Deviant Empire Pt. 08


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The sister squeaked in orgasm as she did not want to make a noise, holding her breath as her body just shook with climax that could knock her off the couch, hands still clawing at herself, digging as far deep inside her as she could, punishing her g-spot like it owed her money. She coiled in a fetal position as every part of her felt the wave of pleasure echo through her body... shaking, shuddering... and finally breathing out, collapsing past the finish line of a long sprint. That... was amazing.

No extended stay on Will's phallus, just sliding up, cum flowing down a bit before Sam slipped back beside him at a reasonable distance, relaxing again. A look given to the boy before a gentle point for a final piece of banter.

"Made you gay."

That just broke the last bits of tension out of him, the last ideas that this might be something more. It wasn't.

"Nah, still gonna enjoy some fine tits and pussy... but I think I can fuck a dude."

"You did. Maybe next time we can switch places."

"Eh... gonna be a bit harder to get there, but maybe. At this point not saying no, just not yet."

"You know where to find me."

Hand offered to shake and it was given a firm hold. This whore worked thousands of miles from where Will lived and still he felt like that distance meant nothing, and not because of the shuttles. At this point did he remember to check on his sister and see her recovering from a mind blowing orgasm.

"You okay there, Win?"

"That... was fucking good. We are coming back!"

"Came that hard, eh?"

"Think I saw god."

Will decided not to make a joke about James not being here. The man was currently busy on a street named after a famous person of african origins. And since his targets were resisting so confidently in their callous application of violence rather than running, he was just mocking them into the ground. Then putting them in the ground.

"Damn, imagine how hard it could go if me and dad go at it." The boy found that sentence very easy to say, even when considering it possible.

"Bet me and mom would just finger ourselves to oblivion."

"A sight to see. But... you gonna be fine?"

"Just... give me a moment. Fuck." She was still feeling aftershocks.

"All the time you need." Sam decided to put a comment in. "You guys wanna do anything else?"

"We can... do more?" Still too used to a one and done."Feels like we should do something with Win."

"YES!" She shouted out before getting breath back.

"You heard her. Maybe something not doing each other and... hmmm.... Win, you up to get both holes stuffed?"

"Oh, fuck the hell yes!"

"After you get your breath back." A turn back towards Sam. "At this point I can expect it, but you guys keep drinks in here? Might need a water."

They certainly did. And you had nice soft drinks beside increasingly stronger stuff. The girl practically gulped the bottle down while he just went for a good and refreshing dose. Win could not skip out on a smoke... those cigarettes were not getting addictive, but they were so easy to take as a moment of reprieve that she might need to go for more. Maybe stock a cabinet with them at home.

Two men holding her up, Will in the front, Sam in the back, not their usual hug, but more holding onto his shoulders as a duo of dicks reached inside her, almost in sync. Before, the boy might have been displeased from feeling the other dick on the other side inside his sister, or their nutsacks slapping together as they intentionally thrust in tandem to demolish her... but now it was just part and parcel. Can't step on the battlefield without a dude at your side. In such a moment he felt like this was not just them having sex with his sister, but working together, as a team... to bring her to orgasm. Small looks, nods, obfuscated meanings to not give her warning before they either slammed hard or began rapid fire fucking.

No mercy given, but there was almost a telepathic bond between the two men. It felt less about the woman and more about them going at it in sync. Pound her hard to break any stagnating act, alternate like two engine pistons to give her no pause, pull her up and down as they stood still and used arms to turn the girl into a sex toy, hold just as she shuddered in release... and then begin again. Their own climax was more of an accepted fact than purpose.

Win had to hold onto her brother for dear life or her soul might leave her body and ascend somewhere higher, screaming, moaning... completely involuntary as she could do nothing but claw at his back for any purchase to keep her in this mortal world. She lost count of the orgasms. They gave her less and less pause. It was at the same time a terrible idea and a glorious one. Eventually she'd just be a shuddering mess that they would gently place on the bed to recover while the boys had a last chill out.

She was tempted to be mad at him... if her body was not so utterly pleased... the girl was practically limping out of the place. No way in hell could she entertain the idea of any further fucking since both were worn out. Will praised both the choice of the madam to her and his service. He promised he would be back... and did not even flinch at her tease to bring the family. They might enjoy it... if they got around to doing this.

Thankfully they did not have to walk far to a transit station.


Ah, Eastern Europe... the land of so much government corruption that James might as well be doing one extended act through it rather than individual hits. He was almost getting used to this.

Almost. The screams still bothered him, even as he knew they were made by people who deserved it. The blood and all the other things were a sight one cannot take to well enough. But his look was unfazed. One might consider such extended murder might give him post traumatic syndrome disorder, but the little moments of light hearted killing made him remember why he was doing this... also, he was the trauma.

The man was quickly becoming a horror story. At first one might feel safe that something was happening elsewhere, but soon enough the man was reported in up to ten places at once all around the globe. The narrative shifted to being supersoldiers from the empire... until the news people ran out of overlords to give them a narrative.

He was cleaning ranks, taking out people who have long manipulated truth and law to their use, or those simply employing violence to destroy others for gain or pleasure. James expected more out of that guy who apparently ate over two hundred people, but that sort of thing does you no good... might as well have cut off life support to a guy in a coma. Time to take a smoke and zip somewhere else to keep up the assault.

Just finished with the assault in a south american cartel house, the man breathed out. Felt like there were an endless amount of people. And then he could feel those eyes on him. Turning, he saw a slim man in much more casual clothes. Confident once more. He did in one more of these ascended in Asia. The man expected to be done with them by now.

"Oh boy, here we go again."

The man held that sword at his side.

"So, what flavor are you gonna take? Just to know how it's gonna go."


A knife just appeared in his hand as he rushed forward much faster than the other guy, blade held out. James readied to strike at that... you don't win with a smaller weapon. But just before he got in range... the man slashed towards the side at... nothing.

But something was wrong.

James felt the world shake and shudder. Everything was fading. His body was starting to fall apart, coming to dust as those little fragments came to the ground. Out of his other perception, things were going down fast as well. Even events were being erased... looking back he could see all the history of this place going away bit by bit... and he looked back more... and more... until things were no longer being erased. Where it was stable... and at the border... there.

The still mortal man was standing on his balcony with a much needed smoke after it was becoming increasingly clear that the pawns in his game were acting like actual people... and he was very tempted to just delete it all and turn back. It was scary as hell.

And then the man from the future rushed out of thin air to come within arm's reach and slash at his throat... vanishing in just a moment as the very human person grasped at the huge cut on his neck, stumbled to get his phone and call emergency services... and tried to cover the wound as best as he could... practically crashing back inside as the cigarette burned on the floor and the man held onto his life. But it was no use. The line on his neck gushed blood hard, more as he kept moving. His clothes were a mess of red. He'd fall further down as he tried to unlock the door to let whoever comes in... he could not even croak the word "ambulance" as the operator picked up... and James fell on the floor, one hand around his neck and another reaching towards the way out.

An entire future severed... trillions of people... with one knife slash.

He was still holding on a bit more in the present. That wound mirrored on his created body as blood poured out of his mouth.

"Son of a bitch! You unmade me! Clever."

It was amazing how even when one is tired of life could they cling to it by instinct. But now... he might almost welcome it. He was tired. So very tired. He died once and was brought back, unable to die. Nothing could kill him. He actually asked the astorians to try and make a weapon to try and do it.

There was sadness only for whatever might become of these people without him. James might scoff at it... but he was a defender of the place. And then he remembered... that he made a deal with someone to protect this place. And she was sure taking her damn time.

A beam of light came from above of such absolute power that it could sear eyes off just by seeing a third hand reflection... right upon that other man. James could not even see shadows in that spotlight, just going through him and completely obfuscating their figure. The deity could feel his integrity returning, that wound healing, a hand reaching after the person running down the time stream to give a crushing grip before pulling back.

He could breathe again and see it all turn right once more. He could stand... and watch as the light ended... and what was left behind could even put him on pause. A perfectly clean skeleton, fixed in a position that knelt, hands pleading, jaw lowered... eye sockets looking towards the sky. It was amazing how something without a face could look to still be in pain. Lucifer did put that agreement to protect this place. This counts. And James was almost disappointed he was not dead.

The red-coated form vanished from that place to slip into that penthouse looking over Redlight, the "woman" still having such a passive expression.

"I feel like I should thank you for that."

The man was still a bit shaken. Being reminded that death was an option for you... and so closely... made the body really go into overdrive.

"There was a pact struck."

"Took your damn time, though."

"A lot more work was needed."

"Still... you said there would be no challenge. Was that slip because I can't seem to change time? Do I need to learn?"

"Yes. There is no challenge against mortals and the ascended."

Deep breath from the man.

"That was not one of them. What was that?"

"A god. Just like you. Higher 'level' if you so desire to call it that. And no, you cannot change time... yet. Despite the fantasies of people, you need to be several dimensions above one to change this one."

At best, James could slow down time, speed up some people in regards to others, but he could not go back and change things completely. Events still mattered to him. It was a big rule to not be able to change your own time as it could indeed give a feedback loop of unprecedented damage. But time was merely a dimension, and one could step higher to see there are more extensive measures of it.

"Damn. So... I could actually be killed." Beat. "Strangely not looking forward to that now."

"And you can expect it to not happen unless you attract attention I cannot deal with."

"Again, thank you. Though... could I go to such... higher levels?"

"In time. Each ascent can be a daunting work."

The man stood before her, questions burning in his mind. Facts connected.

"You seemed very confident that nothing... of mortal level... can affect me. Is that because as you say... we are on a higher dimension? Like I'm on that bigger space that I see... or am aware of? Can't see it or even speak of it in this body. Feels like I'm trying to describe a color I can't actually experience."

"Understanding. Yes. Dimensions. The more you have, the higher you are, the stronger you are, the more you can affect. Worlds, possibilities, variations, what ifs... imagine for a sheet of paper for all that surface to be its world... this entire galaxy and all beyond it. All of that infinity. Now multiply upwards by that infinity... a cube... having as much in one atomic level as that piece of paper knew to be its entire existence."

A long pause as she basically laid out that he is infinitely more than any of these people or mortals, merely in substance. And that guy was at least another infinity higher. And the thing before him... is even higher.

"You cannot imagine what comes outside your world. You cannot deal with what might as well see you as a drawing and move away in a direction you cannot imagine. And yes... HE has the most... for now."

"Well, you just became a good bit scary. You know... I do wonder why he appeared... here? Why not do it... on that level?"

"A shadow. An unintentional projection. You experienced him there and saw it here as your link of this body to your greater whole transmitted a view you could only rationalize in what this body can see." Beat. "And no... this body is not such a shadow. It is a very intentional creation. Just like yours."

"Feels like we should be talking at that level rather than through hand puppets."

"We are. As above, so below. On that level we are having a conversation with words you cannot even start to understand in this body, but your present understanding shows that they are being heeded."

This made things feel suddenly more daunting. At the same time it might make this world feel insignificant. Nothing more than a dot you can wipe by accident while going places it cannot even know. But James was not gonna leave them behind.

"Speaking of words... any issue with your choice of body and title and such? Feels at times weird to refer to you as a woman when... used to a lot more." If it wasn't such a grave thing, that body might be tempting.

"Names, pronouns, titles... Lucifer, Satan, Hades, Angra Mainyu, Arhiman, him, her or anything else. The great betrayer, ol' scratch, the lightbringer or the greatest inspiration of rock. Words. If all this world were covered in one long description, filled with every last content of a thesaurus you can find... it can not even approach attempting to describe a mere feature of what I am." Painfully long pause. "Use whichever you wish. It is... as you say... a hand puppet."

"Which you have demonstrated... not that I can't do it as well... that you can change them at will. Right. And here I am, waving this little cloth figure around. Fear the little red devil. I feel silly. Like a kid with a magnifying glass, tormenting ants." He actually held his hand up to make the point.

"Or like a farmer tending to his field... pulling out all the weeds. Or just the biggest ones."

"Eh, the ants had it coming. Stealing food from all the others in the colony, killing them to have a bigger room, throwing other ants at lice to get away. Hope I am making a difference."

"You hope. I believe they all are without it."

"Not true. I know the vast majority of people are just big dumb idiots just trying to manage through life, but not all are evil. And I've seen plenty of people to show good."

"So you have."

"Right, well... hope none of those other gods come in. Now I'm actually wondering if I would win."

"Old rules apply. Belief empowers you... as does it do to them. Why do you think HE asks for it?"

"You can't force belief. You can't blackmail or bribe people for it. The Tan learned that lesson. Even if God said he'd suck all our dicks up there I'd still doubt it. Bet heaven ain't even that good. Even intimidating them... I know this is not actually making them believe in me, just have nightmares about me."

"A bet you might win."

"Right, well, time to get back at it. As tempting as it is to just sink LA into the ocean, guess I'll just have to make the movies a bit more real today."

No wave, but a disappearing act. There was expectation in her... but no doubt he might come around to that summation later.


Link fixed to get the good camera view, text showing his points to follow to not just trail on and on. Outfit covering him up to give a bit more decency that would have weight to the idiot earthlings. Win was still writing her speech because she wanted to really tear into a lot. Will decided to not go too far... and try to be constructive.

"My name is William Carter. From Earth. At this point I feel it is not even important anymore where I am from. The various countries we know showed just different glaring problems rather than a growing ladder of prosperity. We do not even know what prosperity means. I do... now... here... in the Astoria Empire. On the planet called Redlight, where my new home can be found. I am not being compelled to do this."

He stood up from the bed to move around and show that.

"They are not holding me prisoner. None of us. We can go if we wanted. Some did. I do not. When I got on the ship, I was very shallow and short-sighted. Like many men, when you hear that you can go on a cruise with aliens that would have sex with you... of course I wanted to go. I did not care for their culture, their technology, their religion or their society. Just what riches they could give me. Just like how all of you see another man."

A breath to gather his next point.

"I was greeted with welcome arms who forced nothing upon me. Pleasures and tokens that we would value... great food, great women, great consumer goods... but slowly I was given something that I value above all of those. I was given perspective and love. I was shown bit by bit how the astorians do things... all of them. They held nothing from me. I could walk to the bridge and ask the captain to give us another look of her fine chest. I could go to engineering and have all its functions explained in detail. I could get a gun as easily as I got bread. Many of ours would not care... but I listened to hear on what alien logic they function. On how they can justify the things they do... if they seem to be so like us. What great hoard of resources do they have to achieve such feats?"

He smiled smugly.

"Each other. The astorians have a belief... that I will not say here in its shortest and purest form. But it is one to help them see that cooperation. Unlike the competition you do on Earth... where so many are so eager to step on others for their own gain. Where words are used to justify an enemy before they are one... where things such as incest are forbidden not because it leads to bad things, but because it does you can consider those who do it a bad person... and your execution of them is justified. I have found that it can lead to good things. To comfort that I was denied all my life because others would not let me have it. Because you seek anything to allow you to steal another man's worth."

Will looked beside the link as if he was seeing through the wall and out the balcony.

"These people do not put each other down. They hold each other up. And those things you use to make them sound like monsters... are merely the result of a people who are there for each other. Where you would use it to subjugate another. It is but a word, a weapon... an act. And I have seen it done well as I have seen it done wrong, just as one can raise a family or break one without incest being involved."
