Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 02


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A Disintegration scroll is my last means of escape from this world. To keep me from being captured. I have thrown my logbooks and journal into a fire, it will make it easier to find me, but I wanted them destroyed."

Tallion sighed, "Janna Wood, I will ensure your family knows of your work and your sacrifice in this effort. Your elven family and your human father who did not claim you. Yes, I know who he is and I will find him. May the Lady of Dreams guide you home and accept you as you are truly Elven in spirit."

Janna held the crystal open as she read the spell and hit herself with it. She was a rogue who knew how to use magical devices to activate the magic in the scroll. She wanted Tallion to know if she succeeds in using a spell of that power.

She screamed out briefly as she died. Tallion tossed her crystal across the room to shatter it. He looked at the map and marked the changes. He contacted the latest human Field Marshal who did not like Tallion.

Field Marshal Lancer, who sighed into the crystal before speaking, "Yes, or great and powerful Grand Field Marshal. I assume it is you."

Tallion rolled his eyes. "I just got reliable intelligence. Your people have been reporting explosions in the mountains. I know why. They used human gunpowder and cut a ravine into those mountains.

Giants are coming out via a teleportation circle and they are populating those mountains. The circle is in the human stronghold of Brendarathan. One stepping out every minute she said. She was badly wounded and disintegrated herself to avoid capture. She was a Half-Elf named Janna Wood."

Field Marshal Lancer asked, "You trust the word of this abomination?"

Tallion knew all about her and glared at the crystal, "I trust the word of the daughter you never claimed and brought into this world. When you were a younger man and still a private in the military. Leaving it to her mother to raise her. I helped to see she got educated with the Diplomatic Service myself, as one of our spies.

Then into my army reporting directly to me on her activity. As her mother is a cook in my household these days I will break the news to Lerliana Wood myself. She was disowned for carrying your child to term and having that affair of the heart.

I have known since you were made a General. Her mother told me who you were to her. She promised me to never say anything to you about it after breaking her heart, at least until after she or her daughter passed.

Not likely for her, and remote for your daughter if she had remained here and bore children. Instead, she chose to leave the Kingdom and work for me in enemy lands. Raped by humans a few times while out there, a miscarriage ended her fertility.

She hunted and killed the rapists herself. The only father figure she had ever known who was accepting of her and her talent was me. I will be heading upstairs to inform your ambassador that the information is very reliable. She had skills, talent, and gave her life to warn you. The father, that rejected her.

The facts of what you will be facing. To know what is going on in those mountains without her ever knowing who you were to her. You can ask for dragons to scout the area, but do not act like the information is unreliable. Else I will tell your King and ambassador exactly who she was to you."

The Field Marshal tried to play it off, "She could have gotten pregnant from another in that camp. The night after, or the month after. You don't know."

Tallion sighed, "I know you fucked her and fucked her over. I have a divine insight to know it is true. You were the only man she ever shared a bed with. Janna's birth made Lerliana infertile. You broke her heart and her spirit when she got disowned.

She has a life partner now who is also one of my elven healers. She is widowed and infertile after having twin girls. They are grown and in the Army or making babies, Blosara Strong Oak. She never remarried and fights on the frontlines with General Strong Oak, her distant cousin by marriage only.

He cares nothing about her personal affairs of the heart, he knows of her lover. He just does not care, except to know she is a talented healer who has saved his ass on more than one occasion. I do not plan to leverage this against you unless you force me to.

By challenging your daughter's life's work or trying to deny to me again that she was your daughter. Your wife would likely never understand you having an 'abomination' daughter. I do demand one thing.

When you pick up that crystal, you fucking start acting like a damned Field Marshal and not some wise assed private who thinks everything is a joke. I have been doing this for over 200 years and do not have time for your fucking juvenile sense of humor, Field Marshal Lancer."

Field Marshal lancer sighed, "Understood, Grand Field Marshal Silvertree."

The crystal went dead and he left it on the table. General Golden Sword was in the room and shook his head, "You have known that for years, yet you said it in front of me. As the only 2 in the room."

Tallion smiled, "Some secrets are best in more than one hand. I know you will be retiring soon, but If I die before you. You can give that news to the new Grand Field Marshal for as long as that man lives to hold it over him to keep him in line. I only said I would not do it."

Field Marshal Golden Sword chuckled and nodded, "I am not long for this world. My health has been declining. Do you know who you want to replace me with? I gave my paperwork to the Queen this morning."

Tallion sighed, "Yes, General Golden Spear is my third choice if she insists on a Gold Elf, He is an old school fighter mage and not a Blade Singer. My first choice, General Crescent Moon, another Blade Singer and former student of mine. Another Half-Dragon if you will of the Moon Elf line. If she balks at that, General Silver Sword, from the opposition in the civil war, but a brilliant General and tactician.

He has earned my trust and yours on the field over the years. With almost as much time in the field as myself, I have been a general or higher, 25 years or so longer than him until an opening came up.

Being on the opposition during the civil war did not help his rank when he joined us. Slowed his progression and we had to wait for a few incompetent Gold Elf generals to show they were not suited to command.

After they had died, going after Drow spies and infiltration units without poison protection and required their troops to address them as 'General Gold whatever' before they died in a hail of crossbow bolts. Finding those holes took time, but General Silver Sword found them and sealed them. A Battle Mage who can cast mythic spells."

General Golden Sword nodded, "I agree with the order, it depends on what the Queen wants, Golden Spear is a Minor house in things, but a Gold Elf who values the troops across racial lines. Not the same level of respect you give them.

I have worked to be more open, but still had issues with Half-Elves of the human lineage. Janna's story is touching though and I do feel for her loss. She served this Kingdom well. I knew she held a special place in your heart. I know more of the 'why' now."

Tallion nodded and headed upstairs. He walked in on the Ambassadors and saw the Bronze King and King Fire Axe talking with Queen Goldeagle.

He walked toward them and stopped to bow, "Your Majesty. I have something significant to report."

He gave them the name of the agent, Queen Goldeagle knew he would not do that unless she was dead. Then the details of what she discovered and her final act on the field.

King Fire Axe looked at Tallion, "You trust this abomination?"

Tallion glared at the King, "Your Majesty, I would ask that you never use that word in front of me in regards to one of our military assets, trained by the Diplomatic Service, and raised in my own house.

She chose the life to work behind the lines where nobody gave her a second look but that of disgust, even when men raped her in her missions. She ensured they died later and away from others. Nothing to tie that back to this kingdom.

She never bore any living children, only one miscarriage in the field from one of those attacks. She was on death's door a few times but knew she did not have long to live this time as she got caught in the explosion and was being hunted.

She removed anything of intelligence value and then killed herself with an open crystal. She wanted me to hear her using that scroll to know if it worked or not as she was a rogue assassin and spy for us for 35 years. I trusted her with all of our lives, YOUR MAJESTY!"

The Bronze King held up a hand to keep a fight from brewing, "She has reported back on many missions. We had over a 95% confirmation rate of her intelligence. The last 5% were things we could not confirm.

Like where she buried the bodies of those she killed as she refused to identify the locations. I later learned she had stacks of disintegration scrolls, given to her by Branina, Mala, and Flora, Tallion's wives. Vilmora mentioned this once to me about 10 years ago when I commented on the bodies.

She likely used those to get rid of the bodies. Janna was through and a brilliant asset, regardless of her racial status. The information is factual. You want dragons to fly over the area, and we will likely draw a dragon response from the city we do not wish to give just yet. You are free to send in a dwarven spy to confirm it if you wish. You would be wasting your time and the life of your asset."

The Dwarven King backed down. "Alright, she was trusted and knew her job and her duty. I find honor in that. She used her heritage to blend in better, even with personal sacrifices, things I would not want my daughters to undergo."

Tallion shook his head, "A Chromatic Half-Dragon got ahold of you or any male it would be the same. They suspect them of being a spy and they will fuck your ass while the scales expand and shoot off into your raped, bleeding, and likely already dead corpse.

They call it 'Seasoning the buns' of their next meal. One of Janna's reports talked about that occurring in the marketplace of that same city. Everyone present was required to watch and not look away until the Half-Dragons went in to dine.

Then the crowds were dismissed halfway through the course as bones were being chewed. They told the other 'to get back to work.' That was one of the reports that were confirmed by a dragon asset, who snuck in and out. A Copper Dragon rogue, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe walked away after that. Queen Goldeagle remembered reading that report and the confirmation that was done. A means to demoralize the population, as almost none of them were spies, just infertile males to be used to keep the population in check.

Queen Goldeagle looked at Tallion, "I did not need a reminder of that report. I think it is one that his ambassador did not pass along. He is chewing the man out now for not knowing about that fact."

Tallion nodded, "He does not like that we know more than he does and the Dragons know more than us all, Your Majesty."

Tallion looked to the Bronze King and asked the question that needed to be asked, "Do you know where the Drow will likely surface next? Do you have the magic or intelligence to answer that question? I am not asking you to share your methods. I am asking for probable locations for the surfacing events that will likely start any day now and within the next 19 years.

I need to deploy troops to be ready and most of the previous breaches have gone inactive from what we can tell. Some are in Wild Elf held lands and we cannot get them to confirm or deny, Even to General White Oak who has become our sole liaison with them.

General White Oak can enter and leave their lands as needed as long as he is alone. We know they have consolidated into 12 tribes and moved around and away from the previous breaches. They are still within their lands and they are still patrolling those breaches, Your Majesty."

Queen Goldeagle pushed them off to a side room and sealed just the 3 of them in. "Intelligence matters should be more private. Speak freely, Tallion."

The Bronze King looked at Tallion, "I will do my best to get you those answers. If you answer one question for me. How is it General White Oak has gotten the trust of the Wild Elves?"

Queen Goldeagle sighed. Tallion simply smiled, "The Champion of Solonar can move through any Elven held woods without being attacked. Wild or Wood Elves. I could likely force it if I were fully elven, as Corellon's Champion."

The Bronze King nodded, "The champion held back by the Crystal King I am guessing. He has a Half-Dragon wife who is a Half-Crystal Dragon?"

Tallion nodded, "Yes, he does. I was never asked to keep it secret forever, just to keep it quiet. This information on the breaches is too important at this stage to ignore. It would be known soon enough in dragon circles. It is not public knowledge, not like Moon Blade who is moving from Dragons to Asperii now as a commander.

He has some serious aerial combat experience in actual combat and is another known Champion on the field that we all know about. Your Neutral Dragon assets had the information, they just did not share it with you because of who his wife is, or by divine direction. I also got my new sword from his family, Moon Blade built that one for me himself. Ogre and Drow bane on the blade and with a Keen edge."

The Bronze King nodded, "Good options. I am surprised you did not go for evil dragon bane. I will see what our intelligence service can tell us about possible breach locations in Elven, Halfling, Gnome, and Human lands so you can set assets accordingly. We might have to fly over lands and cast certain spells to get the information we are looking to obtain.

Dragon lands we likely have covered as we have mages and clerics who cast earthquake spells over the valley floor and different locations every day. As you have them doing over the previous breaches. To ensure nothing comes up underneath us."

Tallion chuckled, "I am not likely to be face-to-face with dragons unless things go seriously wrong. Also, it was too damned expensive. I do not have access to those kinds of funds, even with my wives doing the enchanting portion on the blade for me. The raw components were next to impossible to come by.

When my father passed I got a small inheritance and we needed a bigger home and we bought it outright, not the Estate. That took most of that money and invested it into a better home for protecting my children. While the former King ordered enchanting to be done at 5% over cost, the raw materials were never addressed and they are still rare.

I know Moon Blade has it on his and he got what he needed from his wife's mother to make it Evil Dragon's bane. Else he bought it, but his family has a lot of money for doing that.

I did not look to try and ask my mother for that kind of favor. If she wanted me to have that advantage she would have sent the material or left it for me preserved. I know how dragons are about giving anything to their children. They want them to earn it through merit.

Your Dragons moved in and cleared Chromatic dragon bodies quickly and in the dead of night, very little got salvaged before that occurred. Likely for the enchanting projects I spoke about before. Lances someday. Other relics if you will.

They had stockpiled materials in portable holes for the ogres when we wiped them off of this continent for a return from the southern continent. Drow materials were easy to get from the field. My wives collected what was needed, being mages and seeing the potential need."

The Bronze King nodded, "Nothing like that has left Dragon lands. We are stockpiling it for the long war. Moon Blade likely paid for what was needed for that ability. Else the Gods saw he got what was needed being in the air."

Queen Goldeagle shook her head, "Those new swords he designed are sharp, heavier than our normal ones, and able to maintain an edge like an adamantium blade. They are the work of a true genius. His father said as much as he told me his son was told by the Gods how to make that work.

It was 'one way' but not the only way, though he would not elaborate on that. Regardless we have had them making those blades for our officers and my Bodyguards to start with. We pay for the base blade but not the enchanting above a base attack and damage enchantment.

Just to preserve the blade's pristine quality. The rest is up to the officers to do or to commission the work. Commander Moon Blade did that for Tallion on his own or at the direction of the Gods."

Tallion nodded, "Young Moon Blade ensured I was the first one to get one after him, with the base enchantment. He did the work himself on my blade. He knew he was a champion and put one together for me, as I was known and on the field. General White Oak got it from Baron Moon Blade or one of his apprentices.

I ensured it got Drow bane on his through Mala for him, as I knew who he was years ago and where he was fighting. I knew he did not have the funds to do that on his own and I was not directed to do it for him, I just felt it was right.

The Gods have not talked very much for the last 45+ years that I know about. I do not know any other champions personally thus far. I know of the 3 dwarven champions, they have not been subtle about who they are, but have not announced it either."

Quen Goldeagle chuckled, "The Dwarven King still thinks they are all a closely guarded secret, but they have talked with their troops a lot in public places. They assume no elf knows the dwarven language."

Tallion nodded, "I do not. I want to confuse them. I speak in celestial and that shuts them up."

The Bronze Dragon King chuckled, "You sound like you do not care for your dwarven allies?"

Tallion shook his head, "I love their sappers. Their limited support to surface wars and focusing on the underground means they want to be involved when the Drow return and pursue them. Potentially. They hate being above ground, it's just environment and bathing I have issues with."

Queen Goldeagle laughed as did the Bronze King who simply nodded. She pointed and they left the room. The Bronze King summoned in his ambassador and sealed it off.

He contacted the Silver Dragon King, "We have a request for intelligence. I said we would look into it. They are not looking for the how of it or our resources. Tallion needs locations. The most likely locations for the Drow to breach. To have troops ready at those locations.

The ambassador shook his head, "How did he know to ask?"

The Bronze King shook his head, "He did not know if we had the capability. He knew we watched a lot of activity and not all of it gets back to them. They feed us a lot of information."

The Bronze King informed them of the loss of Janna and her final report on things.

The Silver Dragon King sighed, "Alright, her report confirms what we suspected. Multiple teleportation circles to move people off of the southern continent instead of just ships. We detected the magic and she confirmed it. Now we know that one is tied to the Giants and where they are based for now.

As to breach locations we have 6 potentials. No digging activity being detected currently. Three are relatively new. The other 3 are older and with minimal work, they could get them opened. They are not acting at the moment, but they could be up and out inside of a week when they make their moves.

Else a day with explosives. One is inside the City of Valinta. Earthquake spells and explosives are not going to be good there because it is near the palace and upper portion of the city. Tallion's asking for this does cover us from not making it known yet.

The second is Brendarathan, outside of the city by almost 100 miles. Also a hundred miles from those mountains. Could be a Dark Alliance to add more forces there. Not in the elven territory, but the Chromatic Dragons' territory. Concerning if they are joining forces, but further from the port.