Creeper Pass: A Cure for Depression


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"What can I say, Clark. Whenever you're around I seem to end up all sweaty and sticky."

For a response, Clark took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips. So gently that she could barely feel it, he brushed his lips over the tips of her fingers while he stared deep into her eyes. Josie gave an involuntary shudder. He said in a voice just above whisper, "Then it is my duty to make sure you are properly cleaned."

Josie just nodded dumbly. For once it was she who had nothing to say.

Then Clark quickly moved away from her to close and lock his door. Josie grasped his intent immediately: If their mother came upstairs to check on them she would just think he had locked himself in his room again. He winked at her as he pocketed the key.

Pausing one last time to check the stairs to make sure their mother was not coming up, Josie slipped inside the bathroom, followed hastily by Clark. Once inside and with the door shut he took her hand again and held it, even when she took off her shorts and sat down to pee.

When she was done he helped her lift off her top. He cupped and squeezed her breasts hard when they flopped down into his waiting hands. While he massaged her, she tugged at his belt. He helped her unbutton and remove his shorts then did the same for hers. His T-Shirt followed an instant later.

When Clark pulled her in close they just held their naked bodies pressed together for a long time, feeling their heartbeats syncopate. Her breasts were sandwiched between them, while his cock pressed into her soft belly, leaving a sticky kiss on her smooth skin. Her head tucked into his neck and his arms enfolded her tightly, as if they might never let her go. Josie closed her eyes and let herself believe that could really happen.

It was she who finally broke the contact, stepping back and holding his shoulders at arm's length. She let her eyes roam over his body for a change.

He still had the soft slouch of boyhood, but she could see where his shoulders had widened and the beginnings of a well-defined torso and abdomen which were starting to take over.

There was nothing boyish about the thick cock that started back up at her, unblinking.

She gave him a warm smile and leaned in to place a chaste kiss on his lips, before moving past him to the shower.

When she had the water running hot, Clark slipped in behind her. He used his body to push her under the spray of hot water, his penis slotting itself into the cleft of her ass, while he wrapped an arm around her to grope one of her breasts.

As the water cascaded down on her, Josie rolled her head to the side while Clark kissed up the side of her neck.

Together they took a long, slow, incredibly intimate shower. They took every opportunity to caress each other's bodies. They washed each other, paying extra attention to the spots that made the other one close their eyes and suck in sharp breaths.

It was an exquisite torture they performed on each other. Teasing each other with just the closeness and contact of their bodies. Their mouths always seeming to be on the verge of kissing, but not quite getting there. Yet neither of them seemed to want to push it any further. They simply wanted it to carry on like this forever.

Clark buzzed all over with the fulfillment of his every fantasy. He was not just seeing his sister, he was touching her and, as he felt his heart racing in his chest, he felt sure there would still be more to come.

Josie too was aglow with desire. The sheer adoration that was pouring out of him was filling her up to the point of overflowing.

The moment came to a sudden and rending halt when they both jumped at the sound of a sharp rapping on the door.

Their mother's piercing voice cut through the hiss of the shower, "Josie, you had better not be using up all the hot water. If your father gets home to a cold shower he is going to be furious."

Clark rolled his eyes when Josie looked up at him. They were still pressed together, her firm breasts ballooning upwards as they were compressed between their two bodies. They both knew their father was not coming home. Still, the encroachment on their little world fractured the mood and Josie made to turn off the water.

Clark grabbed her wrist suddenly and pulled her in tight, crushing his lips to hers. His kiss was rough and unpracticed, but the hunger in it made Josie melt into him. Their tongues met and caressed each other while they took turns sucking them alternately into their mouths.

They only stopped when they heard their mother banging on Clark's door down the corridor. It made them freeze, but after a moment they both came to the conclusion there was no way their mother could find out what they were doing.

Josie did not hear what her mother said to Clark's empty room, because Clark pulled her under the stream of water and kissed her hard again. All sound was drowned out and for a moment the entire world began and ended with the two of them.

The kiss ended all too soon, but the feeling of his lips lingered on hers long afterward. This time when she moved to switch off the water he did not try to stop her. They both stepped out of the shower, water dripping from their nude bodies. Stifling their giggles, they proceeded to dry each other off with soft bath towels.

Josie wrapped her towel around her body and then helped Clark secure his. They grinned at each other like a pair of fools while they brushed their teeth side by side in the bathroom mirror. That done, Josie stood up on tiptoes to give him a minty kiss and then put her mouth next to his ear. In a soft, breathy voice she whispered, "I'll go out first and check the coast is clear. If you hear my door close you will know you can leave safely."

Then, placing a kiss on his ear that sent a shiver through his body she added, "Go back to your room and, maybe when mom is asleep I can pay you a little visit. We still have a few hours left on your Pass," She let a moment slip by where Clark felt the hair on the back of his neck rise up before she concluded, "And we still have several more rules to break."

Clark nodded and met her last kiss with one of his own. Then, reluctantly, they separated. Josie gave him another wink, before unlocking the bathroom door and peeking out into the hall. She slipped out and padded to her own room. Not seeing her mother anywhere, but hearing the TV still blaring downstairs, she went inside and then closed her door louder than was necessary.

A moment later she just barely heard the bathroom door open softly and Clark's footsteps receding back to his room.

Josie turned her back to the door and leaned against it with a long sigh. Something incredible had happened to them today, something she could not put into words. The overwhelming feeling she got was that, in her search through the endless multitude of humanity for the one person that would understand her, she had finally found him. He had been just two doors down from her the whole time.

She threw on a simple silky nighty and nothing else and jumped onto her bed to wait in breathless anticipation. She could do nothing else but listen to the minutes tick slowly by as her excitement grew. She knew that Clark would be doing the same. They had both felt the need for it in the shower, their day together was not yet complete.

Finally, after what seemed an age, Josie heard her mother walk up the stairs, past Josie's bedroom door and enter her room at the end of the hall.

Josie switched off her light and sat the darkness as she waited for her mother to fall asleep. She found she was unable to sit still. There was an ache in her groin that she longed to massage. Fighting the temptation, she cupped her hand over her sex and squeezed down hard.

It did not help.

Finally, when she could take it no longer, she rose out of her bed and tiptoed to the door. She very carefully turned the knob so as to make no sound and then swung the door silently open.

She thought she had been pretty quiet but was taken aback when she nearly walked right into Clark, who was standing outside her room, grinning down at her. Apparently, he was even quieter than she was. But then, he had had a lot more practice sneaking around than her. He was a perv after all, but her was her perv.

She slapped his chest and he winced then, his smile returning, he held a finger up to his lips.

Josie took one last look past him, down the hall, to where their mother's door remained closed, then she threw her arms around her brother's shoulders and drew him back into her room. As she walked backward she pulled his head down for a kiss.

As soon as they were inside they shoved the door closed, unable to care about the noise it made. They broke only long enough for Josie to secure the lock and before she turned back to Clark. When he tried to hug her again she barrelled into him, shoving him back. Together they lost their balance, stumped a few quick steps and then tumbled back onto the bed. Clark was about to laugh when Josie scrambled atop him and sank her mouth onto his. His grin faded into a lingering kiss as their mouths formed a tight seal.

The anticipation, combined with the long day of getting to know each other's bodies had driven both of them frantic with desire. Josie tore at his shirt and he helped her throw it up over his head.

She immediately dropped down and began to kiss the center of his torso where the developing muscles of his chest thinned to a bony indentation.

Clark, meanwhile, was fondling her breasts through her nightie, pinching thick wads of the soft flesh and searching for her hardened nipples.

Straddling his waist, Josie kissed her way up his chest to his neck. Clark was busy running his hands down her flanks to dig into the meat of her ass. The thin fabric of he nightie had already hiked up, so Clark helped it on its way, sliding it up over her hips to her middle and baring the lower half of her body.

She still wore no panties and when she lowered herself it was her bare pussy that nestled against the erection he had pushing out against his pajama bottoms. He could feel her wetness drenching the material and soaking through to his cock as she rubbed herself against his length.

Soon their mouths were locked together once more and her hands were in his hair, pulling him deeper into their kiss.

Clark slid the backs of his hands over the shallow doming of her belly and under the nightie to stroke the under curve of her smooth tits. Gravity pulled them down almost to meet his chest and they were jostling energetically with his harried petting.

He gripped each breast along its side and squashed them together. As he did this his fingers sought out, and found, her big, hard points of nipples and began to tweak and twist them.

As he worked on her, her nightie was pulled up higher and higher until it rested on her shoulders. Finally, needing to have no barrier between them, Josie sat back on her haunches and, in a single, lithe movement, pulled the thin garment up over her head. Her tits thumped heavily on his chest as she dropped down on top of him and resumed their kiss. This time it felt like she was licking out the inside of his mouth. She was completely lost in the act, her pelvis humping into his as she held his head turned at the angle that would let her slide her tongue as deep as it would go into his mouth.

Josie was growing desperate with her need to increase the contact between their two bodies. Already she was panicked that there might not be a way to bring them as close together as she needed them to be.

Pushing down on his chest she threw herself off him and dug her fingers into his pants. She yanked down hard, but the drawstring was still tied tight and it pulled painfully down on his driving erection. Making little grunts of pain and fighting with her scrabbling fingers, Clark managed to get hold of one of the ties and tugged the bow he had tied in them loose. As soon as the tautness was gone from his waistband he felt his pajama pants zip off down his legs where they were unceremoniously tossed to the floor to join Josie's nightie.

His sister was back on him in an instant, her body wrapping itself around his, her plump thighs squeezing his waist. He half rose to meet her kiss and she held his face in her two hands as she sucked on his tongue.

Her pussy dripped hot liquid onto his bare cock and each time they rocked back and forth on the bed their cores flared with the contact.

Clark placed his thumbs over her nipples and shoved them back, deep into the flesh behind them. Each time one popped free from the pressure he exerted on them he rolled his thumb to find it again and continued to press it flat.

As the heat of the kiss grew too much to bear, Josie finally threw her head back in a cascade of dark hair. Her magnificent chest was thrust out and her tits wobbled in Clark's tight grip.

She looked down into his eyes through a wild thicket of hair that had fallen across her face. Clark had never seen a look like it on her face, or anyone's. It told him just how much she needed him in that moment.

Then, moving smoothly, she lifted her ass up off of him and, at the same time lowered her hand to curl around his shaft.

She pulled him up, away from his body and positioned his broad pole just at the entrance to her perfect sex.

Clark could not breathe, his lungs had stopped working. He watched in awestruck wonder as his sister slowly lowered herself onto his cock. When their flesh touched he bucked, but she held him tight in her crushing grip.

His tip dipped into her depression, and she held it fast while she slowly lowered her hips.

Clark was big, far bigger than Josie had ever experienced. The head of his cock seemed to stick in her entrance, too rigid to squeeze through her tight gap. The elasticity of her body seemed to reach its limit as she fed his length into her. It pulled tight and would go no further, and she was still not past the thickest part of him.

Dropping her weight down on him, a grimace of concentration on her face, Josie felt her body straining almost to breaking point as her brother's cock sank, millimeter by millimeter, inside of her.

At last, she seemed to round the edge of his fat glans and then her descent onto him became easier. She had to wriggle her hips to guide him down her narrow chute, but eventually, her body choked his length down. Josie felt a sharp twinge of pain as he pushed into her up to his balls and their pelvises were locked in a deep kiss

She felt full to bursting but wanted to hold him inside of her for as long as she could.

When she sensed her body had finally adjusted to Clark's size, Josie began, very carefully, to circle her hips. Her little brother was buried deep inside her and she felt closer to him that she thought was possible with anyone

Their lovemaking was slow and tender. Clark caressed every inch of her body that he could reach. He needed to have his hands on her at all times. And her breasts, those magnificent breasts! They filled his vision and his mind. As Josie began to ride him her huge tits swung pendulously towards him and then away. He took them firmly in his hands and began to knead the supple flesh.

When she fell forward onto her hands, he crunched his abdomen so that he could bend enough to suck one of her turgid nipples into his mouth and run his tongue roughly over the sensitive skin.

As he was pumped in and out of his sister's vagina, Clark felt the ring of muscles around her entrance clasping his shaft, pulling tight like a closing snare.

They lost themselves in an animalistic rutting; grunting and sweating, nipping at each other with sharp teeth.

"I'm getting close," Clark growled into his sister's open mouth.

"Do it inside me," she whined, "I'm protected. But, Just wait. Wait. I'm nearly..."

Using her arm to sweep back her hair, she pushed herself upright into a full riding position.

Clark could see his shaft being gobbled up by her ravenous slit over and over.

With her weight on one arm behind her, Josie clutched at her fluttering sex. She ground her pussy into her hand with each thrust. Then, as her climax began to mount, she eased off and had to do nothing more than tap on her rubbery button to drive her closer and closer to the edge.

Clark was undone. His beautiful sister was completely nude before him and riding his cock to her peak. There was nothing more perfect he could imagine. His body, as if punctuating this realization, finally released its last grip on control.

A large glob of semen, propelled by a forceful geyser, burst from his tip. It struck the side of her pulsating vaginal canal and burst like a shell. As it divided into separate strands, each of these arced out and first hit, and then ran along, the walls of her clenching cylinder. They wrapped around and came back to meet each other, pooling inside her and filling her up.

Clark shoved himself in as deep as he would go and release more of this barrage of lancing semen. The force of the blasts inside of her, pounding into her cervix, combined with the beat of her fingers, triggered Josie's own climax. Her body clenched down on the twitching cock inside of her like a fist. Her pussy seemed to be sucking on his cock, forcing out the come almost as fast as it was being pumped into her. It seemed to reinvigorate Clark's own orgasm and extend it beyond mortal expectations.

As her body was wracked with ecstasy, her heavy breasts juddered and bounced with each muscular spasm. Each convulsion came closer and closer together until the melded into a single, prolonged muscle cramp that locked her entire body rigid. It was only Clark's hands gripping her tits, hard enough to be a little painful, that stopped her toppling off the bed onto the floor.

When it finally ended her muscles relaxed all at once and she poured herself like a liquid over her brother's chest.

They lay there together, panting heavily, a strand of her hair puffing out with each lungful of air Clark pushed out.

Eventually, as their hearts slowed and their twitching stopped, Clark pulled Josie in close and held her tight.

Still breathless she asked, "There, wasn't that better than just watching?"

Clark nodded, as he kissed the top of her head, "So much better."

"Not that you can't watch, if you want. I think I might actually kind of like it."

He laughed at this. He suspected she had enjoyed the terms of the Creeper Pass as much, if not more than him. Thinking of that life-changing piece of paper he asked, "I think we broke quite a few of the rules on your Pass."

"Mmm." She purred, "But it was for a good cause. A wonderful cause. Those rules needed to be changed."

"And this Creeper Pass... Is there any way we might extend it?"


"For how long?"

"Oh, I don't know. How does forever sound?" She giggled as she kissed his chest.

"Not long enough," He sighed contentedly, "Not nearly long enough."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I would like to have seen one more chapter.

live4thebjlive4thebj6 months ago

Damn you are good. Always leaving me with thoughts on the characters future. These two I picture packing their stuff one day and leave their mom with just a note saying something like this is goodbye don’t look for us we don’t need you in our lives. Oh btw five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ah, to have a sister like that! To be loved like that! Not only the physical, but the deep heart love!

ImnotreallyherenowImnotreallyherenow7 months ago

An easy 5 star from one of the very best writers on this site.

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICalmost 2 years ago

Very sweet love story. I wish you would had added to the story that Josie and Clark would have turned the tables on their Bitch mother and her world crashes down on her. Maybe the father leaves the mother for a younger woman. Josie and Clark abandon the their mother as well. I however, enjoyed reading the story. :-p

nippelfansmall2nippelfansmall2almost 2 years ago

definitely my top3 sibcest story ever. what a wonderful loving sister he has, lucky guy. 10/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

They should grow together as adults, so that they can support each other in the world away from Mom. Even a windfall would do, but the need to adult, and learning to do so as a couple, while continuing to love each other, would be the freedom that would show they had healed from their upbringing.

Btw, quite good!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You need to write more. They need to heal and move out. Through his drawings he czn become famous!! They need to be out of their mothers clutches

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love it, but get rid of the mother.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
What a beautiful story!

I loved it <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I really enjoyed this! I would like to see a follow up as we need to see how the relationship develops between the brother and sister BUT also between them and the mother!!! After all she is the cause of their issues and Josie must return to school. What happens with Clark then? I can envision Josie losing weight, he maybe leaves home, both grow in mental health!!!!

Ninjasr4realNinjasr4realabout 4 years ago
Throughly Enjoyed

I appreciated your ability to blend words into a tasty cocktail. Your are an artist. Much like the character “Clark” you penciled a picture worth admiration. Thank you.

desikdesikabout 4 years ago

wow!!!realy impressed!you have a way describing sexual scenes!Sincere congrats on fantastic story!

Myhands316Myhands316about 4 years ago

Okay, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.... Having said that, and having some experience with the over medicating of people based on their misdiagnosed symptomology, I get this. If someone is dealing with any stressors and then more stress is added it can lead to seeking a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Then depending on what meds they gave him, it would depend on if reducing and not giving those meds would help or hinder. But let's not get lost in the technicalities. For this story it was just the vehicle of progression to move the characters in the overall plot. Taking them from point A to point B and beyond. Also seeing the history of mental issues in the house. The inability to be one's self, the constant verbal abuse, and other factors; yeah the author made this very plausible. Other than that, and feeling a bit slow in the scenes but rushed in the overall arch. It has the makings of a very good and relatable story. IMO, it would have read better if they countered mom's BS one thing at a time over time as she cleared up her self image issues, and got him off the meds slowly. Pass to look one week, with the promise to have a pass to do more when needed. Make it an us against them thing, allowing healing to go both ways. Pass to look, pass to cum on her, pass to.... you get the idea, until the passes are no longer needed and they are happy together.

Keep up the good words


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