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Their drinks came and Owen was thankful to have the beer that he drank from the bottle. He needed to make the beer last, so he was using the Brown bottle to nurse on and buy him time. That's when he realized that Kate had been talking to him, but all he heard was, "So anyway, that's all I've shared with Nila." In near panic he leaned back and smiled to stall for a minute, and then gave up.

Chapter Four

He didn't have a clue how much Kate had just said, so he took a breath and said, "Nila, are you a forgiving and tolerant person?"

"I like to think I am."

"Able to accept others as they are and not see them as you think they should be?"

She smiled and said, "If you're trying to tell me you're gay, you're working too hard at it."

" that isn't it at all."

"Owen," Kate said, "Just tell her. She'll realize that you're nuts and need professional help. She'll feel sorry for you, but she won't shun you," and she flashed a quick smile at Nila. Then for the next five minutes, Owen talked fast enough to prevent interruption.

Nila stared at him as he laid out his plan, but he was unaware that the corners of her mouth would twitch in a near smile. "So poor Scott is going to be submitted to watching young women, that he doesn't even know, strip for you and the camera."

His eyes dared to looked up at her as he said, "That's about it."

"Interesting. Do you think you'll get the girls to cooperate for you?"

"I have no idea. All I can do is try."

"That's true. No wonder Scott came home almost foaming. I wish I had a picture of his face when he came in after meeting you."

"So this wild idea doesn't bother you Nila?"

"Let me ask you. How long have you thought about doing this?"

"I can't say for sure, but thoughts like that came to me about...I'll guess six months or so ago, about the time a friend went through a very expensive divorce. Then he was downsized out of his job, and he was sued by a neighbor. That suit is still unsettled, but the attorney's fees about wiped him out."

"Sounds very gruesome for him."

"I can honestly say that he's a great guy that was caught by a string of disasters. I don't know that he'll ever recover from all of that. Anyway, all of that reminded me that tomorrows are so uncertain. I have the resources to do what I want for quite awhile, so that's what I'm going to do."

"Sounds so carefree."

He smiled and said, "But of course you don't approve and I can understand that."

She looked across at Kate and then said, "Actually I'm not bothered by the idea. What will be the threshold of a young woman when money is dangled in front of her? Will she be quick to agree, or struggle between temptation and her sense of right and wrong?"

"Or will she succumb to the temptation of the forbidden fruit, of a chance to rationalize being bad?"

"That's right too. So will you keep notes or in any way track your successes and failures?"

"That's funny, because I hadn't considered any of that, but maybe I should."

"What about age group? No, never mind about that, it's only logical that you'll focus on the younger ones."

"Another very good question. I should have met you much sooner. Let's see, youth has the advantage of firm bodies and smooth skin. Plus, perhaps a stronger sense of adventure and the devil-may-care approach to life."

"Perhaps acting before considering the possible consequences."

"Exactly." Kate sat there and tasted her drink and smiled, but she wasn't about to cut into the conversation that she was enjoying so much. "Also Owen, consider the risk of approaching an underage young lady. It's so hard to guess ages now."

"That one I have considered. If there was any doubt in my mind then I'd move on to somebody else."

"What about older women?"

"You're asking me what my age limits might be, right?"

"I guess that's right."

"I don't have an upper limit. Only the appeal or interest I feel when I look at her, and study how she handles herself."


He glanced at Kate and then said, "For example, just today I met June, my new neighbor. I'm guessing fifty, very attractive and interesting."

"So you're thinking about approaching her then."

"No. Oh I would, but I don't see her as succumbing to temptation. She certainly doesn't need any money that I might try to tempt her with, so I've lost my whole approach."

"What about straight honesty. You find her very attractive. Perhaps use the word alluring, or tempting or desirable. Of course you have to be careful not to offend your neighbor. Touchy situation perhaps?"

"That could be very touchy, but I use her as an example. I don't say this to make you uncomfortable, but another example would be you."

Her smile blossomed, but she put her glass to her lips and slowly sipped at her bright pink cosmo, and then said, "I'll take that as a compliment, but I don't see myself as being one you would approach on the street."

"But why is that? You certainly look youthful and you're attractive. You have a brightness that is impossible to hide. I'll also add this making you uncomfortable?"

"Not at all, I'm flattered, but very surprised."

"I'll also add that I think you have a bright aura, and yes I'm a firm believer of auras, that I'm sure would show on your photos as you undressed. There, I've said it. I could say more, but I don't wish to be crude or insensitive."

She smiled and said, "Kate, I really like your brother. You're right, he is crazy and he does need help, but I still like him," and she returned her gaze to him. "Thank you again Owen. I don't feel like you're trying to talk me out of my clothes, so I take what you say as sweet words and nothing more."

"Honest words." Then putting his elbows on the table, he leaned toward her and said, "I could never approach you because your son is my photographer."

She all but laughed and said, "I haven't forgotten that detail. I have one more question for you Owen. Is it the thrill of the hunt, the voyeuristic excitement, or maybe a sense of power because you can bribe them right out of their clothes?"

"That question requires that I be painfully honest with myself, and I'm not sure I have that ability. But okay, let's see. Thrill of the hunt, could that be part of it? I think I'd have to fold that into the voyeurism aspect and think of both of those issues as one thing to consider. Now to answer your question. Of course I hope to derive great hedonistic joy from watching a woman disrobe in front of me right there on the street, or in the park or...well or wherever. Shallow, of course, but that's the real me, and I have to accept the fact that is probably my only real reason."

"Good, because had you said it was for some altruistic motive, I would have laughed at you."

Chapter Five

Owen had finally moved into his new house, and even before he'd finished unpacking he went next door and rang the bell. When June opened the door she was smiling and said, "I take it you're moved in."

"I'm moved, but not totally unpacked. It was more important to me to come see my new neighbor if you have the time."

"I have until five o'clock, and I'm sure we can cover a lot of ground between now and then." She stepped back and said, "Make yourself comfortable and I'll find us something to drink."

June delivered tall sweating glasses of iced tea and then got comfortable on the sofa across from Owen. "Do you have a lot of unpacking to do?" she asked him.

"Quite a bit, but I'm not rushed for time. I have the essentials unboxed, and the rest will happen in the next few days."

"No time pressures, you're quite fortunate. What do you do Owen?"

He smiled, tasted his tea and then told her, "I'm on hiatus from the working world."

Her expression reflected her surprise before she told him, "Indeed you are lucky then, so how long have you been on this hiatus, or should I ask how much longer do you plan to be hiding from the grind of the business world?

"I'm still adjusting to not working, and the second part of your question I have to answer with, I don't know. I'm making it up as I go along. The big house was an excessive indulgence, and if I had the ability to be totally honest with myself, I'd probably admit that my hiatus is another example of being a spoiled brat."

He watched her smile at him before she asked, "So have you always been a spoiled brat?"

"Spoiled certainly, and I mean all the way including now, but not a brat. Well until now perhaps. Only time will decide that for me. What about you, are you a little spoiled?"

Another winning smile as she told him, "Of course I am. I'm not exactly used to having my way, but enough so that I should be carrying a guilt. Which I'm not by the way."

"Good for you, excessive guilt isn't healthy."

"Neither are too many chocolates, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying them to excess."

"If you'll permit me a liberty, I must say, you show no ill effects of too many chocolates."

"Thank you Owen. How do you manage to fill your days as you wander through the fields of your hiatus?"

"I enjoy the wild flowers."

"Oh, now wasn't that a charming answer, but is that true?"

"I'll have to get back to you, because like I said, all of this is still pretty new to me. I've only been divorced from the slavery of corporate America for about six weeks or so."

"Speaking of divorce, I lost my husband, my third in fact. I finally got it right with him and then he died twelve years after we were married. I don't see a ring on your left hand though." They were smiling back and forth as they enjoyed their little verbal exchanges, each very curious about the other, with just enough flirting thrown into the mix to make it more entertaining.

"I am sans ring because I am sans wife. Never married in fact."

"Oh, a confirmed bachelor?"

"Well so far, but you and I both know how life can throw a curve right when we least expect it. A simple idea might explode into a whole new way of life. A woman with no intention of getting involved could come into my life and doom me to a life of marriage."

"Oh honey, don't say doom. If it's a good marriage and you both really know each other and allow each other room to live, marriage can be fantastic. It's as simple as they say. You only get out of it what you put into it."

"I do believe I'm going to become a better person just by having you as my neighbor."

"Owen you darling man, you've just moved in and I'm thoroughly enjoying your company. Now would you forgive one more personal question?"

"Ask and it's up to me to answer or pass right?"

"True. Scott, your photographer. What might you be doing in your temporary retirement that would merit a young and wiry photographer?"

"Oh June, if I answered that, you would without a doubt question my sanity, my motives and my moral fiber." She laughed loudly for just a moment and then studied him for long seconds.

"Owen, you handsome man, you're up to something, and rather than answer my probing question you have tweaked my curiosity. Question your moral fiber and we're talking about a photographer. Oh darling, that sends my imagination flying in many directions. Now add...what was that again...your motives? Oh my God Owen, I'm going to lie awake tonight creating and putting aside all manner of scenarios that could fit those details."

"I'm sorry to be so abstruse, but I'd truly hate to offend you or lose you as a friend just as we're getting to know each other."

"Granted it is possible to offend me, but I'm more resilient and tolerant than you might think."

"And I, dear lady, as tempted as I am to share my deepest secrets with you, I must pass for now."

"But of course, I didn't mean to pressure you."

"Perhaps over the coming weeks little things will be said by me that will slowly answer your question."

"Oh, now Owen, that is blatant teasing. I do hope you realize that I'm going to pester you for morning coffee or whatever other excuse I can dream up for us to get together, just so I can mine you for little nuggets of information."

"Well before I go, I'll share this with you. What I'm up to is not anything at all that a reasonable, and most would say, respectable forty one year old man would be involved in."

Again she laughed and told him, "You, my new friend are a perfect shit," and he laughed and leaned back.

"June, it's going to take me some time to get to know the real you."

"That is true, because like you, I have my secrets."

"I have no doubt of that. Where and when do you suppose our secrets will get to know each other intimately."

She raised her eyebrows as she smiled and said, "Intimately?"

"Yes, as in personally, or very well. Close or private and personal."

"Oh," she said as she smiled over her glass, took one last sip, and put it aside.

"I invaded your home without warning, so I better get home and be a responsible adult for awhile."

"Sound perfectly boring, but okay." They stood up, and taking his hand in hers, she walked him to the front door.

"June, have you worked outside of the home?"

"Yes, I was a madam at a whore house in Grand Rapids, Michigan."

He barely blinked before he laughed hard. "Well that will teach me not to ask personal questions."

"I don't mind questions from you at all. I just couldn't resist the temptation to toy with you."

"Toy with me, but don't ignore or neglect me."

She kissed his cheek and then freed his hand from hers as she said, "I promise not to neglect you, and as to toying with you...I like how that sounds and I think you can count on that on occasion. I'm so glad you're next door."

"Coffee tomorrow morning in my breakfast room?"

"I wouldn't miss it. Say nine?"

"The coffee will be fresh and ready."

Chapter Six

June was right on time Saturday morning, and Owen led the way to the breakfast room and served coffee and vanilla tea biscuits. "Owen, I see your laptop, so you must still be doing some work."

"Oh that. I was just making some notes, trying to sort thoughts and that sort of thing. Nothing at all relating to work of any kind."

"Sorry there I was prying again."

"It's only fair, because I know that you were a madam in a whore house."

She smiled and said, "I don't even know where that came from."

"From the far reaches of your mind."

"That would be the farthest corner of my mind. Now you men on the other hand..."

"Men have corners of their mind that are rarely visited. I think that is why women are more complex and difficult to understand. You have access to so many little mental files, where men put things away where they have to struggle to find them."

She smiled as she said, "So you think men have poor mental filing systems."

"Right. We have a lot of information, but just like a messy desk, we lose things from time to time."

"An interesting theory. But...let's say that some time ago, perhaps months ago, you saw a woman, or even a picture of a woman that really impressed you. Maybe she was naked, or nearly so, or she was a totally perfect woman in your eyes. Now, many months later you would almost certainly be able to recall a lot of the detail of that woman, and if she was a real woman and not a photo, you would remember nearly every detail about her, right down to her scent."

He smiled and said, "I can't argue with that at all. Perhaps I should add that we have different priorities that influence how we file."

"Oh I have little doubt of that. I'll bet you either have, or have recently had photos of naked women in your computer, or perhaps a short porn movie."

"No movies," and he stopped and watched her smile at him.

They're conversation finally wandered away from anything to do with sex, and moved on until he had told her about Kate, and she had told him about her daughter Lynn, who was married and lived in Boston.

Owen's cell phone buzzed, but he continued his visit with his new and very interesting neighbor. Then it buzzed again, but again he ignored it. It was only after he'd kissed June's cheek and flirted with her a little before she left, that he pulled out his phone. The first call was from Scott, and the second was from Perry. He called Perry first. "Hey my friend, how are things with you and Kathy?"

"Quite well, but...I told Kathy about your..."

"Damn, how did that go?"

"She's still too stunned to form an opinion."

"Does she hate me now?"

"I didn't get that impression, and of course I'll keep you posted. Are you getting settled in?"

"Slowly, but I met my neighbor and she's taking some of my time."

"Don't stop there my friend, tell me more."

"She's probably slightly under fifty, very well put together, smart and fun to talk to. She's into flirting and teasing."

"Did you tell her what you're up to?"

"Oh no, and I don't plan to."

"That might be the best route to take."

"If Kathy comes around, think about coming over for coffee in the morning."

"I'd like that, but I'll wait until later to let you know, if that's okay."

"Of course. Talk to you then." Then he called Scott.

"Hey boss, ready to go play?"

"Not just yet, but I've been working on my idea."

"Yeah, me too. I've been on line a lot in fact. Damn, everybody seems to be doing what you want to do."

"I know, but I'm okay with that. I've been doing a fair amount of research too."

"Got ideas?"

"A few."

"Listen boss...about that wedding thing."

"Don't spend a lot of time on that."

"I wasn't going to, but I met this couple."

"No regular weddings."

"I hear ya, but that's what made this couple stand out in my mind. I don't think they would be what you're calling regular. It will take time, but there might be something there for us at some point down the road."

"Okay, keep me posted."

Owen spent the rest of the day unpacking and deciding where to hang his small collection of art It was while he was trying to condense his pile of packing boxes and bubble wrap that the idea of a housekeeper came to him. There was no way he was going to sweep and dust that very large house, and he also knew he would never wash baseboards or do any deep cleaning. No, he had to have reliable help a day or two a week.

He was cleaning up in the kitchen after dinner when the phone rang. He tapped the speaker button and said hello, and then he heard, "Hi, it's Nila."

"Well this is a nice surprise, how are you?"

"I'm fine. You came to mind as I was having dinner, and decided to call you. I got your number from Scott of course. How are you doing?"

"Great actually, just taking care of the last of the moving details."

"Scott has gone on and on about your house, but does it feel like home?"

"It's getting there. If you're not busy come over and I'll give you the tour of excess personified."

"I'd like that. I have a very nice malbec wine if you'd enjoy something like that.."

"I've only enjoyed wine since I was fifteen."

"Oh my, you did start early."

"Mother thought it right and proper that I learn the basics of wine, and she wasn't about to wait until I was half way through college to see to it. Dad didn't argue with her except on very important issues."

"He picked his battles."


"See you in an hour?"

"I'm looking forward to seeing you. Oh, and Nila...thanks for still speaking to me."

She laughed and said, "You're welcome. I still haven't decided what to think about you and all of that, but I can't see any harm in any of that either. See you soon."

Chapter Seven

Nila's smile was impressive and genuine when Owen opened the door. "You look very nice," and he stepped back and cautiously studied her as she stepped in past him. As she glanced around the foyer, he said, "Yes, I know, pretentious as hell."

"It's impressive to say the least. Beautiful woodwork."

"Thank you. I'll not apologize for my icon to material excess, but we both know I'm being irrational."