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Rey fought the urge to say something nasty. Instead, she pressed her lips together, took a drink of her tea. "Look, I thought you'd be supportive. I'm not leaping into anything too soon. I'm doing my homework. Not letting a handsome man turn my head." Though the thought of chucking it all and running right to Kylo did occur to Rey. Then, she remembered the sweet rush of desire that she'd felt for her ex-husband when they'd first met. He'd been so sexy, a wee bit dangerous, with more than a little dominance in his attitude. Rey was hooked fast and hard. Unfortunately, it all turned out to be smoke and mirrors. This time, she decided to be more cautious and explore options.

Bazine waved a hand. "I am. I am being supportive. You never told me about the 'impact play' demo." She made air quotes with her fingers, annoying Rey even further.

Who did that anymore?

Rey swallowed her petty reaction. "Yes, I did. I told you about Kylo."

"How he tried to recruit you, not about the demo."

Rey narrowed her eyes at her friend. "What would you like to know?"

"Did he hurt someone?"

"No, for shit's sake. It was a demo, not a scene." Rey winced at her acidic tone.

Bazine leaned forward with a glint in her eye to ask about scenes or some other inappropriate question. Rey held up a hand.

"That means it was like a lecture with techniques demonstrated in a limited fashion. At least, that's what Kylo did."

"He did what, specifically?" Bazine's face lit up. "If it's not a scene, then what was it? And in scenes, do participants literally hurt each other like in the movies? And who calls himself Kylo? That's a weird name."

This line of questioning was making Rey very uncomfortable. "You know, we sign non-disclosure agreements when we join these clubs. This discussion needs to end. I can't give you specifics. If you want to know more, come to a Munch or join the damn club yourself."

Baz wrinkled her nose. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stomach that."

"Then stop asking for details."

"Fair, fair. I'll stop." Bazine's gaze slid away from Rey's. "Just being protective. You don't know this man at all. He could be a really bad person who preys on women."

"I know," Rey said. "The thought did occur to me, which is why I'm not willing to go and join his little club, with fewer members and less publicity. I looked it up on the Fetish..." She stopped at Baz's groan. "What? It's true. It's a fetish server."

"Could you not?" Bazine shuddered. "Fetish sounds so bad. So disgusting."

Rey suppressed a smile. "You're thinking peeping Toms and the like?"

"Yeah, maybe."

Rey shrugged. "Don't yuck my yum and I won't yuck yours."

"Are you into peeping? Oh my God!"

Bazine sounded so horrified and grossed out that Rey couldn't stop herself. A few snort-laughs later, Rey shook her head. "No, though if I was, I'm not gonna tell you. I'm just saying that I don't engage in kink-shaming."

It really wasn't funny. Back in the day, Rey had felt so freaky about her interest in power-exchanges. She knew she was a strong woman, so why? Why would she be into being Topped? She'd lived in many different situations, gotten a degree, built a business, raised her kids alone, and booted out a useless-ass man. No pushover, she. However, something about submitting to a dominant man made her motor run hot. Yet, like many submissives, she had to be careful who she chose to play with. The wrong Dom could do real physical and psychological harm. That wasn't kink-shaming; it was patriarchy and unscrupulous abusers.

But kink-shaming was real. Bazine was doing it without even knowing, without considering how hurtful her attitude was. For the last few months, Rey had forgiven Bazine for her innocent, wrong-headed beliefs. Up to a point, she was willing to educate her friend, but when it came to discussing her personal kinks, well, that was private.

"You were trying to tell me that the club you're thinking of joining has no public-facing presence?" Bazine cut to the heart of the matter.

"Yes. It's a private club by invitation only. Kylo-and I suppose the other members-recruit people individually. It's not a bad way to proceed, I guess, but it does raise some questions about what goes on behind closed doors."

"Seems totally unregulated to me." Bazine called for their bill. The waiter was a bronzed man with bright teeth, vivid blue eyes, and thick golden hair.

Rey did a double-take. He gave her a little private smile of recognition. Lord Pain from the club, one who considered himself a sadist. He looked down his nose at her, trying mightily to give her a taste of Dom energy. Not that he'd had any interest in speaking to her at the Munch or the demo. He didn't care for Kylo's gentlemanly technique, preferring to be an asshole to his submissives. Rey wouldn't scene with this guy if he were the last Dom standing. If she were Fett, that motherfucker would be history. But to each his own.

"Ladies, can I do anything else for you?" He sizzled Rey with a look. She wanted to roll her eyes at his pretentious maneuver. Maybe he'd get it together in a few years.

"No, thanks," Rey said drily. "Just the check, please."

She dismissed him. If he was pissy about it, well, he could take it up with her at the club.

Bazine watched the byplay with a fascinated stare. As they were leaving, she began to ask how Rey knew the waiter.

"I don't," Rey said. "He's just one of those flirty guys looking for tips."

"He's in the club, isn't he?" Baz's voice got squeaky. "He's a..." she whispered... "Dom, isn't he?"

Rey sucked in a breath and blew it out in a long stream. She was even more tired than when she'd awakened this morning.

"Don't ask; don't tell. See you next Saturday." She turned away from Bazine's disappointed expression and strolled off toward her car.

Chapter 4

The parking spaces and the corner lot were both full when Rey arrived at the Spire. Another car circled the block. Rey followed until they both found street parking. She walked behind the two women, both of whom carried shoulder bags. They clicked along in high heels, chatting lightly, walking much faster than Rey, who trailed at a more sedate pace. The taller woman held the door for Rey with a smile and a nod, before signing in with her smaller partner.

Rey could tell from their body language that the taller woman was a Domme escorting her shorter submissive. The sub didn't make eye contact with Bo, who was again behind the desk. Rey found herself fascinated by the dynamic and wondered how she would act in such a relationship. Would it be obvious that...someone (an image of Kylo popped into her head) was her Dom? She shoved the thought away ruthlessly. She wasn't a 24/7 kind of sub.

In a club, though, certain protocols might be in place. She herself had reacted immediately to Kylo's dominance after the demonstration-in a completely unexpected way. Rey knew that she would be submissive during a scene-she'd scened with Doms in the past-but she was less familiar with how the dynamic worked outside a scene. Much to think about. Rey watched the two women disappear through the doors.

Once inside the Spire herself, Rey picked her way around the packed bar area and through the big double-doors. She could hear thumping dance music coming from down the hall to the right. Another Domme, dressed in a leather bustier, thigh-highs, and impossibly high heels, brushed past her. Rey clutched her tiny over-the-shoulder bag before it was swept off her. She really should have gotten a locker.

Beyond another set of doors was a dance floor with a DJ playing hypnotic thumping music. There were lots of people dressed in leather or shiny vinyl outfits with tinkling metal chains and safety pins holding bits of fabric together. Fishnet, see-through, and skin-tight seemed to be the rule. Rey spotted Moff in chaps and a thong gyrating wildly. He spotted her standing on the edge of the floor.

He bopped over to her. "Hey, Kira! Wanna get funky?"

Did she have funk to give? She really wasn't sure.

"Come on!" He gave her such a puppy-dog look, she couldn't refuse.

He held out a hand and she took it. He pulled her into the middle of the floor with everyone else and began to whirl her around. After a few awkward passes, Rey found her groove and began to enjoy the movement. Her silver dress shone in the flashing lights. Fortunately, a slower song began to play, which allowed Rey to cool off and breathe.

After a couple of songs, Moff began to dance with a tall, blonde man. The illustrious Lord Pain. He and Moff touched one another in more intimate ways as the song progressed.

After the song was finished, Lord Pain leaned over to shout at Rey. "Check please." He snapped his teeth at her.

"Fuck off," she said.

Moff stared at them. "What's going on?"

"She's a cold one, old and dried up." Lord Pain cupped Moff's package. "Not like you, baby."

Moff brushed the other man's hand away. "Hey, leave Kira alone. She's a nice person, unlike yourself, you sadist piece of shit."

"Fuck you!" Lord Pain looked like he wanted to take a swing at Moff.

"Knock it off," Rey barked in Mom Voice. The two men stared at her. "Jesus Christ. Don't scene with this asshole, Moff."

"I'm not," Moff huffed. "Fucker."

"Stay out of my way, sub. I will break you in half." Lord Pain snarled at Moff and headed off the dance floor.

A dungeon monitor in black leather from head-to-toe arrived to talk to Moff, who gesticulated wildly. Rey couldn't hear what was being said, but she picked out the words "asshole" and "pain." Good enough. The monitor flicked his dark gaze at Rey, looked her up and down, said something to Moff, and walked off.

"Shit, fuck, Lord, Master!" Moff took off after him.

Rey turned away with a disgusted glance. She had no idea what kind of games Moff and the sadist were playing but she didn't want to be part of it. For a nickel, she'd have knocked their damn heads together. Rey headed off the dance floor and found herself next to the woman in the tall heels. It was the Domme she'd seen at the door. Rey wondered where the sub was.

"Hi," the woman said loudly. "I saw you walking in, honey. You new?"

Rey called out an affirmative.

The woman moved closer. "Wanna talk a bit?"

"Sure," Rey said. "As long as I don't have to talk to Lord Pain in the Ass again."

The woman burst out laughing. "He is something else. Fairly harmless, though quite difficult to deal with. Slice went after him."

Rey raised her brows. "Slice?" These names were something else.

"Yeah. Dungeon Monitor in leather. Don't worry, he'll knock Little Lord Fauntleroy upside his head. Come on, sweetheart."

She turned on her spikes and led the way. Rey followed, wishing she hadn't worn the silver shoes. They were pretty but her feet were beginning to hurt. The woman led Rey past the double-doors to the common room and ducked into another space with couches and chairs. People were lounging there, some cuddled in blankets, some talking softly.

"This is the aftercare room," the woman said quietly. "But it's a nice place to talk." She led Rey to a small loveseat. "I'm Jannah."

"Kira," Rey said.

"Have a seat. Water?" Jannah didn't sit.

"Uh, sure. Thank you." She watched Jannah retrieve two small bottles from a mini-fridge in the corner.

She opened hers as Jannah took a seat. It was cold and delicious after dancing.

"I'm glad you were able to come and take a look at us," Jannah began.

"I am, too."

"I saw you at the Munch and Kylo's demo, but you were hanging with crazy Moff, so I didn't bug you."

Rey's fingers tightened around the water bottle. "I appreciate the thought. It can be overwhelming. I saw you walking in with..."

"Zorii, my girlfriend and submissive. You're new to the Lifestyle?"

"Kind of." Rey explained her story again.

"I think it's great that you returned. This is a good group of people. It's a safe club, Lord Asshole notwithstanding. Some others aren't. You gotta remember to be careful because clubs vary greatly." She widened her eyes.

Rey remembered the scroungy version she'd visited in the 1980s. It was nothing like this clean, modern place. There were more Lord Pains there than Ezras or Kylos.

"What do you know about Dinosauria?" The question burst out of Rey's mouth before she could stop it. Jannah might know something more about the other club.

"Kylo talk to you?"


Jannah rolled her eyes. "Fucking poacher. He's a pushy-ass, old-man Dom."

Rey was surprised. "Why do you say that?"

"Dinosauria is his baby. He acts like it's not but I'm sure he funds that place. Those managers of his are, just that, managers. Bet he's the owner and gatekeeper. Bet anything."

Rey blinked. "Is there bad blood between Black Spire and Dinosauria?"

"Mr. King of the Scene sweeps in and snatches up anyone over the age of 40. Fett has trouble keeping older folks here."

Rey looked around. "To be fair, this is a younger crowd. Do you ever play 80s or 90s music to dance to? Do you cater to older people in any way?"

"We have theme nights, sure. It's not that we don't try. It's always good to have a range of ages involved because we learn a lot from Kylo's experience-and other older folk in the Lifestyle. I know Fett wants to attract and keep everyone."

"And Kylo is in competition with this club."

"Yeah." Jannah rolled her eyes. "You know what's worse? He's Fett's dad."

Rey had the water bottle half-way to her mouth. "What?"

"Yup, Kylo is Fett's papa. Not in a kink way, in a biological way. Which is probably why Fett doesn't howl too much when Papa poaches. Bet anything there's some start-up money involved." Jannah smiled. "All's fair in family and kink, you know?"

Rey simply couldn't imagine sharing a kink club with her children. "Is it weird for them?"

Jannah shrugged. "No idea. Not my business."


Jannah left with her girlfriend to scene in the dungeon, while Rey sat finishing her water. The two women, Jannah and Zorii, had invited Rey to watch, but she'd politely declined. She wanted time to think.

Fett's father was obviously a big player in the city's BDSM community. He and his son both owned thriving clubs. Rey wondered if Kylo financed both clubs or if Fett was trying to get out from under his father's wing. She tapped the side of her bottle with her short nails.

Maybe she didn't want to be poached away. Maybe she liked the idea of helping Fett out, instead of following Kylo to a more-established club. After all, she'd signed up for six months of membership here. While the idea of a middle-age club was appealing, Rey wanted to get her money's worth and support a young entrepreneur. Poaching rubbed her the wrong way, though she wanted Kylo to... She shut down that line of thinking and took another gulp of water.

She needed more information about her own interest in scening at the Black Spire. Could she find a partner or two who would meet her needs? With that in mind, Rey dropped her water bottle in the nearest recycle bin. She left the aftercare area and walked to the dungeon, ignoring her throbbing feet.

Jannah had Zorii tied to a bench in one corner. Moff was moaning against a St. Andrew's cross as Lord Pain muttered insults and dripped wax in fanciful patterns down Moff's red-striped back. Others were flogging submissives or tying them up in intricate Shibari knots. People stood watching, perhaps waiting their turn at the equipment. Rey remembered Bazine's horror at the idea of peeping Toms and had to smile to herself. If only Baz knew what went on right out in the open in front of God and everybody. Rey thought Baz might run screaming into the night.

A man she'd seen at the Munch stood next to Rey. Ezra. She couldn't remember if he was a Dom or if he was willing to scene. She didn't know if she was willing to play with someone like him. She turned to acknowledge him. He smiled and nodded at her. Then he looked over her shoulder and made significant eye contact with someone. Rey saw a young woman walk around her toward Ezra. They clasped hands.

Rey caught a glimpse of Lord Pain carrying Moff as he walked toward the aftercare room. The horrible man winked at Rey. She frowned at him.

He mouthed, "Fuck you, Old Lady." And grinned a nasty pure-white smile which glowed against his fake tan.

Rey shuddered. She understood why Kylo's poaching worked. It was not an inspiring evening, all in all-and she went home disappointed. Later, she fingered the scrap of paper that Kylo had given her. But, she reasoned, it was only one night at the Spire. These things take time.

Chapter 5

A few weeks later, Ben did the thing that his son Anakin hated. A lot. He called him on the telephone. As usual, Ani was annoyed.

Ben sighed. "Look, I'm sorry I called instead of texted. I have big fingers and my telephone doesn't work."

"You don't know how to use your cell phone, Pops," Ani grumbled.

"That, too. How's your new member working out?"

"Dad, I can't discuss new members with you. You talked to her. You gave her the information for your club. Now, leave her be."

Ben clicked a pen on his desk. "She hasn't gotten in touch with us." It'd been quite a few weeks, edging into two months. What in the world was the delay?

Ani didn't respond.

"Maybe she likes a younger crowd," he said, finally.

"Is she scening?"


"I know. I'm just concerned. It's my nature." He couldn't help himself. He felt a little miffed that Kira would find someone else when clearly, clearly, she was attracted to him. And he to her. And so it was meant to be.

"It's also your nature to steal my customers." Ani sounded a bit grumpy.

Ben turned on the reasonable Dad voice. "It's a good alternative for a certain group of people."

"Your friends plus anyone over the age of 40."

"Correct." Ben tapped the pen. "I don't steal to run you out of business." Ani knew that. Ben had co-signed on the business loan and had helped with expenses early on-as much as he could afford. He wanted his son's club to succeed. It was just that the atmosphere wasn't right for some people. "Don't you think there's room enough for both of us? And we're not the only clubs in town."

Ani hummed into the phone. "True. It just rubs me the wrong way. Shit, you didn't even give her a chance to try us out. You jumped on her immediately after the demo."

"She was there. I was there. Seemed like a good opportunity. I don't come to your club very often." Both he and his son decided it was too icky to mix in that arena, aside from carefully controlled demonstrations or classes. Ben was doing fewer of those as time went on. That was fine by him.

"Anyway," Ben said. "Keep an eye on our girl, would ya?"

"I keep an eye on everyone as much as I can. I barely play in public these days."

"You'll be able to step back as your clientele grows."

"How do you figure that?"

Ben smiled to himself. "Because you'll find people to help you manage the workload and you'll be able to hire them to do so."

"Like Finn and Poe."


Ani sighed. "All right, Pops. But Finn and Poe are damned expensive for you."

"Worth every penny." True, but... Ben pushed his concerns about money away. Poe kept track of everything. He'd notify Ben if they were in serious trouble.


Ben had drifted off. "Yeah?"

"I'll keep an eye on your new girlfriend, but I'm not pushing her out the door. If she wants to stay, she's totally welcome. So, bug the hell off."

"All right. Fine. I love you."

"I love you two, you old bastard."

Grinning, Ben hung up. He adored the snippy insults and his son's grumpy moods. Ani was more like Ben than even he wanted to admit.

Ben stared blankly at the latest student emails popping up. He knew what Black Spire was like as a club and its primary clientele. It didn't seem the kind of place a woman like Kira would enjoy. Daddy Doms were few and far between there, as far as he knew. And those young cishet Doms might be too stupid to see the treasure in front of them. If she herself was a Mommy Domme, she would be interesting to the Little Boys. However, few young Doms had the imagination to be a Daddy to an older woman. And she might not respond well. No, his guess was she wanted someone her age to top her. She wasn't going to find that at Black Spire. Only at Dinosauria, preferably with him. He adjusted his pants. No, not preferably. Exclusively.