Deviant Empire Pt. 08


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Back to the camera. His tone was soft.

"All they wanted from the start was to help us. To show us a better way. They do not care that we do not do these casual sex acts. They are not defined by that... but so starved of affection as you are, so eager to kneel to the words of others... that you can't consider another way. Perhaps if we'd have shown up on their world in a space ship when they were in their unification wars we could have held the high ground, but now... you have rejected a good people because they will not kneel to your doctrines, to your customs, to your whims. And HE is not punishing you for that."

At this point... Will wanted him to hear this.

"James Masters. The outsider. A god. I say that word not because he can do things that are beyond our ability to imagine possible... but because he is indeed the one to hold it all up. He was a man beaten into submission by our world... devalued, abandoned, rejected... and yet, he has turned into a man with a heart so good. He can be a man such as you and me... teasing, annoying at times, joking, filled with stories, supportive, serious... angry. I know some of you think he is going to kill everyone... because news and governments said so. He's only going to kill one hundred million people who have done acts so evil it can turn a stomach. Those who have gone past a point."

He's gonna have to lie a bit. No need to bring THAT up.

"And I know because he told me. Talked to me. And before you think he has overwhelmed me... I have challenged him several times and lost when I had nothing to use... but I have also stood up to him... and he has conceded my point. He is... but a man... but also a god. And I believe in him not because he has forced me, not because of threats, or the bribes of such a great home with all the luxuries I could not imagine... but because I could know him and see what drives him. I could see how his conscience stirs when he might wrong one even a bit. One who has not deserved it. And I could understand his rage towards those of Earth who have turned its people into slaves. He cannot be stopped. But you can... earn his respect. For he who defies the outsider should remember to bring wisdom. I does not mean to kneel to him... but call him out when he is wrong. Now he is not."

A breath. He could talk about James for hours. Was Will falling for him or just... in awe?

"There is still hope for you. No need to kneel, no need to descend into degeneracy... listen. We had fantasies for years of meeting aliens... and teaching them how to properly do warfare, science, art, construction, food... and sex. But in our arrogance we have not considered that maybe they will teach us how we got it all wrong. Show some defiance and listen... instead of kneeling to authority."

Time to close it.

"I am not coming back to Earth. This is my home. I am a citizen of the empire and proud of it. Not because someone told me some grand deeds I should worship, but because I know this is a place where our future is in our hands... and we will always find others to help us build it. Goodbye, Earth."

And cut. Deep exhale. Regina made it look so easy. She must have some lung implants or something to just talk for hours.

Time to go enjoy dinner while the muffled shouts of Win could be heard from the spare bedroom.


While James saw quite a lot of support in the ranks of his people, there were indeed doubts... not all believe the same. Such conversations happened openly, debates happening from street corners to high offices. People are not defined by a single belief and such questions were encouraged... alternate options considered, possible agendas or even impersonators.

Obviously, there were far more in support despite the incredibly brutal scenes put on display... most really believed in him even through such times, but they entertained other notions. Perhaps they are wrong or perhaps he is wrong. After all the things they heard about earth and many of its people, there was far more ammo to justify such killings... even if James could have made it less vivid.

Most of the guests from Earth had not taken the beliefs of the place, still treating it like their cornucopia of sex and luxury, mostly thinking to get all the use they could out of the empire until it might be over. Hearing they did not need to get a job was all most wanted to just let go and splurge in gluttony. Even if they did not consider people to be something to be treated without concern for their desires, most of their partners could tell those had a heart of stone, just have not really acted upon it.

Some of these guests decided, upon seeing how their people back home are being slaughtered by this god to fight back. The part of him going "I am the Empire" kinda tipped them off, also the fact that everyone around agreed that it was their god, just not acting on their request. Nevermind that the crimes of some of those people were open secrets for years. In a bout of misplaced patriotism they decided to strike back... and just as they could obtain guns easily, so could others. While those "martyrs" might feel good about getting a lot of people before security got to them, their action would be undone by resurrection nanites, a closer scrutiny on the guests and improved readiness would reduce that initial shock... just as the citizens could show that the second amendment applies in space.

Win had a gun, so did most people around. They could be used as a neutralizer... but if people knew they might walk away from something, the threat of it was reduced. All guns could go lethal... and you never know when a guy might decide to make a point. Sadly for them, that resurrection might arrive as they are already far, far away... or not at all. Easier to carry a dead man.

But, while the people of earth are on average quite stupid, some are not... even those with just a bit above average. They noticed how the man seemed to go after people that were a problem, how he seemed to intentionally avoid some. At one point, a senate member simply stood straight and took death with dignity... only for the man to pass him by, pat his shoulder and say "Not on my list." and that really opened eyes. He was being very selective, and his criteria were not people important to the planet's function. Some businessmen were killed... others simply left to go away... the most certain show that you might be a decent fellow was being at the scene of such a murder with plenty of opportunity for the man to murder you... and he looked away.

Even if he was not exactly popular, he started to at least be famous. Some priests postulated that he was Jesus come to destroy all sinners on Judgement day... after which the world would become a paradise. Sad to say that it might still be a while. Other such mythical figures got the comparison, even pop culture figures... even Santa. It was not that hard to see why... he wore red, he had a list that he checked twice and gave naughty people something black. "Santa's coming to town" started to be a threat. And that's how you get a holiday banned and millions of dollars worth of Christmas decorations burned.

His actions were making a lot of things collapse... governments struggled to replace those deceased members quickly... at first trying to keep an image of their virtuous nature but that soon fell apart. Businesses found themselves with a lot of employees and few employers, as so much upper management was dead you might as well ask the IT guy to be CEO. And the lack of police in places almost let chaos spread... almost.

It was working. Many did not dare make moves with the idea they might be murdered by the guy in the red coat if they made it on his list. People were talking, online journalists were trying to find out as much credible information on the man and his motives. Trying to quiet this "dissent" simply made the streets get more deserted as the covert ops got people into the bunkers. While they did not use nukes, leaders who tried to use force to rule would slowly rule over a barren nothing. Soon they even had their armies and police resign to just form vigilante groups. Earth was collapsing, but not because of James. No, he was just helping. And in his wake came those hidden people to try and pick up the pieces of this world.


Win had a big smile on her face as dinner was served. Not because of the food, but because she got a lot of stuff off her chest. They sent their videos to Regina just before the robot girl called them to eat. Since they just had so much good food... Eve barely tried. A spring salad with added tuna and cheese to make it more hearty. Fresh, well grown... good, but they still dreamed of that mouth orgasm they had earlier.

Conversation flowed as they got her up to date on what they did without her, and the mention of god actually got Eve to think of the man with much more comfort.

"You guys wanna ask James to come around?"

It got quiet. They knew him, but he was indeed a terrifying figure. But... they were armed with wisdom that the outsider would not murder them if he showed up. Maybe he actually could use a break. Both swallowed their fear as Will gave the word.

"James. Feel free to stop for a break."

"Give me... two more minutes." His voice could be heard from above.

Both tried to push the thought away that he was in the middle of killing someone. Of course he was. Practically nonstop since that moment. Two and a half minutes later the man materialized in the dining room and fell in a chair. He was dressed, but they were not gonna give him shit for that while they were not.

"Ugh.... this is tiring. Actually, this chair ain't shit. Another!"

He stood up for that piece of furniture to slide away for in its place to appear a familiar armchair that he fell into much more eagerly, arms resting up on it as his head fell back.

"Is that the chair from the ship?" Will could have it burned to memory.

"Yes. I stole it." He said it quite proudly. But Win chuckled at his remark.

"No you didn't. Just made one like it."

"Learning when to call me out. Good. I like this chair. Really comfy. Gods, I need it."

"That stuff really wears you down, right?" The boy thought this must not be easy.

"Yes. So many! Sometimes I can get a bit of fun, but... getting quite a workout. Feels like I lost a few pounds."

"Nah, looks just how you usually do."

"Yeah, I make the body more after a mold rather than teleport it." Head finally came up. "So... feedback on the vids? Anything enjoyable, unenjoyable? Anything I could add?"

"Maybe you can make it less... explicit. Hollywood made it look easy. That stuff was..."

"Yeah... death is not pretty. Not censoring it. Sorry."

"What... was that guy? That fucking ultra secret agent. Looked like he was a challenge." Win decided to move it away from the moments that were just... horror show.

"Turns out people can sort of... become that. More powerful. Not a lot of them, mind you. Though, I did encounter this guy who was pretty much doing the whole robe and wizard hat shtick. I taught him that he had no goddamn idea how a wizard should work in the party."

"Weird." Will could not consider more to say on the matter.

"You holding up well... in there? That can't be easy in the... other way." The girl was actually concerned.

"Yeah. Had a big scare. Not gonna broadcast that one. But I'm good. Just tired." He finally summoned that smoke of his.

The others continued dinner while just letting the man relax a bit. Seemed a proper course to do so. Will especially considered he should do this because he might as well have asked him to do this. Sure, it was James's idea, but the boy could have just chosen war. Right now it actually sounded like a better idea... but there were odds of those people being trouble.

"Hey, out of curiosity, how would astorian forces hold against those guys?"

"Mmm.... a lot of things would not work, but they have a real chance. Problem is that they can do stuff a bit like me, without caring for logic, as long as it holds to their internal logic. So maybe one gets decked quick or maybe they just play them like puppets."

"So, how far are you in?"

"I think... about ten percent. Ish. But, on happier terms... how do you like the place?"

"Every time I think I have it figured out it makes us look like medieval peasants again. It's gonna take years to get used to the place."

"Yeah, there's a lot to the empire. But, keep stuff in mind and you might imagine how it went. Think through the terms these people know. By the way, haven't kept an eye on you two. Even if you mention me. So if you REALLY need me, might have to shout harder."

"Why would we really need you?" Win could imagine reasons to employ his abilities, but so far... even the one event of issue around was solved by security.

"I don't know. But... just in case."

"Are Mom and Dad still okay?"

Head back to look... and then back towards them. But the girl could notice that tiny upwards turn of his mouth.

"They're good. Eating well, getting along. They'll get here soon."

"Not enough." She called him out. "You're keeping something."

"Maybe." A smile. "But it's one of those fun and happy surprises."

"Have they.... Turned over?"

"What?" James intentionally employed his ability to lie. If they were better at catching a lie, they might have noticed he talked too much... and Eve did not tell them that she noticed. "Your dad is stubborn as fuck! Mother had to give in and just... yeah. You're probably gonna have to chase them on the capital to get them over to it. I'll see if I can help with that... WITHOUT mental changes."

A dour expression as their father was indeed stubborn and their mother was more... subdued. But it gave them a mission. That they did not actually have to pursue.

"Damn. Well... we can probably get through... Guessing it's something else like the Hendersons taking it all in. We can probably talk to them freely when they arrive."

"Swallowed it as easily as Suzy swallows dick. Damn, that girl... She doesn't show it, but she's feisty as fuck. And not in a combative, bitchy way."

The poke at Winona earned him a leer. But it gave some good news that they might have someone to talk to.

"When do they arrive?" That was not Will's junk talking. Even if the prospect of doing the girl interested him.


"Tomorrow?! It took a fucking week for our ship to arrive! What, it was taking the scenic route?" Leave it to the girl to raise the volume.

"Yeah, but it was also bigger. Smaller ship, faster speed."

"The Phoenix is a refurbished battleship, so it can indeed take longer to achieve FTL and in-system flight." Eve filled them in.

"Damn, I wasn't ready. Maybe we can wait for them on the landing pad."

"Or you can wait for them here and say hello. They should get..." Looking over the results, he intentionally misled them to the room next door. "Eight door to the left. That is, pass seven and then ring the doorbell. They might have settled in by afternoon."

"Hey, I'd rather we go up to them when they get here. Probably gonna love to see a friendly face."

"You two had the ship and still got blasted by this place. They're not on a pleasure cruise. Guys will be floored for a while. Heck, maybe give them the whole damn afternoon."

"Mmmmhh... yeah." She had to agree with him. "But! We can go... and maybe bring a present. What might be nice?"

"You're bringing them an old friend. Anything else is just bloody decoration."

A happy thought indeed. Tomorrow would be an interesting day.

"Now I'm all excited! Bet I could barely sleep."

"Will, do yourself a favor and fuck your sister until she's flat on the bed."

"No! Not again... already got so damn overdone today. Damn, whorehouses here are something else."

"Wait until you see Garden. Gonna blow every resort you ever saw out of the water. Beaches, mountains, forests. And you will appreciate that your luggage is taken care of if you ever go on a shopping spree in Solaria."

"Sounds like we have a lot to see. But first we're gonna go see about mom and dad."

"How nice of you." Beat. "You guys mind if I chill here for a while? Just... damn exhausted."

"Take all the time you need."

Conversation would get light as Eve would only give the occasional conspiratorial glance to the outsider. This meant a bit more to her... and she could start to understand him better as a person. The man would relax for an extended time with a mug of his preferred coffee that the others knew better than to consume.

Their comfort worker could only stipulate on the truth, but she could trust in him that it was indeed a happy surprise... if he would have some fun with it.


It was decided that both the Carters and the Hendersons would go to Redlight. Jonathan actually sought out someone higher up to discreetly ask to be let over there... maybe after everyone else. He got a wide smile and nod... once all of the people got off at the refugee reception center on New Astoria... the ship was practically deserted without those passengers... they were far more interested in whatever they were getting now rather than some people who remained behind.

When they arrived down on the planet, they got a full frontal assault from their assigned comfort workers... both women of Tan and Human species for Henderson and Carter respectively. And then they got the same notice that they were... for some reason... assigned a place on another side of the planet. Neither had any questions since they were not in a position to make demands. The system was supposedly working on some criteria they did not know at the time.

Only the Hendersons got so eager to get exposed, while Sylvie and Harry were... still not that ready. They stood out and it bothered them, but the other option felt weirder. All of the surprises on the way... same stories as the kids... jobs, transit, housing, fortune... they needed more than a moment to get their bearings as their "maid" prepared lunch. The mother might have insisted she do it if she was not so blown away.

The two were just sitting on the couch in this place, eyes open in amazement at everything.

"Wow!" She had no other words.

"I think we're beyond that."

"This is unreal! And the kids have one just like it... I might have expected them to put us in the same place... we have two bedrooms here!"

"They're practically giving us the run of the place. Said we can go anywhere... no need to hold a job... or just get one if you want."

Harry could not believe the generosity of this place. He kept expecting some dark secret to come out, but there wasn't one. Nobody admonished them for not having his dick out... he just felt his own instinct to conform beating him. Though, the little training episode did not prepare him for all the tits he saw in just a few minutes of walking. Heck, their assigned help had a fine pair on her that he was openly invited to fondle.

That conversation with Sylvie about what he did while she was in the other room was awkward, but she could understand... and did not feel betrayed. A look, a touch... with permission... almost made her feel better. Someone had better tits than her and her husband could practically suck on them and yet he returned to her. Huge confidence boost. How could she refuse it if he keeps it up? And of course, a similar freedom was extended... but they were still working towards the idea of sleeping with other people.

"Finding the kids here will probably be hell. Place is... big. Like looking for them in the entire world." He continued. Thankfully, their comfort worker did not hear them... because for some reason that sound was blocked from reaching her. And so was the rest of that line of inquiry.

"We'll find a way. Think... we should go local? With... the holes? Almost felt like everyone was looking at us."