Cupid's Table


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The whispered words of the goddesses had nudged Justin's heart open a bit when they touched the arrows, but now they were pushing it wide open. The arrows and words caused Justin to realize his ego was like the downpour. It blinded him to everyone else around him, and made everything disappear, even himself. People only saw his ego. Like the rain, it obscured who he truly was. Justin lowered his head in shame, and stared at the linen tablecloth.

Growing up Justin was the middle child of four brothers and four sisters, and like Ali, he felt invisible, and didn't matter. He wasn't enough. He got lost in the shuffle of everyday life in the family and overlooked. Not having a place in the family made him insecure and his insecurities caused him to try to be more than he was. In his craving to matter and be accepted, he did and said things to impress people and appear more important. It caused him to over compensate trying to make a place for himself. To be more.

The reality was, it did just the opposite. He developed a small man's mentality that turned people off and pushed them away. It made him less, even in Ali's eyes, and that's why she hurt. She knew without his ego, he was enough. For once Justin closed his eyes and pushed his ego aside enough to see Ali for who she truly was, inside and not the infrequent glimpse his ego allowed.

Justin studied Ali in his mind and saw she was an amazing person. She was tender hearted with a kind and caring nature that nurtured people and brought out the best in them. She was very thoughtful, and very perceptive. She was an introspective deep thinker, complimenting her intelligence. She was patient and protective, and selfless. She wanted to matter just as much as he did, but together as an equal.

Justin's insecurities always overrode who he really was, and when Venus felt his heart fully open to Ali, she began whispering to him how Ali saw him, and what she wanted and needed from him. What Ali wanted was a secure person she could count on, and come to for love and support. Someone she could talk to about anything without being trivialized, criticized, or judged. She wanted acceptance for who she was, not what his ego wanted her to be. Justin's last thought was painfully sobering when he realized what Ali wanted and needed wasn't him.

Justin couldn't look Ali in the eyes, and when he finally spoke, his shame was heard in his soft remorseful words.

"I'm so sorry Ali. We've been together for almost a year, and I'm ashamed I made you feel that way. I know all too well how it feels to not matter or be enough. Even invisible. Growing up the middle kid of nine brothers and sisters, I felt like that. I was always overlooked. I wanted to be more. I realize now, I can't make myself be more, but I can make myself a lot less.

"I know who you are inside Ali, who you really are. You're kind, caring, and thoughtful. You're introspective and think way deeper than me, and see things much clearer than me. You're determined and don't give up. You see things through to the end even if it doesn't end well. You're patient and protective and amazingly selfless. You nurture and care for your nieces and nephews like they're your own. And me too."

"I know what you wanted from me too. You wanted a secure person you could count on, and come to for love and support. You wanted to be accepted for who you are, not what I thought you should be. You wanted to talk about your thoughts and feelings without being laughed at, criticized, or judged. You want to matter to someone, like an equal. Ali, I'm so sorry that wasn't me."

Venus raised her hand to Cupid.

"Archer, cease! Cease, and stand fast!"

Venus pulled Victoria to the table again and whispered Justin's words to Ali in Latin as she touched only Ali's arrows. Instead of retreating behind the archers again, Venus took Victoria's hand again and place their hands one on top of the other over Ali's heart then on her head, over each eye, and over each ear. Last, she placed their hands over Ali's heart again for several moments and whispered. Instead of retreating, Venus and Victoria stayed at the table then Venus spoke out loud.

"Sentiunt, cogitant, videre, cum audiunt verum, et in corde tuo. Feel, think, see, and hear truth with your heart."

Justin finally raised his head and looked to Ali in dread. "Is this the end of us, Ali?"

Venus' words spoken aloud echoed in Ali's thoughts as her eyes met Justin's and in his eyes she saw something in him was disappearing and something else was filling its place. Unseen, the golden arrows was eliminating his ego, and humility and gratefulness was slowly taking its place. It wasn't just a glimpse. The caring person inside Justin that Ali had been waiting for, hoping for, and wanted at her side was becoming visible and slowly stepping forward. Ali didn't answer Justin because she was waiting for the seldom seen caring heart in Justin to emerge. She wanted that man, the one she only saw glimpses of, to take its place in her life and stand. Not in front of her, and not behind her, but at her side. Her equal.

"Only if you want it to be."

Justin shook his head slowly, "No. That's not what I want, Ali. I want to see your amazing smile. I want to hear your musical laugh. I want to see your excitement when you're catching a fish like you did on the pier. I want to see your expressive brown eyes when you're watching a gorgeous sunset. I want to see the contentment on your face when you're feeling secure and happy. I want to be the one who stands at your side. I want to be the one you count on, and come to. I want to know your deepest thoughts. I want to tell you how much you mean to me. I want to prove to you every day how much I love you. I want to prove to you how much I want us."

The waiter brought a plate of dessert and set it on their table. "Compliments of the chef."

Ali and Justin stared at each other in surprise. "Really Justin, a fudge brownie? Did you set this up? You know this is my weakness, my kryptonite."

"No, I don't know anything about it. Something smells like peanut butter, and I'm allergic. It's all yours, sweetie."

While Ali and Justin tried to sort things out, Venus, still standing at their table dropped seeds of gold and carbon onto the dessert. She put her hands over it then closed her eyes in concentration and whispered. When she opened her eyes, she looked to Victoria who nodded and smiled then the two waited and listened.

Ali slowly savored the dessert while they talked, and when she got about halfway through the dessert, her spoon scooped up more than just a bite of fudge brownie, ice cream, and syrup. Ali's reaction was somewhere between surprise and resistance.

"Justin, what's this? What's going on?"

Justin's brows were knotted up in confusion and stammered as he shook his head not understanding. "What is . . . I didn't . . . it's not . . ."

Venus whispered in Latin then reached out and took their hands and placed Ali's hand in Justin's. Their fear of their hands moving involuntarily made them resist the invisible force on their hands. Venus motioned for her son to stand next to Victoria then spoke out loud.

"Revelare. Reveal"

Suddenly, three stunningly beautiful beings materialized at their table right before their eyes. Their eyes became as large as saucers and were so surprised they couldn't react. Venus smiled at them softly as she reached for their hands again and gently placed Ali's hand into Justin's once more. Justin and Ali were confused not knowing what was happening. Venus spread her arms and pointed to both Ali and Justin then brought her hands back together, clasping them together tightly. Once again, Venus spoke out loud.

"Praeter tantum est, tenetur invenire unum estis dilectione. Apart you only exist, together you find love."

Venus removed the ring from Ali's spoon and cleansed it by softly blowing on it until it sparkled. She held it out to Justin with her left hand then gestured with her eyes to Ali. The meaning of her words and gestures caused clear understanding in Justin, who nodded to Venus. Justin took the ring from Venus then looked to Ali. Venus smiled at both of them one last time then raised her hand.

"Perfectum. Vale. Perfection. Farewell."

Venus, Victoria, and Cupid vanished before their eyes leaving Ali and Justin open mouthed and stunned. Ali turned back and leaned over the table to Justin and whispered.

"Justin . . . did that just happen?"

Justin was still staring wide eyed to where the gods once stood and slowly and reluctantly nodded yes, afraid to admit it. He had no words for what just happened. If Ali hadn't seen it too, he would never admit he saw anything. He would be a hundred times crazier than a cat lady talking to herself.

"Justin, tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure she wanted you to ask me something."

"Ali, before I say anything I need to tell you how I feel right now. If I don't it'll prove I'm a doofus. Sweetheart, I know I'm a jack ass most of the time, but I had nothing to do with this. I wouldn't do that to you, play with your emotions to get my way. I don't deserve you, Ali.

"In my heart, I knew I wasn't enough for anyone. I can't make myself more than I am, but now I know I don't need to be. You weren't trying to change me into something I wasn't, you were just trying to see what was already there. You make me better, Ali, because you see what I don't. You want to love the person my ego kept hidden, and that's who I want to be for you. You care about the real me, and for you that's all I ever need to be. Just myself.

"I don't ever want to go back to the way I was. The expression I see on your face right now is the contented look I see when you're feeling secure and happy. It's the first time you have ever looked at me like that, and I don't ever want to make it disappear.

"Ali, I want us more than anything because now, in your eyes I am enough. Ali, that changes everything. I feel like a blind person who was made to see, and what I see across the table from me is the most amazing person I know. Ali, because of you, I'm pretty sure we were just blessed by a goddess. I won't force or pressure you into anything. What do you want, Ali?"

"Justin, I've been hoping for the person your ego kept hidden to finally emerge. Whatever happened just now made it happen. I've been hoping for almost a year for the person I only saw glimpses of emerge. I don't know how it happened but I'm pretty sure I know why. That wasn't just one goddess, Justin, there were three gods: Venus, Victoria, and Cupid. I've been waiting for someone like you since I was little girl, but I never dreamed anything like this would happen. One thing is certain though, I love the person I see right now, and I know what I want. Are you going to make me ask?"

Justin gently squeezed her hand and shook his head no, with a soft smile. "Allison Renee Thomas, regardless of what just happened, I love you. I have loved you almost from the start, and I want to be enough for you. Ali, will you marry me?"

"I love you too. Yes, I'll marry you." Ali gestured with her eyes to the three unseen gods who were all smiling at them. "We're never telling anyone about what just happened tonight. No one would believe us because no one else saw them. This was meant only for us, Justin, and has to stay between us." Ali had a shiver run down her spine. "Three gods blessed us: Two were gods of love and one was the god of victory. How cool is that?"

Justin slid the ring onto Ali's slender finger and lifted her hand. "Ali, your ring is way cooler. You're wearing a ring made specifically for you by the goddess of love, and it fits perfectly. We're going to be amazing together because the gods have blessed us."

Justin left a hefty tip when he paid their check, and the two walked to the maître d hand in hand.

"I trust the evening was memorable and met your expectations?"

Justin shook his head as he looked into Ali's eyes who giggled softly. "We won't ever forget tonight!" Justin turned back to the maître d and lifted her left hand, "We can't quantify how amazing tonight was, because she said yes!"

The maître d grinned at Justin. "Then congratulations are in order! Please enjoy the rest of your evening."

With a laugh in his voice Cupid commanded, "Archers, well done. Retreat!"

Venus, Victoria, and Cupid trailed the archers outside and Mars went straightaway to Venus and kissed her forehead.

"My love amazed me this night. You poured your love into Justin and Ali, and now their love will stand through the ages. Is that the reason for your reveal?"

"Nay my love, the reveal was required this night not only for Justin and Ali, but for Arielle and Barrett as well." Venus gestured to Cupid, "Our son's most recent news from Mercury moved Justin from number 37 to number 2 on his most wanted scroll. Mercury discovered this noon that Justin wields much influence examining investments for Barrett Mason. Justin's influence is a key to our son's plan for Arielle and Barrett.

"Success tonight was imperative because without Ali, Justin would soon leave Barrett. Justin and Ali together have much influence on Barrett because they both resist mining investments. We must leave no stone or pebble unturned or left to happenstance to ensure success with Arielle and Barrett."

"Justin and Ali together are vital in other ways as well. They shall do amazing and wondrous works together and shall influence investments in medicine, and medical technology for the good of humanity. Mercury hastens to inform the pantheon of this news."

Cupid looked off in the distance and chuckled as he pointed to the rivers of water still pouring heavily off the docks and wharfs into San Diego bay.

"Fortuna does well tempering her son's random impulses, for Sors diversion cleansed the earth and harmed no mortals, and prevented interference. The rain was also a hard lesson for Justin to learn that things borne to excess diminishes, controls, and conceals the true person. Only the purity of Ali's love allowed her to truly see Justin. Others only saw his ego. In that regard the rain was exactly what was needed."


"You are certain of this matter, Arsenius?"

"My Lord, I wish not her destruction to befall her because of petty disagreement among the Fates. We would allow the Fates to destroy an innocent that would spread to others unawares when love is so near to her? Nay, my Lord, her heart is univira, worthy of a life of love she so desperately seeks. Yet she suffers much. You have truly witnessed, even a goddess cannot live without love. Lay not the fault at the feet of the maiden, for her father inflicted dire wounds upon the heart when she was but an innocent child. Does she not deserve a guardian this night?"

Cupid bowed to Arsenius' words of wisdom and consented.

"So it shall be. Your council and wisdom I value greatly, for you oft times perceive what I do not. Your heart is vast for others and for me. For this I am grateful."

Hours later, Arsenius re-entered Cupid's armory chamber and bowed his head.

"My Lord, Lord Mercury has hastened news from the pantheon."

"Thank you Arsenius, please hasten him to my chamber."

Arsenius bowed his head, "My Lord, I hastened Lord Mercury from the antechamber to your chamber straightaway."

"Excellent Arsenius, well done! Command the handmaids to prepare a repast for my friend, for we shall sup and feast."

Arsenius bowed his head again, "As you desire my Lord. My Lord, I present Lord Mercury."

Arsenius hastened to the handmaids' hearth who were baking bread and cleansing fruits and vegetables. As Arsenius repeated Lord Cupid's command to the handmaids, Cupid was eager to hear the news when Mercury entered Cupid's chamber with a smile.

"My friend, what news have you?"

"The whole of the Pantheon is agog at your mother's reveal, as is your success to change ploys so quickly. Your mother and father are most proud."

"I aspire to no higher honor my friend than to please mother and father."

"What ploys have you for this night's rehearsal?"

"My friend, this night our difficulty increases greatly. At Arsenius' behest I reconsidered this night's target and chose another. This night our target is number 15 on my scroll. Their wounded heart blinds them, they cannot see their destruction is before them. They are loved deeply, but they are blinded by their fears and mistrust. They move quickly from mortal to mortal, seeking love, but their mistrust prevents it."

"They act selfishly?"

"Nay. The father acted most selfishly. He abandoned his univira wife and young child for someone new. The American colloquial term is 'trading up.' The father's abandonment inflicted grave emotional damage to their heart when they were but a small child. Now they fear deeply of being alone and abandoned. They are empty inside and seek love desperately, but their insecurities prevent it, for they cannot trust. Alas, their mistrust causes yet more abandonment. The love they seek is before them, but they so are blinded and fearful they cannot trust in the love that is before them.

"Their search for love shall soon destroy them if we fail to nudge them to the love that is before them. Their life shall be ended when they encounter a dark soulless mortal, and their death shall alter the paths of five others and would unleash much more destruction. This target mayhap require nudges from six gods: Mother, father, Victoria, Concordia, Suadela, Minerva, and me, and mayhap yet another reveal."

"The young mortal man is so blinded it requires such measures?"

"Nay, it is a young maiden who is blinded. Her blindness causes her to search for love among mortals who only seek to pleasure themselves. Her unsettled heart craves a secure love, but her mistrust prevents it. I understand her in part. Mars is my father but is not mother's husband.

"Mother's marriage to Vulcan is absent of love. Alas, Vulcan was never virtuous in fidelity, he betrays mother with his love for his only love is his forge. He leaves nothing for mother. No one, not even a goddess is able to live without love, so mother found love with father. The young maiden must see into the heart of the one who loves her deeply. But first she must want to see into his heart. Only that will cause her own heart to open to him.

"The young man often declares his love to the young maiden, but she does not receive it as he intends. The American colloquial term is the 'friend zone,' and he cannot escape. They have been close for many years and they have no difficulties between them. It mayhap require a vigorous nudge for the young maiden to realize his love for her is not philia, the love of a friend, but pragma, long-standing love, as a virtuous man deeply loves his wife.

"Alas, two difficulties mayhap forestall a nudge to the maiden's heart: To receive the young man's love she must see the fears and mistrust in her own heart. Then she must give him her heart and trust in him to keep it safe. Mayhap a nudge from mother shall draw her near to him."

Four handmaids carried all manner of vessels filled with wine and food and arranged a delightful presentation on an elegant marble table then. When all was prepared, they bowed to Cupid and stood at the ready to serve the two Lords. Cupid stood and invited with a sweeping arm gesture.

"Come my friend, a feast has been prepared, let us sup, and feast, and draw strength for this night's rehearsal, and then number one."

Chapter Four

Seven gods gathered around Mercury in the restaurant parking lot and drew a collective breath of relief that his news required no change of ploys. Satisfied, Cupid turned and addressed the archers.

"I foresee no hindrances this night, yet remain focused if happenstance requires we adapt a new ploy. Especially a wayward diversion from Sors."
