Dan's Story Pt. 03 - Everything Goes Awry


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Emory: "All right, Dan. I heard you got a contract with the Town? Much in it?"

Dan: "It's the 'Welcome to Summerside' signs. I'm doing them out in the garage. There's four of them. Might be some other work with them down the road. Lettering and such."

Emory: "Watch them! They're hard to get money out of. Everything has to go to council meetings for approval and then the bill has to go the same route. They love to stall, but eventually you get your money. Just don't count on it right away.

Dan: "So, how's Mary and Kevin?"

Emory: "Sleeping. She's still pretty weak so I urge her to get her rest whenever she can. She'll kill me when she finds out you were here and I didn't wake her, but..."

Dan: "I understand. Guess I better get on home. Marie's not feeling too hot tonight. Thinks she might have a touch of the flu or something. I'll be in touch."

Dan gets up to leave and Emory goes to the door with him. "I'll have your money tomorrow night if you want to come down after work."

Dan: "Thanks, Em. No rush, but if your going to the bank anyway I'll see you tomorrow."

Dan goes home and finds Marie has done the dishes and is sleeping on the couch with Danny's playpen beside her. He tip toes around and gets a sci-fi novel to read at the table. Near eleven Danny cries and Marie wakes up. Dan rushes in to check Danny but Marie is lifting him out of his playpen. "Why didn't you wake me when you came in? I wanted to visit with you this evening because you're running off to work again in the morning."

Dan: "I just thought you could use the rest. How are you feeling?"

Marie: "Oh, not bad. I'll live. So, how was Mary?"

Dan: "Sleeping. Emory says she's still weak so he's trying to get her to rest whenever she can. The baby was asleep too."

Marie: "I hope she doesn't get whatever I've caught. Although Danny's not showing any sign of catching anything. Hmmm ."

Dan: "It couldn't be anything wrong with the baby, could it? I mean, you'd know right away, wouldn't you"

Marie: "I don't think so. I don't know. I'll probably feel better in the morning."

They get around and get ready for bed. Dan gets into bed and holds his arms out to her. She climbs into bed after him and comes to him for a kiss. They snuggle down together and are soon asleep.


Marie wakes in pain. "Oh, No!", she thinks, "Labor pains!" She shakes Dan awake and by then the pain has subsided. "It was just like the pain when Danny was born. Oh Dan, its not due for a month yet! It can't come now!" She's half hysterical so Dan tries to quiet her down. He fetches her a glass of water and tells her he's putting coffee on. He goes back to finish the coffee, then checks on her again. She's laid back on her pillow and appears to be sleeping, but she says, "She's not moving around much. I'm scared." A tear trickles down her cheek.

Dan goes to the phone and calls the duty office. "I won't be in this morning. My wife's experiencing labor pains a month early and I'm taking her to the hospital." Then he calls the doctor's home number and tells him the problem. He says to take her right down to the hospital and he'll meet them there.

Dan gets Marie around as another pain wracks her. He stops and lets her hold on to him until it eases, then gets her into her clothes and coat. He wraps up a fussy Danny and hustles Marie to the car. He lets her hold Danny while he drives. As he reaches the hospital she clenches her jaw again and grips his arm. In a moment he rushes her inside. Their doctor's there and takes her right to an examination room as Dan checks her in. Dan settles in the waiting room with Danny. He thinks about last night.

Marie hadn't felt like sex all week since he came home from Charlottetown so Dan had decided to call Irene. Than he felt guilty about this decision so he hadn't called, after all. When he came in from work Marie had been all right but distant and at supper time Dan had said, "I'm going out and see if I can get some work done on those town signs." She seemed pleased that he was going so he left feeling justified. He didn't have the lights on for more than a few minutes when Irene came. She seemed so hungry for affection and so happy to see him that they didn't take long to get down to what had brought them there. When they were done Dan walked her home. They watched the Northern Lights skirl in the northern sky, twisting and weaving patterns of color and talked of their times in Charlottetown. He kissed her goodnight and went back to the garage, then straight home.

Marie had been hale and hearty then. When they went to bed she had felt a need and Dan had to perform again. Gently and carefully he had carried out his duty and exhausted, fell asleep. That's all he remembers until she shook him awake this morning. God, he hopes they didn't bring the baby on by having sex last night. They couldn't have! He was so careful and didn't have the energy to be rammy.

The doctor comes and tells Dan he's given Marie a sedative. He suspects false labor. If she's really in labor, her pains will continue, even with the sedative. If its false labor they probably won't. He'll know in a few hours. He says not to worry. Even if she does have the baby today, they have an incubator standing by and the baby will more than likely be all right, just premature. He calculates she's about three and a half weeks to term.

Dan paces and worries. He should call her mother, but he doesn't know anything yet. The same with his mother. He thinks about Betty, but she has never been through this and he doesn't want to upset Mary. Back and forth he paces and goes to the phone only to walk away and start pacing again.

Danny is getting tired of waiting to have his diaper changed. Dan decides to take him home and change him, give him some juice or formula or something and his teething ring. Marie isn't going anywhere till he gets back. He leaves and goes back to their place. He quickly changes the baby, fixes him some juice, bundles him up and grabs his teething ring. He hurries back to the hospital. Marie is sitting in the waiting room and she smiles wearily at him.

Marie: "False alarm. The doctor's gone back to the base. He gave me these." She holds out a packet of pills. "One with each meal, to calm me down. Guess I got excited or something."

Dan: "What do we do now?"

Marie: "You start by taking me home, silly!" She tries to wrinkle her nose when she sticks her tongue out at him but it doesn't quite work and they both end up laughing."

Dan takes her home but doesn't go in to work that day. He frets over her and looks after Danny until she tells him to get out of the way. He can't get over how tough she is and how fast she bounces back.


Dan thinks this is the coldest time of the year and he feels it in his bones as he paces in the waiting room at the hospital with Danny in his arms. This is no false alarm. Marie had severe stomach cramps during the night and when they settled a bit he tried to help her up to go to the bathroom. As they were going out the bedroom door her water broke. It cascaded down her legs and she sat down on the carpet and cried. Now the baby has to be delivered right away. They're trying to induce labor but if they have no success soon, they'll have to operate. It means a cesarean birth, is what the doctor tells him. He's not sure what that means and so he paces. Soon the doctor comes to him for his signature for the operation.

Dan stares at the form, then the pen. What is he consigning her to? The doctor urges him to sign. They have the operating room now and can begin the 'C' section immediately. He asks if he can see Marie. Just for a moment, says the doctor. Dan goes into the delivery room and Marie looks so tired and worn out that he signs the paper so they can start to help her. They have to get this over with for her and for their unborn child.

He goes back to the waiting room and takes Danny back from the nurse. He goes out to the car and waits in the cold with Danny all bundled up watching him. He talks to Danny like another adult. He talks about growing up, school and some day, getting married. They talk for an hour before he can face going back in there.

He climbs the stairs and enters the waiting room. There is no one around but he hears someone coming in the hall. A figure comes through the door in greens and says, "Are you Mr. Dan Miller?"

Dan:(with dread in his voice) "I am."

Doctor: "I was on assist. You have a baby girl, a preemie to be sure but I think quite healthy. Your wife is still being sewn up but she'll be in the recovery room shortly."

Dan doesn't take in what he said. This is not his doctor. How would he know about Marie? Maybe he has me mixed up with another Miller. He wonders and waits for his doctor. The strange doctor passes back through the waiting room going the other way and Dan says, "Pardon me. Did you say my wife was all right? Mrs. Marie Miller? She's O.K." his hopes are beginning to rise and the doctor says yes, "And did you say we have a girl?" Again the doctor says yes. His heart soars and he feels wonderful. He grins foolishly at this doctor as he leaves. Inside he's so happy he has to tell someone.

He holds Danny up in front of him and says, "You have a sister! Mommy's O.K.! How about that!" and he dances his son around the room. Danny laughs with his Dad and claps his hands, or at least tries to. Really he just waves them at each other. As the news settles in Dan slows down but he is still bubbling inside. He goes to a phone and dials, "It's a girl! I had to tell someone, it's a girl! Isn't that wonderful. And Marie's all right. They had to operate but she's all right. I feel so happy. Are you still there? ... Of course your the first person I've told. ... I have to call her mother ... and my mother ...and other people, too. I'm just so relieved and happy, my love."

He hangs up and calls his mother, then Marie's mother. Then he calls Betty with the news. They joke a bit and she offers to look after Danny for him if he needs help, but he says he'll work things out. He gets off the phone with more questions that have come to mind. How's his wife? Can he see her? Where's his daughter? What's her condition? He starts looking for his doctor. He finds him with a nurse and the other doctor who spoke to him earlier. They're all in green gowns. His doctor smiles at them and says to Danny "You can see your Mommy in about twenty minutes. She's coming out of the anesthetic now."

He speaks to Dan: "She'll be a little dopey but will not feel too sore yet. She'll have to stay here until Friday, at least. By then we'll have a clear idea how she is and probably she'll go home for the weekend. The baby's another matter. She is in an incubator and will have to have constant surveillance for the next twenty four hours. If all's well, she may come out then. I think we were right last week with our calculations. She's almost one month premature. Probably about three weeks. She seems healthy but at this stage it's hard to tell. Is there anything else I can tell you?"

Dan can't think of anything so he goes back to wait for another fifteen minutes to see Marie. When a nurse comes to the door and says, "You can go in now." he rushes into the recovery room. She look so tired but she's smiling. She raises her hand to him and he goes to her.

Marie: "Did you see our daughter? Isn't she beautiful? So tiny though, but she's tough! Iris Ada Miller." she closes her eyes with the smile still on her lips. Dan takes her hand and balances Danny on his hip. She moves her fingers in his hand. "I'm so tired. Is Danny alright?"

Dan: "He is, Marie. He's right here beside you. You rest and we'll come back later. She grips his hand. "Don't go! Dan, please stay with me." But her eyes are still closed and her grip weakens.

Dan pulls up a chair and takes her hand in both of his as he balances Danny in his lap. "I'm right here, Marie." he says in a firm quiet voice. She faintly smiles and goes to sleep. After a while Dan gently lays her hand by her side and gets up with Danny. He leaves and checks with the nurse if he can see his daughter. She says follow her so he goes into the nursery and on into an intensive care section, where a large Iron lung is set up. Inside he sees the tiniest little red being he has ever seen and he feels love for her. He wills her to hang on and grow. He turns and leaves, knowing she's getting the best they have to offer.

As he leaves the hospital he wonders what to do next. He drives home and calls the base. He talks to his section boss and arranges leave for at least two weeks. He feeds Danny after he's changed his diaper. Betty comes in while he's feeding him. He tells her everything and she asks again if he wants her to care for Danny. Dan says he has to have something to do while waiting for Marie. She says any time he needs her, to call. He leers at her and she says, "You know what I mean!" and of course, Dan comes back with, "I'm just not sure." She does it! Wrinkling that nose and sticking her tongue out she heads for the door. Dan blows her a kiss. He feels better now.

He bundles Danny up and says, "Well, let's go for a drive. I think its time you met Auntie Irene." He loads Danny up in the car and they drive out to Irene's. She sees his car in the drive and comes running out the door. He steps out of the car and she runs into his arms. They kiss and kiss and kiss some more. Danny giggles and she stops. She looks in the car and says, "Oh Dan, is this your son?" She climbs in behind the wheel and takes his hand in hers. "Hi Danny. Hi there. So, you got a new sister, eh? Hi!" Danny loves the attention and waves his arms and laughs with her.

She reaches for him and stops to look around at Dan. "Can I pick him up?" she implores.

Dan: "Sure. Why not?"

Irene catches him up and holds him in her arms. She talks to him and rubs noses with him and he drinks it all in. She turns in the seat and says, "Can you come in for a minute?"

Dan: "O.K. Come on here, Tiger." He reaches for Danny and he makes it plain he doesn't want to go back to Dan. Dan laughs and says, "Can you bring him?"

They go into the kitchen and Irene gives Danny to him. She gets coffee for him and herself and they sit together to talk. Dan explains all that's happened this morning and how he now has arranged for two weeks off to look after Danny and Marie when she comes home on the weekend. He's trying to tell her he won't be available for a while.

Marie: "You mean you're going to be alone with Danny until Friday. How will you manage? Do you know how to fix his formula and change him and wash his shitty diapers? I think you need help and I know someone who has the experience to help you."

Dan: "We'll make out. Besides I don't have the money to hire some..." Suddenly he looks at her. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

Irene:(shaking her head) "Yes, I am. After all, who did you think of to tell the news of your daughter's birth to first? Me! Right? It would be perfect. I should look after you and your son when Marie can't. What about it, Dan? Wouldn't it be great?"

Dan: "Oh God, Irene. If we get caught! I don't know. Let me think that one over." He goes on drinking his coffee and she goes on wheedling and playing with Danny. By the time the coffee's done he says, "Go get packed."

Irene: "I won't be a minute." and she isn't. She takes Danny on her lap and they head back towards town. They pull in at the garage and Dan gets his old coveralls. They put Danny on the floor in the back seat so he can't fall and he helps her put the coveralls on.

Dan: "We'll have to flatten your bumpers somehow. They wrap an old sheet that Dan was going to use for rags around her breasts to flatten them. In the coveralls she now looks like a chesty guy. Dan has her run her hands over the Plymouth engine and smear some of the grease on her face. She has washed off all makeup so she begins to look like a mechanic. She brings out her 'piece de resistance', an old battered baseball cap. She bundles her hair up inside it and jams in down over her head. Voila! She might not stand up to close inspection but at a distance she'll do. She pulls the peak of the cap down low over her eyes and lets a cigarette droop from her lip. Dan laughs and says, perfect.

They head for the house. Every time he glances over at her he breaks up. When they get to the house Dan pulls up close and they get out. Dan carries Danny and Irene saunters along with them, cigarette dangling, to the house. They step inside and break up again.

Dan: "I almost hope he was watching. It would be a shame to go to all that effort for nothing."

Irene goes to the bathroom and starts cleaning herself up. She watches Danny while Dan takes a large empty box out to the car and puts her luggage in it. He carries it back in like groceries. She goes through it and soon she looks like her old self again.

Irene: "Have you had any lunch today?"

Dan: "Uh, I fed Danny something out of a baby food can. Guess I didn't."

Irene: "I figured as much." She puts on a bite of lunch and checks Danny's food supply. She opens a tin for him and fixes his some milk in a bottle. She sits down next to Dan with Danny in her lap. She pours some of the milk out of his bottle into a cup and carefully coaxes him to try it. He laughs and spills some but he seems to like it that way. He reaches for her and she spoons some food into his mouth. Quick as a wink she changes for her fork and has a bite of her lunch, then has the spoon back at his mouth again. Dan watches and holds the implement she's not using for her. When he's done she lays him up on her shoulder and burps him. Then she lays him in his crib for a nap.

Dan: "Wow! Marie uses the high chair and it never goes that smooth. We usually have to fight to get him to lay down after lunch."

Irene just smiles. "Do I have to feed you the rest of your lunch now?"

Dan:(sliding his arm behind her) "Your a wonder!" He finishes his lunch and helps her clean up. Then he calls the hospital. His wife is sleeping peacefully but she'll be awakened for supper at five. If he would like to visit her six to nine are the regular hours. He thanks them and hangs up.

Its now about three thirty so he has two and a half hours to kill. He checks on Danny then flops down across the bed. Irene flops next to him and runs her hand over his chest. He sets the alarm for five thirty, "In case I fall asleep." He gets up on one elbow and reaches down to kiss Irene. She smiles and goes, "Mmmmm." He draws her close as he lays back down and promptly goes to sleep. About five he wakes and hears Danny chattering away in his crib. Irene is awake and listening too. They draw apart and he gets up. He goes to the bathroom, then comes out stretching.

Irene has Danny all changed and bundled up to go to the hospital. Dan gets his coat and thanks her for getting him ready.

Irene: "Just doing my wifely duties." she chides.

Dan: "Visiting hours are till nine so I should be home shortly thereafter. Don't answer the phone or the door. I'll see you later. Come here, woman!" He sits Danny on the floor and takes her in his arms. He kisses her and Danny crows and laughs.

They reach the hospital about ten to six and go to the desk to get Marie's room number. Then they go to her room. She's sitting up in bed and throws her arms out for Danny. Dan brings him to her and she greets them both with kisses.

Marie: "Oh Dan, I've never been so sore in so many places at once as I am tonight. I must look a wreck. Has Danny been behaving? Hmmm, he has a clean bottom and he's not cranky, so you must have fed him. Did he take a nap this afternoon?"

Dan: "Yes, he's been changed, fed and put down for a nap. How about that? He slept well because I gave him a cigar after lunch."