Defiled: Me


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He just finished bathing me and took me out of the shower with my fucking rigid tool sticking out obscenely, hard as titanium rod, and ready to explode.

"Tye, I really, really need to..." I whined, making desperate gestures toward my groin...

"No. What you need is to conserve your energy. You had a very high fever last night. You need to return to bed and go back to sleep straight away."

I growled quietly and grabbed my shaft, but he pulled my hand away.


What a disappointment...

He dried me with my towel and also dried himself, and then led me toward the bed, where he helped me to pull on clean clothes. He sat me on the edge of HIS bed, and... changed my bedsheet!

I observed him gaping and tenting my shorts. Fuck, he really was good at that. Was he that desperate to get inside my ass that he literally changed into a nurse? I must say, I was almost admiring his devotion to it. I was still not gonna give it to him, though.


"Are you really that dedicated to fucking me, that you are willing to do all this for me?"

I asked quietly.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, your ass is already mine. The moment you're healthy, I'm taking it."

"You arrogant asshole!" I screeched. "In your dreams"!

"Just shut up. You are going to take it and nicely moan for me, bitch." He said in a firm, almost cold tone of voice, like he was distancing himself from me.

I felt a weird, exciting shiver on my spine.

"What if I resist? Are you going to push your fat dick in my poor virgin ass?"


"That would be rape!"

"It would not. You want it so fucking much, even now, your dick is throbbing when you think about it, am I wrong?"

He was 100% right. I was so lost.

After Tye finished changing the bedsheet, he laid me to bed and put a duvet high under my chin.

"How do you know what I want?" I whispered, catching his wrist. "For all you know, I'm disgusted by the mere thought of having your dick in my ass."

"If I were to force myself on you only if you're hard, would that be fair?"

"I won't be hard!"

"Yeah, like now? You are very reactive, sensitive."

"I'm not!"

He slid his hand under my duvet, to find my still impossibly hard dick and I moaned, throwing my head back, as he made a few strokes along my shaft.

He laughed.

"Yep, that's what I thought!"

I suddenly chuckled, not knowing even why. It was all pitiful and just stupid.

"What If I start begging? Please... don't! Don't take my innocence... Please don't push it inside, it's just too thick. So thick! And warm, and hard... I'm so stretched! You're gonna rip me apart! Please, Daddy, deeper, harder..."

He suddenly let my dick go, and took one step back, while I giggled like a crazy person.

"No, no, no! You call me Daddy and there will be no ass ripping, no going deeper. So watch your mouth."

I turned to my side, yawning. This whole conversation was just too crazy.

I knew he wasn't going to jerk me off, so I could just doze off.

"I'm going to sleep. And don't you dare fantasize about taking my cherry. It's reserved for someone else," I muttered.

"Greg, perhaps?"

"None of your business. Not for you."

"We'll see about that."

And we both fell asleep not long after that.

I woke up around 11AM and discovered with some surprise I was feeling so much fucking better, and... Tye was still sleeping, so I guess I tired him a bit during the night. I stood up and slowly got closer. I leaned a bit over him.

Tye was sleeping on his back with his head slightly tilted to the left.

God, he was fucking handsome! His regular features, subtle black stubble shadow, full, sexy lips, and... wow. He really had thick, black eyelashes. I was analyzing him, with weird fascination, feeling... wow. I had to squash this peculiar need to softly stroke his cheek.

Then suddenly - he opened his eyes!

I almost jumped, and pretended I was just standing there... randomly.

"Were you staring at me, Nick?" he asked with a smirk.

"Nah, why would I? You're ugly as hell," I lied and strode back to my bed.

He chuckled. "You really are hilarious."

Why the hell was I like that? Angry all the time. Offensive and abrasive. I tightened my lips. Fuck. It wasn't how I wanted to behave. Was it a defense mechanism?

"Okay, it's obviously not true. You are kinda hot. But you have a bit of a... rapist vibe. And the cold master/dom thing going on."

"And you like it?"

"Oh, just shut up!"

"Well, it wasn't me who role-played a fake sex scene last night! 'Oh Daddy, harder, deeper? Please, don't take my innocence!'" He giggled.

I growled, "You are an insufferable person!"

But I couldn't stop myself and giggled a bit too.

Tye observed me for a moment.

" You're still gonna give me your ass, though. In two days."

"I'm sick! Did you forget?"

"You don't look like it anymore. You'll be good in two days. And you have a lot of spunk to argue with me. My treatment worked, right?"

I hesitated. He was kinda right.

"Not necessary. It was just a random situation. Pure luck, quack!"

He shrugged and went to the bathroom.

I laid down, as I didn't want to push my luck and decided to spend the day in bed, just to be sure I was good. It was Saturday anyway, so I could get away with that.

During the day, Tye ordered food for us and I mostly slept, as a bit of fever came back, but only for a while and soon subsided. We didn't talk much, both with our headphones and laptops.

Tye went shopping and to meet up with some friends for an hour but was soon home around 10PM. I was already dozing off in my bed.

The next day I felt even better. I could stand up and clear my part of the room and Tye went out again, as he was meeting with some of the boys from the football team for additional gym practice.

As he was out, I was surprised to hear pretty fervent knocking on the door.

I stood up, and opened the door...

And I froze.

It was literally like looking at myself in the mirror.

Yes. An almost identical guy stood just behind the doorstep and stared at me.

The only major difference was his hair - a bit longer and stylized on gel, and he had earrings in his ears. And also his clothes were pretty.... Hm. Posh? Can I use that word? Gay for sure, I could tell that already.

"Hello. What do you want?" I asked, unsure if I should rather ask him if he was adopted and had a twin brother. Twin-twink brother, perhaps.

"Hi... Is Tye here?"

"Yyyy.... No, but he will be here in approximately..." I checked my phone. "I guess in about forty minutes? He is out at practice."

"Can I wait for him here?"

"And you are...?" I pouted my lips a bit.

"Jamie. His boyfriend."

I swallowed. "Boyfriend? He... doesn't have a boyfriend."

Jamie rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay. His ex-boyfriend. Minor adjustment."

I stared at him with my mouth gaping. My weird imposter moved past me and went inside the room. He went straight to Tye's bed. It wasn't that weird as Tye had on the wall above a poster with his favorite actor, Sebastian Stan. His ex would probably know about his idols, right?

"Jamie... Did you notice? We kinda look alike," I murmured.

He shrugged. "I did, you're my weird twin. Did he hit on you?"

"What?! No! I'm... strai...str...straight!" I screeched in such a high-pitched voice that Jamie eyed me with raised eyebrows, as if to say, "Gurl, please,", then he pouted his lips, mirroring my expression from earlier.

"Well. Okay. We really look alike. It has to be scary for him, hahah.... Maybe even traumatic!"

I was stunned. Could this be a reason for all... of that? For Tye's attitude toward me? I needed to know.

"And why would it be traumatic?"

"Ah... long story! I may have... hurt him a bit. Okay. A lot. A fucking... giant hurt. But he'll get over it, and he'll forgive me sooner or later. He will always love me."

I swallowed hard. Fuck.

"Can you... tell me more about that hurt? Why did you guys break up?"

"It's none of your business!" he screeched. Ew! We even had such a similar tone of voice...

I knew I had to get that out of him no matter what. So, I went closer to him, still shocked at how similarly we looked and asked with a super-nice smile, "Do you want something to drink? I have soda..."

He squinted his eyes. "Nope, I don't drink such stuff. It has white sugar and preservatives! Mineral water would be great."

I handed it to Jamie and went back to sit just next to him. We were even of similar height...

He eyed the bottle.

At that moment I noticed, he had a tattoo of a snake wrapping around his wrist.

So very predictable.

"Do you have mineral water in a GLASS bottle?" he asked.

"Sorry, no. Only in planet-killing plastic."

He snorted. "Ha, ha! Fucking funny," he murmured sarcastically. "Did he appreciate your lame jokes?"

I winced, as I realized, that I started our conversation...not in the smartest way possible. I needed to repair it quickly. "No, he hates my sense of humor! Our third roommate loves it, however, but Tye always makes faces behind my back."

Bingo. Advantage Jamie in this odd game of one-upmanship we both low-key knew we were in. Jamie's face got a bit more relaxed. He drank the water and stared at me for a moment before he said, "I can see how curious you are. Did he even mention me?"

I hesitated. What would give me a better outcome?

Lying or telling the truth?

"He only mentioned once he was... wronged by some bitch. I thought it was about a girl..."

He huffed. "No it's not! He's one hundred percent gay. Not a straight bone in his body."

I tilted my head. "So it's you who was that... bitch?"

Jamie wrinkled his nose, creepily similar to mine. I hated to see a better groomed version of myself. Maybe I should pierce my ears and add some tattoos here and there to gain a more edgy look? After all, it had worked for Sandy at the end of "Grease."

"You may say that. It was a big mistake on my part," he murmured, and pulled up his sleeves a bit. I stared at his snake tattoo for a moment. It went up on his wrist and forearm. I was curious how high it climbed on his arm.

"Man, you really are making me super curious about what happened!" I smiled innocently, trying to look like just a normal person that would be interested in gossip. Without any weird intentions and suspicious hidden agendas!

He rubbed his nose and said, "Hmmm... I could tell you. But that would put me in a bad light, and that's not what I feel is the right approach to our situation..." he hesitated, glancing at me.

"C'mon! I'm not exactly Tye's biggest fan, you know? So don't worry about that! I won't judge."

"Okay..." He finally gave up. "I can tell you, but don't mention it to him, he may get pretty angry!"

"Sure thing!" I was so fucking ready to hear it!

He pulled his legs higher. His pants were way above his ankles. I noticed he had shaved legs and another tattoo on the side of his calf. It was a thick, barbed wire actually! With big thorns. How very weird. It looked pretty predacious and provocative.

If I ever got real tattoos I'd definitely get more sophisticated ones!

"We have been boyfriends since almost the beginning of high school. Tye was... super sweet. We were each other's firsts. You know, this super-cute-puppy gay love story." He winced.

I stared at him in shock. So, there was a point in time when Tye was... 'super sweet'?


Where was it?

In an alternate universe?!

What... or who... damaged him?

Was I looking at the reason for his drastic change?

"But he was also very... jealous of me." Jamie continued, "I was always kind of naturally flirtatious. And I had a lot of attention from guys, they called me cute, and asked me out. Sometimes even straight guys were paying attention to me. I denied all that for a long time. I was so head over heel for Tye. But in our senior year he said he was super stressed about what would happen when we went to college. He was going to a different college than me. He was terrified of the possibility of our separation. But I kinda accepted it. It was the mature thing to do, right? I knew it was coming. So, I... started..." He cleared his throat. "Kinda cheating on him. You know why. It was self-preservation. I needed to get rid of my feelings for him to spare myself suffering, and I was right. Meeting new people helped me. I stopped being so focused on him, it somewhat weakened our bond. I felt free, and I was finally experimenting a bit. Well... a lot."

The fuck? I observed his smug face. My throat went dry. Jamie represented the worst, self-absorbed selfish type there was. With every word spilling out of his mouth, I hated him more and more.

"During our summer break, Tye came to me with good news... Supposedly good. He somehow managed to get transferred to my college! He was so dedicated to us... to being together. I got annoyed. He seemed so obsessed with being with me and I had kinda moved on already. I wanted to be free in my college years and fuck with whomever I wanted."

I stared at him, blinking dumbfoundedly. I really couldn't stand this guy. Listening to his bullshit with a polite face was a challenge. He seemed to believe what he did was justified!

"Why... didn't you break up with Tye during senior year? Then he would have had time to... digest that situation," I asked cautiously.

"Because..." Jamie hesitated. "I liked his attention. He was really sweet as a boyfriend. Caring and loving. And very good in bed. I couldn't just let him go like that."

Yep. I wanted to slap him now. Start a sissy fight with the bitch. Maybe even tear him limb from limb and make him regret the day he showed up with his slutty ass on MY territory? Who knows. One thing was certain. I hated him even more now. What a... snake!

"One day my parents were out, and I invited one of the guys I was hooking up with. Tye... come there unexpectedly. The guy and I were in the backyard garden. He saw us fucking."

Jamie glanced at me as if checking what I was thinking about it. I tried to stay with an impassive and calm face, not revealing my true feelings that were very... NOT flattering.

Weirdly enough I felt more and more sympathy toward Tye. Being deeply in love and something like that happened? It could destroy a much stronger man. So under all of this hostile and angry surface Tye hid... a different person.

Did his attitude toward me mirror what he truly felt toward Jamie?

Was I the representation of his hate, lust and love, and he reenacted it on me?

Sick? Yep.

"The worst thing was the reason why Tye came to my house then. He actually..." Jamie cleared his throat again. "He wanted to surprise me. He brought an engagement ring with him. He wanted to ask me to marry him..."

I was shocked. "At 18?"

Jamie almost jumped, obviously glad that I sounded surprised.

"Super weird and stupid, right? I'm glad you see it. He was just a crazy, total idiot in love. I was hoping he would cool down a bit and forgive me and just give up on that marriage stupidity. Because it was such a dumb move on his side."

"Yep, probably stupid," I murmured, even though my stance was kinda... on the opposite of what I was saying. Maybe Tye was stupid... but only for trusting Jamie. He was just an innocent boy in love with his first boyfriend, who had naive dreams that were brutally crushed by reality.

Was he really to blame?

The romantic part of my soul just didn't want to view it like that.

Meanwhile, Jamie exhaled with relief.

"Yep, after that, he obviously made some seriously miraculous move and was accepted back to his original college. As the year began, I discovered he wasn't attending my college. I was disappointed he couldn't just let it go. We could be good together if he would only let me be a bit more... free. I'm young you know, I have a right to fuck with some other cocks. I was never into that monogamy thing, anyway."

"Uhm..." I murmured, as I was into monogamy very much, however naively that sounded from the mouth of a young virgin gay as me.

Jamie raised his gaze to the ceiling with a bit of a dreamy face - a look I knew all too well. "But... I had some time to think. These two months haven't been easy on me. I missed him. He is really a wonderful person. Sadly, I haven't met many guys like him on Grindr. So, I decided to talk to him and maybe try to transfer here if everything was okay between us..."

I felt a sudden, and rather unexpected wave of fear. But why?

Suddenly I realized, I didn't want Jamie to transfer here...It was really the last thing I could ever want! I clenched my jaws, wanting to answer something bitter, but the doors opened...

Tye himself came inside!

He froze right there, on the doorstep, fixing his eyes on Jamie's figure, sitting next to me.

I could see it. He went pale and then red. And again pale...

He took two steps inside and yelped, "What are you doing here?! You shouldn't have come!"

Jamie smiled seductively (I still wanted to slap him!). "Oh, babe. Aren't you glad you see me? I'm planning on staying with you this time. Only yours! I've made up my mind..."

Tye pressed his palms to his eyes for a moment, as if in disbelief.

"Get out," he said pretty calmly. "I don't want to see you ever again. We are done."

Jamie stood up and came closer to Tye. I also stood up.

"Babe..." His voice - so fucking seductive I wanted to vomit. My hand was itchy. I needed to slap him, for fuck's sake!

"Stop calling me that! You have no right! You lost that right - when you cheated on me."

"Stop being so narrow-minded, Tye!" Jamie raised his voice. "I'm young, I had the right to have some fun!"

And then something in me just snapped.

I really don't know what made me do it (probably the slapping need).

"So maybe you should be more clear about wanting an open relationship, Jamie. If it wasn't that kind of relationship... well. That just makes you a cheating, lying bitch."

Tye and Jamie turned their heads and looked at me, both surprised. Tye was almost gaping. Jamie, however, reacted first:

"You fucking bitch! I thought you understood my reasons..."

I came one step closer, wincing angrily.

"Oh, c'mon, slut. Are you really that stupid? Did you fall for that? I just wanted to hear your touching story about how you justified your cheating and lying to a person who truly loved you!"

Jamie stared at me in shock. I made one more step toward him. We were now face to face. "Leave. Him. Alone." I emphasized. "He already moved on!"

"And who are you to have anything to say about that?" Jamie burst it out.

I took a deep breath in.

I was about to deliver the rant of the decade!

"I'm his new boyfriend. Yassssss! The new and improved model. With surely a less run out ass than yours. One who can cherish the special person Tye is. One believing that love and being faithful still mean something. These are not fucking empty words from old, religious books! They still have value even if the fucking modern world tries to mold everything into "let's just have fun" and don't care about how other people feel! Me, me, me, me, me! Fucking forever ME! You really deluded yourself into thinking you're the center of the universe when all you do is get rammed by anonymous stranger after anonymous stranger whose names you don't even bother to remember. Hell, half the time you're probably on your phone making your next appointment before the guy is even done fucking you. Cheating and lying will never be okay! Mind that! Now get out, before I kick your sorry ass, bitch!"

Jamie made a wild growl, took a swing wanting to hit me, but as he did it in a typical sissy way, Tye caught his hand with ease and pushed him away from me.

"You heard him! Now get out. Before - I - kick your cheating ass," he emphasized the "I" in the sentence.