Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 02


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Mala looked at Tallion, "I did not think a Half-Dragon could go like that! He had me on the verge of passing out 4 or 5 times and he bit into my shoulder or breast to keep me going. I am sore from the neck down, but it was ficka amazing! Two more days of that? He's a fucking monster in bed!"

Vilmora checked her, "She has 2 sets of triplets on the way already, even split on the sexes. Hopefully, the Gods intercede and block your pheromones so he does not attack you again when he wakes up. Your not waking him is a good indication of that happening."

Mala shook her head and chuckled, "My mother is literally going to shit herself when I tell her he did me 14 times without stopping and 5 of those were in my ass. Thank you Flora for getting me prepared for that by the way and ensured I was lubed.

While 1 or 2 on a Half-Dragon is not bad without lube from what I heard. After 5, I was thanking you for the lubrication. Vilmora thank you for marrying us in the middle of it all and to all of the ladies for accepting me."

Vilmora chuckled, "When he started stripping it was pretty much a done deal. While Dragons have a 1-on-1 bond for mating, Half-Dragons tend to follow their elven side on that matter. Polygamy is more natural to elves. Affairs happen if pheromones come into play, nothing can be done but to stand back and watch. Try to be understanding. He has not had that issue in the field, fortunately."

Mala smiled, "My father is the Dragon in the relationship, a Silver Dragon obviously. Help me out to the main house. I should contact them and let them know I arrived, went into heat, and married at least. He has 3 elven women who kept their family names and accepted the children."

Flora and Teresna both helped her to the main part of the home. Only after Vilmora hit her with most of the healing she had, giving only a small amount to Tallion before she was out of healing.

Flora nodded, "Nothing compared to the first night after he became a champion and I was in heat. He was not up for 3 days beforehand. He did every lady 4 times and 12 loads in or on me as I sucked down 4 loads after he had that ring on.

Not counting the pounding I took before the ring came out, I think that was another 5 or 6 times. No, it was 6 times. He just tried to fuck my brains out. I seriously need to finish that replacement ring."

Mala had a crystal in her hand and activated it, "Mother, I made it, we are definitely compatible and married. His fifth wife. I went into heat at the sight of him. The other 4 are great and he REALLY ficka needs more wives."

Her mother laughed, "I have heard about Half-Dragons being 'in heat' for 3 days. Dragons go a week according to your Father."

Flora spoke, "The Gods have likely interceded to make it just the one night. She is carrying 2 sets of triples already. I am Flora the other Enchanter and Half-Dragon wife. She got lucky as he was exhausted after being up for 3 straight days on the battlefield. He is asleep at the moment."

Mala's mother laughed, "Alright spill it. How many times did he shoot off?"

Mala sighed, "I hope father is not there. 9 in my pussy and 5 in my ass. Flora ensures I was prepared when he went for my ass. I had to have 2 of them walk me out."

Her mother gasped, "14 times, in a ROW? How much time in-between?"

Flora chuckled, "Enough time for a couple of deep breaths at most. He spent all his energy tonight on her, again he was worn down from the battlefield. He has gone 30+ times after becoming a Champion and I was in heat.

The Lady of Dreams told us they set a stamina boost too high on him, not being just an Elf, but a Half-Dragon they set it the same as a full-blooded Elf and it is too much. He has a royal dispensation for 8 wives of any Elven type."

Mala's mother asked, "What about those scales?"

Flora smiled, "I had a ring that polymorphed his hands to be elven, his cock to be the same but elven skin with the bumps from the scales under the skin for us ladies to feel, and removed his wings while wearing it to give better mobility in bed.

It came in handy so he could truly nail any of us in any hole. I am working on building a replacement. Another week. He gave the one we had to Queen Goldeagle as a wedding present.

To ensure her husband could fuck like an elf could and not just the Half-Dragon way outside of 'being in heat way' which is also very enjoyable. After the Queen married a Half-Dragon male consort of course who took her name. Then 2 wives including one of my daughters who's a Blade Singer. As a matter of fact, she was a champion at your Academy. She now helps to protect the Queen."

She heard a male voice, "She married 2 women?"

Flora sighed as Mala turned red and mouthed, 'my father.' Flora smiled, "Her male consort did to comply with Elven laws. The third wife is a cleric of Corellon, a battle and healing cleric. Another Moon Elf from the Moon Blade line. The cleric, his third wife will generate impure Elves if you will, a mix of Gold and Moon Elf with dragon bloodlines.

My Daughter's children will be unique as they will be Half Gold Elf or Half Moon Elf with Half-Dragon hybrid blood. She is a hybrid already, Bronze and gold, her breath weapon is a cone of lightning. It will be interesting to see what her children do."

Mala's father responded, "I had not heard about the Queen having a wedding to a Half-Dragon here. Someone must be keeping it quiet for some reason. I might have to look into it with the local Duke as to why it is being withheld. He is of House Goldeagle."

Teresna groaned, "Don't go pushing too far. Let us work on that question. We had an attack at the palace, 2 Gold Elf Goldeagle family members who tried to poison her military staff including Tallion before he got home. He is immune to poison, part of an amulet Flora built for him. Also has petrification immunity and freedom of movement on it.

That one took months for Flora to craft but is worth it in the end. He goes into the battle lines, cuts down 50+ Drow comes out, gets healed up, and goes straight back in. He did that for 3 days straight after one of the city guards, a cousin of the former King, yes another Goldeagle, killed his Half-Elven wife.

Both were Blade Singers and Tallion killed the Elf in a Trial by Combat by running him through while ripping his throat out. Tallion is around 7 feet tall. Biggest Half-Dragon I have seen. Great reach and very mobile. He spends 3-7 days in the field and then repeats it in the War Room.

Trying to deal with active battlelines, and keep an eye on the world. We are trying to get him to take more sleep breaks and food breaks in the field. Field Marshal Golden Sword feeds information back to him. If he needs to return he does. As he did for the murder of his wife.

He pushes himself. Especially after losing his wife, he married Crisna the night before, she was expecting 3 children. He took it hard and took it out on the Drow for days. I think the Lady of Dreams sent Mala to us to help him heal that hole in his heart, maybe to get him to take better care of himself.

As to the Queen, it is widely known here as the mothers had to keep their family names as part of the deal. While the Queen is pregnant with Gold Elven children with Dragonblood in them. My daughter and her other wife help to watch over them all.

Queen Goldeagle set the law and said 2 wives minimum but no more than 3 Elven wives so my daughter is not in that count as she is not 'elven.' Tallion has a royal dispensation to have 8 of any type because of what the Gods did to him. Days on the field without sex he goes in and out of combat instead and tears the enemy apart."

She heard Mala's father again, "I thought Blade Singer had to rest to get spells back and abilities."

Flora sighed, "They do, so by the third day or halfway through the second he is going in with no spells and just doing sword, breath weapon, and claw work. He has battle mages and Arcane Archers to help watch his back and they sleep in shifts, at least 4-6 of each are up at any time and covering him. They know his strategies and his fighting style. They cover him when he pulls back as well."

Teresna sighed, "He is a beast in combat, it's like he can read their ideas before they do them. Cuts off charges and forces them to retreat. Keeps a second line of archers to watch for those using dimension door or teleport spells to get in behind them. He tells the line what is coming and they are ready for them. He can read a battlefield or the War Room map like that. That is what has made him a great Grand Field Marshal in this conflict."

Mala's father sighed, "I teach battle magic while I am here in this city. Also battle tactics. I will keep you posted if I see anything unusual. Like your husband's arrival in our city."

Flora laughed, "He just might. You see Half-Elves hanging on the walls and he will likely be there to rip the City Guard in half."

Mala's mother sighed, "We have seen that. A couple of the guards have called my children abominations. They know my husband is a dragon and they give us a wide berth, for now. I worry about when he is gone."

Flora sighed, "I will let Tallion know. He can address it to the Queen and see how she wishes to approach the issue. I am getting your daughter to bed before she falls over."

The lady laughed, "I figured she would be in bed now."

Teresna shook her head, "I will talk with the Queen and let her deal with it. It is a court matter, not a military matter just yet. Tallion got home and he cast a secure shelter in the house after the last poisoning attempt at the palace.

He is being cautious tonight. She cannot use the crystal inside of there. It is an Extra Layer of protection for the night. The Queen is sending poison immunity rings and detection rings for all of his children and wives. He will distribute them tomorrow most likely.

Getting immunity on all 10 children still in the Academy first. Detection on those in the household and the infants still home. It depends on how many of each arrive."

Mala's mother sighed, "Alright. We understand. Will try and talk with you tomorrow Mala. Congratulations on finding a husband who satisfies you in bed."

Flora laughed as the crystal went dead. They took Mala back in so they could all get some sleep. The other wives all ate before they went to sleep.


Jartorenxalla contacted his Silver Dragon King, "You are aware Queen Goldeagle married a Half-Dragon consort?"

The Silver Dragon King chuckled, "Yes. He bedded her before they married, from what I gather. Her husband's body was taken out and he was in her bed. After her incompetent husband was struck down, likely by the Gods. The elf had half a brain and did not like Tallion at all.

Especially Tallion being forced upon him and then made the champion. He felt inferior to him, and he was. The Queens Consort added a couple of more wives as well, but they kept their family name, including a daughter of Tallion.

She is a Half-Dragon, an adult Blade Singer who is still in training. She has won 1 tournament already. Her instructor had to change training grounds because of the marriage. She will likely miss others with pregnancies."

Jartorenxalla sighed, "There are problems in the ranks within the Elven Kingdom. The local Duke is suppressing the information, Half-Elves are being hung from the walls, and city guards have been harassing my children.

One of Tallion's wives is looking to take it up with the Queen in the morning. I found out about one wife of his being murdered. Tallion would likely want to do that to the City Guard and Duke Goldeagle here if he found out. My daughter Mala married Tallion earlier.

She went into heat at the sight of him, likely the Gods having a hand in that. She is expecting 6 children, 3 of each I have been told by her. The elven Gods, like our own, give a stamina increase to champions but they gave him one as though he was an Elf, and not a Half-Dragon.

Thus he has a dispensation for 8 wives. He nailed my daughter 14 times in a row after being awake for 3 days on the battle lines before he passed out in exhaustion. His wife Flora stated the night she went into heat, he went 30+ times across all of the wives and her, with 18, just with her.

She had built him a ring of polymorph that only changed specific features, wings, hands, and his cock so he could fuck like a polymorphed dragon if need be with all of his wives. Tallion gave the ring to the Queen and she is making another.

That was 14 straight where he kept her conscious and in the heat of the moment to keep his scales from tearing her apart. He's apparently just as deadly on the battlefield, predicting moves on the field and in the War Room.

Sounds like Corellon chose an outstanding champion. I am proud one of my daughters is his wife going forward. Those will be seriously gifted children to keep an eye upon."

The Silver King chuckled, "Thank you for the update, Champion."

His wife did not speak draconic and Jartorenxalla always communicated in a sealed study with diplomacy stones. He now wanted to meet this champion and see him on the field.


Tallion returned to the Palace the following day and spent his time there, just in case there were any issues. The poison immunity and detection rings arrived before he left. Tallion gave all the wives in the field and children in the Academy the immunity rings, only 13 of those arrived. And another 10 detection rings came.

Which he gave the 2 cooks and the nanny the detection rings for now. Mala had Crisna's detection ring as well and Flora still had one. He sent the remaining 7 off via a courier to his adult children with a note. 'Check everything you eat and drink. For your entire family.'

He got his briefing, which included the name of the first Dwarven champion identified and another 2 who were suspected champions. An inn that was more pub than inn had dwarves bragging about working with Vlintar Fire Axe and Nolnox Fire Axe, the first being a paladin, who was in the line of succession.

His Paladin order suspended celibacy laws during wartime but only inside of an authorized marriage, which they were expected to have. Only to one wife of a dwarf or dwarven Half-Dragon mix.

The Dwarven King could have as many as he wanted and added a Half-Dragon and his third queen, she would not settle for being a royal consort and the other 2 Queens did not object after she spent the night with them both.

Apparently, she was the only one who walked out of the room that morning while the clerics worked to heal the 2 Queens and they were on bed rest for 2 days before returning to court. Moradin headed his paladin order. Nolnox's wife was a dwarven Gold Half-Dragon.

The other a fighter and craftsman who was a master at the forge. Glintox Fire Axe helped to fight to keep the Drow out of the forge room and organized the defenses until reinforcements arrived with the 4 Adamantium dragons sending the shadow dragons dying or scattering on that front.

The Adamantium Dragons were far older than any shadow dragons and only 8 of them made it through, only 1 potentially escaped before the tunnels collapsed sealing those in or burying them in the deeper mine.

While Tallion got his briefing on the state of the world. No news on human champions yet. Teresna spoke with the Queen privately about the issues reported by Mala's family in Xantria.

About her marriage not being common knowledge and the Half-Elves being strung up on the walls of the city. She kept it from Tallion by the direction of the Queen. Queen Goldeagle needed him focused on the world and not the politics of court.

This was just as much a reaction to her activity and she would address the Court matters. Queen Goldeagle deployed her spies to get the answer in every city. All of them led by Goldeagle family members worked hard to suppress her marriage information and worked to attack the Half-Elf population.

A few went so far as to issue her decrees but reworked them to be the opposite, to authorize their actions by the Queen's direction. Queen Goldeagle summoned them all to the palace, all of those who were Dukes or Duchesses, except Tallion, Golden Sword, and the generals on the front line.

She put them in a magical suppression room and arrested all of the Duke Goldeagles and their wives. Interrogation and executions quickly followed in front of many of the other Dukes present to let them all know she would be watching. She had a headsman do the work during that 'party.'

She ensured that they all knew attempts at her or her military would end badly. Perverting her decrees would lead to death. That her decrees and proclamations were to be made public and immediately. Along with complete corrections to the attempted usurpers.

She raised Moon Elf Dukes in place in the 5 cities that had issues and sent them in with their own Royal Guards to bring down the rest of those family lines. In the end, they needed help. They worked to clean up the town with some of the military troops going in to deal with City Guards and 'Palace' Guards in all of them.

Their guards were to be Royal Guards, not Palace Guards, another issue she addressed. In all, she had 8 of 14 of the remaining Goldeagle lines executed inside of 2 days with the children disinherited and put under the conservatorship of the lines that still held titles. All of the children had been tagged and barred from entry into the Capital.

After being drugged to ensure they did not know the tags were in place. Her marriage announcement, decrees, and proclamations went out swiftly or were corrected after that. Several disownments were reversed under the penalty of death as they were not done following the 'true laws' she had put out.


Loth spoke with her champion 4 days after Tallion left the line, "Withdraw your troops from Elven lands. Secure the agreement with the Chromatic Dragons. Our alliance with the Shadow Dragons and Duegar has failed. Imprison and enslave any Duegar still on the front lines or attempting to return home.

We will need more slaves for the repairs to come. They have consolidated the people into 3 major cities underground to spread them out. The shadow dragons have worked to reinforce their underground layers, stealing as many as 20 of our Drow females.

Killing several hundred male Drow and driders in their escape. Those females will likely be food or consorts to the dragons. We have lost over 550,000 Drow thus far under your role as my champion. Not counting the civil war which takes us over 600 million dead Drow! The cataclysm we have projected has not even occurred yet!"

The champion Xantroxala looked at her, "I have learned the champion who is thwarting us is not an Elf. He is a Half-Dragon champion to Corellon named Tallion Silvertree."

Loth scoffed, "Corellon would never make a mixed breed his champion. He might be a military leader, but not a champion. Regardless he has outwitted you thus far. Who is your source?"

Xantroxala looked at the Spider Queen, "Two new slaves, Gold Elf males one of House Goldeagle, disowned. Captured on the surface. From different houses and questioned separately. One said the Gold Elf King was King Goldeagle, married to a female from House Golden Crown, last of her line.

She was the power behind the throne when the chromatics destroyed all 12 of the Gold Elf Sky cities and the Avariel in this world. They are now extinct. Tiamat put his avatar on the field and Bahumut responded in kind with the Ruby Dragon Sartior joining him after they attacked the neutral dragons of this world.

They have aligned together with the Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Centaurs, Faye, and a few human Kingdoms. The Chromatic Dragons are still embroiled in petty politics, yet they have us boxed in and do not wish to speak with me. They have yet to attack, but we have no place to go.
