alexus -- Several months later

"Harder! I'm close! OHHH!! FU.....cccc...kk!" It always sounded so amazing when Grace came; the moans took on a different melodic tone when Lex was the cause. Her pale body was flushed pink as she screamed and shook beneath Alexus. Quickened hips and practiced fingers elongated the orgasmic experience for her girlfriend. Although X wouldn't be climaxing from the sensation, the way the bright pink strap-on pressed on her clit was intoxicating and very addictive.

"Oh God, I needed that." Grace gasped for air. Those incredible green eyes flickered open and focused on Lex's own. "Your turn?"

Lex had gotten a lot of practice with the strap-on. Sometimes Grace needed a hard cock, and since Alexus wasn't naturally equipped, she used toys. Other times, her girlfriend used it on X, which was a treat, even if she preferred other methods. It made Gracie happy, which was the most critical part. However, Alex's favorite use of the toy was when Grace rode her. It made her woman wild and always led to more passionate fun after.

"Not this time, Grace. You'll owe me tonight." Alexus grinned. Rae would likely take that as a challenge and make the evening unforgettable. "We have to be at the brewery in a half hour."

"If we have to." Gracie sighed.

"We do. It's one of the annoying things about dating the owner." X could understand her girlfriend's sentiment. The bed didn't want to let them escape, though that was not a rare occurrence. "Go take a shower, and I'll grab our dresses." Lex prodded, tickling Rae in the ribs. She loved Grace with all her heart, but her woman wasn't the most punctual if the occasion wasn't job-related. She pulled the strap-on from her girlfriend so she could meet the stunning pair of lips that were just out of reach. Her girl was so much taller than Alex.

"I love you, babe." Grace looked her in the eyes. She didn't let Lex reply before she pulled her into a slow sensual kiss. "I know I'm not great at the appropriate timing thing..." Grace was suddenly flustered. The most adorable blush in the world returned to her cheeks.

Alexus's heart fluttered in her chest. They had been inseparable since the night in the hot springs, but this was a new admission from her love. "I love you, too." More kisses exploded as time dripped from the clock. "I thought I was going to have the best surprise of the day."

Grace reluctantly rolled off her bed and looked back at Alexus. "Move in with me. My bed is so empty without you in my arms at night."

"You mean it?" Alexus was nodding as she asked. It sounded like a perfect idea. Not only was Grace's little bungalow closer to the Brewery than Lex's shared apartment, but she had already spent most of her free time here anyway. AJ and Celina would probably relish the boost in privacy. Celina had couch surfed for a few weeks when she moved up here, but it wasn't long until she basically moved in with AJ. She technically had a bedroom here at Grace's but hadn't been over for weeks.

"Of course. I need someone for all my naked adventures." Grace had to go to the guest bathroom for her shower. They were in the midst of a remodel on the main suite's bath; they'd just gotten the new whirlpool tub into place when they got distracted. Grace had seen the strap-on in a drawer while looking for the caulking, and in moments Lex had it equipped and started fucking her insatiable woman.

"That was going to be my reply. If I move in, you won't be able to get rid of me."

"That's kind of the idea, sweetie." Gracie's freckles danced as her face scrunched for a giggle. "You're my only lover that ever played along."

"Are you sure you want to spend your life with a woman?" X felt terrible when the question escaped her lips. The fact that Grace had never really dated a girl before Alexus had been a point of friction in their otherwise fairytale relationship. Grace had plenty of experience on the lesbian sex side of things but not long-term romances.

"A woman," Grace emphasized the 'A' as she got a sexy lingerie set from her drawer. "No. You, though, I can't get enough." She smiled and bit her lower lip like she did when feeling a little impish. "You're not just some woman, Alexus. You're the love of my life."

Things had escalated quickly from the first admission of love, but that was precisely how Lex felt herself. "Thank God." She giggled before coming in for another kiss. "You have my heart, my love. Now shower while I get presentable to meet your parents."

"They're going to love you too, babe." Grace smacked Lex's bare bottom and then scurried down the hall as she laughed.

"I sure hope so," Alexus murmured to herself as the bathroom door closed. She was estranged from her parents as they didn't accept that she was a lesbian. It was another reason that she had gotten close to her uncle. He was far more open-minded than his sister.

When he had a heart attack and couldn't do the manual labor needed for the brewery's day-to-day operations, he left it to her and moved to Arizona to be close to his grandchildren. He was going to be at the brewery for the grand opening of the brewpub. She couldn't wait to show off Grace and all she had done for the business. Being happy and in love boosted her creativity to new heights.

I hope he doesn't mind the one IPA on the menu. That new brew was Alexus's surprise to her girlfriend. 'Her Grace' was a hazy IPA explicitly created for Grace's discerning pallet. The label had a constellation of stars in the shape of a crown. It was not a shape the pair found in either stars or freckles, but it fit the regal theme. Celina insisted it would also go spectacularly with the menu she had set up for the restaurant. Getting her to be the chef had gotten instant gravitas for the expanding venture. AJ was letting his girlfriend have free reign over the undertaking as he didn't want to play manager for his love.