Dark Prince Ch. 05


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"I'm not staying!"

Lucien cupped her face and for a moment she thought he would kiss her. She didn't want him to kiss her and placed her palms on his chest, but he only looked at her with pleading eyes, "we're going to try to open a swath of land five hundred miles wide, but it'll be unstable. If we're distracted enough, or too many of us are killed, the shield could collapse. You wouldn't know what hit you."

"I need to find him."

His eyes hardened, though his voice remained calm. "And do what? Let him kill you? Maybe use your blood to open the gates of hell?"

Angel opened her mouth to let him know Devon had already come within her, but couldn't get the confession beyond her lips.

Lucien turned and led her to his Viper. "Stay close to me then. If he tries to kill you..." His voice trailed off, his meaning clear.

In the vision she had of Devon killing her, they'd been alone. She had to try anyway.


The Vipers descended through the thick black clouds. Once they pierced the cloud layer, they turned a reddish grey color, the rays of the twin suns trying to break through. A pinhole formed beneath them, then spread out forming a circle of clear land below. Angel saw what looked like a frozen sea and a land mass. They descended lower and landed on solid ground.

Angel took in the landscape. Ice and ash as far as the eye could see, a few dead trees, large boulders and hills. An enormous fire-spewing volcano sat in the background. Mist came from her mouth when she breathed and the cold bit into her like a vicious beast.

A thundering sound had her looking up to the sky. Birds! They circled over them high up.

"Fuck," Zak exclaimed! "We're too late!"

Angel's heart sped up, her eyes bulging. "What's going on?"

Her fear doubled when she saw the fear in Lucien's eyes. "Reapers."

"Alright, enough wasting time."

Angel watched as Remien began walking away. Lucien jumped with a start and he put his arm out, pushing her back. "Shit," he hissed.

Everyone else moved a few steps back too. Confused, Angel watched as the were-dragon whipped his black shirt off in the freezing temperature. The tattoo of the red dragon on his back rippled as if alive. She would have thought that he'd finally lost his mind, but caught sight of the red-gold fire licking up his entire body. Her eyes bulged when he turned, a wicked smile on his face as he shucked his pants down his long legs.

Angel sucked in her breath. The sword was tattooed from his navel, all the way down to his cock. From there, metal studs ran down the entire length of his prick ending with a silver ring at the very tip.

Angel cast Rowie a wide-eyed glance, but the girl just stared at the crimson-haired weredragon, practically drooling. Looking back at Remien, she saw the fire surrounding him bloom, brighter and hotter until before her stood a forty-foot beast made of opalescent red scales, massive wings, and a head full of pointed horns. The creature looked up, opening his jaws and roaring out a column of fire a mile high.

Angel screamed covering her ears as Lucien folded her into his embraced to shield her from the scorching heat.

She heard the beast laugh after that. "Feel free to piss in your pants," he roared out.

"Fucking show-off," Seth murmured next to Angel.

"Zak, come on, dude. Do it! Shift," Remien growled.

Angel looked over at Zak, who shook his head, terrified. "Damn-it, Rem. You know I can't."

Remien the dragon snorted, a little puff of smoke curling up from his nostrils. "What about you, kitty-cat?"

Seth rolled his eyes and sauntered forward, whipping his shirt off as well. Angel watched him tear everything off, exposing a lean, muscled body. He broke into a run and transformed into an enormous white tiger.

When he was almost out of sight, Remien dipped his head to Rowie. She placed her hand on his snout, and stroked him. "You better take of yourself," she warned with a wobbly voice.

"You won't get rid of me so easily, babe." He nuzzled her, then, with a swoop of his wings, rose into the sky.

Angel felt a lump form in her throat at the touching scene.

Rowie looked at her brothers and they nodded. She turned to Lucien. "We're going to investigate the caves while, Remi and Seth search topside."

"Rowie, that's too dangerous," Zak protested. "Let me go with them, or Luke."

Rowie smiled, but it was the older vampire that spoke. "You're dragon. The scent of your blood is very hard to resist. If one of us were to become injured, we wouldn't be able to resist feeding off you..." his black eyes shifted to Lucien, "or him."

"So, it's okay to feed off Row?" Zak's angry voice snapped. When he took a threatening step forward, Lucien grabbed his wrist.

"Easy." He released Zak as if burned. His icy blue eyes turned to Rowie. "How do you know they won't turn on you?"

"My blood doesn't satisfy them as much as yours or Zak's would. They'd feed enough to garner their strength without engorging." Rowie walked up to them and hugged them both. "I'll be okay. Don't worry."

She kissed Angel's cheek and turned on her heel, her black curls bouncing at her waist. "Let's go."

Angel had to blink a few times to believe what she saw. The images of Rowie and her two vampire brothers blurred. They left a trail in the ash covered snow, leading to the hills near the edge of the sea she could see gleaming farther down.

"What are we going to do?" Angel asked looking up at Lucien.

"You are going to get back in the Viper while Zak and I scout around here for other entrances into the underground chambers."

She didn't like that plan. "Why can't I look too?"

"We need someone to guard the Vipers."

She still didn't like that plan, but knew arguing would get her nowhere. "Alright, but I'll guard them standing out here. Makes no sense to cloister myself inside what I'm supposed to be guarding, unless that's just a lame excuse you're giving me to keep me out of the way."

Lucien opened his mouth, but then closed it and looked at Zak. With a brief gesture, they separated, rushing in opposite directions until they disappeared over the first few hills.

Angel's eyes focused on the frozen sea.


Finally summoning her sword, she broke into a run. He was there. She could feel what was left of his essence.


The terrain grew rocky, and then smoothed out to pure grey ash. Her boots began pounding over the ice as she ran. She heard the threat of creaking and cracking beneath her and shuddered wondering how thick it was and how deep the water underneath would be. Would there still be anything living below? The ice looked black, endless. As she weaved through the canyon-like frozen waves, shadows closed in on her. It was dark, the red sky above barely giving her any light to see. Where was she heading? She had no idea. A loud roar made her jump. Panting, she skidded to a halt. Another roar, angry, full of pain. Goddess, it sounded like Remien.

She turned to continue, but someone was blocking her path. Squinting, Angel edged closer.

White hair, a female huddled on the ground. When Angel stepped closer, she gaped, unable to believe her eyes. It was an exact double of herself, naked and shivering.

"Please, help me," the girl cried, tears streaming down her dirty face.

"Who are you," Angel demanded.

"Angel," the girl sobbed. "I'm so cold..."

She collapsed to the ground, rolling up into a fetal position.

Angel rushed to her, willing her sword away to help her up.

As soon as she had her arm around her double's waist, the girl wrapped her hands around Angel's neck with a feral hiss.

Angel tried to pull her claws away from her throat, choking, but the double was stronger. Angel pulled her fist back and swung, hitting her square in the nose. Black blood spurted all over her, but the evil bitch only laughed.

"He's mine now, slut. He'll be mine forever," she screamed at Angel with a hysterical cackle. Lillique's voice.

She grabbed Angel's head and pulled her back, slamming her down on the ice. Angel's vision shook from the force. Everything grew dimmer, tears streaming from her eyes, realizing that she was losing consciousness.

Devon—she called out one last time.


The wind was like a living force, trying to hold him back, so it came as a surprise to him when it suddenly ceased. He had to rotate his wings backwards to stop his forward momentum.

Making a sharp dive to the frozen sea below, he settled himself on the crest of a wave.


His eyes were drawn far below. A blond woman was choking another. He swooped down to investigate. She turned when he landed behind her, her eyes opening with fear. He snarled, feeling the energy fill him, wanting more. The woman scrambled to her feet, her body bare to his eyes. Lust surged through him, and she smiled.

"Good. That's very good, baby, but first you've got to kill her." The woman gestured to the unmoving one on the ground. "Then I'll let you have me."


He pounced on the unconscious girl, scooping her up in his arms, and soaring up into the sky. The woman in his arms never stirred. He wanted to see the terror in her eyes before dropping her, so when he thought he was high enough he shook her roughly.

She groaned, bracing her hands on his forearms. Her eyes blinked open, her delicate brows furrowed. At last, she gazed at him, but instead of terror... he saw something he did not understand.

"Devon!" Her arms wrapped around his neck and she pressed her warm body to his.

Who was she? What was this strange sensation stirring within him as his arms refused to let her go. She stiffened and began yelling at him.

"reapers. Oh-god, Devon. Fly. Fly, baby. They want to kill you."

He didn't understand her words, but she was looking at something behind him and pointing. Pulling her tight against him, he took off again, but this time to the portal. The wind picked up again and he felt her jolt in his arms. Her legs came around his waist as she burrowed her face against his chest.

He flew faster, feeling her legs loosening from around him. Below was the portal and he chanted the words to allow him access to the inner chamber of the devils. He plunged headlong toward the frozen, black sea. By the time he resurfaced in a thermal pool deep within the planet's frozen crust, she was limp and lifeless in his arms.

He knelt, holding her. Her head lolled back and her body lurched. A gurgling sound sighed from her lips as well as a little white foam. He cupped the back of her head and looked at her face. Her eyes rolled back and her lips were blue.

"She's dying, Divine Son."

He looked up with a growl. Two small angels hovered before him, one with hair as white as the pretty girl's and the other raven-haired.

"What are you?"

The raven-haired one spoke. "We are the companions of your Divine sister. But, as we speak, your love dies. The Divine One made her special for you. If she dies..."

"You will have no hope. You will be killed, Jazriel's spirit set free in a world of demons." The blond one finished.

They both stared at him with unblinking blue eyes, and then began speaking in unison. "The prophesy will come true... an angel with hair of gold will set Lucifer free."

"I know not of what you speak," he snarled to the two entities. The woman in his arms convulsed again. He did not know why, but he did not want her to die. Pain. It began in his chest, spreading out to his limbs and burning his back. He hissed, twisting

Embrace what you are... tame it...

The burning sensation grew worse. It was her. She was burning him.

He released her with a roar, but the burning sensation only grew worse.

He needed to get away. Running as fast as he could, he weaved his way through the tunnels until he felt lost. The woman's face haunted him. Was she dead by now? The thought had his heart twisting in agony, making him scream until the walls around him shook.

A feeling of exhaustion filled him, he dragged his feet and wings, moving farther into the tunnel. Something flashed ahead. He moved toward it until he realized it was the silhouette of a large man. Tucking his wings against his back, he took a few steps and then hesitated. The man did the same.

"Who are you?"

Only his voice echoed back, mocking him. This felt so familiar. His heart raced as he came closer to the man. Images flashed in his head, of falling, of being in darkness, sensing a delicate life growing by his side... heartbeats, a life in distress. He grabbed tiny hands as he emerged... into a different realm. Mother and father kiss. They love him. Father says goodbye, and then mother... they cry making him cry... his brother... taken from him...sorrow, white wings, love, pain, confusion... hatred and the need to kill. Now he saw the man clearly, saw his horrified stare and wanted to laugh at the irony. He was looking at himself.

Opening his wings, he laughed, "surprise, asshole."

His other self screamed, raising his sword.

Embrace what you are... tame it...

Devon finally saw his moment for release from this hell. He rushed toward that descending sword, opening his arms for the blow. Glass shattered, he wrapped his arms around another body and fell to his knees, eyes closed, panting. The person in his arm was crying, and the feel of feathers had him opening his eyes again. He was still looking at his face, but instead of black hair, golden blond locks tumbled down this person's back, over jet black feathered wings.

Son, hold on. I'm coming back for you—he sobbed, his voice fading along with his ghostly image.

Devon found himself with his arms wrapped around his own torso, blinking into the darkness.

Not understanding what had just transpired, he rose to unsteady feet. He stumbled along the dark tunnel until he came into the main chamber. A back devil lounged on a large boulder, looking at one of his claws. Samael.

"I told them you weren't fit to be dark prince," he sighed in a frustrated tone. "Damn Seraphs ruined you. Then, stupid Malvano took the other twin and fucked him silly every chance he got. Ruined dark prince and perfect virgin sacrifice gone to shit too." Samael huffed out a tired breath again. "Oh, well perhaps your twin will get things right after all. You, I don't know what we're going to do with. What a shame. And so much power too."

The sound of rushing water, like an enormous wave, filled Devon's ears. He barely had time to look up before thousands of devils descended upon him.

Time slowed, teeth began to sink into his flesh, still, he gathered power. They wanted to tear him to pieces like the grey devil, but he had a surprise for them.

He saw each individual molecule dividing the space between him and every devil crowded around him. The different jewel tones of their flesh paled, turning white and chalky. The tons of ashes from what had once been a horde of thousands of devils fluttered to the cave floor. Devon remained floating in the air, his wings humming powerfully behind him, arms outstretched.

The wounds on his body faded, his smile growing at the black devil's look of horror. "Does this look familiar?" Devon snickered. "Come, Samael. Let me love you too," he finished with a snarl.

The devil vanished.

Devon made his way out of the maze of caves and tunnels. He reached the surface and could see what looked like a frozen ocean a few paces ahead. Spreading his wings, he took to the sky again. The silence was broken by a loud roar.

Looking back, he saw a beast in the distance, a red dragon, but it disappeared, swooping down from the sky into the mountains.

Below Devon was a frozen whirlpool. An energy force pulled at him. Over the yawning black hole that dipped endlessly into the frozen water was a solid wall of magic. The gate of Hell.

The silence around him was all consuming. It was as if he'd stepped into another realm.

"Devonael Sanctisssss..." The voice was soft, alluring... the most beautiful voice he'd ever heard. Again, the visions of falling assailed him. He'd fallen from Heaven... no, not fallen... "Y-you pushed us."

Soft laughter. "Twas but a silly prank. Release me, and I shall set you free of your prison of flesh."

"Release you?"

"Use your divine sword. Anoint it with the blood of the virgin that approaches, and then I shall set you free."

The image of the dying blond woman filled his mind, gripping his heart in sorrow. His still befuddled mind searched for her name, but it eluded him. Anger swept through him at her loss, at the memories that eluded him, but the love he felt for her did not elude him.

Devon growled, reaching for his prick and spreading his legs. "This" he hissed "is what I think of your fucking offer." Using his cock like a hose, he let out a stream of urine over the gate.

Snarling filled his ears.

"What?" Devon spat. "Did I piss you off?"

The wind picked up again, blowing his long hair back. He could barely feel the weight of the wings anymore. Warmth poured down his back, and a few droplets of black blood dripped onto the ice. Angel. That was her name. His heart clenched, knowing she was gone by now. He'd left her alone to die.

There was movement behind him. Slowly, he turned, his pain at having lost his love making him growl. He bared his fangs at the intruder, letting all the pain and hatred he felt show in his face. She spoke a strange language this time, this vision that pretended to be Angel. She'd told him to kill her. He would do so now. Summoning his sword, he ran to her. She dropped a dagger to the ground, tears in her eyes. He skidded to a halt before her. He remembered that jeweled dagger. It was the one she'd always kept strapped to her thigh.

A shimmer of power gave him chills. Someone was teleporting behind him. His growls rose again, a fierce feeling of protectiveness overwhelming him. This was where she was supposed to fall in a puddle of blood... red blood... her blood—or whoever the fuck's behind me. He wasn't going to allow her to be killed.

"I love you," she said with a sob. "I love you, Devon."

The pain took him by surprise. Blood spattered on her shocked face, her eyes rolled up into her head and she fell.

For a moment he thought... she was dead, but the pain...

He looked down. Blood gushed from a silver sword that protruded from his belly, more of it poured from his mouth as he began choking on it. The sword had markings on it, ancient symbols he now recognized. Sataniel Lucifiere was written in angelic symbols. Lucifer's sword. He would never heal from this wound.

He smiled, looking down at his Angel. His blood had turned red, still a little dark, but red. So, she had saved him after all.

He fell to his knees, wanting to touch her before he breathed his last. The sword retracting from his back turned everything blinding white from agony. Then everything... just faded.


Angel felt hands groping her breasts, lips and teeth ravaging her mouth, a hard erection pressing against her. She whimpered, remembering the sight of Devon being run through with a sword. Had it been another nightmare?

Opening her eyes, she was shocked to find them obstructed by a swath of silky blond hair. Not her white-blond hair, but hair a thousand shades of gold, from the purest white to the deepest molten gold.

Angel arched and pushed against the sinewy body thrusting against her.

Icy blue eyes looked deeply into hers. "You're mine now. I can claim my rightful place, as dark prince."

"You bastard," she screamed pulling at his hair. "You killed Devon."

Lucien wrestled with her and managed to get a grip upon her hands and pull them to either side of her face. "You could have loved me..."