Daddy's Gonna Do Things!

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Father tells daughter to pay what she owes.
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Disclaimer: All persons in the story participating in sexual activity are over the age of 18.

Shortly before her nineteenth birthday Haley Snow suddenly began developing. It seemed that day by day her boobies grew bigger and bigger. It was embarrassing to go from a training bra to a C cup in the course of four months and then a few months later to a DD cup. The teasing by her classmates was rough. The girls were jealous and the boys intimidated by her change. Before her breasts had bloomed the girls in her class had been friendly because of her sweet nature. Haley had been noticed by boys because of her attractive face and full pouty lips. Haley had been somewhat flat-chested so the other girls considered Haley to be on an even playing field in the boy-catching arena and so were not envious.

However, as her breasts sprouted like melons the boys swarmed around her like bees. They stung her with teasing remarks or they tried to seduce her with honeyed words. And the girls were like feral felines, clawing at her out of jealousy or purring sympathetic but catty support. Once her growth had stabilized, she had become a girl of average height with honey-blond hair, vibrant blue eyes and with monster girl boobs. Haley still got more attention from the boys than she really wanted and some of the girls never got over the fact that she had out grown them, so to speak.

Yet it was her father's behavior during this whole trauma that caused her the most pain. He didn't even notice she was changing! On one hand, Haley was glad that he was unobservant because her rapid breast development was so embarrassing but it also bothered her that he was unaware that his little girl was growing up. It was partially her fault but still... he was her Dad!

Once her boobies had pretty much stopped swelling, Haley discovered just how little her father paid attention to her. He was very drunk when he came walking into the kitchen carrying one of Haley's latest bras and laughing. "What the hell is this?"

Embarrassed, Haley snatched the bra from his hand. "It's my underwear, as you know Dad!"

Tim turned his bleary, unfocused eyes upon her as if seeing her for the first time, or since his eyes were riveted on her chest, seeing them for the first time. "When did this happen? When did my little girl become... well, a big girl?" His amusement faded after a second and a measure of chill returned to his voice. "I guess you take after your mother in lots of ways, hmmm."

Haley and her dad didn't have a relationship. Her mom had divorced her Dad for having an affair. Haley had taken her mother's side. Her mother died in a car accident in the midst of the divorce proceedings. Haley had went to live with her father again but it was never quite a home. Although her father's anger faded, his sense of betrayal at Haley having taken Francine's side never quite did. After Francine's death her computer's history, emails, and phone records revealed that she had the one who had been having an affair, although strictly online. Once she had gotten a huge divorce settlement Francine had planned to move with Haley to another state, which is why she needed both sole custody and to financially take Tim to the cleaners. Her online lover had coached her on how to deal with Tim.

In the early days after becoming a single parent, Tim still felt enraged that Haley betrayed him. Over the years much of his icy rage had thawed but their relationship was still very distant. He avoided her and they never did anything together.

Haley had apologized to her father once the truth about Francine's adultery came out. He shrugged it off. After a year of living as strangers in their home, Haley tried to bridge the gap between them. When she attempted to spend time with her dad every overture she made was rebuffed. He avoided her just as she had avoided him during the year of divorce.

Finally, she grabbed him as he was leaving for work one morning and pleaded with her father to please, please go back to the way things were before the divorce. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her away from him. "Baby girl, we will never be that way again. Any love I felt for you died the second you took your mother's side! You live here because of my parental obligation. Never forget that. Nor forget that you owe me!."

Part of her died inside that day. There was a void in her that she tried to cover by being the best student and the best behaved daughter that she could. She always had hopes that her father would someday start loving her again.

Even though she lived in the same house with her dad, Haley was pretty much on her own. They communicated by note. She had to learn to do her own laundry and they lived on take-out and microwave dinners. Haley taught herself to cook and left notes about what she wanted from the store. Her dad did her grocery shopping for her until she was in high school. He did not allow her to get a job and her allowance consisted of pre-paid cards with enough to do her grocery and necessary clothes shopping and pay for meals at school. As peace offerings, she made meals for him and left them for him but they went untouched.

They ate their meals separately and pretty much lived separate lives. Her dad gave her a strict curfew, which Haley followed without incident. She hoped that perfect behavior would show her dad that she was a perfect daughter. Her dad didn't have much of a social life outside of work. Usually, he went to the gym so even in his early forties, he was still toned and muscular except for a genetic tummy pooch and receding hair. On rare occasions, he went out for drinks with co-workers.

Haley liked those occasions because the only times her father showed any interest or the slightest expression of affection towards Haley was on the few occasions he was drunk. While many people became mean drunks, Tim was the opposite of that, he became a congenial drunk. It was as if the steel door of his emotions cracked for a second, just enough to show the human being still inside.

The bra incident, as Haley thought of it, proved her dad had pretty much ignored her for years. Haley was shocked and hurt that her father hadn't even noticed her development. However after that day, after he finally noticed how, well, big she had gotten, there seemed a change in their relationship. He was still rather icy towards her but he looked at her more often. She had mixed feelings about this because the way he looked at her seemed to be a combination of irritation and male appreciation for her female attributes. While she loved that her father was finally paying some attention to her his obvious male interest in her was unsettling, if a bit flattering. At first, she thought perhaps she was imagining the latter until two weeks after the bra incident when her father sat down at the table while she was eating supper. Usually, they each ate alone. Her father was not drunk but he seemed friendlier towards her. What he said shocked her to her core.

"Are you a good girl Haley?"

Haley at first wondered what had brought that on. She had never given him any reason to think otherwise. She didn't do drugs, not even the pot. And even though he didn't restrict her access she didn't even watch porn.

"Yes, Dad, I'm a good girl."

"I mean, of course, are you still a virgin or are you slutting around like your mother."

Haley felt a flash of anger at this. Of course, she was still a virgin! And her mother hadn't exactly slutted around. Her affair with the catfisher had been virtual and non-physical.

"Yes I'm a virgin!" she snapped a bit peevishly.

Tim smiled slightly. "Good. Keep it that way. Remember how even though you turned against me I still took you back? Well, you owe me, honey. Daddy is gonna collect. Daddy's gonna do things to you."

Haley could not even answer that. She look at her father like he had gone crazy. Perhaps he had.

"Right after you turn 19, Daddy is gonna pop your cherry and really do things to you." Tim said with a fond smile. Then his eyes became glacial and his smile disappeared. "Don't you even think about having someone else do things to you before me, baby girl!

A spike of fear went through Haley as she realized her father was not making some sick joke. He meant what he said. As soon as she turned 19 he was going to have sex with her. With a sob, she ran from the table and up to her room to cry.

Although he never did anything overtly sexual, such as an inappropriate touch, over the next two months her father would occasionally walk to where she was standing and say something to her. At first, it was relatively tame but as time went by his statements became even more explicit.

Shortly after the first mention of his intention he leaned over while she was eating her breakfast and whispered softly, "Hey baby girl, in just 60 days Daddy is gonna make you his woman." His threat sent a spike of fear through her but his words, his woman... gave her an odd flutter. Haley was smart enough to know that those words stirred something in her because they implied a relationship with her father. And a relationship is something she desperately yearned to have.

Three weeks later while she was in the laundry room, he leaned against the dryer and watched her sort the laundry for a moment. When she got to her undies and began sorting them out his eyebrows raised as she picked up her bras. Then he said, "Fourteen days, sweetie. Fourteen days until Daddy and you. Pop.... moan moan moan.... ooooh Daaddyyy!" He then walked out of the laundry whistling that ominous song from Kill Bill. Haley was unsettled by this encounter, mostly because she didn't find the prospect of her dad taking her cherry quite as frightening as she had before.

The intensity of his gaze made Haley all fluttery inside. The major portion, of course, was anxiety and fear caused by his threat but part of it was arousal.

Days after that he surprised her by picking her up from one of her soccer games. Although the ride home was silent, as they drove up the driveway he turned to her and said, "Eight days and eight inches from now baby girl and you'll be screaming Daddy's name!."

Haley looked over and saw the huge bulge in her father's crotch. She gulped. Just thinking about sex with her had made him hard! She dashed into the house. However, this time, just like the past couple of times, in addition to making her nervous, her daddy's stated intention made her aroused.

Six days before her birthday, Haley was coming out of the bathroom after taking a shower, her Dad was waiting outside of the bathroom. His eyes roamed over her like he had x-ray vision and could see underneath her robe. And the intensity of that scrutiny made her all swoony." Little girl, when Daddy makes you his woman, he wants you to look like a woman. He wants to be surrounded by a golden furry muff."

Haley stood transfixed, stunned by how excited and stimulated those words had made her. Part of her wanted the long wait to be over.

In the time since her father had announced he was going to pop her cherry Haley had accepted the inevitability of her fate. Her father was going to have sex with her and take her virginity, she did not doubt that this would happen. As her 19th birthday approached her mind kept dwelling on the image of her father's sausage sliding inside her muffin. The thought filled her with some dread, fear, and if she had to be honest with herself, a great deal of excitement and anticipation. Many nights she awoke bathed in sweat from dreams about her and her dad. More often than not her sheets were drenched. She wasn't certain if the moisture was all from perspiration.

Two days before her birthday, Tim grabbed Haley around the waist and hugged her to him. Haley felt a thrill as his strong arms pulled her against his chest. "Are you ready, sweetheart? Hmmm, are you ready to be 19 and feel Daddy so deep inside that it will tickle your tonsils?"

Haley shivered and she breathed shakily. As she did she unconsciously and almost inaudibly whispered, "Yesss, Daddy."

Tim released her and gave her an icy, satisfied smile.

As the day approached, Haley's dread and fear were practically nil as a burgeoning desire overshadowed them. If it was inevitable, she figured she might as well enjoy it. Besides, maybe her dad was right. Maybe she did owe him this. Haley knew that her father didn't view her as his beloved daughter. Because of his estrangement from her, he probably saw her as a living reflection of her mother. He wanted to fuck Haley because he felt no fatherly affection for her and because of her resemblance to Francine. Haley felt that if this was the only way that her daddy could love her, well, she could accept it.

The day before her birthday she stood in front of the mirror and tried to make an unbiased assessment of herself. With a slight giggle, Haley had to admit she was as gorgeous as her Mom had been. Even discounting her big boobies she had a pretty face, a toned bod, and a nice little ass. All the guys at school had wanted to fuck her, even before she got the 40dds. Her dad didn't date hardly at all, so he had to be pretty pent up. It was little wonder, considering his disaffection for her, his undoubted horniness, and her attractiveness that he wanted to fuck her so badly.

The thought of her father wanting her made her nipples harden. Her father was an attractive man, tall and muscular; she even thought his little pot belly and receding hairline were cute. Haley watched her nipples engorge and become pencil erasers. She admitted to herself that she wanted to fuck him as well. Although she probably never would have thought about sex with her father under normal circumstances, his stated intention to fuck her had awakened her own lust for him. She knew that it was partially motivated by a lack of paternal love. Yet she also hoped that perhaps somehow this would rekindle her father's love for her. Haley was no longer just resigned to letting her daddy fuck her but she was actually looking forward to fucking him.

The only reservations she had at this point were about the actual act itself. Not so much the fact that it was going to be her father doing the deed but the deed itself. It was the physical act of sex that made her nervous. She had made preparations for the coming event, among them watching some pornos so she'd know what to expect and how to act. Much of her nervousness was because she didn't want to disappoint her father by being terrible at it. She hoped she would be good enough that this wouldn't be just a one-time event.

On the eve before her 19th birthday, Haley trimmed her bush a little, not so much that it didn't look full just enough that it didn't look like a wild forest. She hoped her father would like it. Afterwards she took a shower and spritzed herself with a little perfume and put on a sheer black baby doll with matching panties. She had to skip a lot of meals to buy that outfit. After some deliberation, she decided to take the panties off. No use in slowing things down, she thought with a small smile.

She then lay in her bed and tried to sleep. Unable to sleep she kept glancing at the clock. The hours crept by as she waited for that all-important midnight. The magical moment when she turned 19. When midnight rolled around nothing happened. She found herself growing ever more aroused at the thought of her dad coming into her room and taking her. Her nipples ached and her pussy felt like it was weeping with desire.

She waited and waited... but nothing. Finally, after a few hours, Haley felt her dad's big cock fill her and she screamed with ecstasy as he came. However, it was just a dream from which she awoke disappointed and unsatisfied.

Haley spent a restless night being unable to sleep due to being nervous and horny. Somewhat groggy she went downstairs still dressed in the sheer black baby doll but she also put on the panties. She thought perhaps her daddy was waiting to greet her at breakfast and would ravish her on the kitchen table like something out of a porno. The idea made her a little giddy.

Her father was already downstairs and dressed for work. He glanced at her dismissively and said, "You're late this morning. Better hurry if you're going to make it to school on time." As he finished his coffee he neither made any comment about Haley's attire nor made any move toward her. Haley felt, well, pretty put out by that. When he was walking out the door, he turned to say, "Since it's your 19th birthday today, I'll take you to a nice restaurant for dinner. Wear something nice and be ready by six."

Okay, she thought. Now I get it, he's going to make it romantic for us. Dinner and then lots of fucking. She giggled to herself.

Haley dressed in a tight blue dress that matched her eyes and showed plenty of thigh and lots of cleavage. Her bra-less breasts bounced around in the scoop neck like a couple of extra-sized grapefruits. However, her dad seemed oblivious to her obvious charms. The dinner was nice but as usual, her father ignored all her attempts to start a conversation. On the silent ride home Haley grew increasingly aroused, believing that once they were inside the house her dad would strip off her dress and claim her virginity as promised. Once they were in the house, her dad stopped her with a finger on her shoulder. Her heart hammered and a hot flush of desire swept through her. Tim leaned forward and said "Happy birthday!" However, that was the extent of their interaction.

Haley undressed for bed and this time lay naked on her bed, waiting. As she lay there her mind kept replaying all her father's innuendos over the past two months. She was frustrated and horny. Yes, she very much wanted it to happen. By ten in the evening, she was horny as hell from anticipating the big event and angry that nothing had happened.

She threw on a robe, strode down the hall, and threw open her father's bedroom door. He was sitting up reading a book, a sheet covering his lower torso, but his muscular and hairy chest was on full display for her. A warm flush swept through her.

"What the hell, Daddy! For two months you've been telling me that you were going to pop my cherry on my 19th birthday, that you were gonna make me your woman! Yet my birthday is almost over and nothing has happened!"

Her father closed his book and gave her a cold smile. "I never said that I would rape you or take you by force; only that it would happen. It has to be consensual but it will happen, won't it? Look at you, you're practically dripping for me." Her father put his book aside and then flipped the covers off of his legs, exposing his jutting, hard cock for Haley to see. That proud pink tower made her go weak in the knees. Her heart fluttered and her mouth and pussy watered.

"I will pop your cherry tonight. I will make you my woman. My cock will be deep inside your sweet golden pussy tonight. Because you want me to do things to you, don't you Franc... Haley?"

"Yes, because I love you so."

"Then come here and show me!" He took hold of his erection and wagged it at her. Despite still being cold and distant his eyes glimmered with interest and desire for her. Haley smiled inside.

Haley wasn't stupid. She knew that her dad had manipulated her to feel the way she did now. He had done it for some sick revenge against her and her mother. She knew he had twisted her mind and emotions and made her want and desire him. Yet she also knew the ultimate decision was hers. She could just turn away and he probably would never bother her again. However, despite knowing he had made her desire him, she also had real love for him. He was still her father and she did not want him out of her life. She wanted to be closer to him. She wanted to love him and he to love her. If sex was the closest they could get to affection, then this is how it would be.