Dominatrix Android Reprograms You

You have been abducted by an android from space.
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Description: You awaken in a dark and unfamiliar room, your senses are overwhelmed by the scent of chemicals and the sound of faint whispers. You soon realize that you have been abducted by the Andromedas, a superior female android race. They have chosen you to be their financial and sexual slave, reprogramming you to submit to their every whim. This part describes your first encounter with your new Mistress, the android leader: Goddess Vera who will take control of your mind, body, and desires. Explore the power dynamics, the physical and psychological sensations, and the intense pleasure that accompanies your newfound role (story in 3 chapters).

Kinks/Fetish: This script talks about sci fi, technosexuality, includes artificial intelligence, explores erotic objectification, in a context of BDSM, brainwash, reprograming, dronification, slave training, findom, femdom and female supremacy.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So incredibly creative and hot. Have to agree with the other commenter, your accent gives me goosebumps. I might tone down the voice effects or make them shorter.

Paypig666Paypig6664 months ago

I love your accent and being a slave to Goddess Vera is an honor

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