Dan's Story Pt. 03 - Everything Goes Awry


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Marie: "It looks beautiful in winter, doesn't it?"

Dan: "The falls look beautiful all year round. Remember our honeymoon?"

Marie: "I sure do. Too bad we couldn't stop here for the night, eh?" She slips her hand under his arm and smiles at him.

Dan: "We could. We could call the folks and tell them we are going to be a day late. Want to?"

Marie: "We better not. This trip is drawn out enough for Danny. Can we make Delhi before dark?"

Dan: "No, we'll be lucky to make it passed Dunnville before dark this time of year. It'll be after nine our time, just after eight here, when we reach Delhi. Think Danny'll behave that long. He sure has been good so far."

As they hit the thumping concrete of number three highway, Danny starts fussing. By the time they come to Dunnville they have to stop. Danny is simply not going to settle again, so they go into a restaurant and get a bottle warmed for him. Marie takes him to the washroom and changes him. He is still cranky but settles a bit when Dan gives him a bread crust with butter on it. He gums it until it's soft then wants more. Dan says, "Is he teething, do you think?"

Marie: (inserting a finger in his mouth which he promptly tries to chew on) "I think he might be. I left the new teething ring home. We'll have to get him one."

Dan: "Just a minute." He goes out of the restaurant to the service station side of the building and spots what he's looking for. A key chain with a three inch rubber tire on it marked 'FIRESTONE'. He buys it and brings it back into the restaurant. He takes the chain off it. "Will that do for now. Its too big for him to swallow. What do you think"

Marie: "Let's see what he thinks!" She dabs some butter on the rubber tire and helps him get it in position to chew. When he gets the hang of it, he chews contentedly. They pay for their meal and get on the bumpy highway again. It's snowing quite heavily now but there's no wind and the ploughs are working along with the sand and salt trucks. By the time they hit Jarvis it's quite slushy but they drive out of the snow and are now on icy highway. Dan takes it easy on the ice and just before they get to Delhi the sander passes them and the traction is good.

It's ten their time, nine locally when they pull in the yard of the Martin's home. Dan is exhausted but happy to be home. Everyone has been waiting up for them and their luggage all goes into the house in one trip. Dad comes out to meet them, of course, while Mom waits in the door. Marie waddles up the cement steps with Dad's help and Mom says, "My goodness, Marie, are you going to have twins?"

With all the greetings out of the way, Marie and Dan retire to the same bedroom as last time. With Danny nestled down in a warm wicker basket by the bed, they snuggle together.

Dan: "Remember last time we were here. It was about this time you wanted to know where the bathroom was, right?"

Marie: "I'm smarter this time. I already went."

Dan: "Your hands are cold. Let me warm them." He pulls her hands down between his legs. She pulls them back out.

Marie: "Dan, now don't you go getting any ideas! Go to sleep."

Dan: "Its been a long while since we made love, honey."

Marie: "Not tonight! Now go to sleep."

Dan lays still for a few minutes, but soon he's kissing her neck and rubbing a breast. His erection is pressed against her big stomach.

Marie: "Dan! I said no! Now stop this." she pushes his hands away. "You know how this bed squeaks and I'm not in the mood. Roll over and go to sleep."

Dan: "Jesus Christ, your never in the mood anymore! What am I, a leper? You sneak out of bed in the mornings before I'm awake and you don't come to bed until I'm asleep. What's with you?"

Marie: "I do not! Well, maybe sometimes when your drunk."

Dan: "How often do I come home drunk?"

Marie: "You might better ask, how often do you come home? It's always your painting or working on that damn car. Sometimes I wonder where you really are! With Ginger or some other whore, that's what I wonder!"

Dan is taken aback at her temper. He does not say anything but lays there looking at her. She turns her head away, then looks directly at him and says, "Well?"

Dan: "I've not been near Ginger and when I say I'm going to the garage, I go to the garage. I'd rather not fight with you because I love you and so I'm going to go to sleep now. Good night!" He rolls over away from her.

In a little while he feels her arm on his hip. Then her body presses up against his back and she whispers, "I'm sorry, Dan. Please say something. I said some awful things to you. Please forgive me."

Dan remains stiff to her touch and waits. Soon she tugs on his shoulder and says, "Dan, please say you forgive me. Please give me a little hug, Dan. I didn't mean any of those things I said. Please, Dan."

Dan rolls over and takes her in his arms. "I know you didn't, honey. I'm the one who started this fracas by insisting on sex. It wasn't fair of me. I know your tired and I should have been more considerate. In your condition you probably don't really enjoy sex with me as much as you used to. I'm the one that should apologize."

Marie: "I do enjoy sex with you as much as ever. I was just feeling crabby tonight, I guess. Please, let's make up and make love now. Please."

Dan: "Well, you're far enough along we'll have to be cautious. But I would enjoy making love to my beautiful wife anytime."

They cuddle together and have sexual intercourse slowly and for a long time. Dan is careful and tries to enjoy it but it's really only a mechanical act tonight. When it's over the tension returns and there is a feeling it was a band-aid solution between them.


Marie's packing. It's been a long week for her and she's glad they're driving to Clinton tomorrow. Danny is fussy and won't use the nice new teething ring they got him. He wants the Firestone tire so she finally gives in and lets him have it. Having all those people around has driven her to the verge of tears more than once this week and she'll be so glad to get to her folks place with peace and quiet.

To-day the whole family has made appearances and while it was nice to be there for the holiday, it was a boisterous affair to her, something she thinks she would never be able to get used to. Dan's been considerate of her but has been in a more amorous mood than she recalls him being since she was last home. She can't help suspecting he has some female he goes to down on the island. She thinks she could be wrong, but the feeling haunts her. She thinks, maybe its because she's so big and thinks he may find her ugly. But he says he doesn't.

She doesn't enjoy sex with him anymore. What he said in argument rings true in her head. Their private intimate sex life is poisoned by her suspicions. She almost dreads his touch but hides it well. She can't understand her feelings since she cannot put her finger on any one thing he's done wrong. Rumors persist around Summerside but she has yet to hear anyone say they actually saw Dan with someone else. It's always that one says, or I heard it from so and so. The rumors have even intimated that her best friend, Betty, was involved with him. She can't believe that but she's not sure. She hopes it's just the pregnancy and all will return to normal, once the baby's born.

Dan, on the other hand, is really enjoying this week with all his brothers and sisters. He's been able to shed his feelings of guilt by distance from the scene of his crimes. He's dreading the next week, starting with the trip tomorrow, when he'll have to be on his best behavior with her mother. He really doesn't like her meddling ways and her old fashioned prudery that she constantly tries to instill in his wife. Since last Christmas he's had far too much of her and will have to really watch his temper this week.

Sometimes he catches himself thinking of the island and Irene. He wonders how her Christmas was spent and if she is thinking of him. He has to put these thoughts aside because with them comes the guilt, that pervading feeling that's poisoning their marriage. He loves Marie, knows he loves her and is happy to look ahead to a lifetime with her.

His son is a miracle that he wonders about every day. Who will he be like? Where will he go in life? He is bound to do well, being the product of two such well suited parents, he thinks. He is so proud to be his Dad. When he says, this is my son, his chest swells out and everyone knows how proud he is. He loves to take him up and play with him. He's so intelligent for one so young and Dan can almost see the world again with wonder through his eyes, by the expressions on his face.

And another child is soon going to be born. Another wonder of their love. Marie is so loving to look at carrying his children. He sometimes just sits and watches her, especially when she's asleep. Her large belly is a crucible of miracles, the center of womanhood, the mystery to all men. They create life within themselves, all be it with the assistance of the male, but they are entrusted of God to carry and protect the essence of life itself. Marie probably doesn't know the depth of his feelings for her and the child she carries. Sometimes he tries to tell her but he cannot express his feelings well.

He curses the day he met Irene because she has the power to destroy his life. He gave it to her. He fell in love with her. Oh, it's not the same feelings he has for his wife, but it's equally deep. He never wants to have to say good bye to her, doesn't even know if he could. He trusts her as he does his wife. He knows she won't betray him, and so he has feelings of guilt where she is concerned, as well. He feels he betrays her by going back to Marie.

Annie, on the other hand, is a play toy. He has no feelings of guilt when he's with her. She is simply someone to have recreational sex with and enjoy for the moment. He doesn't think that is a betrayal, but rather a man's right. An Annie or two comes in handy when one feels the mood. He doesn't foresee any problems if he never sees her again. Another Annie is just around the corner.

Such are their feelings this Christmas Day in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty one.


It's a cold, crisp December morning as they finish loading the car and bid everyone good-bye. Dan starts the car again. He has started it earlier to warm it up. Marie's sitting on the passenger side with Danny in her arms. He's excited at all the activity and is struggling to stand on her stomach.

Lin and Bob are talking to Marie through her window and making a fuss over Danny and his effort to stand. Mom is trying to say a few last words to her son before they leave and Dad is right behind her. Tony, Ben and Lee Anne are horsing around on the steps, while Wayne is at his home, reunited with his wife since just before Christmas.

Dan backs around with the car, then waving he pulls out the drive. Everyone waves as they leave, then its the open road. Onto number three highway and the bump, bump, bump of the concrete slabs. They drive through Tillsonburg and catch the new 401 highway out near Ingersole. Before they know it, they're driving through London. They stop to eat and change the baby. Marie gives him a bottle as they head north towards Clinton. It's still a sunny crisp day and Dan figures they'll be there before dark.

Marie is in much better spirits as they head north. She plays with Danny and says, "Look Dan, he's standing. He has all his weight on his legs. It won't be long before he tries to walk, I'll bet."

Dan glances at his son and says, "Bow legged little tiger, aren't you? But you'll show them. I think your right, Marie. He may try to walk before we get back home."

Marie: "Maybe not that fast, but it won't be long." Her protective arms that have been sheltering him from a possible fall, close around him and hold him close to her chest. Danny waves his arms and tries to get away but she recaptures his attention with a toy and he settles down on her stomach.

They finally arrive with the setting sun at the town of Clinton, just passed the RCAF Station of the same name. Dan greets his father in law, who is waiting by the side of the house and his mother in law comes out on the side steps. Dan gets out the luggage as Marie and her mother fuss over Danny. His father in law helps him bring the things in the house. Mrs. Elmsdale hardly speaks to Dan, busying herself in the kitchen. Dan dreads the moment when she catches him alone. He can tell she's got something on her mind by the way she glances at him with her disapproving look.

The evening goes by uneventfully with Marie on the phone much of the time with her old friends. One girlfriend of hers drops over and the two of them chatter away in the living room, then Marie walks her back out the drive. This is the chance the old lady has been waiting for.

Unsuspecting Dan goes to the kitchen to refill his coffee cup and she follows him.

Mrs. Elmsdale: "I want to speak to you, young man."

Dan shivers and turns to her, "Yes, mam."

Mrs. Elmsdale: "As soon as that baby is born you take her to a doctor and get her birth control pills. You hear me?"

Dan: "That's up to her."

Mrs. Elmsdale: "Its for her own good. You listen to me. She shouldn't be pregnant so soon after having Daniel. Are you trying to kill her?"

Dan glares at her. She goes on. "Mind what I say. You insist she have the 'pill'. Be a man for a change! Your not a child! Grow up!" She hears Marie coming to the door so she goes back into the living room.

Dan fixes his coffee and fumes to himself. Marie steps up behind him and puts her hands on his hips. Her belly rubs his back as she says, "Its so nice to be home and see all my old friends again. Isn't it so much more peaceful here than at your folks place."

He half turns and offers her a sip. She glances at the living room door and takes a quick sip. He grins and says, "My sweet Marie, I hope your happy here. Its so good to see you smiling again." He gives her a quick kiss but she pulls away looking guilty. He follows her into the living room.


Her mother has tried to convince Marie that they should stay for another day or two since Dan doesn't have to report back in to work until the eighth but they've been here a week and Dan is dying to get away. He wants a few days to rest at home before he goes back to work so Marie agrees to stick to their original schedule.

She's also tired of the week of steady rounds of old friends and the dance on New Year's Eve. It's been a lot of fun for her but she's ready to go to her own home where she can relax. She feels the constant tension between Dan and her mother so they head out early this morning for the island.

Weather forecasts seem to indicate the better route this time would be through Canada so they spend their overnight stay near Montreal.


They're on the road early this morning. Dan has heard a weather report on the radio that indicates a winter storm's hit New York City and is traveling north. It is expected to hit Boston later in the day and will be in the Maritimes later tonight. He wants to be home before it hits.

They drive along the ice covered St. Lawrence river for a long time watching children and adults skating on the ice here and there until Riviere du Loup, where they see open water. From there its the forests of New Brunswick and just after dark they arrive at the ferry landing. The winds are up and the sky is dark and threatening as they pull onto the ferry. It'll be a wind tossed crossing.

Marie: "Oh Dan, we're almost home. I hope I don't get sea sick on the crossing."

Dan: "You won't. Its a bit bumpy but this is a large vessel so you should be all right."

They go up to the lounge and Marie takes Danny to the bathroom to change him. When she comes out she's white.

Marie: "Dan, please take the baby!" She runs back into the bathroom.

Dan takes Danny to a table near the washroom door and holds him in his arms like he does when he rocks him. The rocking of the ship soon puts him to sleep. Marie comes out and staggers to the table.

Marie: "Oh Dan! I feel so sick. Every time I look in that damn toilet bowl and the water sloshes back and..." She jumps up again and rushes back into the can.

Dan's worried now about her and the baby she carrying, so he stops a porter and asks if there is a doctor on their staff. The porter fetches the doctor and he asks about Marie. Dan explains that she's seven months pregnant and very sea sick. The doctor has a female staff member go in for her and he takes her to a cabin where she can lay down. He gives her a sedative and soon she's glassy eyed.

Marie: "Dan, please stay with me. Where's Danny?"

Dan: "He's all right. He's fast asleep in the lounge. The nurse is keeping an eye on him. You just try to relax and maybe sleep if you can. I'll be right here."

Dan weaves back and forth and begins to not feel too well himself. He sits down by her bed and takes Marie's hand. She's either asleep or resting her eyes. He must not get sick, he thinks. Who'll be there for Marie if he gets sick. He wills himself to slow down and relax, taking deep breaths.

Marie stirs and looks around. She sees Dan and says, "What's it this time, Daddy?" She smiles and tightens her grip on his hand.

Dan: "It won't be long now and we'll be home, Honey."

Marie closes her eyes again and says, "Can I see the baby?"

Dan: "Danny's asleep, Hon."

Marie: (fuzzily) "Not Danny! Our little girl! Will they bring her in soon?"

Dan: "Honey, you've been sick and you've been dreaming. The baby isn't born yet. Just try to get some rest. Everything's O.K." he rises and kisses her forehead.

The doctor comes in and asks how she is. Dan tells him and he says they'll be in port soon. He should try to get her around so they can get her to the car. Dan gently shakes her shoulder and she opens her eyes.

Marie: "I feel like hell! Are we near land yet?"

Dan: (grinning) "Just about there. Do you feel up to getting up. We have to get to the car."

She sits up and the room is much steadier now that they're in the lee of the island. Dan helps her to stand and she seems all right. Dan thanks the doctor for all his help and they get Danny to return to their car.

As they drive away from the ferry landing, he's glad it's not far home from here. The snow is blowing into blizzard conditions and the driving is tough. When he sees the lights of Summerside dimly through the storm he calls them to the attention of Marie. They laugh with relief as they pull into town.

They bundles Danny up extra careful to carry him to the house. Marie gets him undressed and settled as Dan unloads the car. When he comes in she has hot coffee and a bottle of Drambuie on the table. Dan smiles his appreciation and gets out of his heavy outdoor clothes. He settles at the table with one arm around her waist and rests his head on her stomach.

Dan: "You're feeling O.K. now, are you?"

Marie: "Yes, my love. Can you feel any movement? I think she's sleeping."

Dan: "So you've decided its a girl, eh?"

Marie: "I'm sure its a girl, Dan, and she's beautiful and healthy. What shall we call her?"

Dan: "How about Marie, another sweet Marie?"

Marie: "No, I'm your sweet Marie. I like Julia or maybe Iris. She'll be born when the Irises bloom in Ontario in early March."

Dan: "Then she should be an Iris, the flower of our home all year round. I like it!"

Marie: "I would like to give her my mother's second name, Ada. Iris Ada Miller. Please say you like it."

Dan: "If that's your wish, I love it. Maybe it'll help develop some kind of a bond between your mother and I." He sounds doubtful. "And if its a boy? I can't imagine calling him Iris!" He grins.
