Dave's 20th Anniversary Gift Ch. 02


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"David if you want you can bend me over and take me quickly. I would love to have you inside me today!" Sonya whispered as she nibbled his ear.

A minute later Sonya was bent over and taking Dave's strong thrusts. She was concentration on squeezing her pussy muscles to make Dave cum faster. It was she wanted him inside of her but she didn't want to make him late. Due to her love for Dave, even with her efforts to please him she still climaxed.

As Sonya walked Dave to his car she whispered, "David, I would have cleaned you. I did make the mess you know."

Dave kissed her and responded, "If you had, we would have still been in the bedroom, and I would not be able to make my golf game."

Back in the dining room, Sonya found the two girls still sitting at the table. Adams had cleared the dishes.

"Adams, bring me a cup of fresh coffee." Sonya said as she flexed her legs together under the table feeling the warmth of David still in her. She was glad she had put her panties back on.

"Now girls, you both have to be ready to go in half an hour. I want you to make sure your rooms are clean. Leave your homework on your desk for me to check."

"But Ms. Harmon, I need my books for class."

"Nonsense Amanda you are going to Drug Rehab, not detention hall." Sonya countered.

"Mother," Allison said, "What will I need to take?"

The word 'mother' had not escaped Amanda or Della, but neither said a word.

"Nothing Allison dear, you are going to a Class on Etiquette. Your father and I want you to become a refined lady."

An hour later Sonya was driving Della to a "party'. Della had been taken to several 'parties' by Sonya. The first was one was shortly after the Della's trip to the men's room. Della was dressed in her 'special maid's uniform'. That consisted of a black dress that was cut so low it exposed her nipples. The dress had a laced corset attached that would lift and accents her 'tits' as Della must call them. The skirt would have just covered her ass if the front and back had been the same length as the sides. The front hemline was just above Della's 'cunt'. That was another word she had to learn to use. The black garters belt was visible and none of the black hose top was covered. The foot ware was a pair of 6" heel that had locking straps. Small gold padlocks hung from the shoe straps. The rest of the uniform was a sheer lace apron that hung down in the front to the same length as the side of the skirt. Even with the lace it was obvious to all that Della had an exposed sex and ass. The top of the apron fell just below Della's nipples making her look more like a topless waitress than a maid. Last was the lace cap that signified her low position in the scene.

Della had a tear as she remembered her fist service. Sonya had taken her to an elegant estate type home. It was large and had a drive that was so long it hid the house from the roadway. Sonya parked in the rear and rang the back bell. Soon a middle aged woman of round stature answered the door. The woman wore on a dressing gown and heels. She greeted Sonya with a kiss on the cheek and then invited them in. The woman who was only identified as Mildred eyed Della as she spoke to Sonya. "Sonya dear I am so glad you could come. Is this the new maid?"

"Yes Mildred, she is still in training, but that has some advantages."

"Has she served before?" Mildred asked still observing Della.

"Not fully, but there has to be a first time."

"And about the other thing?" Mildred asked with a little light in her eyes.

"Yes Mildred, she will do all we discussed. I think that part will be most acceptable."

Della wondered what they were speaking of but knew better than to ask.

"We had better get to it. The girls are due here in less than an hour. I still need to get ready and there is a lot to do in the kitchen."

"I understand, will you require help dressing?" asked Sonya.

"Yes I shall." smiled Mildred wickedly. That made Della a little anxious.

"Adams, you will go help Mildred get dressed. Do exactly as you are told or you will answer for it later!"

Della managed, "Yes Ma'am."

"Come along, Adams did you say?"

"Yes her name is Adams."

Mildred led Della through a house that seemed more like a hotel. When they reached her dressing room she turned her back to Della and slid the robe off her shoulders. "Take my robe Adams and hang it there on the rack." Mildred pointed to a clothes rod that held several robs and gowns. Mildred walked toward another part of the closet. Della was amazed for the room was larger than her bedroom at home. But this was only the closet for it opened into a dressing room with a large bath attached. The three rooms were half the size of Della's home.

After Mildred had pick out a skirt and blouse she handed them to Adams. "Hang those on the rack in the dressing room. I need to get some foundation." Walking naked in front of Della didn't seem to faze the woman.

When Della returned Mildred handed Della a bra, a pair of opera hose, and a pair of heels. "Let's get to it. I need to be ready to meet my guests in half an hour." In the dressing room Mildred had Della help her with her bra. It was the first time Della had ever fastened another woman's bra. Then she thought of the time she had helped her girls with their first bra, but those were her daughters. Once Della had gotten the bra hooked Mildred had Della help her put on the blouse. Della could tell that blouse was silk and expensive. That done Mildred sat in her vanity chair. She pointed and made Della kneel so she could put the hose on Mildred's legs. Then Della had to help with the heels. The problem with the position of the chair was that Della had to get under the vanity to be in place.

Mildred then smiled and scooted her chair forward. "I will put on my makeup while you service me." She said as if she was talking about the weather. With the new position of the chair and Mildred's wide spread legs, Della was looking at the woman's sex. It looked old and wrinkled. Mildred's inner thighs were large and flabby. The woman also did not shave or trim her pubic hair. It was long and gray. As Della looked she saw that it was also glistening with some wetness.

"Get to it girl. We don't have all day. Or do I need to call Sonya?"

"No ma'am, I'll do my best. I just never been...have had to ...with a woman..."

"Quit your babbling and get to it!"

Della closed her eyes and opened her mouth. When she came in contact with the woman's pussy she held her breath. The smell was not completely unpleasant but not at all appetizing. There was a slight fishy smell and a thick discharge that stuck to Della's tongue and lips. It seemed that Mildred with all the fine facilities in the bathroom had forgotten to wash that morning.

It was like a dream to Della as Mildred gave instruction like she teaching something a task as common as dusting. In a few minutes Mildred clamped her legs on Della's head and proceeded to cum in Della's mouth. As quickly as she had finished Mildred released Della. "Go clean up Adams, you look like a cheap trollop!"

A few minutes later Mildred had Della help her with her skirt before they headed to find Sonya in the kitchen.

The party was a ladies bridge game. Between serving the food and drinks that Sonya prepared, Della was under the table servicing the other three women. Della got a real education that day in cunnilingus. Each of the women was different. The largest of the 4 was Joy. She smelled horrible and tasted just as bad. Her legs were as clabbered looking, like cottage cheese. Della realized no man would have any use for the woman in bed.

Ray was the smallest of the large women and the best tasting if one wished to compare the tasted of four rich middle aged fat women. Of the four, only Brianna shaved but it had been several days. The stubble scratched Della's face as she tried to please the overweight woman.

Finally the game was over and the women went in the den for coffee. It was then Della found she had another task to perform. She had to clean the upstairs guest bedroom. Sonya excused them both and led the way. Della noted the leather bag over Sonya's shoulder, the same bag that Sonya had carried to the men's room. Sure enough as quickly as they entered the room Sonya began to set up the video camera on a tripod.

Sonya completed her work then turned to Della, "My god you look a mess Adams! Just what have you been doing? You don't want to be on stage looking like that do you?"

Della had no idea as to what she looked like. And was a little stunned by the statement of Sonya.

"Get in the bathroom and clean up Adams!"

Della numbly began to walk to the bathroom. She was taken back by the room. It was spacious and was luxurious. The sink had ornate fixtures and the vanity was filled with many beauty products. It was then Della saw herself in the mirror. Her makeup was streaked and her hair a mess. Her cap was hanging by one pen and around her mouth was a stain that looked like dried milk. All Della could do was put her face in her hands and weep.

A hand on Della's shoulder urged her to turn and face Sonya. As quickly as she did and moved her hands to see what her antagonist wanted she got a hard slap across the face. "Now get to fixing yourself up Adams. You have a date and I want you to look good for him."

Della was a little shocked by the mention of a date. What did Sonya expect? She was soon to learn. Sonya made Della wash her face then sit in the chair facing away from the mirror. Sonya applied makeup. When Sonya finished with the makeup she directed Della to the bedroom. Sonya handed Della a note to read. "You will go, turn on the camera then recite these lines. You will do it with sincerity or I will make you wish you had. Now give it a try. You will get but once chance for the camera."

Della read the note twice. "Hi ya'll. I'm here to act out a fantasy I have had since I was a little girl. I want to be raped. Now sit back and enjoy cause I know I will!" The note continued saying that after the statement Della was to wink and blow a kiss to the camera. Then all she had to do was get well into the field of view of the camera and act as if she was cleaning.

Della was stunned, but tried to remember the lines. Sonya stood with cocked hand as Della worked on it till she could get it the way Sonya wished.

Sonya stepped back out of the picture and watched. Della found how hard it was to turn the camera on. Then she began her lines. She didn't remember saying them, but whatever she did satisfied Sonya.

As Della play dusted she got a look at herself in the mirror. She was made up like a street walker. Just as she realized what she must look like to the camera she became aware of someone else in the room. Expecting to see Sonya, Della turned. She was stunned to see a strange man in the room. All Della could do was open her mouth to speak but no words came.

"So you are the new maid! Nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Yes...yes I am the new maid." Della stammered.

"Let me get a look at you." he said as he walked toward Della.

Della eyes the man. He was taller than she, and sturdy in his build. He had gray hair and a smile that frightened her. His eyes were piercing and he was dressed in shorts and a knit golf shirt.

When he got to her he reached out and took Della's hands. "Yes, Mildred knows just what I like."

Della didn't know what to do or say so the just gave a nervous smile. Then the man quickly crossed Della's wrists and bond then tightly with a rope.

"What are you... you can't.. why... I mean..." Della tried to ask.

The man picked Della up and put her on his shoulder. He carried her to the bed and threw her down on her back. Without saying a word he took another piece of rope tied her wrists to the center of the massive ornate metal bed board. He tied Della's wrists so tight that the rope dug into her skin. All she could do was squirm on the bed. Della came to her senses and opened her mouth wide to scream for help. All that did was make it easier for the man to stuff some material into her mouth. He jerked her head up by her hair and tied a pair of hose between Della's lips to hold the panties in her mouth.

The man moved to Della's legs and tied a rope around one of her ankles. He looped the rope under the arch of Della's heel and tied a half hitch. Then the rope went back under the arch and to the ankle binding. When he pulled the rope tight, the way he had secured it, the rope would stay in the inside of the legs making her legs spread to the max. Especially when he did the same to her other leg.

Once Della was secured he began to remove his clothes. The man took his time and folded his clothing neatly. Della could only watch as he approached with an erection that stood straight out from a patch of gray hair. He smiled at Della as he climbed on the bed and got between her legs. Della fought the bonds but it was no use. Della closed her eyes.

The man had his cock at the opening to her pussy. Della began to cry. For almost 20 years Della had been faithful to her husband and now another man was going to violate her. Before she had much time to contemplate that fact, she felt him enter her pussy. All the way into her with just one hard push. Della screamed into the gag from the pain and the humiliation.

Della's discomfort and shame seemed to feed his lust. He pounded into her harder with each invasion of her body. Later Della would remember feeling his balls hitting her ass.

To Della it seemed to be hours but in truth the man filled her and pulled out in less than three minutes. It was when Della felt his seed flood her womb that she realized the man was not wearing a condom. Yes, as Della would learn the man was 'bareback' in her. When he did pull out he climbed up to where he could wipe his limp cock on her face.

Laughing he climbed off of Della and redressed. "When you get up you will be expected to clean up the mess you made you whore." When he was dressed he untied the rope that held Della's wrists to the headboard. Pulling her hands roughly he untied all but the last knot that held Della's now numb wrists.

"And don't forget to return Mildred's panties and hose." With that he laughed and left the room.

Della worked her hands free and then stretched to untie her legs. The task of untying the hose that gagged her was difficult but she managed. Della needed to get the stuffing out of her mouth. In fact the material was a pair of panties. They were cotton and had obviously been worn. Della went to the bathroom to wash her mouth out. The taste was unpleasant when she had seen what had filled her mouth.

Looking in the mirror Della saw her makeup ruined again from the abuse and her tears. When Della went back into the bedroom Sonya motioned her to come out of the camera frame. A moment later Sonya turned off the camera. "Adams clean and straighten the bed while I take care of my camera gear."

A few minutes later Sonya led an embarrassed Della into the game room to give Mildred back the panties and hose that had been used as a gag. The rope was also in her hand. Sonya only looked at Della but that was enough to make the woman obey.

"Miss Mildred I wish to return these panties and hose that were used to gag me. I was told they were yours and you would want them back. I also have the rope for later use."

Mildred looked up from her conversation with the other women. When Mildred took the panties and hose she held them with just two fingers. "These are wet and nasty, Adams. Why would I want anything that was stuffed in any part of you?"

Della just looked down at the floor. But Mildred didn't let it go. "Adams it looks like you tried to wear them. I see some tacks in the crotch. Don't you even wipe?" Della wanted to cry.

As Della rode home that day she leaked some of the man on Sonya's passenger seat. That was cause for punishment. Della had to clean the seat when they got to her home. Punishment that day was being tied facing a large post in the basement and whipped on the ass and thighs.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

stupid story if della and amy had any brains they would already have left the house and moved to another city and found work and a good man not one that lets some slut tell him how to treat his formwr wife and daughter not sure how any man can let some slut treat his daughter like that

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not Sure I Can Continue

I keep scanning this story to see if it turns around and has some redeeming quality. So far, there is none. That so many find enjoyment in the pain and humiliation of another person gives me great concern for the human race. There truly is evil in this world.

steven857steven857over 8 years ago

This story lacks anything to make it interesting, 20 years of marriage thrown away for nothing and two children lives ruined.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
ANd then Della called the Police.

Sonya was arrested for assault and battery and spent the next 5 years in prison. Della divorced Dave and took the kids. End of sad, unbelievable story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Idiotic story


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Finding it hard to believe!

Sorry, but this really is difficult to believe. What husband in his right mind would choose an outsider over his wife? I mean she may be great but he does have a wife to deal with... Then she is trying to take the place of Della? Della is letting her misuse her? You kidding me, right? I think Sonya is a tart...a woman that needs to get her own man. She is an exceedingly annoying character. If David wants her so much...why not just divorce Della and why doesn't Della get a life rather than let some tart abuse her? This makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This has to be one of the best on this site. I like the way daily life is incorporated into d/s.

MartinimanMartinimanalmost 13 years ago
Tantalizing story

Can't wait for more of this story. I'm loving your work & want more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Does she eventually run away? Does she get the girls to go with her or are they now the daughters of Ms. Harmon?

You write well and you've pretty well done everything to her so - does she finally run away and never to be heard from again or - does she run to the police?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Well done! More please!

Great story! Can't wait for the rest!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Story is so far out there and implausible that I cannot waste my time reading any further installments. The characters lack believability and depth. I have to ask what dark person would write such depravity. This goes beyond humiliation and D/s. Personally, the husband should be hung up until he castrates himself.

darklacedarklacealmost 13 years ago
my heart!

It nearly exploded straight out of my chest reading this story! That hasn't happened to me in years. Thank you so much!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good Story

Sad to read all the Negativity? Great story keep it coming

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
nice tale

Really a great story and well told. Thanks for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Great stuff

Don't listen to them if they don't like then they should not read. The story was spot on. Keep up the good work!!!

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