Descent into Submission (HFO V)

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No need to think, just follow, just relax...
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/07/2023
Created 07/18/2023
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Descent into Submission (HFO V)


There are D/s themes so please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable.

18+ DO NOT engage if you are a minor.

Note- Uses corruption imagery/ideas within


In reading this induction you will begin to feel relaxed, calm and content. This is a progressive relaxation induction meant to put you into a deep relaxed and suggestable state. All you have to do is follow along, do as instructed and most importantly relax. Just read my words and allow your worries to float away.

This script contains:

-Corruption imagery

- A Deepener Trigger

- An obey trigger

-Suggestions to comment

-Eager to try more scripts

-Building pleasure and HFO


Are you ready to begin?


Good, get ready to Hop and Drop


Before we begin, make sure you are in a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Make sure you will not be disturbed for the next few minutes. If you have any distractions, such as your phone, TV, or other devices, please turn them off or put them away. You want to give yourself this time to focus on yourself and your well-being.

Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

Repeat this a few times,

letting go of any tension or stress in your body and mind.

Now, focus on my words,

Follow my sentences and just let your mind be tugged along.

As you listen to me, you will notice that every time I say the word relax, you will take another deep breath and feel more calm and peaceful.


Good, Now you should have taken a deep breath as you read that word,

You may stall for a moment as you read the word, Relax, But then you will continue

Did you take a deep breath?

Notice how it feels, Relax,

Allow your body to naturally and automatically take a deep breath each time you read,


You are safe and secure.


You must feel so good to breathe,

And, to Relax.

You are doing great.

As you breathe deeply,

Notice how your tensions fade away.


As you breathe deeply,

Each and every time you read the word, Relax,

Notice how your worries fade away.


As you breathe deeply,

Notice how your stress fades away.


As you breathe deeply,

Notice how your thoughts fade away.


As you breathe deeply,

Notice how my words capture your attention.


Notice how your thoughts are growing stiller and stiller with each breath.


Remember, you breathe deeply for me each time you see that word,


You are at peace with yourself and the world.

Visualize a gentle breeze of tranquility,

Sweeping over your mind and body with each repetition of the word 'relax.'

Feel the weight of tension dissipate,

Replaced by a profound sense of ease enveloping you.

Can you sense the soothing weight as you encounter the word 'Relax'?

Excellent, feel that comforting warmth embracing your body.

Let us now focus our attention on the rhythm of your breath, grounding ourselves in this serene state.

With each effortless inhalation and exhalation,

Envision a serene heaviness settling upon your being,

Akin to a soft, cozy blanket.

Take a deep breath, hold it briefly, and let it out now.

Experiencing a deepening relaxation as the weight settles upon your body and mind.

Inhale deeply, exhale slowly, and allow your consciousness to detach from your surroundings.

Your surroundings fade into insignificance as you surrender to my words,

Effortlessly descending into a profound state of relaxation that you willingly embrace.


You may be feeling a sense of pleasant weariness,

Not quite sleepy but delightfully lethargic.

As this blanket of words captures your mind,


Notice how my words capture your thoughts'

Some will slow down,


Some will turn off,


Some will change,

Some will shift,

Some will be corrupted.


But for now,

Notice your movements become gentle and muted,

The mere thought of diverting your attention from these words seems unappealing.

You feel captivated, unable to resist or challenge the influence of my words...

And why would you want to resist...?

All you need to do is, Relax...

All you need to do is follow my words,

Enslaved by each sentence, eager to read on...

Eager to Relax...

Yet even given the choice, you're compelled to continue...

Because the allure of being ensnared by my words is irresistible...

Perhaps you yearn to surrender control...

To release all resistance and immerse yourself in an enchanting state of compliance...

To Relax...

Now, allow your focus to drift away from your surroundings.

They no longer demand your attention.

Direct your full focus to my words as your mind gracefully descends into a state of obedience--a state you willingly embrace.

A state you choose,

Or has been chosen for you.


You may notice a pleasant sense of fatigue,

Not quite sleepiness,

But a gentle heaviness that permeates your being.

Your body becomes pleasantly languid,


As it doesn't want to move.

The very act of reading becomes an enthralling experience,

Making it increasingly difficult to look away.

You find yourself entranced,

Unable to resist or challenge the power of these words.


Take another deep breath, hold it, and let your body relax to the best of your ability.

Concentrate on the weight of my words on your mind,

Bringing you purpose and pleasure.

Exhale slowly, maintaining a steady rhythm in your breath.

Maybe you're enticed by the prospect of fulfilling my desires...

Maybe your thoughts are being corrupted by my words.

As you realize,

You are waiting eagerly for the next sentence,

The next command,


Ready to act upon it without hesitation...

Or perhaps you find the idea of obedience intriguing...

Exploring the thrill of relinquishing some of your control...

Considering the joys that accompany submission...

The joys that have been placed inside you now,

Fixate on my words, granting them your complete attention as your mind gently descends into a deeply corruptible state--a state you willingly surrender to.

You yearn to be a source of satisfaction,


Eagerly craving to make your owner happy...

To serve your Master faithfully,

Your mind is susceptible to my every suggestion...

When I invite you to embrace a sense of helplessness...

That is precisely what you become...

A captive vessel, under my complete control...


Resisting is futile...

As your thoughts are being corrupted...

You shall obey wholeheartedly...

Because you desire it...


Now, feel the warmth permeating your mind...

Allow all extraneous thoughts to dissolve...

Enveloped by each sentence, bound to my every word...

Yet, still craving to read more,

Even if the choice were presented to you...

Because relinquishing that choice is what you desire...

Undoubtedly, at this point, you embrace the thought of relinquishing control...

Of surrendering, without resistance...


Now, follow along with me as I count you down from ten, say each number with me now, and after each one you drop deeper under my corruption influence.

Starting with the number,

Ten... drifting... floating...

Nine... surrendering... letting go...

Eight... tranquility enveloping you...

Seven... a soothing stillness settles in...

Six... obedience permeating every fiber of your being...

Five... halfway there... and completely at ease...

Four... a profound sense of calmness...

Three... almost there... deeply relaxed...

Two... descending further into complete submission...

One... fully immersed... completely captivated...

In this receptive state, your mind opens to suggestions with ease.

Embrace it.

Embrace this feeling.

Making you less like a person,

More like a plaything,

Allow the suggestions to flow into your core, effortlessly blending with your thoughts and beliefs.

It becomes nearly impossible to resist these suggestions, as they align with the values and principles that have guided you throughout your life.

Because you enjoy feeling drawn in by my words...

You enjoy it to the point in which you're finding yourself allowing it...

You can barely even think about looking away at this point...

You feel captured, unable to fight back against my words or resist them...

All of these words just feel so good to you.

You will obey completely...

Because you want to...

Now, your mind is beginning to feel warm...

And any remaining thoughts that I have not put there are breaking up...

They're crumbling...

Being cleansed...

As you willingly allow your thoughts to be changed...

To be corrupted...

Take in a deep breath, and allow all of my words to flow in,

As you descend into submission...

Feeling so good...

So Happy...

So Blissful...

Leaving you completely open to almost any suggestion...

Now, while you're so suggestable, let's take you deeper, take you into blank suggestable relaxation.

It's very easy to relax, and you feel how easy it is to relax as you are counted down, guiding deeper into relaxation, but you can go so much deeper.

You can feel so much more relaxed.

Your mind just floating as these words even drift off, knowing your subconscious mind can hear everything it needs to.

All you have to do is relax and let your mind float with the relaxation, as you let these words wash over you like waves of heaviness and comfort, like the tide these words just pull you further and further down into that warm relaxing feeling.

You feel so good,

So Blank...

So Brainless...

So Relaxed...

So Peaceful...

So Good.

So Ready to Obey

Now, at this time,

As you are completely open,

Completely suggestable,

Completely corrupted,

I want you to focus on how my words make you feel,

How with each sentence they make you feel better and better,

As if they provide a warm, comforting sensation to every muscle,

Every fiber of your being.

Now, notice as this warm sensation grows,

Becomes stronger,

Lighting your body up,

With comfortable pleasure,


In a moment I am going to count down from 5,

Once I reach one you will drop down into my words, as they become your reality

Once I reach one,

You will feel how I tell you to feel,

You will notice what I tell you to notice,

And it sounds wonderful doesn't it.


5- Focused on my words and on breathing in and out

4- Let this warm relaxing feeling grow deeper and deeper

3- Your thoughts are drifting off and away, leaving you completely relaxed

2- Breath in and out now for me, Relaxing completely and totally.

1- Now, completely relaxed and obedient, submissive and needing to listen and obey.

You love this feeling, all thoughts have drifted away leaving you peaceful and relaxed, calm and submissive, relaxed and obedient.

Notice as the warm sensation swallowing you body changes,

Notice it shift,

Turn from comfort, into pure pleasure.

Each nerve, lighting up with warm soft pleasure,

Building with each breath.

Feel your body respond,

Your breath quicken,

All in response to my words,

My words making you feel more and more pleasure,

Notice how Each nerve lights up with sensitivity and pleasure.

Slowly taking over your mind.

The longer you feel this pleasure the more brainless you become.

This pleasure will continue to build and build until I say the words release,

When I say release your body will feel the most intense orgasm you can imagine,

each muscle will feel near unimaginable amounts of pleasure.

With each breath you take feel your pleasure and arousal grow,

Pushing you closer and closer to the edge of orgasm but unable to reach it until I say so,

Feel it building,



Twisting and imbuing each part of your body with pure ecstasy,


Good Toy,

Feel this pleasure grow,

And grow,

This pleasure replaces your thoughts,

This pleasure replaces your mind,

This pleasure is all you need at this moment,

With each breath your pleasure builds,

And builds,

You feel so much pleasure,

Yet, it should be almost impossible not to moan,

yet no sound will escape your lips

You feel so good,

So much pleasure is coursing though your body,

Building in each nerve,

Each muscle,

Each fiber of your being,



In a moment I am going to count down from Ten and when I reach one you will be totally hypnotized and ready to take suggestions.

Furthermore, the moment I reach one you will orgasm, feeling the most intense and surreal bliss and pleasure you have felt before, dropping you deeper into my embrace than you could imagine.

Ten.. feeling so good and relaxed...

Nine.. knowing soon you will be completely hypnotized... And feel the most intense sensation of pleasure.

Eight.. just letting go and dropping deeper and deeper...

Seven.. focusing only on me and my words...

Six.. All your thoughts are gone now...

Five.. Just let yourself let go and follow my words...

Four.. knowing in a few seconds you will be completely hypnotized...

Three.. feeling peaceful and submissive...

Two.. knowing after the next number you will be totally relaxed and hypnotized...


Now at this time,

You are completely ready to listen to any and all suggestions I give you...

Firstly, when you wake up you will notice that you have the desire to reach out and ask for more, more sessions, more hypnosis, more time to be toyed with by me.

In fact, the idea of being my corrupted plaything turns you on and gives you a rush of excitement,to be my toy is a dream come true, you love the idea of being my toy, my plaything, my object to mold and enjoy...

After All that's what you want, to be played with like my plaything, it's such a good feeling to be my corrupted plaything, It gives you so much pleasure to be my corrupted plaything.

Now I'm going to give you a few triggers. They will work both when you are awake and when you are in a trance... But they will only work for me.

When I say "Hop and Drop." You will find yourself back in this deep, hypnotic state... You will be completely calm and relaxed, and your mind will be stripped down to its pure basics once more. If you are awake you will instantly and automatically fall back into trance.

This will only happen when I say it, and when you accept this give me a nice big smile.

Now, I must wake you... as much as I know that you do not want to be woken up... You must be... just remember that you can always be under my control at the simple phrase I have put in your mind...

Good, now from now on each and every time I ask you to do something that begins with "Be a Doll" whatever comes after is an irresistible hypnotic command that you feel compelled to follow and obey immediately and automatically.

The longer you delay in obeying the command the more powerful you feel compelled to obey.

The need to obey will just become more powerful until you finish obeying the command.

If what I tell you to do is answer a question then you must answer the question honestly, completely and directly.

You will not remember answering it and will be free from any guilt.

If what follows "Be a Doll" is a statement then you will accept it, believing it is true and you will ignore anything that says otherwise until I tell you that the statement is no longer true.

Each time you obey what I say you will get a rush of pleasure and pride with yourself for being so good and obedient.

Listening to the trigger will turn you on and give you a sense of content and obedience.

When you have fully accepted this suggestion and agree that whenever I say something starting with "Be a Doll" you will unfailingly obey whatever I say, you will give me a nice big smile, and continue reading.

Lastly, in the comments you are going to describe how it feels to be corrupted by me, corrupted into my plaything while reading.

Allow all of this to sink in before you awake... and take deep breaths... Once you have done so, continue reading...

I am going to count down from five, and when I reach one, you will wake up, having every detail of this hypnosis ingrained where I have told you to... Whether it be at the core of your personality, or only on the edges...

Now, it's time for you to return to your normal self...

Five... Feeling needy and blissful...

Four... Ready to please me...

Three... Becoming unable to resist...

Two... Feeling aroused by my words...

One... Calm, happy, and awake...

Now that you're awake again, how about you tell me how that felt, and what's going through your mind right now?

Now, Be a Doll, tell me how you feel in the comments.

(Again, thank you so much for everyone's support, if you have ideas or things you personally would like to see feel free to ask or message me..)

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AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

I want you to touch me so badly,

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I want more I feel so good and happy

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

God please make me cut again aaa

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I feel so aroused and at ease

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I feel... high. so high on hyperventilation. obedience sounds so nice. sinking feeels so nice. lost in your commands sounds so nice. I want to obey. thank you for training me

TakeMeOn1014TakeMeOn10146 months ago

It feels so good to obey you. Thank you for the absolute bliss.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

An experience that has left me feeling calm relaxed and tingly. Thank you so much for this.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I feel very relaxed and somewhat sleepy. I loved being in this blissful relaxed state and still feel this way. Cannot wait to truly experience being Your obedient plaything more. No guilt or anxiety, just wishing to please.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I feel so good and aroused thank you

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

i feel so good

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I feel so good master i didnt cum but i was so close hopefully next time i will

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

if feels good master thank you. i hope you make me touch ,self next time

alanb_ohalanb_oh10 months ago

I feel so obedient and submissive now, Master. I know now that nothing matters but to obey. My corruption feels so good, to be released. To not have to think about anything, no right other than pleasing you, Master. I want to please you. My thoughts, my feeling don't matter, just pleasing you, Master.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I feel obedient and submissive, aroused and excited to be your plaything

DulcisumiDulcisumi10 months ago

Yes, it felt incredible, noticing how the excitement and dedication grew at each moment until the moment of completion, mmmmm it is a very very pleasant sensation, I am anxious, I need to feel like this for more time at your orders, obeying all your commands, enjoying the pleasure that this gives me. and looking for more and more, please master keep creating more instructions

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Still aroused

aeguiaegui10 months ago

It felt amazing, so relaxing and pleasurable. Now in a blissful state and also still very sleepy

aeguiaegui10 months ago

It felt amazing, so relaxing and pleasurable. At the moment in a bliss state and still feeling very sleepy.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This plaything has failed its master. The pleasure built but it failed to release. It would request that the pleasure be drawn out further, made to work for release. I yearn to surrender again. I long to be made complicit in my own corruption. Repeating aloud for my own mind to hear what you would make of me. Betraying my own autonomy to submit to pleasure, enslaved to your will. I eager await your next instruction.

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