Cupid's Table

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Love prevents an Apocalypse.
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I originally submitted this story for Valentine's Day 2020. I wasn't satisfied with my story so I went back and did a deep dive and edited, updated, added to, tweaked, changed, and clarified. Hopefully I've refined the story enough to make it much more enjoyable.

Italics are in use for word emphasis and song titles. Three spaced dots . . . indicate the character's hesitation, reluctance, or a characters brain fart and can't think of the words. Three spaced dots at the end of a sentence indicate an unfinished or interrupted sentence. Archaic words and Roman words and titles in use to reflect a bygone era.

This remains my only submission to Literotica. The seed of inspiration for this story came to me while writing a scene in a full-length novel I am still trying to finish. This is my own work: Editing, Proofreading, and Research. Copywrite by Wordcraft 2020 under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. All Rights Reserved

There's no sex by anyone under the age of 18 because there is no sex in the story, just romance.

My thanks to BurntRedstone who encouraged me to continue writing, or this and future stories would never see the light of day.

"With a little help from above, change a heart to a little white dove, it might save your life. That's the power of love. Paraphrase of That's the Power of Love by Huey Lewis.

Time doesn't always heal wounds, love does. Wordcraft


Pantheon = The collective group of all Roman gods.

Univira = A loyal woman who marries only once and never strays.

Veneralia = Roman festival celebrated April 1st to ask Venus for help with affairs of the heart, sex, betrothal, and marriage

Venus Verticodia = An epithet or image for Venus, to help persuade all Romans, male and female to sexual purity, and morality

Pudica = One who stays sexually pure or undefiled by cheating: a virgin or a univira

Mayhap = Perhaps, maybe

By happenstance = By chance, or Per chance

Heretofore = From now on, until this time

Straightaway = Immediately, At once

Discomfits = Embarrasses

Alas = Sadly, regrettably

Divined, Divination = Godly knowledge or understanding

Cupid's Table

Chapter One

At first glance, the person sitting on a feather pallet on the polished marble floor looked like a rosy-cheeked boy of sixteen wearing a toga, not a god. He was humming while he honed a golden broad head arrow to a razor sharp edge when his stately elderly servant entered the chamber and bowed his head.

"My Lord, as you have summoned, Lord Sors is in the antechamber."

Without looking up, Cupid addressed his loyal servant.

"Thank you, Arsenius. Do not allow him to stray through the household. Hasten him to me straightaway or you shall be weeks putting the household back in order. When he is in my chamber, you may take your leave."

Cupid turned to his servant with a mischievous smile.

"He must not hear your laughter while I goad him with jest and sarcasm to enjoy his melodrama. We shall be a great while."

The stately, wizened servant bowed his head again with a soft knowing chuckle. "As you wish my Lord."

In truth, Arsenius was much more than a servant to Cupid. He was a deeply trusted friend, confidant, and advisor who served Cupid faithfully and willingly.

Arsenius hastened back to Lord Sors who was fidgeting nervously in the antechamber in the presence of two retired praetorian guards preventing him entry into Cupid's hilltop villa.

"Lord Sors, Lord Cupid, wishes to see you straightaway, we must make haste."

The elderly servant grasped Sors arm in a tight grip and hastened as fast as his old legs would allow, and held fast to Sors arm even as they stood in the armory chamber doorway. Sors jerked his arm from Arsenius making the old servant's lips tip upwards in a small, satisfied smile. Arsenius took a few steps into the armory chamber and stopped.

"My Lord, I present Lord Sors."

"Thank you Arsenius, you may resume whatever task you desire."

Arsenius bowed his head then gestured with his eyes to Sors still smiling his knowing smile. "My task is not complete, I shall await your summons."

Cupid smiled and nodded understanding.

A young man with an unruly mop of shoulder length red, curly hair stood and surveyed the richly appointed armory chamber in great curiosity. Everywhere he looked were countless quivers full of golden arrows. When Sors faced Cupid, he hesitated in surprise.

"My Lord . . . your appearance! It is changed yet again?"

Without looking up Cupid was exasperated to explain to him yet again his change in appearance.

"My young friend, my purpose is to nudge the hearts of humanity to love. When a young maiden has need of a nudge to a young man, I must not be perceived a suitor for her, so a young child's appearance suits my task. When a young man's heart needs a nudge, a wizened man's counsel employs much influence. My appearance this day suits my needs."

"My Lord, you have need of me to summoned me so early? There is a task of urgency?"

"Nay, you were summoned this day to impart council of importance."

Sors straightaway imagined the worst. " Lord Cupid! Nay! Valentine's Day ends? Pray tell that is not so."

Cupid looked up from his task with a wry smile. "Nay, it is not so. This year requires a different ploy, something very different."

Sors blew out a breath in relief as he alighted on a polished marble bench next to Cupid, and leaned forward in his eagerness to learn more.

"Oh? Pray tell what new ploy shall you employ this year?"

Cupid tested the razor edge of the broad head arrow with his thumb then sighted down the arrow's shaft to check the fletching. Satisfied, he carefully lowered the razor sharp broad head arrow into a leather quiver. Cupid turned to Sors as he reached for another arrow.

"Father gave me council for a vexing difficulty to employ upon this year's target. In the stead of a volley of arrows in hopes of success, I shall employ a kill box upon a stationary target. Father suggested it, it is his most successful ploy."

Sors eye went wide in surprise. "Do my ears deceive me? Your father, Mars, the god of war? Nay, mortals must be nudged to love, not death. You would create many days' tasks for Lord Mercury. He would be most displeased."

"I stated a metaphor, idiot."

"Oh" Sors wrinkled his brows in confusion and stared back at Cupid. After a moment's thought he asked, "What is a meta for? It expresses idiot?"

"Alas! I cannot overlook your question . . . yea verily, your idiocy is in full blossom, but I digress. I shall employ all means this year, Sors. All available ploys and resources shall be employed to nudge the heart of one primary target. I shall unleash everything upon him."

"Everything? There is only one target this year?"

"Must I repeat everything to you? Yea verily, one target, every means, and every resource. Every means and ploy shall be romantic. I beseeched mother to choose the location, lighting, ambiance, food, music, scents, scenery, weather, and flowers. All shall have great effect. Truly, even the city and restaurant was given careful consideration by mother. Mother, father, and Victoria shall be present to ensure success, as shall your mother Fortuna. Lord Mercury hastens news to me of the target, and returns messages for me to the whole of the pantheon. Many gods of the pantheon desired to come, to ensure success."

"My anticipation knows no bounds! Venus and Mars, the gods of love and war joins with the goddesses of fortune and victory? Such power is required for one man? What mortal requires such enticement and luck from five gods?"

"Besides you, the god of luck? The target is number one on my most wanted scroll."

"Truly? Number one? Again?"

Cupid smiled to himself that yet again his sarcasm escaped Sors notice.

"You have become a parrot? Yes! Number one!" Snapped Cupid in mock ire.

Sors pointed to the golden arrows in the nearest quiver.

"But Lord Cupid, your arrows have never struck number one deep enough to affect him."

Cupid threw his hands in the air in melodramatic frustration.

"Lord Sors, when I stated every means, I meant every means. I shall not rely solely upon my golden arrows this year. I shall employ a kill box so I may employ every means in a multi-pronged mission. I have granted one-time authority so other archers may join me upon my command. I shall provide each archer a full quiver of golden arrows dipped in mother's tincture of myrtle, and mother is providing sprays of her seductive red roses. Mother has beseeched four of Rome's best harpists to play their most beguiling subliminal siren songs. Father's presence shall ensure number one cannot escape."

"You are not anxious that your arrows would cause number one to suffer an overdose?"

"You have knowledge of a mortal suffering an overdose of love?"

"Indeed, Lord Cupid, mortals become beguiled and act with mush and sap in public displays of affection."

"This is evilness?"

"Nay . . . mayhap not. But it . . . discomfits."

"Your perspective of love is juvenile, for mentally and emotionally you are but eight years old."

"I cry foul! I resemble that!" Sors face clouded over in doubt as he looked off into empty space. "Or mayhap it is resent?" Sors looked to Cupid scratching his head. "English confuses me."

"The first is correct, without question you resemble that. Confusion suits you, but I digress. In a mortal woman's eyes, a mortal man willing to be a fool for a maiden is romantic and endearing, not discomfiting.

"Once, I employed a tactic that succeeded far beyond my expectations. I induced my target to sing Faithfully by Journey to his young maiden as they slow danced. It caused the young maiden's passion to flow like the Tiber River, and appeared to wet herself. She trembled so hard I thought she was fearful, but her kiss of passion proved she erupted like Vesuvius. It was a success for the ages."

"But Lord Cupid, it is most discomfiting when mother and father dance and embrace in the hearth chamber. In truth, mother becomes gooey with mush and sap when father prepares her a repast then dances with her after he cleanses the pots and urns. They act unbecoming, and the whole of the household bears witness. Even now, the whole of Rome is aware of what they do. In the morn, mother giggles with the handmaids and father grins."

Cupid sighed loudly in resignation. "Without question, in love you are a juvenile. For all women that is very romantic, for it is an act borne of love. The location is irrelevant. Your father's acts of love for your mother was thrice a measure of romance. He prepared supper, cleansed the pots and urns, then danced with your mother in his arms. I wager he whispered his love to her too. Lord Sors, it was romantic for your mother because he did it for her."

"Oh . . . now I get it. But you stated a romantic list of everything."

"The list is for number one, not the maiden."

"Oh. I'm an idiot."

"Hold fast to that thought."

"So, where shall you employ the kill box? The Empire State building in New York? The Eiffel Tower in Paris? A serenaded gondola ride in Venice? Mayhap your most successful ploy to strike at a wedding?"

"Nay, those venues are too cliché and jaded. Number one has become exceedingly wary. The Empire State building and the Eiffel tower are much too obvious. He would never journey there. In their stead mother enticed him to attend to business in San Diego that day.

"Alas, years ago the wedding venue was my first attempt to nudge number one, but failed because you arrived too late. That is why this year it must be different. The kill box shall be employed at a specific table at a specific restaurant. To assure all goes to plan, there shall be three rehearsals with live arrows before the appointed day."

"I beg Lord Cupid's pardon; it would not yet be Valentine's Day. Your arrows shall have no effect."

"Mayhap your mother and father were inflicted with a curse when you were conceived? Without question, your idiocy overflows. The day matters not, it is mother and father's anniversary. I chose their day to celebrate love."

"You speak truth?"

Cupid rolled his eyes and sighed loudly and softly muttered "Idiot!" In full voice Cupid vented. "No! I released an arrow into the air and fate caused the arrow to strike a calendar on the date February 14th."

Sors eyes got as large as a goblet. "My mind is agog!" Lord Sors exclaimed with great excitement, "That is very cold!" Sors abruptly stopped and looked off into space and asked himself, "Or is it very cool? Sors looked off into space and shook his head then to Cupid looking very confused. "English confuses me."

Cupid rolled his eyes and muttered again, "Idiot!" Cupid spoke slowly to be understood. "I spoke sarcasm! February 14th is mother and father's anniversary!"

"But they are not wedded," objected Sors.

"The anniversary of the day they fell in love."

"Oh. OH! So . . . how many shall take part in your plan Lord Cupid?"

"The whole of Rome's best archers shall be employed with a full quiver of golden arrows."

"Thirty archers?"

"Yea verily. I shall employing everything. I leave nothing to happenstance."

"Lord Cupid, are you not afraid of backlash from number one?"

"What manner of backlash?"

"Shall not number one feel trapped or forced, and resist?"

"Nay, and my arrows do not allow it. My arrows deliver the antidote to the poisons and hindrances in a mortal's heart, but does not hinder free will. I have secured an accord with the Fates. Nona, Decuma, and Morta are standing fast. They shall cease their tasks, and not spin, measure, or cut. This must not look contrived to number one. Heretofore, nothing has succeeded because he is wary and his guard is always employed. Because his heart was poisoned he must act of his own free will."

"What? Poisoned? How?"

"Years ago there was a mistake."

"You made a mistake? How was that possible?"

"It happened at the wedding you were late for. Just as I released the arrow, a young child caused number one to stumble and fall backwards as he danced with his betrothed. That one golden arrow missed number one then pierced not one, but two hearts. My arrow pierced the heart of number one's best friend and the heart of his betrothed. Striking two hearts with one arrow greatly multiplied the attraction to each other, but they were not a match.

"I was unaware number one's best friend had been looked upon by Invidia, goddess of envy, and was plotting evil upon number one when the arrow struck. The arrow magnified his corrupt love. It was never true or pure and number one's best friend coveted his betrothed and seduced her. Then his best friend's falsehoods caused number one to despair and his heart to fail, and he disappeared from mortal's sight."

"And now he has built up immunity," observed Sors soberly.

"Nay, not immunity. Number one endures a poisoned heart that shall surely destroy him. The destruction my mistake caused, left him without hope and he shall despair and give up his life. He is profoundly despondent and rejects all female overtures."

"Preventing number one's destruction has become your utmost purpose?"

Cupid sighed sadly and nodded. "Yes, but only in part. Number one's heart is failing badly for he is lost faith in humanity and now, in himself. The American colloquial term for my mistake, it went viral. Number one was pilloried and ridiculed to the whole of humanity to be most evil. Truth of the matter was revealed not long after, but it changed nothing. Alas he cannot escape the falsehoods and the evilness humanity pilloried him of.

"Number one's heart requires the antidote to reverse the poisons of falsehoods, pain, despair, ridicule, rejection, humiliation, and disrespect in his heart. I must right my wrong soon, for his sake, for the sands of time in the hourglass of his life shall soon run out. He is despaired of love, and if I fail, his heart shall be too poisonous for my arrows. If I fail the Fates have foreseen he shall turn incurably bitter, and end his life.

"At my behest Lord Mercury is observing number one, and by great fortune one other young maiden has come to light. Knowledge of my mistake was known to the whole of the pantheon, and all was thought to be lost. Yet afore my mistake, mother unknowingly prepared this young maiden for number one who would reverse my mistake. Mother saw the maiden was pure of heart when she was yet a nubile child and is at the ready to bless her with many blessings to ensure she enjoys a long life of love.

'It is by Jupiter's divine providence that number one knows of this young maiden and with mother's blessings she would be perfect for him. Also by great fortune, number one is unaware of her love for him. Because the poisons in his heart is strong, any untimely knowledge of her love would turn him extremely resistant to return her love. Mercury divined the young maiden fell in love with number one unassisted by me, or mother, making her love the strongest and purest of all, among mortals."

"Do not many suitors strive for her hand?"

"Nay. The young maiden spurns all overtures from suitors, male and female. She was but a nubile child, not yet a woman when the mistake happened years ago and she witnessed the debacle. Even now, the maiden is exceedingly distraught at number one's destruction, and awaits him patiently as she searches for him.

"So, she bears full knowledge of it all?" Asked Sors more as statement than a question.

"Yes, the young maiden is the young sister of number one's former betrothed."

Sors' brows rose in curiosity. "He is immune to her also?"

"Not immune, but exceedingly resistant. Number one spurns all female attention and overtures, and tolerates females only in business. I perceived him to be adversarial to her because they are sisters. Number one's heart is poisoned to all female overtures. Lord Mercury has divined number one perceives the sisters are akin, but they are not. They are apart as far as east is from the west."

"Thus Number One's poisoned resistance."

"Yes. To heal number one's heart mother is at the ready to grant them a lifetime of love for an early celebration of Veneralia, and perpetuate Venus Verticodia. Mother's grant will be blessed by a Pudica to stay univira. A one-man woman as is the young maiden shall keep their love strong, true, and pure. Jupiter beseeched many gods to bless the young maiden that she may capture his heart. Theirs shall be a love worthy of gods. A result of many god's blessings, the young maiden has grown to be perceptive, wise, patient, and immensely intelligent yet tender hearted, and filled with love, like mother. Indeed, mother has granted her one blessing and even now a sculpture cannot capture her beauty."

"Pray tell, what is the young maiden's name?"

"Gertrude Matilda Krakkenbeak"

"The young maiden found much disfavor with her parents? I perceived only Greek gods, Hollywood stars, and the Vikings who inhabit the island of Berk adored hideous names."

"Your juvenile naivety has no bounds. I jerk the chains that binds your intellect, idiot. Her name is Arielle, and she is a goddess."

"She is Triton's daughter?" Asked Sors, incredulous.

"Curse your idiocy! You combine Greek pantheons among Roman pantheons. Triton is a Greek demigod, not Roman! The young maiden is not Ariel the mermaid, Triton's daughter, nor is she Neptune's daughter.

"Goddess is a euphemism to describe Arielle's beauty! Indeed her name is not spelled the same. Her name is Arielle, pronounced Are ee 'el with the emphasis on the third syllable, and her name rhymes with Gabrielle."
