Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 01


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We want you to grow your family as they may not be Champions in the future, they will all likely be heroes of the Elven people regardless. Honorable and fearless with a good head on their shoulders to make hard choices. You are a key to the success that must come, else all will be lost.

I have tapered off Flora's pheromones in the air so you may get through your 2 new brides, your 2 other wives, and then your sexual rampage with Flora. She was a very good choice by the way Branina and we see a lot of hope in her children.

To expand draconic bloodlines even further from two species. Branina is an excellent choice for finding wives for your bed. You lose a wife, consider replacing them. Your wives will insist and Crisna, unfortunately, has a much shorter lifespan being Half-Elven. I hate the term abomination about Half-Elves but some prejudices run deep in our people.

It was a tough sell to get Half-Dragons to be not looked at that way, they dare not use it because of our clergy and what Half-Dragons are doing for our people. At least openly if they are smart. As it goes against the will of the Elven Gods. You will be fertile until your dying day most likely.

Your becoming a champion also included stamina increases your wives have not dealt with before, the real reason I came to see you, was to bless both your marriage choices today and in the past. To get you to stop believing you are a placeholder, you are not.

You are a bridge between people that we needed at this moment in time. Corellon would not have placed his champion on the field to be a placeholder, please keep that in mind. He wants you in place for centuries, but we cannot guarantee that with as many champions that are entering the field and unknown to us.

I will do you one favor, contacting your father and your elder in their dreams about Crisna and ensuring they know it would displease us greatly if they disowned a Champion for that marriage choice which I personally blessed in person.

It likely would result in months of nightmares until they atone for pissing me off and reversing that decision. She would not be welcomed on the Estate, as you know because Flora is in the same situation. No reprisals against you either for making that blessed choice."

The Lady of Dreams disappeared.


The Lady of Dreams sent the messages to the elven males in their sleep and got their cooperation.

Corellon showed and looked at her, "I know what I stated about the future and Half-Elves becoming champions, but do you see it happening?"

The Lady of Dreams nodded, "I do, especially if a champion falls early and you need them replaced quickly. 20 years is sooner than 75 years. Unless another is ready with the right skills needed. With dragons on the field, hard choices might be made.

You would have had a terrible time replacing Tallion right now to fill that role with those alive, his skills are unique and will be shared with his progeny. But if what The One told you and you shared with me is true, we may have one house generating Champions for thousands of years in the next age.

It is a possibility you cannot rule out in that circumstance. Another case is your daughter's champion, if you want wars to be shorter, her champion might be a Half-Elven as they will not be on the field for centuries if they live beyond the battle we expected them to die in. With Dragon's on the field, it will be harder to guess what the results might be."

Corellon sighed and shook his head. "A discussion for another time. Half-Dragons, impures, and who knows what else will come. First, our people have to survive the 5th Age of Dragons. At least Half-Dragons strengthen our magical bloodlines and fertility. The One stated compromises would likely have to be made, even by me. We will see if the argument of the day holds to be true in the future."

The Lady of Dreams looked at him, "She will still generate elves with dragon-blood in them from a champion. You cannot deny that now."

Corellon rolled his eyes and nodded at his wife, "There is that aspect that is redeeming in this case and it is with a Half-Dragon Half-Elf. Two human Half-Elves would generate another Half-Elf. Aerdrie Faenya will ensure they are elven with the Champion's blood. Just to be safe."


The wives and Crisna were all awestruck to have seen the Goddess appear like that. Tallion spoke, "Crisna is ready to join this family I am assuming based on that direction?"

Crisna smiled, "I was hesitant until she said to do it. I have never seen her before in person. Any God to tell you the truth, she was gorgeous. I was getting wet just looking at her."

Tallion nodded, "The third time I have seen her and the second time today. She generally speaks through dreams but she had a lot to say on several topics and to us all. Including a warning about my stamina."

Vilmora looked over, "Do you all reaffirm your vows with the inclusion of Crisna?"

They all said 'I do' in order and Crisna asked Vilmora, "You are alright with him marrying a bastard abomination Half-Elf with no name but 'moon?'"

Vilmora smiled, "My mother was a Half-Elf who died in childbirth. My father accepted me. His family, not as much. Especially when I tested for no arcane talent. I became a cleric instead. Have faith in the Gods. Do you take him and all of us into your heart and bed?"

Crisna laughed, "I do. They generally only say it for the male."

Vilmora smiled, "I am more into women than men and infertile. I was happy to be chosen. I answered, 'I do for all of them.' Tallion do you?"

Tallion laughed, "I do. I shortened the vows as that cleric was taking his sweet ass time and Flora was flapping her wings spreading pheromones everywhere. Needless to say, I sent her ahead before I pounced on her in the church or out in the road on the way home.

She is still producing them, but she has some sort of bubble going over her to suppress them. A gift from the Lady of Dreams. Food and then sex." He slid the ring onto Crisna's finger, kissed her, and all of the wives took turns kissing each other as Crisna slipped out and got the cooks to bring up the feast the ladies had ordered to be made today. They had a dining table for 8 in this master bedroom and now Crisna knew why. They all stripped down.

Crisna glared at his 10-inch long cock that was 4 or 5 inches around. She asked, "How does anyone get that into their mouth?"

Branina smiled, "Vilmora has heard this speech before. He cannot do anal on any of us, normally. When he does an elf, he goes straight in until he hits the bottom. It pulses, vibrates, and expands. The scales along the cock flare out so he cannot pound it into you. You will climax, again and again from that.

The exception is Half-Dragon on Half-Dragon and only when she is in heat. She can take it in her ass and her pussy as she has the internal muscles to keep those scales pushed down. She gets worn down, he has to stop and do her like us until the scales retract, else he will tear her up.

Oral is out of the question, but jacking his cock off. Flora knows how to do that and we will all get showered with cum many times in the years ahead. Her scaled hands protect her from his scaled cock as long as she goes with the grain. The other exception, he has a ring of polymorph we created for him. Flora made it and we all love it.

He takes it out, now and then. It serves as a reminder to be careful about what you wish for. All it does is change his hands into elven hands instead of the clawed hands he has, removes his wings, and removes the scales from his cock, it still shows them as fleshy like bumps on his cock under the soft skin, but they are inactive if you will for expanding.

Something we commissioned from Flora after she joined us. With that, he can do us all like her including anal, and then we can work to teach you to suck and jack off a 10-inch-long 5-inch around Elven cock. Not the normal Elven cock by a long shot. But he comes in quarts, not ounces. He will flood you, regardless of the hole."

Tallion got up and took Vilmora to the bed and went down on her sparsely-haired pussy. Brema looked at Crisna, waved her hand over Crisna's crotch, and removed all of her pubic hair in one go.

Branina smiled, "We can make that permanent if you like. It will grow back otherwise. He and Flora have no pubic hair naturally. He likes little to no pubic hair, hates getting hair in his mouth. He is ensuring she is good and wet as he knows she is a virgin.

We know you are not, Flora told us about taking it from you the first time she had you in bed alone. She tells us everything. We lived vicariously through her as the only mother home if you will. You see her squirming and you have had a lady in your bed for years now so you know what is coming, her."

Vilmora let out a screaming climax and sprayed Tallion and the ladies at the same time with ever-decreasing waves.

Teresna looked over, "We let him take brides one-on-one for the first go. Then he does each wife only once, and then goes back to the first normally and runs them through it again. When a new bride is done with the first then the last new bride eats out her pussy solo.

Just to see how much she can stomach in one shot. With Flora in heat, that changes things. I will be taking your marriage bed anal virginity if you will while Flora dines most likely. Unless Tallion grabs that ring for some reason."

Branina shook her head, "Flora will be out of the loop, you will have to dine Teresna with me."

Flora shook her head, "They are suppressed to the rest of you right now, I can still smell them. Her pussy is mine."

They all heard Vilmora scream out as her hymen disappeared and Tallion worked it down slowly. 10 minutes later and he roared out as Flora moved up and bit into his shoulder and he slid forward more and unloaded quartets into Vilmora.

Flora whispered, "That's it my stud. Fill that pussy up for me. I want to drink from the fountain and the birdbath tonight."

It was her code for sucking a pussy dry and swallowing everything from his cock herself if she could handle it. She backed away as Branina led Crisna to the other side of their large bed and had her lay down and wait for his scales to go down.

The other ladies pulled back out of sight so he could concentrate on bringing them down. He had his eyes closed and calmed himself enough to get his scales down. He went over to Crisna and used his wildly long tongue on her pussy, clit, and then her ass. He noted he could not hit her cervix like his elven wives.

He set Crisna off wailing 3 times before taking his cock to her pussy and mounted her slowly. The scales had already started to rise and she let him slide down slowly while she held him and kissed his neck as he was too damned tall for her to reach his lips.

To Branina and Teresna's surprise, she took all 10 inches of him. Only Flora could do that normally. Her being a Half-Elf must have given her an extra-long hole that filled both lades with lust-filled thoughts as they watched.

Flora had moved over and rolled Vilmora to the center of the bed with her mouth locked around Vilmora's pussy. Flora had the unconscious Vilmora sitting on her face as the female Half-Dragon worked to drain every last drop out of her. Flora sent her tongue deep enough to touch her cervix.

Vilmora came conscious as Crisna let out her fifth wailing climax, the second from the pulsating monster between her legs but it was enough to send Tallion over the edge. Vilmora wailed in pleasure at everything Flora was doing to her pussy.

Vilmora went higher when Flora slid one unprepared digit into Vilmora's ass to make her bear down harder to push more seed out. Vilmora wanted that pussy sucked clean of cum and she wanted it all to herself. She had waited months for this day and this honor.

While Tallion could close his eyes, he could not close his ears and he started getting hard again while his scales were still out. Crisna came too just as he roared out and filled her cunt up a second time and she bore down and came with him.

Tallion looked over, "Flora, making her wail is not helping me to extract from Crisna and she now has 2 loads of cum in her, not counting what is gushing out of her. Have you finished?"

Flora let the new bride off of the face ride and Vilmora crashed down on the bed again as she was out a second time.

Flora looked at Branina and Teresna, "Branina, when Tallion does you, Teresna can check to see if I got it all out of Vilmora's pussy. I worked to suck it all out."

Branina smiled, "Teresna can go first as I want to clean out Crisna's double stuffed pussy first. What I don't get, Teresna can get while Crisna cleans her out. Vilmora can clean me out, first wife's prerogative."

The ladies chuckled at her joke.

Tallion finally extracted himself and let the wives play while he filled up Teresna and then Branina back to back with little trouble laying on the floor. When he got up Flora was on the mats in the adjoining room and waited for him. She stood there defiant as her pheromones were unleashed. All of the ladies could pick up on them now.

They had not been diminished, only held back. Tallion wasted no time in taking Flora and nearly body-slammed her into the mat as he slid in and then fucked her for everything he was worth 3 times back-to-back.

The 2 of them clawing into each other and biting each other he drank enough breast milk from her as he attacked both of her tits over the 90-minute fuckathon. He slid out, grabbed some goat's fat, lubed up his scaled cock, and took it to her ass for 3 more loads. She was out after 2 and he stopped when her pheromones died off, but was stuck in her ass until she pushed the scales down. We worked to wake her and she came too exhausted.

Flora sighed, "I don't have it in me to push them down."

Branina pulled out the largest strap-on they had, 12 inches long and 6 inches around, the monster cock is what the ladies called it. She went into the room wearing it. With no prep, she slid it into Flora's already stretched pussy and proceeded to fuck her out of the stupor she was in. Flora bore down, Tallion exploded in her ass and slid out while still shooting off and over the two women.

Tallion went to the desk and opened a small cubby hole and pulled out a ring. He put it on and Teresna sighed, "Oh shit. I think I know what the Lady of Dreams meant about stamina increase."

Vilmora asked, "What does that mean?"

Teresna smiled, "Your anal virginity is his tonight. As is Crisna, though she is not a virgin from what we know. No judgment, just stating a fact."

Crisna chuckled, "Flora did not tell me you all knew what we were doing until she came home from the first wedding. I find it just a bit disconcerting. Then again, I have seen this mating rampage with Flora before so I should have expected it."

Tallion spent the next 20 minutes opening up Vilmora's ass before he took his cock to it. She had not expected this tonight, but eventually. He took it slow, she could handle about 7 inches of him and that was all he gave her. He used his hand to keep from going too far in by gripping the base.

He sped up and sent her over the edge 3 times anally before he unloaded into her ass. Teresna was there with a washcloth and she came forward and cleaned up his cock while the ladies got Vilmora onto a chamberpot. He was still rigid and that had Teresna concerned as he lubed up yet again.

Crisna looked back, "I can take it all. I can take Flora's arm almost to the elbow. I am not glass, just give it to me. Take it slow on getting it in as Teresna prepared me while you were fucking away."

Tallion did as she asked, once in he took it to the end in three strokes and sent Crisna quaking with a spraying orgasm. He bit into her shoulder and massaged her breasts and just fucked her for all she was worth. Flora helped to prep the other 2 ladies.

Tallion fucked every ladies' ass again twice more and kept the ring on and took Flora back to the mat and fucked her another 12 times before he was out for the night, passed out on the mats. 4 in each hole as she deep throated him 4 times back-to-back and letting him just fuck her face until she could not swallow anymore.

Teresna looked at Branina, "You need to talk with the King, or better yet the Queen! We need a royal dispensation to get him 3 more wives. Else we will never leave this room."

Vilmora raised a hand and healed the other 4 wives and then herself as much as possible with what was left. Vilmora sighed, "I hate to agree with her, it's the bedroom or the battlefield. Right now, they look the same and Flora has 2 more days of this?"

Vilmora went over and checked Flora for pregnancy. The divination showed she carried 5. She checked Crisna and she had 3. To be on the safe side she checked herself and found out she was carrying one, a girl. She looked up, "I was infertile. Confirmed by 3 clerics including the one who married me, but he got me pregnant?!"

She checked the other 2 wives and they each had one as well, both girls.

Vilmora shook her head, "The Gods made it so his wives cannot be infertile. Else they will be pregnant with at least one."

Branina sat down and started writing a detailed letter for the next time she saw the Queen.


Aerdrie Faenya met Tallion in his dreams with the Lady of Dreams. She looked at Tallion rather sheepishly who took a knee before the 2 of them.

Aerdrie spoke, "You made all 5 of your wives pregnant, those that were infertile are each carrying one female from you, Champion. They should hopefully be safe with you in the field for the next year or so. You have 2 at home to oversee the children when they are born.

It affects your short-term, but not your long-term plans. This was a one-off if you will. I wanted you to have more children with your existing wives to marry into other houses from you as a Champion with heavy Royal draconic blood.

Even Vilmora is pregnant. This was my choice for you as fertility is my domain now and I am doing it with all of the other Elven Champions as well. They are being advised to find a dragon lover or a Half-Dragon wife to combine the effects, it was not just you.

Your wives are thinking 3 more might be needed. That stamina boost given to you was too high for a Half-Dragon. It cannot be reversed. Let them know 3 more would be advisable in a year, so they can be in the field while the others step off the field to protect the unborn.

When Flora is due to be in heat next, it will be time to add 3 more wives to the group. The Lady of Dreams will make this known to the King and Queen, as they will have to give you a dispensation to allow for it. You are the first Half-Dragon champion we have ever put on the field and your night was inflamed by Flora being in heat. It was also very impressive.

I have Flora's pheromones suppressed because 5 is dangerous enough, 4 boys and 1 girl, 2 sets of twins on your sons. You do not need to add any more to the count, you did that and then some. These are all children of the Champion. Crisna is carrying 2 boys and a daughter, again just 1 set of twins.

Most of your children, not all, will be females. To spread into other houses going forward. We wanted it for your house, but also in other houses. At least I did in doing this. I did not coordinate my actions with the other Gods on what I was doing with fertility on this night, in regards to the infertile wives.

Corellon has asked me to coordinate this activity on Champions in the future to avoid these kinds of surprises. He is not upset, he just wants to be informed and agree on the matter. You are one of 4 elven champions on the field and I will be visiting with them all about any infertile wives."

They had 5 champions but the fifth one was her own and would have no children. Corellon wanted it coordinated through the Lady of Dreams going forward as well as she would be the messenger to all champions on this world as the overseer of Dreams. Gods could talk with their champions, in private at times.