Creating Constellations


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"Outside of my parents and hurting AJ a little, no. My friends have been great. Even my grandparents accepted me before they passed. Their funerals were the last time I saw my parents. They didn't even look at me or acknowledge my existence." Lexi nuzzled against her and felt unspeakably perfect, a stark contrast to an edge of pain in her voice.

"What happened with AJ? You seem close now." Grace stroked some of the hair out of Lex's eyes to greedily get a better look at those intoxicating baby blues.

"We dated at the end of high school. I hated breaking up with him, but something was missing. When I finally did it, I could see it destroyed him, even if he tried to put on a brave face. Having to find this place was what got us back together as friends." Lex squeezed her hand tightly. "He's as close as family now. My unofficial brother."

"Celina is my sister." Grace tried to commiserate but worried that it sounded awkward. "We only hooked up once. She's not into girls." She doubled down on the awkwardness.

"High school wasn't the only time AJ and I had sex," Lexi confessed. "We got bored in the pandemic. It reaffirmed that I'm a lesbian."

"Are you trying to scare me off?" Rae questioned as she stared into the bluest eyes she'd ever seen.

"No, I just need you to know all the important points about me." Lex sat up and slowly slid into the water.

Grace could do nothing but watch as the nymph floated away from her. "I was going to tell you it wasn't working..." The water was warm as she lowered herself from the rock into the hot spring. The blonde tugged at her like a gravitational singularity. She was already over the event horizon, and what was coming was inevitable.

When Lex turned around, Grace pounced, coming in for a kiss. This was a different species from all the making out that they had done so far. A moan escaping X finally broke the frantic sparring of lips. Rae pulled her close as her fingers followed up a leg, arriving at her woman's nexus. Her fingertips explored the water-ensconced pussy, gliding over and around her labia. Rae's index finger pressed between the lower lips and poised at the top of Lexi's vagina.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Lex pulled back.

"Okay, sorry, I thought..." Grace felt stupid; surely she hadn't misread things.

"Believe me, I want this." Lex pushed further away. "But am I just a hookup?" Lexi stared for a moment. "I'm sorry. I know it's unfair, but I haven't had great luck with bisexual girls."

"So you're going to paint me with the same brush?" Rae tried to keep herself from feeling furious at the accusation. She took a deep breath to calm herself before she spiraled. "If it helps, I haven't had great luck with bi girls either."

"I just can't do any more casual hookups. The sex has been good, but I want something more. I want a chance at a more profound relationship." Lexi moved closer as she spoke. "I guess I'm not done trying to scare you away."

"We don't have to do anything tonight. I can just share my time with you. I'm taking you to dinner next Thursday, a bachelorette party in a week, and a wedding in a couple more. Shouldn't that convince you?"

"That's true." Lexi's body language improved, and she came in for a peck of a kiss.

"Do you need me to do this formally? Do I need to ask AJ if I can court you?"

"It might be funny, but I think he'll be indisposed for a while." Lex was now close to Grace again.

"I'll go interrupt them if that's what it takes for you to know I'm serious. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow night. I don't want to wait until next weekend to pay off my debt. I'll have to take you to Celina's restaurant in a few weekends. If I can get a table. I would have played this differently if I wanted a hookup." This hesitation gave Grace time to think about how she was feeling. She had fallen hard for the pixie. "I'm feeling this, Alexus. Are you?"

"Fuck, yes, I am. I just needed to know the direction of you're thinking. Grace, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Lex pulled Grace into an embrace. "I'm sorry, but if there wasn't a glimmer of something real, I needed to shut myself off now."

"Don't do that. I don't stop and stare at just anyone. There were plenty of bisexual women at the party or cocks to take for a spin. I wasn't interested in any of them." Grace scooped the angelic blonde into a powerful kiss. "I've never rendered anyone speechless before. It was cute."

"I didn't hear you talking much," Lex smirked.

"Have you seen you? Do you know how excited I was to discover you were a lesbian?" Grace slowly pulled them toward the rocks near the edge of the hot spring. It would be the only warm spot as the evening chill eroded the heat from the blazing hot day. She spun them around as they got close and encouraged Lexi to escape onto the rock.

There was careful movement as they got out of the water. Grace didn't want to fall this time as there was no soft earth to fall into a pile atop Lex. She braced part of her weight on her hands as she crawled up X's body. The rock was hard on Lexi's back, and Grace had zero desire to hurt the tiny vixen.

A blazing series of kisses rolled like a fierce guitar solo, each moment building on a wordless foundation. Grace nuzzled into the woman's neck once the first salvo was loosed. Her nose sucked in an inebriating whiff of Alexus; She was instantaneously addicted to the scent of her extraordinary woman. Rae felt from X's knee, pressing a big chunk of her body weight on a single arm. She returned to make out as her fingertips advanced with a teasingly meandering speed toward Lexi's burning hot pussy.

"Oh!" Lex exclaimed when Grace found her clit. She didn't linger long. Not yet.

Rae traced her fingers around X's labia, half worried she would be given the abort message again. When the rebuke didn't come, she pressed an extended middle finger into Lexi. Her vagina involuntarily spasmed around the invasive digit. Her presumptive new girlfriend was incredibly tight. Grace couldn't fathom how the woman's cute pussy could take AJ's big cock.

Lexi wasn't just a passive thing along for the ride. Her hands were on Grace's breasts, exploring with a look of wonder in her blue eyes. It was getting harder to see the color in them as the sky gave up its fading light. Strong hands pulled a breast toward Lex's tender lips. Her tongue darted out and circled the straining nub summoning a wave of pleasure to make slow, lazy circuits around her body.

"Mmm..." a groan emitted from Grace's lips.

"I've wanted to explore you all day," Lexi whispered, barely above the soft burbling of the natural hot springs. "Your constellations and everything else."

"You could've at any time." Grace giggled. Her finger started to slide in and out of Lexi's tight, hot pussy. She was desperate for a taste but couldn't break the intense eye contact with Alexus. She managed to maintain the longing look as she continued playing with Rae's breasts.

"I don't know what kind of greeting that would've been." Lexi grinned.

"A great one. Oh..." Grace moaned in pleasure. The words and eye contact were cover for a sneak attack. A nimble finger grazed across Rae's clit before wriggling between her labia and into her well-lubricated tunnel.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't have gotten to know you either." The petite woman grinned.

"You think I would have been done after that? One kiss and I was yours." Grace admitted, hoping for a moment that the complete surrender wouldn't seem too needy. She tried to distract the incredible young woman by plunging a second finger into her vagina.

"Huh, that seems familiar." Lex giggled before her mouth fell open in a moan. She used her open hand to grab Grace's neck and pulled her close for a kiss.

One smooch bled into a flurry of a make-out session. Each woman's busy hands kept the pressure on the other's pussy. They were both accomplished multitaskers, apparently. Lex was making her competitive fires burn again. Grace had to give better than she got from the enchantress. Her thumb found Alexus's clit and battered against it. Without breaking the combination of kisses, Lexi moaned into Rae's mouth.

The petite blonde's palm pressed into Grace's most sensitive nub, and she finally had to break the mouth-to-mouth contact to scream. "Oh... Fuck!"

"Yes, I believe that would be the point." Alexus had a moment of coherent speech before Rae's insistence made her bellow a low, throaty moan.

Grace leaned in and finally, after a day of salivating at the thought, sucked one of Lexi's puffy nipples into her mouth. She ringed it with her tongue and changed the timbre of Lex's screams as if playing a musical instrument. The sensation was belting through Rae's nervous system at the playful touches of her pixie. Grace had to move her non-engaged arm from its embrace to key in on her woman's other nipple.

"Oh, like that!" Alexus demanded. Her fingers had lost some exuberance on Grace's breasts and pussy. Rae's attack was making a tangible impact on the lass.

Grace followed her orders, exchanging her mouth and fingers between her breasts. Listening to a change in Lexi's breathing, she gauged how robust her thumb could be against the blonde's clitoris. She likes it hard. Rae made a mental note though she doubted that this encounter would easily slide off her memory.

"Gah! More in my pussy!" Another command was issued from Lexi as the woman repositioned her hands to hold onto the rocks. Her strong arms braced against the warm, wet stone.

It took an incredible amount of mental bandwidth to maintain an offensive on all fronts, but it was easier now that Lexi wasn't muddying that with her busy fingers in Rae's pussy. That didn't mean that the lass was leaving her without some stimulation, though. She had moved her leg obstinately to open her womanhood up more to Grace's attacks, but it had pressed into Rae's pussy.

Alexus was giving the appearance of losing herself in the ministrations of Grace's skilled hands. The precision of her thigh parting Rae's swollen and desperate pussy belayed those thoughts. "Oh!" Grace had to come off Lex's nipple to moan out as her hips involuntarily slid her along the smooth, warm thigh.

A deep breath recollected her thoughts and allowed Grace to renew her attack. She would make Lex scream her name before she pushed her over the edge. Rae rolled her thumb around Lexi's clit, taking some of the pressure off as she raised the speed of her fingers, stimulating the crenulations of the blonde's tight, slick vaginal walls.

"Like that!" Alexus begged. Her blue eyes were wild as her whole body humped toward Grace.

Keeping her weight off Lex was another critical consideration. The wet rocks weren't the most comfortable perch, but nothing would stop them as the passion twirled into a tornado. Grace had to come off the perfectly suckable nipples to meet Lexi's gorgeous lips again. Their twinned tongues were a mirror to the cyclone of perpetual need. Each kiss fed into a feedback loop, spiraling more energy into their tight-pressed bodies.

Lex's breathing was laborious, and she couldn't keep the passionate kisses going for long. "Unh!" She shrieked out. "Please, Grace!" The blonde begged for relief from what had to be a burning need to orgasm.

Grace wasn't about to let the woman get off too easy; she needed to drive Alex crazy before she finally relented. "Not quite yet. I need you to be a puddle of desire before you cum. I need you to get addicted to me." Rae slowed a little and relented on the pressure on Lexi's button. If she could push the woman higher, her orgasm would be much more intense.

Finding the perfectly suckable nipples again, Grace slowly toyed her long fingers in and out of Alexus's dripping tunnel. She had her new girlfriend on a low simmer. My girlfriend. Rae couldn't help her face contorting into a wide smile at the intrusive thought.

"Fucking tease!" Lex yelled out with a giggle.

"You've been teasing me all day long." Rae came back up for a kiss.

"Have I? Oh!" Alex stammered as Grace connected with the woman's clit again to interrupt the thought.

"That kiss? The way you've been watching me? Putting on sunscreen? Drawing constellations?" Grace playfully enumerated a few of her favorites. "You started to finger me, and then I got no relief."

"Stupid Brad showing up!" Came out as an enthused whisper from Lexi's perfect lips.

"I've been on simmer since then. You should've let me boil over." Grace was trying for bravado, but that was obliterated as she gave the impish woman another laugh. She nuzzled into Lex's neck and nibbled at her ear lobe. It got a groan out of Lex, but her ulterior motive was taking a big whiff of the heady scent of the woman she was utterly falling for.

"What would've you done if I hadn't stopped?" Lexi questioned as she turned into Grace's probing lips and kissed her passionately again.

"I guess a hundred strangers would have found out what it sounded like when I orgasm. I wasn't about to stop you."


"Although I want more, lust blinded me at the time." Grace never stopped moving her fingers in and out of Alex's tight womanhood. She may have slowed down, but even that would boil over soon.

"As long as you'd return the favor." Alexus's confident smirk could only stick around for a mere moment.

Grace didn't keep the playful banter going. Instead, she intended to rob Lexi of her ability to do more than moan. Frequent flurries of kisses were invariably interrupted by sighs and shouts from Rae's new lover. The woman's sex dripped as she bucked her hips toward Grace's probing fingers. An epic orgasm was brewing.

"Please..." Lexi's words regained coherence as her back arched and her countenance straddled the line between aching and pleasure.

"Please, what?"

"Make me cum." Came out as a whisper.

"What was that?" Grace toyed with her.

"Please," Lexi begged a little louder this time.

Grace didn't grant her lover's wish, but she did intensify the movement of her fingers in and out of Alexus. Her thumb hovered just off of Lexi's clitty, but didn't go in for the kill. Not yet. Rae's lips sought out one of the blonde's delectable puffy nipples and quickly sprinted around the areola before sucking on the nub.

"I thought I heard something there; maybe I was mistaken," Grace whispered this time and came in for another powerful kiss.

"MAKE ME CUM, GRACE!" Lexi bellowed as soon as the kiss ended. She was apparently uncaring about anyone that could overhear them. There was no way that the swimming hole had been completely evacuated yet.

Grace's attacks hit four perfectly timed and plotted locations at once. Her thumb aggressively orbited around Lexi's hard pearl of a clit. In hardly any time, using only changes in the woman's sighs, Rae instinctively knew the urgent stimulation the tiny nub needed to make the incredible woman moan and shake. A pair of fingers moved with blinding speed, abstracting more pleasure from Alexus's vaginal walls.

Lexi may have gotten out of the hot springs a few minutes ago, but it wasn't the reason for the surplus of slickness. Using abundant natural lubrication, Rae circled one nipple less rigorously than the angel's pearl. Her lips encircled the puffy and delicate nibble. Her mouth, tongue, and even tiny nips with her teeth induced more desperate grunts from the enthusiastic blonde.

The woman's hands grasped the rocks to keep herself planted as she aggressively canted her hips toward Grace. The leg that had been plying pressure against Rae's clit lost the shreds of focus it had possessed. "Guh! Unh!" There was no longer any intelligible structure to Lexi's words. Grace was already proud to have pilfered the woman's words and replaced them with pleasure like a cat burglar with a sexy calling card.

Lex didn't take long to cascade into a shaking, shouting, and screaming climax. Grace leaned up to take in the incredible show. The gorgeous woman's back arched, and her legs encroached on Rae's torso as they shook. The orgasming woman's hands shot to her breasts, not feeling the nipples but around the very sexy swell where the teardrop shape connected with her slightly toasted torso. As pale as the beauty was, her smooth skin still looked tan next to Grace's creamy complexion.

Alexus cumming had Grace transfixed for the second time in a single day. She did her best to keep the beauty from thrashing on the rock too aggressively, lest she tear up her perfect skin as Rae had once done when making love in the cave. Her hands gripped Lex's slender hips and muscular buttocks.

It might have been more than a full minute before Alex's blue eyes finally yawned slowly back open. The irises took on a violet hue in the fading red of an impressive sunset. Grace wasted no time meeting the beautiful lips, begging silently for another kiss.

"Just wait, that wasn't my 'A' game. I'm better with my tongue." Grace couldn't help a daring smirk, though she wasn't merely bragging about her substantive prowess.

"Damn, I needed that." Lexi's arms encircled Grace as the strong woman pushed them from their perch and into the warm water again. "I can finally think clearly."

"We'll have to see if that clarity and alacrity remains once I get a sample of your pussy straight from the source." Grace let the pixie overwhelm her and blitz her with kisses.

Some were aimed at Grace's waiting lips, but the armada of smooches and nibbles also crashed against her neck, ear lobes, and as far down as her collarbone. Lexi was incensed. Rae felt that her declaration of clarity had instead been feigned or her lover had a new focus.

"That's going to have to wait!" Lexi said and giggled. "I've been starving for a taste of you all day." She had the most devious smile. "I hadn't expected the hot bi girl to be so good at that." X giggled with a shrug.

"Oh, why's that?"

"A. Not as much experience. B. You're so fucking hot you didn't need to try as hard." Lex's smile told Grace the woman was teasing.

Had that expression not been so easy to read, Rae might have been offended. A day with Lexi had prepared her for the blonde's playful teasing. "I guarantee that I excel at anything I put my mind to. I have references if you need them." She found herself giggling at the absurdity. "Maybe not Celina, though. That was my first time."

"Everyone knows the first time is a freebie." Lexi's hands were on Grace's breasts.

Guys never really understood how to properly utilize the breast. Often, they were too rough, though a few had seemed like they were afraid that she was too delicate. Alex was both curious and phenomenal as she explored both breasts.

"Are you saying I shouldn't judge your first attempt?" Grace grabbed a rock behind her head to keep them from slowly drifting deeper through the warm water. There were spots in the springs that were too deep for Alexus to stand.

"Hell no, I already told you I'm the best. There's no going back on that now." Another melodic giggle flowed from Lex, but she had a daring smirk on her features. That only lasted momentarily before those perfect pink lips wrapped around Grace's straining nipple. She knew how to nibble at the straining peak perfectly to summon a bright lance of pleasure.

The woman Grace had been with that knew the perfect amount of pressure to place on her breasts didn't bring their teeth in on the fun. Lex was mostly submerged in the warm water to attack Rae's aching breasts. It didn't appear to bother the enchantress at all. Her tongue did laps around Grace's areola between nibbles and sucks.

"Mmm... Wow!" Grace exclaimed as Lexi's other hand found the opposite breast. "I wanted a taste of Alexus." She feigned a pout that pleasure eradicated from her lips.

"Later, I've been staring at you all day, and I want to explore more than your plump backside."
