Damn Ch. 03


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"Oh come on Kay Kay. It's fine. Its not like Alec's going to be there or anything. Besides you took a shower before you went to bed. You'll be fine." Dylan checked the time on the wall. "Crap we need to hurry her shifts almost over." He mumbled. Still Kayla caught it and snorted.

"You're only taking me out to breakfast so you can get into your flavour of the weeks pants?"

"She's not the flavour of this week." Dylan retorted looking genuinely upset. "Hopefully she'll be next weeks flavour. God willing." He walked out of the room leaving her sputtering for a response. His laughter floating down the hallway.

"You are such a whore!" she shouted out her door before she shut it to change. She looked at the clock and groaned. "Damn it. Why does your flavour have to work at a time when people should be sleeping? And when I say people I mean me."


The car ride to the restaurant had Dylan nearly gripping his head. Kayla sat in her seat mumbling rather loudly about how he could have went by himself.

"I don't even want to eat breakfast." She said indignantly as he pulled up to park.

"Jeez ok." Dylan said interrupting her tirade. "I just want you to scope out the Janet with your woman-dar or whatever you call it and see if she's cool people ok?"

"Well you could have said that." Kayla got out of the car and headed towards the building. Still she was mumbling under her breath and calling him every childish name in her book.

After they were seated Kayla sifted through the menu.

"Ok D. I'm not upset with you for waking me up anymore. They serve cheesecake in the morning."

Dylan smirked. "I can not wait till you get insanely obese. So I can laugh and say 'I told you so fatty'."

The waiter came and left with their orders. Kayla watched as Dylan looked around the room looking for, Janet or Jennifer.So this is why I'm here to scope out the girl with him.She shook her head a bit, she thought she caught a scent of stink wafting off of her so she leaned in to check. Dylan noticed Kayla sniffing herself inconspicuously and swallowed a chuckle.

This is going to be fun.He thought as he cleared his throat.

"Oh my God." Kayla snapped her head up and looked at him. "Isn't that.... Alec?" She whipped her head around so fast that he though she might have whiplash.

"Where? Where is he?" Kayla stuttered looking around like a maniac. Slowly she noticed he wasn't there and turned towards Dylan who was pointing and laughing. "You prat!"

"Ah ha. You're just jealous I'm so amazing."

Before she could respond a waitress sauntered up to the table. Kayla smiled. She quickly read her nametag.Oh her name is Janet not Jennifer. Thank God he's off his blonde stage.So this girl was really pretty Kayla conceded. She had shoulder length auburn curls, hazel eyes, soft freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheek, and a slight flush of pink tinting her skin. Good now all she needed to do was pass every other test.

"Dylan." The voice oozed out of the girl making Kayla shudder, and not visibly she hoped.Uhh that's a definite strike.The girl looked her up and down and smiled forcefully. "I didn't know you mixed and matched."

"Wow!" slipped out of Kayla before she could stifle it.But seriously wow.She thought.Did she just....The look on Dylan's face confirmed her though before she completed it.

"Hiya Janet. I'm Kayla, Dylan's little sister." The girls jaw dropped. "Although he has mixed and matched. I've seen him play the lotto. And he is prone to wear two different socks sometimes. So I think that counts as mixing and matching."

Janet looked from Dylan to Kayla searching for a resemblance. Dylan's jaw started to twitch.

"Is she really your sister?" Janet asked hoping he wouldn't be upset about her previous statement. He didn't get to respond for a while as their waiter came and dropped off their food. Dylan dug into his pancakes and ignored Janet.

"Dylan?" she called again. Heat rushed up his neck and Kayla shifted uncomfortably. Now she felt bad for the poor girl.Please run girly. Or walk away really quickly.

"Do you think I'm going to actually or speak to you after what you just said to her? No one speaks to my family like that. Now get out of here so we can eat in peace." Janet huffed and walked away. Dylan sank into his seat slightly defeated and returned to eating his pancakes.

"I'm not sure you should continue to blow chicks off like that for me." Kayla said quietly after moments of intense silence, filled only with the clattering of their utensils.

"What? You're kidding me right? First off Kay, you're my family. Why would I date....." Kayla raised an eyebrow. "Err... and practice my art with someone who wouldn't want to be around you? And secondly it's my life... sex life. I have a right to deny access to the pleasure train all I want."

"Ugh... I can't believe you still call yourself the pleasure train."

"And I can't believe that you're eating cheesecake for breakfast. Besides, it holds true today as it did when I first started calling myself that."

"Ugh sick... anyways how did you meet Janet?"

"Yoga!" Kayla choked on her drink. He couldn't be serious could he?

"Yoga?" Dylan nodded washing down a mouthful of pancakes with his juice.

"Its where I find all the uhmm... supple ones."

"Oh God." Kayla cringed. "I'm sorry I asked."


"Come on." Becca practically dragged him through the front doors. "My stomach is growling with a fury." Alec practically had to jog to keep up with her.

"Are you seriously that hungry?" She cast him an angry glance. "Of course your that hungry how silly of me to think that a girl of you size doesn't eat almost 12 meals a day."

"Don't be silly." She said as the hostess seated them. "I only eat about 5 meals a day. Roughly."

"Only about 5 eh? Did you know the average American eats 2-3 meals a day." He ran his hands through his hair and shook his head.

"That just means I'm way above average doesn't it." She laughed as he curled his lip in feigned disgust. She leaned in to ask him more about this mystery girl, but lost the chance when their waitress walked up angrily towards them.

"Hi my name is Janet. What do you want?" she snarled out with a plastered smile on her face.There it goes again, another one who mixes and matches.

"Jeez, aren't you supposed to ask if we want something to drink while we look at the menu's or something along those lines?" Becca asked startled by her rudeness. Alec kicked her under the table. "Ouch." she turned towards him. "Well it was rude how she said it."

"Yeah well maybe she's having a hard day. Leave her alone." Janet smiled slightly at his comment.

"Sorry, I just got dumped, or something along those lines seeing as we weren't really dating." Becca immediately looked sympathetic.

"Can you sit down for a while doll? We could listen to your story if you want." Janet smiled and looked between both of them. The gorgeous man didn't look upset at all at her intrusion. Which probably meant that they weren't an item. She whispered thanks to whoever was listening.

"Yeah just for a little bit." She sidled up next to Alec. "Well you see that table over there." She pointed towards Kayla and Dylan. "Me and Dylan have been.. well seeing each other for a while. And he surprised me by bringing another girl with him to the restaurant. He's never around another girl when he comes to see me. And of course instant jealousy. So I said some unattractive things about it. And she turns and tells me that's her brother. Like I am really that stupid. And the worst part is that he said that they we're related as well. They don't have any similarities. I can't believe I'm in love with a cheater, and a liar. Just my luck eh?"

"Oh love that's terrible." Becca said kicking Alec under the table so he would agree also. He quickly nodded his head and cast a half smile at Janet. She beamed in delight.

"I know. And what's worse is I always liked the name Kayla and now I hate it." At that Alec and Becca choked. His Kayla and that guy.... Er Dylan were here? It must be destiny. Or God really liked toying with him.

"What table did you say it was again?" Alec asked hoping not to appear to eager in front of Becca. Knowing her she would run over to the table and declare his undying love for her. Or something equally as terrifying and embarrassing.

"That one over there." Janet huffed out pointing again. "And can you believe it, she's eating cheesecake for breakfast!"

Alec followed the direction her finger was pointing and he felt his heart race. She was here. His Kayla was here. He couldn't figure out what to do.Stay calm. Don't let Becca know its her.He schooled his features, but when he looked at Becca he realized it was too late she saw. The twinkle in her eye, and her mouth curved into a partial smirk made him want to sink into his chair. Janet stood up and wiped her hands on her apron.

"Thanks for listening. Anyways, are you ready to order?" She smiled, happy that she got a bit of her anger off her chest. For a moment Alec was happy, the twinkle had left Becca's eyes as she rambled off what she wanted. Janet took their orders and walked towards the back and left them alone again.

"Sooooooooo." Becca said after a long silence. "That lovely 'curvy' creature over there is Kayla?"

Alec cleared his throat. "So are you still with that douche?"

"This isn't me time Alec. It's all about you and Kayla." Becca said shaking her head. She did not want to get into an argument about Richard today.

"Nope. You got to ask me about a million questions its only fair I get my turn." In truth he didn't really want to know if she was dating that ass. It made him wonder how a woman as smart as her could fall for such a worthless scumbag. Every time she talked about him, it made him want to backhand her. He couldn't help but question how she didn't see it as well.Love is blind my ass. Sometimes love has an IQ of 2.

"Yes I am still dating Richard." Alec opened his mouth and Becca held out her hand. "Before you ask. No he hasn't cheated on me again." He opened his mouth again. "And no he hasn't hit me again either. Okay. We're doing fine. He loves me."

Alec wanted to scream, and throw some tables. And possibly throw Richard out of a helicopter with no parachute. He wanted to tell her that she was just being used as a punching bag. But that conversation always got them nowhere but angry at each other. So he swallowed harshly and forced what he hoped was a smile.

"Well that's good to know." He felt himself whisper through clenched teeth. They sat in awkward silence for a while before Becca smiled slightly.

"I'll be right back Scruffy ok?" She stood up and Alec nodded. He almost didn't notice her canary smile, but when he did he stood up as well.

"Don't you dare."

"You can't stop me." She said singsong like. "Besides if you did try to I would make a worse fuss over here and see how far that gets you with your soon to be lady friend." She turned and walked away leaving Alec staring daggers into her back.


"Don't look now. But I'm pretty sure that your boy-toy is here." Dylan said peering over her shoulder.

"Can it D. I'm not going to fall for it again." Kayla said savoring her bite of mouthwatering cheesecake.If only I could eat this for every meal.

"Fine don't believe me!" he said. "But I'm seriously......." His breathe caught in his throat as he watched what he would only describe as an angel walk delicately towards the table.

"Excuse me loves can I ask you a question?" Dylan felt heat rush through his body. She would have a soft husky voice with a British accent to boot. He nodded dumbly mouth agape.

""I was wondering if you two were a couple? Because my friend is very interested in you." She nodded her head towards Kayla. Dylan finally shut his mouth and smirked. He saw what table the angel came from. And it was occupied by one very agitated looking Alec.

"Dylan's.. my 'brother'. And I'm flattered about your friend, really. Although I'm single, I'm not quite interested in dating a stranger."

"Yes you are Kay." He turned towards Becca and cleared his throat. "What's yours and your friends name?"

"My names Becca, and.." she leaned in conspiratorially. "my friends name is Alec."

Kayla panicked and looked around.Maybe this was another....Her eyes connected with vivid blue eyes. Nope it was her Alec. And from what she could tell he was staring as well. She gave him a little wave and he blushed and turned away. She turned back and saw to smirking faces directed at hers.

Thank God you can't see me blushing.She thought as heat rushed to her face.

"See I told you." Dylan said smartly, casting subtle glances at Becca. Kayla looked at Dylan and returned his smirk with a wide smile. She knew what was up. He was on his best behaviour. No snarky comments aimed her way. She just knew he was trying to win over the beauty standing next to the table.

"So, would you like to join us at our table. You seem to have finished eating. Although you would have to deal with watching us eat. But I'm sure that we could all find something to speak about." Becca said gesturing towards her table where the waiter just placed down her food. Her stomach rumbled and she placed a hand over it laughing. Dylan thought he had died and went to heaven, he felt tingles all over his body. "Its time for me to go eat. But do consider joining us." She headed away and Dylan's head trailed her ever movement.

"Shut your mouth Dylan. I think you may be drooling." He snapped his head back and pretend to be checking out their receipt. "Ugh you don't fool me you whore. Just don't mess around with her. She seems like she aims for more than a week long relationship."

Dylan's anger surged. Was he really that bad? Well maybe he hadn't had a relationship last more than a few weeks for a few years. But that didn't make him ineligible to date certain people.

"Oh D. I didn't mean it like you're a terrible person. I think your just looking for what you want. Which is cliché in itself to say but.. I think that Becca seems like an amazing person. And I don't want her to get sucked into the Dylan Pleasure Train and come out in a wreck like all the other girls." His face quickly heated and his jaw started to twitch. A tell tale sign that he was about to destroy her with a few words. So she quickly continued. "Its just that your so damn hard not to love. That and I'm pretty sure Janet is out in the back crying or something because she can't have a piece of you. Just figure out what you want.. and if it's her in the end, hell go for it."

His jaw relaxed and she let out a shaky breath. That could have ended badly for both of them. No need to draw up more emotions after their night.

"All you needed to say was like the last two things. Makes me sound like a terrible person." He mumbled into his cup as he took a sip and threw down some bills for their check. He stood up and gestured to her. "Lets go."

She followed him towards the front her head cast down so she could pass Alec's table in silence. She suddenly ran into Dylan's hard back.

"Hello Kayla." A familiar voice caressed her. She turned and raised her head. She grasped Dylan's forearm to keep herself steady as she looked into perfect blue eyes.

"Hey Alec." She turned and saw Dylan's smiling face.Oh that asshole.

"It would be a pleasure if we could sit with you." Dylan said acting way more gentlemanly than Kayla ever thought possible.

"Oh trust me the pleasures all mine." Alec responded gesturing to the seats, his eyes never leaving Kayla's.

Here we go again. Kayla thought as heat rushed through her body.Round three here I come.

Sorry again about the delay. Hopefully this chapter made up for it a bit. It took me a while to figure out both Kayla's and Dylan's situation. And even longer for me to write it in a way that I thought flowed. But thanks for reading, Let me know what you think.

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Comentarista82Comentarista82over 8 years ago

LOVE how you detailed Dylan, Kayla's and Becca's story--plus I LOVE how Becca is mixed race and got Dylan's attention! Only thing is while you described her as an angel and beautiful, I either missed her description or it's missing. Dylan and Kayla's stories grip us with how poignant they are. Love how you used Becca (a detail I couldn't see coming) to draw Alec to Kayla. Love Becca's character, Kayla's fire...and the whole story so far! A wonderful tale and a 5! :)

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago

Hope there will be lots more


Somebody needs a release soon...

SashasworldSashasworldalmost 13 years ago

i MIGHT have bloodied my lip a little in anticipation. This is turning out to be quite the love 'triangle' or hexagon so Richard wasn't that who KayKay got scarred by? beccas Dating him, but has known Alec all their lives, who Likes KayKay but whom he thinks is dating Dylan but is really just ' brother & sister' like him & becca But then Dylan likes Becca while Janet likes him. why do I feel like Janet & Richard will hook up & try to screw shit up for everyone. although we all know that Alec & KayKay will end up together & Dylan & becca & if Richard & Janet don't end up together Richard will be gay & HATE Janet who probably will get her ass kicked, not forgetting ' bimbo' hmm well maybe they'll end up as a dyke couple ' bimbo' & Janet

C_frommnC_frommnover 14 years ago
Very Good

Like the way things are Moving along . Now for everyone to figure out that Becca's Richard is the same as Kayla's Richard . they can go about getting Rid of an Vengence on Him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Here's my thinking...

Some folks want to read something that plays in their minds EXACTLY like a movie or television show. Problem with that is, a writer can only take it so far. After that, it's on the reader's good imagination to do the rest. Granted, you could use a bit of editing, I think some folks are just a might too lazy to put forth much effort in reading.

Having said that, good start so far. Not really happy about the cliffhanger bit, but it's your story. I just hope the next chapter isn't too far off...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I like this story

Is Richard the same guy that cut Kayla? If it is Becca is in real trouble dating that loser. I think that Kayla and Alex will make a great couple. I was stunned by Dylan's story about his parents were so abusive to him and for his mother to step over his body WTF? She needs to be thrown under the jail house and for the possible sperm donor to do what he did to a child even if the child is not his was wrong. He should have taken his anger out on his ho of a wife...their child was innoncent.

Thanks for a great read and update soon.

LunanoireLunanoireabout 15 years ago
Like puzzles

I, for one, like all the trails you leave. I don't mind working for the story. You characters are engaging, if a bit tentative at times. Many typos!

fightfirewithwaterfightfirewithwaterabout 15 years agoAuthor
to the huh commentor..

Well thanks for being honest. But really constructive criticism helps a lot more than just plain criticism. So for the next commentors that want to tell me it's bad. Feel free to do so, just send me some feedback as in how to make it better. It may be something I will change, or not, you never know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Lol its probably Richard. Whats the odds? Look I understand ur concept and I see where you heading with this but its not grabbing me. Im not really connecting with the characters. Too many loose ends all over the place. Keep it simple and light. No need to use a jargon of words to make a point. Thanx... Cat

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