Daisy's Retraining Pt. 07


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•Your new salary will be set at the minimum 80% of the Grade Value, namely £16,000 per annum. This is a reduction from your current salary of £49,500 per annum.

•You will dress in line with the criteria suggested by Mr. James which have been developed for your company at work

◦Green long sleeved gingham dress, purple V neck cardigan with company badge and on the back the word "Failure", green ankle socks with purple trim and brown laced shoes to beworn during the period from October to March. For the period April to September uniform will be grey blouse, green pinafore dress with pleated skirt, purple knee socks, same purple cardigan and brown laced shoes.

◦Hair worn in pig tails or a pony tail, no jewelry or make-up to be worn.

•You will be inspected regularly by your colleagues as they see fit to ensure compliance.

•Work will be allocated and reviewed on a daily basis or more frequently by your supervisor.

•You will address all of your colleagues as Sir and Maam and any visitors you may interact with.

•In addition you will be assigned activities on one of the company's projects in the local community of at least 10 hours per week. You will dress in your uniform at all times whilst performing these activities.

•Your new conditions will be posted to everyone in the office and you will personally describe these to your fellow employees.

You will remain under these conditions for six months at which point your performance will be reviewed. If your performance has not met the required standards then you will be returned to the Institution for a period of not less than six months. If your performance is deemed to be adequate then the clothing restrictions may be removed and you will continue in your new role as an Administrative Assistant. Any future progression will be via the normal processes. This means together with your time in the Reform institution you will have at least four years more work experience before you are even considered as a potential project manager again, if ever. Are you clear of the disciplinary measures you will be subject to after release Douglas?"

Daisy's head dropped forward as she received her sentence, tears flowed from her eyes but she said nothing. She knew any response would be futile and result in even further punishment. She had been completely demeaned over the last months and now she was to undergo an almost incomprehensible level of public humiliation. She knew however to resist would be stupid - her work contract meant she would have to serve this list of penances. If she didn't she would be open to criminal proceedings and past cases had shown that those given these types of sentences following periods of penance they had accepted in order to preserve their careers, as Daisy had, were dealt with severely by the courts. Normally resulting in a custodial sentence and a criminal record.

"Yes Maam, thank-you Maam my punishments are clear to me," Daisy replied.

Mr. Hamilton completed her humbling, "Your behavior here has been inadequate and you have been severely and deservedly disciplined. I am delighted that Mrs. Bowles, on behalf of the company, has further developed concepts which will ensure that the lessons you need to learn will be enforced even further over the coming months and that your example may prevent others from the same immature mistakes. Miss Hayes could you take Douglas to matron for release. You will find girl a set of uniform clothing for your work conditions there to be worn on your journey home. Your set of clothing from arrival has been given to charity. I do hope not to see you here again child."

Daisy was marched from the room and to the Matron's room with her hands still on her head. In front of the Matron she was ordered to strip. At least there was some relief at the thought that she was removing her institution uniform for the final time. First she took off her grey institution cardigan followed by the matching grey wool waistcoat and carefully buttoned and folded each item. She did not want to break any rules at this stage. Daisy unbuttoned and removed her light blue institution tunic before again carefully buttoning and folding it neatly under the watchful supervision of the Matron. Finally she undid her institution tie and unbuttoned her yellow institution shirt. At least she would not have to endure the discomfort of the tight starched collar biting into her neck, as it had been for the last three or more months, leaving it red raw from the constant friction. One by one she removed her yellow wool institution knee socks and shoes.

The Matron stopped her at this point making her stand to attention once more with her hands on her head and only her navy institution knickers protecting any of her modesty.

"Right knickers off child and stand to attention hands on your head," she was directed.

Daisy was stood with only the chastity belt left between her and being stood stark naked in front of the Matron. The Matron went behind her and Daisy felt and heard the unlocking and release of the clasp holding the belt in place as it had been for the past six months. She remained still as the belt was removed from around her waist and between her legs. She felt a sense of relief as air flowed freely between her legs. If she had not been still under the supervision of the Matron Daisy knew she would have already have stuck her own fingers in her clit and begun pleasuring herself. If she had known what was yet to come she might have taken the chance anyway.

Daisy stood naked as ordered, the months of being told exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it finally had brought a level of compliance to her behavior that even the imminent public humiliation she was about to endure did not raise enough ire to break.

"I see you are to have the humbling experience of wearing your new work uniform on your way home today. Your employer has certainly chosen to make an example of you. Apparently you are free to choose your underwear but since you have none here we are providing some second hand knickers for your journey home. Put these on?" Matron ordered Daisy pointing to the green institution knickers she had just thrown on the floor in front of her.

Daisy bent down and pulled them on. They were of the same design she had endured throughout her confinement. The thick elastics around the waist and legs bit into her skin. These were followed by pair of ribbed green ankle socks with purple trim and brown laced shoes. The shoes were plain with rounded toes and rubber soles. Daisy realized that anyone seeing them as she just had would be thinking "reform girl's institution shoes." Next she was handed a green long sleeved gingham dress - no element of its design was to spare the wearer the intended humiliation including the uncomfortable polycotton material it was made from. The buttons ran the full length of the front from neck to just below the knees and Daisy slowly buttoned each of the ten buttons finishing with the one at the collar which closed it tightly around her neck. She buttoned the dress on each wrist cuff so that the sleeves remained fixed. Finally the purple V neck cardigan with company badge and on the back the word "Failure" sown on in big green letters. Daisy pulled it on, the heavy wool pressing her dress against her. It reached to about six inches above the line of her Gingham dress. Daisy buttoned the cardigan again counting the buttons as she did so - six. She had learnt to count the numerous buttons on her uniform clothing in order to minimize any repetition of the failure which had led to her severe additional punishment during her sentence.

"At the moment your hair is too short for a pony tail or pig tails but as soon as this is possible you must wear your hair as directed. Right girl put your hands on your head and stand in front of the mirror," the Matron directed her.

Daisy stared at herself uniformed in the mirror. The initial impact was the intended one, she looked not like a 25 year old professional but like a 16 year old girl being punished by wearing a schoolgirl type institution uniform.

"Well you certainly will not be able to hide away from your colleagues I am sure. Still that is what you deserve and hopefully the discomfort and humiliation you experience over the coming months will be a deterrent to others. Now stand there so that you fully understand how immature and stupid you look and hence how others will deservedly be treating you," the Matron cruelly smiling at her humiliating predicament.

Daisy stood for fifteen minutes taking in the full extent of her status and as others would soon see her in public.

She was then marched to the institution entrance and given a bus ticket.

"You know your way to the town from your public display punishment. The bus you need to catch leaves in two hours so you need to walk quickly. I am sure with everyone staring at you child you will soon start to regret your misbehavior even further. Now go!" Commanded the Matron.

As Daisy began her first public humiliating walk alone Sophie Ellis was being summonsed into Miss Davis's office for receipt of punishment for her outburst at her end of sentence hearing.

Miss Davis began, "You know why you are here Ellis?"

"Yes Maam," she replied her voice lifeless at the thought of what she was going to be made to suffer.

"Anything to say for yourself you ignorant little girl? Insolence to the Headmaster and myself, insolence to a member of the public, speaking without being spoken to, speaking without using Sir or Maam correctly, trying to avoid punishment, failing to recognize your need for punishment. For any single one of these offences you would be punished severely for such an outburst the penance will be more severe than each one in isolation, will be increased for the disrepute you have brought upon the institution and for the fact that after 8 months of discipline you should have known better - do you understand girl?"

"Yes Maam, I am sorry Maam," Ellis spoke meekly and apologetically in the vain hope that it would make her predicament no worse than she had come to realize as she had stood outside Miss Davis's office.

Miss Davis continued, "Punishment is as follows Ellis. Uniform - All woollen Winter uniform - woolen institution knickers, knee socks, shirt and tie, institution tunic, waistcoat, V-neck and round neck cardigans. Uniform to be worn 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Toilet visits limited to one per day at a time of supervisors choosing. You will use a potty in front of your fellow dormitory members. You will have a large anal dildo fixed to your chastity belt so that you have some extra discomfort to deal with at all times. Stand at all times in all lessons. Mouth washed out with soap and water after each meal and before bed every day. Two hours extra drill and inspection every morning. No hygiene privileges or clothing change for the duration of the punishment. Public display every week. You will wear a pacifier in your mouth when in public to avoid any possibility of speaking without permission. Gruel only - twice per day. You will wear a board around your neck except at night with written on it, "I am an insolent and naughty little girl". Corporal punishment - ten strokes of the strap to the behind in institution assembly once per week for the duration of your sentence. Five minute minimum spanking with hairbrush across your bare behind in front of your dormitory twice per week."

Sophie's head was spinning with the endless list of sanctions but Miss Davis had not finished.

"Corporal punishment - Twenty strokes of the heavy strap to your bare behind at institution assembly tomorrow morning. Your punishment will last four months. Your sentence obviously is now extended and for any offence I always like to see a period of good behavior before any inmate is released. Given the severity of these offences this period needs to be long before you can even be deemed fit to appear before the end of sentence panel. Your sentence is increased from 8 to 20 months," Miss Davis applied the huge increase in sentence length without even taking a breath.

Sophie swayed at the thought of another year in confinement but she did not have time to consider for long as the sanctions on her continued.

"I am also directing that upon release that your conditions be as a minimum more severe than those which would have been applied today and that this should include wearing of an institution type uniform. The period of punishment to be not less than one year. I will not have a stupid little girl like you damage this institution's reputation or believe that she can be released before learning her lesson. I will give you an application of the strap to your behind immediately to ensure you understand the consequences of your failures and make you more sensitive to your strapping in front of the institution tomorrow. Is the sentence clear child?" Miss Davis finished sternly.

"Yes Maam. Thank-you Maam," Ellis replied.

"Take off your sweatshirt and dress and bend over this chair child," Miss Davis ordered.

Sophie did as she had been directed and she was soon bent over the chair back stretching downwards and holding onto the legs. Her knickers were stripped down and left around one of her ankles.

"After each stroke I want to hear, "One stroke, thank-you Maam I deserve to be punished for my shameful behaviour, please continue my beating until I have been taught my lesson", is that clear child? Any failure to comply and I will apply still further strokes."

"Yes Maam," Sophie replied trying to grit her teeth in the face of the beating to come.

The strokes came methodically across Sophie's behind. She counted the strokes as required struggling to complete the thanks with each passing stroke.

"Eight strokes, thank-you Maam I deserve to be punished for my shameful behaviour, please continue my beating until I have been taught my lesson."

"Nine strokes, thank-you Maam I deserve to be punished for my shameful behaviour, please continue my beating until I have been taught my lesson."

The strapping continued until finally, "Fifteen strokes, thank-you Maam I deserve to be punished for my shameful behaviour, please continue my beating until I have been taught my lesson." Sophie gasped for breath the pain searing across her behind and thighs.

The thought of four months of weekly strappings and spankings was too much to imagine and it was her fault. By now she could have left the institution even in the designated outfit whereas now it would be a least another year and she would at best be leaving in the same and probably worse. The next few moments demonstrated that things would be much less forgiving.

"Legs apart girl, come on further," Miss Davis tapped the inside of Sophie's thighs so that she spread her feet wide apart whilst remaining doubled across the chair back.

"Right now a few more strokes to the insides of your thighs. I want you to be under no illusion that you are hard enough not to be disciplined here."

Sophie knew she was not and she was certainly about to have that confirmed.

"Right child continue the count," Miss. Davis directed as she moved in front of Sophie that the belt struck across the behind and down into the inner thighs.

"Sixteen strokes, thank-you Maam I deserve to be punished for my shameful behaviour, please continue my beating until I have been taught my lesson," Sophie could barely get the words out as the leather bit into her tender inner thighs.

The next few strokes delivered the same excruciating pain.

Finally what was to be the final stroke was delivered, "Twenty-five strokes, thank-you Maam I deserve to be punished for my shameful behaviour, please continue my beating until I have been taught my lesson."

"I hope this makes clear to you the penalty you will be paying for your misbehavior this afternoon as well as ensuring that your strapping in front of the institution tomorrow is an even more painful and salutary lesson. I have also agreed, at Mrs. Peters request, to have you photographed in your new uniform together with details of your punishment. She is going to recommend to management that this be circulated to all staff to demonstrate your punishment, as a further deterrent to misbehavior for you and as an example to others. Right take her to Matron for uniforming. You can stay without your dress and sweatshirt as they are too much of a privilege for someone like you and leave your knickers around your ankles."

As Ellis was punished, Daisy moved quickly down the road she did not want to miss the bus nor spend longer in sight than necessary. She certainly did not want to be late to work the next day either despite the humiliation she knew would face her there. The wind was blowing strongly and only the cardigan gave Daisy any protection from the biting cold. Her flimsy dress blew upwards exposing her institution knickers. She moved quickly onwards little realizing that there was more punishment to come.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Has there been any further stories in this set? I think having institutions like this for both young men and women might have suitably deterrent effect on arrogant misbehaviour from overly opinionated and entitled individuals. I am sure Daisy would have found her public reintroduction her workplace as humiliating as her experience in the Reform school.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Has there been any more additions to this story under a different title? I am sure Daisy being paraded publicly dressed as schoolgirl will provide some excellent opportunities for her to learn from humiliation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Continue the story please

It has been hard to believe that there have been no deaths caused by the brutal beatings given out by the prison guards. I probably would have lost my mind with the mind numbing work, punishments, and helpful beatings, to attack someone. I wonder how some girls keep their sanity. Oh well, it is a fantasy and hopefully we will not develop into this kind of society. Would like to find out how Daisy copes in the working world and that she is able to come out with dignity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Will be interesting to see how her coworkers and now new superiors exployt and humiliate Daisy

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Please continue this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank You ... hoping for more

Definitely, this erotic fantasy appeals ony to a niche audience ... you might hate the fetish/genre but there is no specific reason to hate the writing or writer.

It certainly has a well-crafted plot line with many twists and turns ... Though, I have to admit the apealing writing pulled me forward despite the fact that some fetish elements of the scenario are not really appealing to me. One factor is I clearly perceive it as a strange, unrealistic fantasy.

Let's just say, if the narrative were ported into pictures or RL its appeal would evaporate fast for me ... That somehow it works well in print is worth a compliment to the writer.

Thanks and looking forward to more plot twist and tuns.

lowradiationlowradiationover 5 years ago
This is very well written

I like this a lot

Why would people bother commentating negatively on this story? What purpose does it serve, especially when thy do so anonymously?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Describes a harsh and unfair world

Clear that the motivation here is for these ladies to try and keep their jobs, minimise further public humiliation or incarceration in this institute and/or end up in the criminal justice system. Shoes what could happen if employers are too powerful and aided by the law.

I find it quite interesting and the detailed descriptions of punishments are excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This is the worse thing I have ever started to read

Pure trash with no plot or story

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
so now they're openly demoting and stealing from employees

What exactly is the motivating to accept all the abuse and humiliation?

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