Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 01


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Until such time as they saw peace would become a true option on the battlefield and peace could be achieved they would work as part of the Alliance. Many that left waited to return when they had a place in which to settle. They had already started drafting potential peace accords knowing it would all change.

When the signs for lasting peace would come they would help to negotiate it to stop the bloodshed. For now, they chose a side in the upcoming war that would shift if the Metallic Dragons got the advantage and failed to pursue true peace.

Neutral dragon breeding in areas with strong Chromatic Dragon infiltration stopped immediately. They moved to human kingdoms that were likely to support a greater Alliance. Also, the Elven communities in smaller numbers would allow them to contribute.

The Elven people had suffered even greater losses in the latest battles and the Elven civil war they had added to those numbers. Along with a low fertility rate, it made them a larger target for elimination.


King Goldeagle spent that next year consolidating the Elven Alliance and getting the remaining cities aligned. At least his diplomatic Corps did so with the aid of Tallion and his defensive forces getting the message out and moving to defensive stances inside of the Elven Empire.

He, of course, set local duke regents over the various cities. All from High Elf houses, including 6 within the Goldeagle line. The Gods did not object to his moves or make any comment on those decisions. He thus assumed it was his right as the ruler to make those decisions at least.

Under them, they got all of the Moon Elf and Wood Elf Houses who now supported him in this new Elven Empire. He worked to identify the Wild Elf strongholds and the Snow Elf migrations, as they were a concern and Corellon stated they would be on the frontlines of this fight.

Tallion agreed it was information they needed to know. All while allowing them to be isolated for now. Both groups of Sea Elves sent pacts to get assistance only if they requested it from King Goldeagle personally. They would not even give him the names of their rulers or the size of their population for consideration if they needed assistance.

They had communication pearls to both Kingdoms that his wife would monitor for him. Given the cold reception, he received from both groups. Their ambassadors seemed to be doing a coordinated response. They teleported in, gave them virtually identical paperwork, pearls for communication, and teleported out within 10 minutes of arrival with no negotiations.

Corellon sensed Deep Sashelas and Fenmarel Mestarine's hands behind the icy negotiations. Neither denied it. It met the requirement of Corellon in the loosest sense. They wanted no part of the surface war, they had the Saugain and others to fight against.

They had the option to escape into the plain of water if needed and outlined that exit strategy in the paperwork that was given as their reason for likely never needing aid. King Goldeagle simultaneously used the Moon Elves' knowledge in diplomacy to begin talks with Human Kingdoms.

They quickly learned that Queen Selma Quaranna of Avlora had started setting the foundation for human support and 2 of the Kings whose ports were strategic to the Elven defenses. She had lost 115,000 people including her husband. She was in the middle of renegotiating all trade agreements.

She worked to hold them more financially responsible in the trade that passed through her ports, even if the destination was not her Kingdom. Diplomates went with true seeing and if Chromatic Dragons were spotted the diplomats left immediately and reported back.

Of those 9 major human Kingdoms they visited, they found chromatic intrusions in 6 of them, with 3 of them being led by a chromatic dragon ruler, and the others 3 were on the verge of putting a Chromatic dragon on the throne.

The diplomats in those 3 later locations found those who valued not being subjugated who took a stand and identified the dragons for what they were. The wars that started destroyed those 3 Kingdoms in months if not weeks.

Even with some token aid, all King Goldeagle would allow without them getting their Kingdoms to have a ruler in place in which to work with. The Elves had no agreements in place to protect them and civil wars were not theirs to interfere with.

King Goldeagle had no Dragon support as of yet to provide true assistance. Any Metallics and Gemstone dragons in those lands quickly left the area, some relocating their offspring, while others were forced to leave when their offspring were slaughtered by the new Dragon rulers.

Any humans who survived from those 3 kingdoms were taken away as slaves to an undisclosed location as the Kingdoms were leveled to the ground or deeper. The other 3 human Kingdoms, including Avlora, all agreed to join the Alliance the Elves put before them.

It was a start and provided some protection. It also bolstered the numbers in the Elven-led portion of the Alliance. One of them was the largest and potentially the greatest threat to the incursion of Elven lands, led by King Valtinta.

King Goldeagle and his Military Staff knew this to be true as Tallion had advised him personally of the concern with that human Kingdom. They had worked through the Diplomatic Service to keep them in line, thus far.

No additional lands would be discussed until the Dragons were ready to meet and layout their requests and demands. The Elves knew the Dragons, when they arrived, would have to consolidate somewhere.

Between the Kingdom of Valtinta and the new Elven borderlands was the most strategic location from the Elven point of view. Tallion showed his ideas on the matter to the King and Queen. He explained what it would buy them to use that location.

They both agreed after Queen Goldeagle called Tallion's suggestion, "Brilliant." The damaged lands created by the preemptive strikes would be the best place for the Dragon Alliance. It also bordered the Dragon Wastes the Neutrals had occupied without permission.

The Elves would leave that land to them as well if they could clean it up and expand into it potentially. Strategically it was the perfect location and conformed with Corellon's wishes not to try and reclaim that swath of land that was devastated. It cut off a direct path for a potential ally who had delusions of grandeur and might turn on them in the future.

The gnomes and halflings were both willing partners when approached by the Elves, but would not sign on fully without the support of the Metallic Dragons at a minimum. They agreed in principle to the larger Alliance.

They knew the Metallic Dragons would be the key to deal with another attack to protect them from what Avlora suffered. The 2 dwarven Kingdoms were not ready to support the full Elven Alliance but did set up support agreements with just the Elves.

Neither group would expand beyond that for another Dragon attack just yet, the dwarves had not been attacked by either group of Dragons, and Elves were primarily targeted by the Chromatic Dragons. The dwarves defined the agreements to assist each other if attacked by the Drow, Orcs, Ogres, and/or the Giants were specifically listed. Dragons at this point we're not covered for either group.

Once the Alliance with the Metallics were included and concluded would they look to expand those agreements. Not before as the Elves were being targeted by the Chromatics specifically and they would not waste troops on that fight without the Metallic Dragons signed into a larger agreement.


Mixtoriax 21st 30,909 4th Age of Dragons

The Dragon contingent, Royalty from the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, Copper, Adamantium, Mithral, and Crystal dragons arrived in the Elven Capital. The Sapphire Queen left the negotiations to the more senior Crystal King in this matter and let him carry the weight as the head of their Neutral conclave. The Crystal Dragon King using a standard ring of polymorph being unable to do it via magic. They brought draft agreements for the Alliance.

The Elves were ready with their drafts as the 2 human Kings and 1 human Queen were also present for this unprecedented first meeting. They spent the next 20 years forging this alliance with other rulers attending when needed and implemented it in a piecemeal fashion.

The first year was an agreement that an Alliance had formed, the lands the Elves would relinquish to the Dragons to fortify and grow their base. They consolidated into a single area and that was dealt with within the first few days as they needed a home. The Halflings and Gnomes were now fully on board.

The Dwarves awaited the final agreement. General Strong Oak briefedKing Goldeagle that after lands started to be assigned to other races, in regards to the Fay and Centaur support. Centaurs would only work with Wood-elf Generals only for now and only in existing Elven lands. Noting that King Goldeagle gave away lands to other races and they were not consulted. The other Fay were supportive of the King, 'as a concept.'

But had no forces beyond the protection of the existing lands, not lands given away without them included in the discussions. King Goldeagle had isolated their support and did not try and correct the issue, taking what they were willing to give, which would aid with any Drow attacks, but little else.

Tallion had warned King Goldeagle, "Failure in your diplomats to try and negotiate with them before these decisions and for those locations. The Elven Empire will always have to have Wood-elf generals or lose their support for local defenses as well."

King Goldeagle now knew he had locked himself to always have Wood Elf generals or lose their support in protecting the homefront. Nothing for deployments to distant battlegrounds, especially against the Humans and Dwarves. Again working under Wood Elf Generals only when needed. To supplement internal attacks on the Elven People that threatened them as well.

King Goldeagle hated that idea but knew he did not send the Diplomatic Service to them beforehand as he did not care about them. He would simply take their demand of only working with Wood Elf Generals for local protection for now.

It was better than he got from the Wild and Snow Elves at this point. The Fay and Centaurs could cross into Wild Elf lands without issues and worked with them in defenses when needed and more importantly when consulted. Something General Strong Oak emphasized in his briefing was the division between Wood and Wild Elves.

The one worrisome human King, King Valinta, that the Elves were concerned with turning on them was not happy at the choice of locations for the Dragons and voiced as much. The land given was the land the 'High Elf' and Moon Elf cities had been destroyed previously. Places they wanted to expand into and harvest over the bones of the fallen Elves in the process.

Not knowing the Elves went in and removed all major and minor magical objects and tomes they could locate before the Dragon's could arrive during the previous year. As well as seeing to the burial of all of their dead.

The other 2 Human kingdoms under King Nereus and Queen Quaranna did not object to the location. Partially because it was further from them and it would hopefully reduce direct attacks at her Kingdoms. Though they knew dragon forces would have to be spread across all of the lands, including the breeding which got formally tied into these treaties.

King Valinta had no real say in the matter as the lands rightfully still belonged to the Elves at that point and it made strategic sense. He could get quick responses from dragons if needed, and King Valinta could not argue against that particular point. It was the double-edged sword the Elves meant it to be.

Yet, that left expansion for King Valinta only along the coastline and Mountains as the only viable areas. Not counting any new lands that would form. As it was, his kingdom was the only one of the 3 named after the Ruling Family. Something that occurred when his Grandfather took power and usurped the previous King years earlier and a sign of vanity.

In an act of brutality that spanned over 10 years of civil war in the Kingdom as old royalty fell and new royalty got appointed. To seize power from a more moderate King Blandish at the time. The city grew and became more populated over his family's rule.

Due in large part to trade agreements that favored his Kingdom, especially with the southern continent which would likely be destroyed if the warnings from the Gods and the clergy were true. His port was the closest one to them and a required stop typically in getting to other ports along the coast and was the furthest 'southern port' Kingdom on the northern continent.

He used the coming apocalyptic event as leverage for those who wished to migrate into his kingdom, and those who wished to 'pass through it.' That ensured a lot of the southern Kingdoms' wealth would find its way into his coffers.

The Protection agreements came about in the second year, with each Kingdom required to put forth a Field Marshal and if they had a Navy an Admiral in which to coordinate support. For now, they had a mesh of communications between all of the Field Marshals and Admirals and no way of coordinating as one unit yet.

The status of a Grand Field Marshals and knowing Gods'champions all became sticking points that would not be resolved immediately. Not an ideal solution to both major Alliance partners. With the Elves representing the other non-dragon races as half of the Alliance.

In the intermediate time, while it was discussed repeatedly at least once weekly, those 2 issues were tabled. Trade agreements, passage agreements, and diplomatic agreements became the focus in-between those efforts between each of the member Kingdoms individually, in most cases.

King Valinta being a topic of concern for his predatory activity. They, the Dragons, and the Elves had to reign in his agreements with the Southern Kingdoms. Many southern Kingdoms went to building larger ships with the supplies and armaments needed to reach the other human ports along that border. They would never dare try and go to the Elven port without authorization.

The only Elven Port of Sharina that had Battle Mages, Battle Sorcerers, and Arcane Archers that would sink any hostile ships in a series of Harbor-lined walls 150 feet high they would have had to weave through to get to the port. Smaller elven vessels that were enchanted were required to tow the ships into the harbor.

The walls were 150 feet high to keep sails from being deployed effectively.

Elven ships had a series of straight access gates out of the harbor for the Elven fleet and Elven merchants' vessels only so they could sail out without delay while stopping any ships within the maze while this occurred.

They had very little trade to deal with as they were mostly self-sustaining, except with trade deals with the halflings, gnomes, and dwarves on the continent and they did not need the port for that trade themselves but their allies sent things through their merchants to other locations using the Elven port who guaranteed deliver.

The other Kingdoms had to rebuild fleets to be just as large and imposing as those coming from the south now, including Sharina. A Moon Elf city under a Gold Elf Dukes rule, one of the Duke Goldeagle's High Elf influences. 2 human ports were controlled by Chromatic Dragon rulers and one was nearly as close as the city of Valinta to the southern continent.

Metallic Dragon's monitored migration into those cities, but did not intervene as most of it was Dragonborn and humans under guard by Chromatic Dragons loyal to the destination city at that point. They had 8-10 chromatic dragons on each of 10-12 ships in each convoy, making those they were subjugating difficult targets to tackle yet.

King Valinta's double taxation issues were not quickly resolved but were finally dealt with 10 years after he worked to bring in a 'hidden' force of 50,000 Dragonborn trained for dragon hunting and other military uses for his Army.

That left the Grand Field Marshal and knowledge of the Champions as the only 2 issues remaining on the table, especially between King Goldeagle's Elven Alliance and the Dragon Alliance including the Neutral Dragon coalition which was held within Elven borders.


Tallion prayed over these final matters to get settled, both to Bahamut and Corellon. They both listened to his thoughts and they both agreed it had to start somewhere, else it would all fall apart. Corellon had found his champion in a Half-Dragon Half-Moon Elf who had worked tirelessly to tackle every engagement and worked at his best to be an advisor to an unwilling King.

Tallion knew when to amputate to save more lives. The skills Tallion defined for the talents the Grand Field Marshal would need if the Elven people and this Alliance were going to survive. An Elven Grand Field Marshal was required.

Corellon looked over all of his possible candidates and found it all, within one follower who could meet those requirements. Except he was not fully Elven.

Bahamut looked at Corellon, "If I had not put a champion on the field over 20 years ago, I would have taken him as my own to fill this role. Yes, it would have been a compromise of my powers and I would have likely wanted to turn him into a full Dragon in the process.

That would have displeased him though as he is an Elven Grand Master Blade Singer as well. Which would have meant keeping him as he is. I would have done that instead as he has the skills to fill that role. He got it all right, except for the race. We both know he could fill that role for either of us being what he is.

Yet he chose the Elven people because of what you have sacrificed, compromised on in negotiations, and bled for more heavily than my followers, or those of Sartior already. Especially with his new numbers. He now has 50,000 plus adult neutral dragons he pulled in from the outer planes to support his numbers.

All beyond the first century for these new ones. To support peace when it can be achieved. The Metallics refuse their council when the neutrals all see peace as a chance then that Neutral Coalition will drop from the Alliance.

I do not have those numbers for the Adamantium or Mitheral dragons to pull forward, but I did take them both to 100 for the fertility, all beyond the first century, and bonded. Their children will be another matter.

The Gemstones have their refuge in that area, as they would not act for or against either side unless one gained too great of an advantage, then they would join the others. Even after the Chromatics attack them. He also wants more of them to be able to get the benefits of Dragon's Heart in this dragon fertility increases as much as the others."

Corellon simply smiled and nodded, "It benefits them all and us. We have no Elves available to bring in from another plane for this conflict. Else I might have considered that. Tallion has been very impressive and devout. An outstanding Grand Master Blade Singer as well. A child of our bloodlines that we can be proud of in both regards. A product of very good breeding and chance."

Telaxanaxxon 31st 30,930 4th Age of Dragons (70 years until Dragon's Heart.)

Tallion had 2 wives originally, one a widow named Branina Silvertree, though she originated from house Silver Rain as a Battle Sorceress though not of dragon origin. She had bred children for House Moon Blade before her husband died, 3 boys. She had 5 children, 3 girls and 2 boys over two pregnancies that finally robbed her of her fertility with Tallion.

A silver-haired and eyed beauty whose B-sized breasts never really grew much from motherhood. Divine magic helped to keep her breasts in their 'natural' form after every birthing cycle. She had wealth from her time as a Moon Blade wife and money her dead husband had left her.
