Dan's Story Pt. 03 - Everything Goes Awry


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Marie: (tousling his hair) "Oh Dan! We'll think of something I'm sure, but I don't think we'll have to." Marie has always abstained from alcohol when she was pregnant but she manages to get a sip or two of his coffee laced with Drambuie before he finishes it.


They managed to get all their unpacking done today and the storm has blown itself out last night so Dan asks Marie if she's up for the dance at the base. She calls Betty, who loves the idea, and they all four have come out to the mixed wet canteen.

There's a good crowd and Dan dances with Marie and Betty. He's having a good time dancing with Betty when he glances at the door and sees Sam coming in with a girl on his arm. She's radiant, glowing, gorgeous and every other superlative he can think of because she's Irene. He stares and Betty looks around to see what he's gopping at.

Betty: "Dan! What are you staring at. Oh, its Sam." She waves and Sam waves back. Irene just stares back at Dan.

Dan tries to get his feet back into the rhythm of the dance but he's numb. He stumbles and Betty jabs him in the ribs. "Watch it, big boy, that's my feet your stepping on. What's the matter with you tonight?" A sudden light seems to come on and she says, "She's the Avon lady, isn't she?"

Dan: "Huh? Who? Who are you looking at?"

Betty: "You know who! The one with Sam! She's very pretty. You lecherous bugger." She grins and they dance for a while with nothing said.

Betty: "Why, Dan? I thought you two had a very good sex life. What's she got that Marie doesn't have?"

Dan: (sighing) "Its not like that. Marie was at home with her folks and I was lonely. I didn't mean for anything to happen, but it did. It was just supposed to be a dance or two, but somehow we ended up out on that very terrace over there and we were kissing. One thing led to another so quickly, so very quickly, and now I'm caught in a web of deceit."

Betty: "Do you love her?"

Dan: (quietly) "I do. I wish I had never seen her, but I can't imagine life without her. No one knows, not even Sam or Clay. We always meet in secret. Sam knows I went out with her once but that's all. Please don't repeat any of this to anyone, Betty. I don't know how I can resolve it, but I want the chance to try on my own."

Betty grins at him and says, "You must be a pretty tired boy, trying to keep both of them happy. God, I wish Gord had half your energy." She snuggles up against him. "I'll keep your secret, Dan. But this is a rotten thing you're doing to Marie. If she ever finds out..."

They finish their dance and return to the table. Sam grins at Dan and Irene is talking to Marie.

Sam: "Irene, this is Gord's wife, Betty, and the character with her is my best buddy, Dan. He's Marie's husband."

They shake hands and Irene's eyes find Dan's. She trembles and releases his hand, unable to wrest her eyes from his. Betty barges between them and shakes Irene's hand. She sits on the other side of Marie and gets the three of them involved in a conversation. Dan sits in a daze with Sam and Gord. He doesn't know what to think, so tries to join in with them. He looks at Marie and Irene and his heart aches.

Sam: "I thought we came here to dance. How about it, Marie? Suppose we can shake this husband of yours long enough to have a dance? I'm not scared of being seen with pregnant ladies. I'd be honored."

Dan: (laughing) "Be careful, Sam. I'll run off with your date if you don't bring my wife back. Care to dance, ...Irene, was it?"

Irene: "Irene. Yes, I could be persuaded. I'm like Sam, I came to dance. Let's go."

Betty: "Now behave yourselves out there, all four of you. How about a dance there, Gordie? Your beer will still be here when we get back."

They all hit the dance floor and mingle with the crowd.

Irene: "When did you get back?"

Dan: "Just last night. We only unpacked today. I've been trying to find a way to call you and let you know I'm back. I missed you so much. I could kiss you and never stop but there are too many prying eyes around here."

Irene: "I know. When I saw you I almost fainted. I didn't expect you back until on the weekend some time. Sam asked me out to the dance and I was so tired of sitting home, I just finally told him I would. I wasn't planning on going out on you Dan, please believe me."

Dan: "I believe you. I trust you completely. I feel like I'm cheating when I go home to my wife. It's silly, I know, but I'm so very much in love with you. I don't know what's ever to become of us? How can you tolerate a man such as I?"

Irene: "I'd follow you, Dan, if you asked. If you are transferred to another station, I'll come and live nearby, just to be with you when we can. Maybe that's our fate."

Betty and Gord dance close to them and Betty says, "Are you two behaving?" she giggles as they dance away.

Irene: "Is it that obvious? We have to get out of here. There must be some place where we can go to be alone. Its much too cold to go out on the terrace. They have it closed off, anyway."

Dan: "Later, I'll figure a way. I feel as strongly as you. My arms are aching to hold you close. There's so much I want to talk to you about. Would you really follow me to another base? I dared not hope your feelings for me were that strong. If I had not been married when I came to this island, I think you'd be my wife today! I love you."

Irene: "We better go back to the table. It won't look good for us to stay out for another dance. Later, then!"

They walk back to the table and mix with the group. Sam takes her out on the floor next and Dan asks Marie to dance. Marie cuddles up to Dan and says, "Was it nice to dance with someone without a big belly?" She's grinning.

Dan: "I'm proud to dance with you, my love." He leans forward and nibbles at her ear. "You are my life, my soul, my everything."

Marie: "Flatterer!" but she dances closer and leans her head on his shoulder. "I could dance with you all night, Dan Miller, as long as your strong arms are there to hold me up."

Dan: "Are you getting tired. I know the long trip home must have tired you out and that crossing last evening was no help. If you get tired, tell me and I'll get Betty and Gord to go home early."

Marie: "I'm O.K. If I get too tired I'll sit out a few dances. You can dance with Betty or Sam's girlfriend. She's a nice woman. I like her and I hope Sam brings her down to our place sometime. But I suppose, knowing Sam, he will only go out with her once or twice and that will be that. He never seems to stay with the same girl long."

Dan: "I gather he's just picked up with her. I haven't seen her around. I think someone said she's from Charlottetown. Probably a single date, if I know Sam."

They dance through a second dance and Marie takes a seat with the ladies. Dan catches his breath and drinks a beer. He looks across at Marie and nods towards the floor. She smiles a wan smile and shakes her head no. Dan looks across at Irene and his heart thumps in his chest. She glances up at him and he says, "Would you care to dance?"

Irene says something to Marie, who waves her hand and says something back. Irene gets up smiling and walks towards the dance floor looking expectantly at Dan. Dan joins her and they disappear amongst the other dancers. Dan pulls her hard against him as they dance around the hall and she responds with a sigh and melts in his arms. When they reach the far side of the hall Dan walks her into a hall by the main doors and into a janitor's closet.

In the pitch-black closet he holds her close and their lips come together in surrender. She's shaking all over and Dan's not much better. What if they were seen? The door might suddenly be wrenched open and they'd be exposed. It doesn't matter, he has to touch her, kiss her, have her if possible.

As they surrender to the kiss their hands cannot stop. They rove over each other's bodies, into secret places that have not known the others' touch for too long a time. Their breathing becomes ragged and their clothes are in disarray when they break from the kiss. In the dark he feels her bare breasts and she his unfettered penis. He finds her nether region and rips her panties asunder. He lifts her one leg and urges it around his as he drives his flesh into hers. She leans against the door for support and they delight in a session of sexual intercourse of mutual satisfaction. When it's over they listen and the music has changed. They know that they must get back out there before they're missed. Irene slips off her tattered panties to wipe herself. In the dark she wipes Dan as well. She pushes them into his hand and says, "Keep them. It's become my mark of our meetings to lose them," she chuckles.

They straighten their clothes as best they can and slip out of the closet into the hall. Quickly they blend into the crowd of dancers and check each other's attire out. When they're satisfied that they will pass they finish the dance and return to the table.

Sam: "Dan, I don't mind you taking Irene out for a dance but I didn't say you could take her for three." he laughs. "By the way, can you give us a lift later? I made her walk over here but promised her I'd find a lift home."

Dan: (Looking first at Irene and then Sam) "I thought she lived in Charlottetown?" Then at Irene, "You live near the base?"

Irene: "I'm staying with my grandmother who lives near here." Dan nods and glances at Sam in time to catch his secretive smile and wink. Dan looks around the table and finds Betty's eyes on him in a speculative way. He shrugs and sits down with a beer.

Dan: "How are you feeling now, dear?"

Marie: "A bit tired, I guess. All the traveling is caught up with me. But you go ahead and enjoy yourself. Betty, why don't you get up and dance with Dan?"

Betty: "He hasn't asked me!"

Dan: "May I have the honor of escorting you to the dance floor and dancing with your most exalted person?" He stands and makes a mock bow.

Everyone breaks up laughing and Betty jumps up, turning red, and says, "You bet your sweet patootie! Come on."

She grabs him when he gets around the table and drags him towards the floor, Dan making a show of not wanting to go. They swing in amongst the throng and he pulls her to him so she won't get trampled.

Betty: "Mmmm, my turn, is it?" she wrinkles her nose and looks up into his eyes. She has had quite a bit to drink and Dan has to guard against tripping her. "Show where did you take her, Dan. I wash out here danshing and I didn't she you. You bad boy. Hold me, Dan." She collapses against him. "Mmmm, Your nice and strong. Am I as pretty as Irene, Dan?"

Dan: "Come on, Honey. I think we better go back to the table."

Betty (Straightening up a bit) "Call me horny, Dan. That's what I am."

Dan: (Grinning) "O.K., Come on Horny, it time for you to sit down, I think."

She balks and wants to try and dance some more. "Why doesn't Gord call me horny? He doesn't even know I am. Sam knows. I can tell."

Dan: "What! Has he said anything to you or done anything?"

Betty: "No, Dan. I can just tell the way he watches me. Do you think I should play up to him a bit? He'd probably love to screw me."

Dan: "No! Don't even think of it! You see the trouble I'm in. Are you crazy? Don't stoop to such an act that you'll regret ever after!"

Betty: (wiggling against him) "Then I'll just have to work on you, won't I?" She wrinkles her nose and winks up at him.

Dan: "Oh God, Betty. What would you do if one day I took you up on that? You'd probably send me home with my tail between my legs."

Betty slouches down again and Dan helps her stand and gets her to a nearby table. He goes to the bar and asks for strong black coffee. He brings it back and has to take a sip before she'll drink it. She keeps passing it to him before she'll take more. Sam and Irene come up and Dan tells them she's plastered. They stay with her while he goes to the table to get Gord. Gord goes over to check on his wife and Dan explains to Marie.

The last dance is announced so they get up and dance together. When they get around to the table where Betty is, Marie stops to see if she can help. They decide to go home so the guys get coats for all and they pile in Dan's Ford.

Dan pulls out of the base and swings left at the crossroads. He pulls into Irene's driveway and Sam gets out with her. She puts her hand on his chest and says, "Thanks for a delightful evening, Sam. I can make it from here." She brushes his lips with a chaste kiss.

Sam comes back to the car in a surly mood. "Can you drop me back at the base, Dan?"

Dan: "Sure, old buddy. Hang on."

He drops Sam off at his barracks and heads downtown. He pulls in home and Marie helps Betty out of the car. Gord goes ahead so Dan helps on the other side and they get her upstairs. Dan leaves them to get Betty settled and he goes over to Irma's to pick up Danny.

When he gets home Marie takes over and gets Danny ready for bed. "Did he behave?" she asks.

Dan: "Irma says he was as good as gold. She said anytime we want her to look after him again, to just call."

Marie: "That was nice of her. Dan, I'm very tired. I think I am going to bed. How about you?"

Dan: "Me too, honey."

Marie: "That reminds me, did you call Betty horny tonight? She was asking for you to call her horny again."

Dan: (laughing) "She was doing her usual complaining about not getting any, that Gord was dead in bed. She was drunk so I was teasing her about being horny. That's probably what she was talking about." Dan chuckles but Marie doesn't.

Marie: "Gord didn't find it funny. I think you guys better quit the clowning around. There are rumors about you two, as well, you know."

Dan: "What? Betty ...and me! Who would say such vicious things? Gossip is the curse of modern society! You know better, of course, and so does Gord!"

Marie: "Don't get so upset! You know who would start such rumors. If I could prove it, I'd confront her!"

Dan: "Not in your condition you won't! I forbid it! Those are only words that are being spread, but you care for our unborn child. That's your priority, not some gossip mongering."

Marie: "You're right, Dan, but don't ever tell me you forbid it. I'll do what I decide to do and don't you forget it! Let's get to bed, now."

As they curl up to sleep, Dan holds her loosely in his arms.


Dan is awakened by the telephone by the bed. He tries to grab it before it wakes up the baby or Marie but Marie stirs and watches him as he speaks.

Dan: "Good morning, ... Well hi, buddy. Best of the New Year to you, too. ... Oh yeah, twelve of them? ... I don't know. Let me check with the wife?" He puts his palm over the receiver and turns to Marie. "Are we busy this afternoon?"

Marie: "Who is it?"

Dan: "Emory. He has some painting work lined up and wants to go over some details with me. Want to go down for a visit?"

Marie: "How's Mary? She must be just about ready to deliver. It would be nice to see her again. Why don't they come up here?"

Dan: "I'll ask." He speaks in the phone again. "Why don't you guys come on up to our place this afternoon, Em? ... Oh, yeah, I understand that. I'd probably feel the same. I tell you what. We'll try to get down later. ... Yeah, it sounds like a good deal. How much? ... No, I mean how much money for the whole job? ... Whew, that much, eh! I'll see you later, buddy. Bye for now."

Dan hangs up the phone. He rolls over and throws an arm over Marie, kissing her. He wriggles up close against her big belly and makes the kiss last longer as stirrings of his genitals becomes evident to both of them. Marie pushes him away sputtering and says, "What did he say? And you behave yourself, that's just a piss hard on."

Dan: (laughing) "Piss hard on or not, it works just as good. He said that Mary's due anytime now and he doesn't want to bring her out in the cold. He sounds excited so she must be close. Let's go down later. She could probably use some moral support and I can talk to Emory about the paint job at the same time. He's lined up a trucking outfit, a big one from the sound of it, and has got twelve trucks to paint signs on. It could mean up to five hundred dollars for us, maybe even more. He's holding out for a hundred bucks each but with Mary having the baby right away, he's not going to be able to do much of the work himself, so he thinks I should have more than half of it. Sounds good, eh?"

Marie: "There aren't any trucking outfits around here that big, are there? Unless its the town?"

Dan: "Sure. That company that does all the work at the base must have that many, if not more." He tries again to cuddle up to Marie, but she laughs and says, "If you touch me I'll piss all over you. Let me up, Dan." She clambers out of the bed and goes to the bathroom. Dan sighs and rolls over to his side of the bed. He waits for her to return but she comes in and gets the baby up so Dan reluctantly gets out of bed.

Dan: "Guess I have to go for a cold shower again this morning, eh?"

Marie: "It won't hurt you. You want too much sex anyway. I think you're the most over-sexed man I ever knew!"

Dan: (looking hurt) "And I thought I was the first."

Marie: "Oh Dan! That was a figure of speech, and you know it! Get yourself around, now. It's nearly noon."

In the afternoon they bundle up Danny and go down to Emory and Mary's place. Marie still doesn't like the location of the apartment or the stairs. "How does Mary ever get up and down these stairs in her shape?" she says rhetorically, as they knock. The door is opened by Emory, who smiles and says, "Come on in. Happy New year! Come in, Mary's excited your here."

They enter the apartment and find Mary in the living room in a big overstuffed chair. She's such a small girl to have such a large tummy and she's beaming at them as they enter.

Mary: "Dan, its so good to see you. And you've brought Marie and Danny. Please come in and I'll put on some tea." She struggles to get up but Dan steps forward and puts a hand on her shoulder.

Dan: "You stay right where you are. We came to see you, not drink your tea. How are you? Have you had any pains yet?"

Mary: "Oh Dan, I'm all right. I'm all pains but not labor"

Marie: (grinning) "Isn't it the truth! These guys need to go through a pregnancy once themselves and they would learn to keep it in their pants." Marie and Mary laugh together.

Dan glances at Emory who nods his head towards the kitchen, so Dan follows him. Emory pours coffees and Dan takes a cup to Mary and Marie. They both like it black so he only has to make one trip. He rejoins Emory in the kitchen.

Dan: "So what's the news on the job?"

Emory: "They're offering fifty a truck but I'm holding out for eighty. We'll probably settle around seventy. I did some work for them before at around that. They think because they have a lot to do at one time, they should get them cheaper. Not a chance. We still have the travel expenses and meals and all the other crap that costs money. They're good to work for though, cash on the barrel head as soon as the work's done. I figure it should take about six days. Can you get leave or maybe do it on the weekends?"

Dan: "Week ends, I suppose, or I could work nights."

Emory: "Its in Charlottetown. You wouldn't want to go there every night. It's an hour's drive in the summer."

Dan: "Charlottetown! Oh, I didn't know. Weekends, for sure then, I guess. Six days? That's two trucks, four door signs a day. Guess I could do it. The first will be the longest. Are they in any rush?"

Emory: "Yeah, the trucks aren't too busy this time of year and they would like to have them done this month. They have a heated paint shop and they say they'll have the ones to be done in there overnight so they should be warm enough to work on. What do you think?"

Dan: "Well, do you think one of the people there can provide us with a bedroom to cut expenses? It will only be for Saturday nights."
