Discord in the Rhythm of Marriage

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A young married couple faces challenges and infidelity.
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My name is Dawson Harmon. I'm a 34-year-old account executive with a local bank. I'm married to my lovely wife Mandy and have two adorable children Bobby 8 and Jenny 6. My wife is a stay at home mother and with two young children sometimes the flames of passion are more like embers. Our sex life was robust before the children averaging 5 to 6 days a week and sometimes two or more times each day. Now we are lucky to get twice a week devoted to lovemaking.

This is due to something called family life. Our jobs, yes, I say our jobs because running a house is a full-time multitasking position that is executive, financier, care giver, chef, chauffeur, launderer, housecleaner and many more all in one. I have the utmost respect and admiration for what my wife takes on daily. The responsibilities of and the wear and tear of life with children make that unsustainable and no, we are not an exception to the rule.

Gradually the white-hot heat of burning magnesium that was our sex life cooled to what is now the flickering orange of a dwindling campfire. We averaged twice to three times per week for the most part although unforeseen circumstances sometimes intervene. Sniffles, nightmares, and occasional travel for training can interrupt the norm. While my job is demanding and at times stressful it's nothing in comparison to what she does. So, when she says she's too tired or not in the mood I don't press her for sex.

I do try to keep some romance going. A bouquet of flowers and some of her favorite chocolates out of the blue, a foot rub or massage with a glass of wine after the kids are asleep followed by some cuddling without expecting sex when I can tell she had a tough day. Giving her some "me time" by drawing a bath and taking the kids out for fast food or ice cream or giving her time to go shopping with friends or see a movie.

If I gave the impression that I'm a perfect husband let me dispel that notion right away. I do make a concerted effort in our marriage but I know sometimes I could do more. I could help more with the housework but I come home tired and after taking kids to activities, helping with homework and doing the lawn, car maintenance, and fixing things around the house I'm whipped. Sometimes I get short and complain when I think Mandy should have done some chore though I try not to.

Six months ago, Mandy made a new friend named Crissy at the supermarket. So, when Mandy asked to attend girls' nights on Fridays with her new friend I couldn't object since I usually played golf most Sunday's in the warm weather months not that she needed or was looking for my permission. So shortly after we discussed it Mandy started going out with a group of Crissy's friends on Friday evenings. That was early in February. By the first of April I noticed a significant change in Mandy's attitude. Before April Mandy always appreciated my efforts to keep the spark alive and with our homelife. The change in Mandy was gradual and coincided with her newfound friendship with Crissy and increased as she started her girls' nights out with Crissy and her crowd.

By March, it was Friday and every other Saturday night and the changes that had been taking place over time became more pronounced. She seemed distant and irritable. Some weekends it would be shopping all day with Crissy and out for the evening as well. She was terse and often would blame me for inconsequential things I hadn't done or didn't do intentionally. She was becoming resentful, unreasonable, and even disrespectful without rhyme or reason. It took less and less to set her off in a snit that would last for hours and occasionally days at a time.

The nights she was out, grew progressively longer over time. At first it would be from 7-10pm. A week later it was from 7-11pm. By the beginning of March, she was out routinely until midnight, sometimes 1 am twice a week. Now going into April, it's 2-3am. She was hungover, sleeping late, and missing outings with the kids.

She would "shop" all day Saturday with Crissy but left me to get the groceries by myself with the kids in tow. I had to stop playing golf on Sunday afternoon because she was either unwilling or unable to care for the kids and told me that it was selfish of me to expect her to watch the kids after having them all week long.

Our lovemaking ceased to exist. The myriad excuses, the outright rejections and the lacuna in her argument that she was too tired due to taking care of the kids or some foible of mine that left her angry or disinterested was wearing thin. I continued trying my level best to be supportive, understanding, and loving but my efforts were, according to Mandy, was me being narcissistic, jealous, and mistrustful.

However, the gaping distance between us, dissonance created by her relationship with Crissy and the increase in frequency and length of her nights out and the reduction of her involvement with me and our children was becoming intolerable. A wife and a mother shouldn't be out to the wee hours of the morning at all let alone several times weekly.

I began to suspect the possibility that she had cheated on one or more occasions and as time went on seemed more and more probable. The depth of trouble within our marriage was revealed this past weekend and later I discovered my concern was justified.

I had hoped to try and right the ship and have the chance to talk with Mandy. Suddenly a lyric from the Cheer's theme popped into my mind. Making your way in the world today takes everything you got.

Taking a break from all your worries, it sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

A weekend away just the two of us. We could talk and reconnect. I called a travel agent and made a reservation in a quaint little bed & breakfast with fireplaces, jacuzzi tubs near a small town filled with antique shops and restaurants. I called my folks and arranged to have them take the kids for the weekend. I thought we can walk, shop, and dine while we talk and reconnect. I couldn't wait to get home and surprise Mandy and see the look on her face.

I called Mandy and told her to treat herself to a day at the salon to get her hair and nails done. She said she couldn't due to picking up the kids but I told her I would get Mom and Dad to do it. I had them get the kids then go to our home and pack enough for the weekend. I left work two hours early and picked up a dozen roses, some handmade chocolate truffles, and a bottle of champagne. I went home and packed us each a bag and got all her makeup and personal hygiene items packed and loaded the car.

We would make the hour drive, stop for a nice dinner, perhaps some dancing before retiring to a leisurely soak in the jacuzzi tub with chocolates and champagne for dessert. Then a night of tender love making. Like most fantasies it was perfect and while reality often pales in comparison, I was totally unprepared for the weight reality imposed upon me later that afternoon.

Once I finished getting ready, I sat in my chair, relaxed and waited for Mandy. I dozed off and didn't hear Mandy come into the house. She was surprised to see me home so early and panicked. "Dawson, what are you doing at home this early? Is something wrong? Where are Jenny and Bobby?"

"Relax Mandy, Mom and Dad picked up the kids and they're fine. I came home early to surprise you. I thought we needed some time to reconnect so I have arraigned a weekend getaway for us at that little B&B we passed by going to your Mom and Dad's place. Mom and Dad will watch the kids and you and I will spend the weekend relaxing and reconnecting in that quaint little inn. Soak in the jacuzzi tub, sip champagne and reestablish some equilibrium in our marriage and our life. I've packed our bags and we are all set so let's hit the road because it's an hour drive and I wanted to stop for dinner along the way and maybe a little dancing before we call it a night."

I thought she would be surprised and pleased but the look on her face was one of total shock and she didn't look happy. "Dawson you know I have my night out with the girls tonight and shopping on Saturday. We have plans for dinner and going out tomorrow night as well. How am I supposed to cancel at this late juncture?"

Now it was my turn to be shocked. "Mandy for the past six months you have gone out every Friday then added all day and most Saturday nights with your friends and left me and the kids home alone. Then Sundays you lie in bed hungover or too tired after rolling in at two or three o'clock in the morning. So, it's simple, you call Crissy and tell her your husband requested your attendance for a weekend away."

"Look Mandy, we don't ever and I mean ever have family time together anymore and most certainly haven't had any alone time in months. Our sex life is nonexistent and even when you're here in body, you're surly, cross, and lay in bed or on the sofa. However, the reality is that in spirit, you're alone and lost in thought. You're far away and a million miles from your husband and your children."

"We need this time to rediscover one another and to talk about things. We used to talk all the time but you hardly have time for me or the kids anymore. You spend your time on the phone with Crissy or out with Crissy and the girls. I thought you would be pleased with a romantic weekend away."

"Dawson, I was coming home to leave you a note as I thought you were at work, but Crissy, the girls and I planned a spa weekend and she will be here in a half hour. I'm sure I told you! When you told me to go to the salon, I figured it was to get ready for my weekend."

"Mandy it was for our special weekend not something you two threw together at the last minute and for your information this is the first I heard of it. So, you planned to sneak off for the entire weekend and planned to only leave a note. Why didn't you tell me when I talked to you earlier today why was that?'

"Because you knew that I wouldn't be happy about it; and didn't mention it because you didn't have any "spa weekend" planned as you just claimed. Even if I hadn't planned a romantic weekend you knew last weekend this was supposed to be a weekend at home. We discussed it after your arrival at 3am last Sunday morning, remember?"

"Oh God Dawson! I forgot but I can't abandon Crissy now!"

"Fuck Crissy! You just up and lied right to my face. You just told me that it was your night out and shopping tomorrow now it has changed to a "spa weekend" that I'm damn sure never existed during the course of a single conversation over a span of 3 minutes! What the hell Mandy? Now you deliberately lie to me or most likely that all you have done is lie to me for months now?"

I felt the blood rise and my face turn red as the anger welled up inside and ready to erupt like Mt. Vesuvius. As her husband I should count more than a friend or a group of them but I soon realized that I and our kids was low on her list of priorities. "Amanda Elizabeth Harmon your family should be your utmost priority. You need to call Crissy and cancel your "planned" excursion and spend some quality time with me, your husband."

"Dawson, can't we go next weekend, I promise to make it up to you."

"No Mandy, this is the final straw. Either I and our children are the most important people in your life or we're not. I'm sick and tired of you gone every weekend. We need this! I'm tired of being abandoned every weekend without my wife. You say it's unfair for you to have to watch the kids well it is unfair that I work all week and every weekend spend it alone except for the kids. You owe me this."

"Fine, the hell with my life. I'll call and cancel so you can have your precious weekend!" Then she turned and stomped up the stairs and I heard the bedroom door slam. What has gotten into her? If this is what the weekend holds in store than to hell with it and with her. I went to her purse took out her keys and removed her house and car keys, her debit and credit cards. I tossed the purse out the front door went out and grabbed the spare key from its hiding spot. I came back in closed the door and went up the stairs and entered the bedroom. She was on the phone with Crissy.

I shouted, "Have the bitch pick you up and get out!" Her eyes widened as I have never used such a tone with her before. She got up and ran downstairs. I went to her dresser and started to throw her clothes into suitcases. I went downstairs and got some plastic trash bags and proceeded to empty her closet as well.

I opened the upstairs window and I threw her stuff out into the front lawn. I bounded down the stairs and out the front door to my car and took her bags from my trunk and threw them on the pile. I returned to the car got the chocolates and dumped them on her stuff.

I went back to the car and grabbed the roses and champagne then I went inside the house and threw the roses in her face. The coup de grâce occurred when I threw a perfect strike as the bottle of champagne flew into the fireplace where it broke with a loud explosion sending shards of glass and wine all over the place. Her jaw dropped and she stood there bewildered and I could see a hint of fear in her expression as well as one of total shock.

I told her, "You haven't bothered to spread your legs for me these past months so the only conclusion that makes sense is that you have been serviced by another man. Fine, so go ahead and fuck whoever you've been fucking these past months, fuck if I care anymore. You no longer have a husband or a family! It's not the hell with your life it's the hell with my life. The kid's lives and ours! You wanted out? Congratulations, you've got it! You're free to be the narcissistic bitch you've embraced so well and now you're free to put us out of our misery! Now go live the life of a party girl and round heeled slut till the cows come home! Get out, the sight of you sickens me!"

I heard Crissy's car pull into the driveway. I stormed past Mandy who had yet to move and told Crissy to open her trunk. I grabbed Mandy's bags and stuffed them into Crissy's trunk. I went back to the house opened the front door and told Mandy to get out. As she walked to Crissy's car, I told her to not bother to come back.

I closed the door as she screamed and wailed. I locked all the doors. Mandy pounded on the door for several minutes before I heard a car door slam and the tires on Crissy's car squeal as she backed out of our driveway and sped down our street. Once the fog that surrounded my brain had somewhat lifted, I realized that I had non-refundable reservations for the weekend in a nice place and the kids were away and safe for the weekend. What the hell! I needed to get away and think about my life going forward so I jumped in my car and headed out for the inn.


As Crissy drove towards her place I sobbed uncontrollably. How could Dawson treat me that way? I was hurt and angry. Crissy said, "Hey forget that sorry excuse of a husband! I know Jake and his magnificent cock will make you forget all about him. He'll come around and be at your feet come Sunday." My mind drifted back to when trouble with a capital T literally waltzed into my life.

I met Jake in late March when we were at a club. I noticed him on the dance floor. He movements were smooth and he seemed to float. He was tall and handsome. Dirty blonde hair and soft blue eyes. I daydreamed for a bit wondering what it was like to be in those big strong arms staring into those big blue eyes as we danced the night away.

In my mind I pictured his hard cock pressing into me while his hands kneaded my ass. I could feel my pussy dampen with the thought of it all. Not the type of thoughts a married woman should have toward another man but, hey, it's just harmless fantasy. I wouldn't act upon it or cheat on Dawson. It's nothing more than a little one-sided mental flirting, right? Wrong!

I snapped out of my reverie and I re-engaged in conversation with Janice, one of our gang, when I heard this voice beside me say "would you like to dance?" I spun around to find that it was the guy I had watched all evening long. He said, "My name's Jake please do me the honor and give me the pleasure of a dance."

I lusted for this man from afar now suddenly he was right here and that going out on the dance floor with him was not a good idea. Since I'm married and a faithful wife I said, "Thanks Jake but I don't think it would be a good idea, I'm married." He seemed disappointed. He asked me for my name and I told him it's Mandy.

Crissy spoke up and said, "Come on Mandy have some fun! It's only a dance and you have danced with men every time we go out so what's the difference?"

I thought, I knew the difference. The difference was that I've created a utopic fantasy man who could do no wrong and everything, oh so right! I'm attracted to him, aroused by him, and I've lusted after him in my mind. That's the difference! I more I thought about it I decided that I deserved a little fun and fantasy and it was after all just a dance? What harm can that cause? I could control myself, right?

Absolutely! I was convinced of just that. Positive I could control myself as I indulged myself a bit and that I wouldn't cross the line between fantasy and reality. So, I gave in and said, "Sure." Jake took my hand and helped me up. Then he put his hand in the small of my back and led me onto the dance floor.

Of course, the first song was a slow number and it took Jake no time at all to close the distance between us. I felt his cock pressing against my thigh and he pulled me in so my breasts mashed up against his chest. I knew his cock was hard but unlike popular myth I couldn't tell how long or how thick unless I was to touch it with my hand which I couldn't or wouldn't do, after all boundaries need to be respected. I did enjoy how it felt as we swayed to the music and his mindless invader crossed the boarder prepared to breech the gate.

After a couple of fast songs another slow song played and this time Jake's erection was against my already wet and aroused pussy. I felt as if I would flood the dance floor as my pussy gushed with my juices due to the pressure and movement that stimulated my clit. I didn't mean to but I let out an audible sigh as I laid my head against his shoulder.

Just as the song ended, I felt the wave of my orgasm hit me. I excused myself and ran to the ladies' room. I entered the stall and quickly dropped my panties and fingered my clit until I exploded and squirted all over the floor. When I recovered, I did my best to clean myself up. I purchased a tampon and inserted it to absorb the fluid. I used the hand dryer to dry the gusset of my panties before I put them back on and returned to our table.

Jake decided to join us but I knew I needed to leave before he could smell my arousal any further and he could ask me to dance. We always take an Uber because no one wants a DUI for drunk driving. So, I called for my ride. Jake asked me to dance some more but I told him I wasn't feeling well and needed to sit and wait for my ride home. As I got in the car, I knew I had dodged a bullet. In my current state I'm not sure I could have resisted his charms and if he tried to seduce me I most likely would have given in.

I got home a bit after midnight and I really wanted to fuck Dawson to death but he was sound asleep. I thought about waking him and went as far as grabbing his cock but since I lusted after another man and I only wanted to use him for nothing more than a dildo to sate my lust because in that particular moment, Dawson didn't exist other than as a warm fleshy phallus. Suddenly a moment of lucidity, however brief, washed over me and I decided it wouldn't be fair wake him or get him up in the middle of the night to be used in such a cheap disrespectful manner.

Instead I had to get out my artificial lover. I went into the bathroom and stripped naked. I sat in our large jacuzzi tub and spread my legs wide. I shoved my dildo deep inside my hot needy pussy as fast as my hand would go. In and out while I furiously rubbed my clit with the other hand. Occasionally my hand went to my breasts and I pinched my nipples and pulled on them as I alternated from clit to nipple and back. I felt a massive orgasm ready to overtake me and I never felt so aroused.