Crew Harmony


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As I needed to taste her completely, I crept over her body and started kissing from her neck to her chest. I delayed as I hovered about each breast to ensure my toying included firm sucking and stretching of each nipple.

I was soon down her belly and between her thighs. Her pussy lips were already glistening with her juice which just added to my torment and need. I licked, tasted and slipped my tongue along every fold and crease that I could delve into.

Her response was to spread her thighs further apart and press her crutch against my lips. Her quiet sighs provided additional confirmation that I was doing something right. I continued and smeared her juices all about my mouth and cheeks.

It started with the buildup of tension in her body and the gyration of her pussy before she broke.

"Ohhhhh!... Grrrrr!... Oh my gosh... Ohhhh!... Pleeaze... Stop."

I had been jolted about as she gyrated, but with her desperate plea I pulled back and watched her tremors slowly subside.

As I pulled my body over hers, Michelle gasped: "Oh you have a wicked tongue. That was... superb. Now I need you to ride me and fill me."

"What do you want me to fill you with?" I asked playfully.

"With your 'huge' penis... and then all the seed that you have."

I liked the way that she emphasized the word huge. I admit that although it wasn't true, it did wonders for my self-esteem.

By now my cock had a mind of its own as it easily found her pussy and slipped into her warm wet cavity in one slow thrust. Initially her juices smoothed any resistance, however Michelle was working her muscles overtime giving me a range of fabulous squeezes and thrills.

It was then I remembered my pledge: "Michelle, I promise you, honesty and openness." I wanted to say more but her ministrations were becoming a distraction.

"Tyler, I promise you honesty and openness... and lots of pleasure."

I could see from the smirk on her face that she knew exactly how much I was under her control. I continued watching her, but my thoughts were focused on my cock and maintaining my rhythm.

"Come in me Tyler, Michelle encouraged. "I'm here for you... just fill me."

I was unable to reply as I was breathing rapidly and Michelle's bucking and grinding against me was just sending me wild.

I wanted to hold on so that she could also climax, but that pressure developing in my groin wasn't going to be held.

As I came, I thrust hard into her without restraint. I just let my juices flood her and then collapsed into her loving caress.

As I tried to make our bodies meld, I rested my head on the pillow beside her. Feeling no restraint, my emotions took over and I confessed: "I love you, Michelle."

"I love you too."

I'm not certain what position I fell asleep in, but when I stirred during the night, Michelle had wrapped one leg and an arm over me. Wanting to be even closer, I slid one arm under her waist and held her tight.

In the morning we had a leisurely breakfast. We discussed our plans for the remainder of the spring break. Michelle needed to return to her apartment to collect her bag and then she would take the bus to her parents. With some despondency we realized that we probably wouldn't see each other until Tuesday next week, at rowing. After rowing, we would get together.

Once we had both showered, I said: "Make sure you pack a gym bag on Tuesday so that you can leave some personal items here."

"I don't want to raise Amber's suspicions, so it will be minimal to start with."

It was now time for me to drive her back to her apartment. There was now insufficient time to tell her all the things that were running through my brain. There was one thing I wanted to clarify: "Last night, I said I loved you. I think I have always felt that way but had been holding back until I knew you better. I just want you to know that I mean it. I want to be with you whenever I can. I do love you."

"Oh Tyler..." Michelle once again struggled with some happy tears. "I love you so much it will hurt to be at home away from you this next week. You said I wasn't to start texting you continually but understand, I will be thinking of you constantly."

I then drove Michelle to her apartment. As we pulled up, Lauren was just cooling down on the pavement after some running. Once she saw us, she opened the car door for Michelle.

"Looks like you guys had a busy night. Are you still going home today, Chelle?"

"Yes, my parents are expecting me, so I'll return Sunday night."

"Don't worry then. I'll look after your boyfriend." With a challenging smirk Lauren added: "We can resume where we left off on Saturday night."

Before Michelle could respond, I responded with: "Oh I'm so sorry Lauren. I also must catch up with family. Perhaps some other time."

I could see that Michelle was looking contemplative, but she leaned over, gave me a kiss and quietly whispered: "I love you."

"You know I feel the same. Have fun anyway."

As I drove away, I considered Lauren's blatant offer as I recognized that it wasn't all in jest. I wondered what Michelle would say if I had taken up her invitation. A week ago I would have jumped at the opportunity. Did I still want to?

I didn't want my relationship between Michelle and myself to be defined by antiquated norms. For a relationship to last it needed to be based on honesty and trust. However I now had that desperate wish to do anything that would make Michelle happy.

Michelle was more than enough to keep me satisfied, but in the back of my mind I knew there would still be the temptation of other women. Of course if Michelle preferred me not to be with Lauren as she was her close friend, I would respect that.

Would I accept Michelle having other partners? That I would need to consider. I had no problem with her being with Amber, but would I happily share Michelle with other men? I guess it would depend on the who, when and the why of the situation. These were issues of dissonance that I had never faced before. I couldn't be a hypocrite and realized that love demanded that I make some compromises.

Adding to my dilemma was the issue of what would happen once I achieved my Masters. I was making some job applications locally, however there were others which could take my employment to Texas or Washington State.

My mind was now becoming confused, so I left this for later consideration.


I enjoyed my break with my parents. They had me busy every day with friends and relatives dropping by or taking me out to various sites. It was only at night without other distractions that my thoughts drifted back to Tyler.

Mom guessed that something had changed as she asked if I had found a nice boy. I happily shared my good news and asked that it only be shared with Dad at this stage until we become firmly established.

Once I was back at College, I worked on my design assignment so that I could have Tuesday night with Tyler with no worries.

Amber and I caught up with most of our family gossip and activities that occurred during the break. Of course I omitted telling her about the orgy and that Tyler and I were a couple. It bothered me not telling her, however for the moment it was probably best to play it safe. I had to keep reminding myself to play it cool, particularly at rowing.

When Tyler drove us to the lake, he was the model of professionalism. As I hopped into the front seat, he had a quick smile which quickly dissolved as he realized what he may be inadvertently signaling something. We all talked briefly about family and friends and then he questioned us on how much running we had done.

On the lake, we practiced a few coordination exercises and finished with another 2,000 meter time trial. Tyler seemed quite pleased as he told us it was 8 min 35 sec.

Given we had been on a break, this was surprising, so I checked with Amber: "How did you feel during the time trial?"

"I felt comfortable. Maybe the break was a great restorative but until Tyler told us, I would never have thought we just completed our best time."

"Yes, it was like we were just smoothly gliding. I'm sure we could still do it faster."

"We can test that idea next Saturday at the Clemson Sprints," Amber challenged. "I spoke with Nicole from the Varsity Eight. She intends to meet a guy she hooked up with last year. She says he was happy to introduce some guys that we might like."

I now had no aspirations in that regard, but didn't know how to tell Amber, so I passively replied: "That could be fun."

"We should stick together for safety, so it is best we have some same room fun."

Tyler now approached after washing down his single and stowing it on a rack. Amber then asked: "Where are we staying when we go to the regatta this weekend?"

"I was about to cover the details for this weekend now anyway. We need to load the shell on the boat trailer by 6pm on Thursday. I'll make sure I'm free by 3pm so meet me as per normal. I want to make sure the shell is secured properly, including the seats and sculls. The trailer will be parked in a shed that night. At Clemson, Kevin has promised to watch the shell carefully. He and the driver will sleep in the truck's cab at Clemson. There is a bus going to Clemson, but I thought you would prefer to travel with me in my car."

"Sure... that sounds fine," Amber replied as I nodded for form, even though Tyler already knew my answer.

"We couldn't get into the same hotel with the varsity crews, so we have two rooms at the Hampton."

Interrupting Amber cheekily asked: "So which of us three have to share a room, Coach?"

I could see that Amber's question stunned him for a moment, so I intervened: "Ignore her Tyler. She just has unrealistic dreams."

With a sense of melodrama, Amber continued: "Oh... now that I have been deflated so horribly... I don't think I can row at my best."

Slightly bewildered, but studiously ignoring Amber, Tyler continued his explanation: "I can pick you up from your accommodation just after 3pm on Friday. Please don't pack large hard suitcases as I won't be able to fit them all in. Just don't forget to pack your racing unisuits."

"Will a duffle bag be OK," I asked.

"Perfect. If we don't have any interruptions, we should be able to have a quick row down the course when we arrive, but it doesn't matter if we can't. On Saturday, I have a 7am meeting for coaches at the registration area of the Clemson University Boathouse. You are entered in the Women's Open 2X at 1210. There are six entries so it will be a final. I don't know what lane you'll be allocated, but I'll have the bow numbers ready. Any questions?"

Amber and I still had to stow our sculls in the shed, so Tyler set off to collect his car before picking us up. I could see from Amber's eyes she was thinking what could happen on Saturday night, away from other prying eyes.

Then with a look of concern, she asked: "What do we do about Tyler if we are entertaining some men friends? Do you know what he may have planned. Will he be expecting to go out with us?"

"I don't really know. How about I see if I can ask that question after he drops you off. It may be easier if I talk to him alone."

"You may be right. Maybe he wants to go out with you, or possibly both of us. You know he always has his eye on you. Of course you keep encouraging him by always smiling at him. In fact, I am amazed you two haven't hooked up yet." Then with a chuckle she added: "Just remember we are sisters and share everything."

Fortunately Tyler pulled up in his car at that moment. When we dropped off Amber, she gave me a less than subtle wink as she left the car. She also left me with a headache that was clouding my mind. I knew I would have to talk to Tyler, but as he now relaxed, I was distracted by his lighthearted conversation.

At his apartment, we focused on showering and changing efficiently without distracting play as we needed to get to a restaurant before it closed. We agreed on Indian food, but he undertook to shop for some groceries so that next time we could both prepare a meal.

Back in the apartment it seemed that our yearnings could no longer be suppressed. We both started undressing each other between frantic kisses. We stumbled into the bedroom in one another arms and somehow Tyler stripped the blanket off the bed. Onto it, we tumbled together, and I continued to explore his muscular body before capturing his erection.

The way he kissed left me swooning momentarily, so I then just submitted as he left a trail of wet kisses down my body. When his mouth found my wet sex, I just surrendered to his ministrations.

Suppressing my feeling of guilt at being spoilt, I was inundated by the rush of pleasure. Instinctively I tensed my pelvis as I pressed against his lips to enhance the sensation. With little warning I was writhing in bliss as my muscles involuntarily stretched and released. As I struggled to regain some control of my body, I desperately drew air into my lungs as fast as I could. It was as if I had rowed the fastest race of my life.

Through bleary eyes I could see Tyler grinning with his triumph as he sat up and then cuddled into me. As I recovered, he ran his hands up and down my body in a gentle massage. He also regularly squeezed my breasts and teased my nipples.

I knew he deserved something special so I positioned myself so that I could hold and scrutinize his magnificent muscle of joy. I ran my hands up his smooth soft erection and then teased my tongue about the edge of his mushroom shaped head. Each little touch elicited a sharp muscular response.

I was now in complete control as I started sucking him slowly. Progressively I slid further and further down his shaft but even with it in the back of my throat I found I couldn't take it all in. Keeping my hand around the base of his shaft, I sucked up and down, swirled my tongue and varied my actions constantly.

I was just preparing to speed it all up when with a long drawn-out groan, Tyler climaxed and shot half a dozen jets down my throat. I swallowed a fast as I could and then waited as his penis pulsed for about a minute.

When I withdrew his shaft there were still several drops of his semen for me to lick up. Once he settled, I lay myself next to him and gave him a wet messy kiss. Of course I still had his juice in my mouth to share with him.

I felt serene as I cuddled and rested my head on his chest. Tyler wrapped an arm about me and squeezed me affectionately.

Then he commenced by saying: "I love you." I was about to respond in kind when he continued. "As I have never been in this position before I have been thinking quite a bit about what these feelings mean. I know it is not just lust that I'm feeling as I seem to be always thinking about you. I'm having less selfish thoughts and am constantly wondering how I can make your life better. Rather than my pleasure, I want to be a slave for your pleasure."

"If we are both being slaves for one another's pleasure, maybe we should focus on our mutual pleasure."

"You are right. While I stick with my premise that honesty and openness are the first rules, I need to be thinking about 'us' rather than 'me'."

"So have you come up with any additional rules that you would like to propose?"

"No! That is the point. If love is unconditional, we should love one another for who we are without imposing rules. I hope that honesty and openness will soon give us the understanding to anticipate one another's needs so we know what will make each other happy. You wish to have a career as an architect. I want it to be my priority to support you with your ambition and anything else that will make you happy. As long as you continue loving me, I want you to be happy and enjoy experiences with other people, even sex."

"Mmmm... that is interesting and makes sense. We could have had sex with multiple partners at the orgy, but I would still love you."

"Our love shouldn't be based on rules such as monogamy and each of us having specific roles. We should consider what makes each other happy and share the responsibilities and duties equally. Of course roles may evolve eventually because one of us prefers cooking rather than gardening, however these roles should evolve as we know what makes each other happy. Disliked tasks should be shared equally as well."

"Lauren asked me if I wanted to go back to Simila for another orgy."

"What did you say?"

"I said I would have to think about it. I guess what I meant was that I would talk to you first."

"Then tell me if my assessment is wrong. As you didn't say no, you obviously would like to try it again with multiple partners, but you wouldn't go if I said no."

"Something like that."

"Well you should go if it is what you want. Plus I might still have the same desire. I really like mangoes, but I also like peaches and plums. If the mango doesn't get jealous, then I would like to try some of the peaches and plums at Simila. There were some really juicy peaches there that night."

I was happy with Tyler's response. Once again, it reinforced how great a guy he was. I liked that he would let me go back and experience the orgy, however I was even more desperate to make him happy. Letting him have pleasure with other women would demonstrate my trust and love for him as well. This gave me an idea.

"I recall that you gave Lauren an exceptional grade. Would you like to have sex with her?"

"Being honest, I must admit I would have loved to have fucked her last time. That desire is still there but remember, I did forego her in preference for you. If you don't mind, it would be fun to try another fruit."

"What about Amber then?"

"Oh dear? She is very desirable but as her coach I couldn't ask her."

"What if she suggested it? What if it was a threesome with both of us?"

"That is an almost impossible temptation to put to me. I don't think I could say no, but it would be best if it was her suggestion, not mine."

"I think I can say with confidence she'll be more than eager."

"Well don't suggest it before the race. In case she becomes angry or... or jealous, make it after the Clemson race."

For the rest of the evening I teased Tyler with thoughts of having sex with Amber and myself. When he climaxed inside me it was so intense, I was worried he may burst a boiler. My physical climax was equally as satisfying however it was the thought of what I had offered Tyler that filled me with anticipation and an additional sense of euphoria.

Our last training session was on Thursday and then we loaded the shell and sculls on the trailer. On Friday, Amber and I were late leaving our last lecture as the Professor wanted to talk to us about our next assignment. We already had our bags packed for the trip, but the delay prevented us from storing away our textbooks and laptops. As a result these also made the trip to Clemson.

Rather than rush the drive, Tyler decided that we didn't need a trial row over the course. After dinner that night in the hotel, Amber and I worked on our assignment in an effort to control our nerves. This left Tyler disappointed but stoically he spent some time chatting with other rowers in the hotel lobby.

On the Saturday morning he drove us to the course so we could view all the lane and distance markers. He had just come from the coaches meeting and informed us we would be in Lane 3. Last year's winners would be on our left in Lane 4.

Just before we launched our shell from the park near the finish line, Tyler gave a very brief pep talk.

"Just as a reminder, when you leave here, take the eastern side of the course down to the warmup area where there are six buoys. You need to circulate around these buoys in a clockwise direction. Do two practice starts if you have time. Report to the Starter and you must be aligned in your lane at least two minutes before the programmed start time. I have strapped a watch between your foot stretcher Michelle."