Drummer Boy - Down to Earth Ch. 05


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"Whoa. Really? Whoa." Telly was clearly flustered. "I mean, that sounds really elaborate. I should probably fancy up my wardrobe, huh?"

"Probably not a bad idea in general," Jason teased, "but no need for this."

Telly came into the kitchen to look around, and sniff all the wonderful smells. "I can't believe you made all this," he said.

"Everything except the cheesecake," Telly said. "I got that from a little bakery on Guadalupe. But I made the strawberry sauce."

"We made the strawberry sauce," Pearl said, making sure she got her due credit. "And all the other stuff."

"Who knew?" Telly said. "I always thought the hot ones couldn't cook."

"The hot ones can cook," Pearl said, interposing herself between Telly and the stove, where he was about to open the lid on one of the pots. "And we can kick your ass if you ruin my risotto. So get out of my kitchen, before you find out the other things the hot ones can do."

She stepped right into Telly. She was holding a wooden spoon in her hand, but it was her prodigious breasts in his face that pressured him backwards out of the kitchen. Telly didn't seem to mind in the least at being forced to exit in this way.

"Yes, ma'am," Telly said to Pearl's breasts.

"Now go change out of your drudgery clothes," Pearl said, "and play your video games or whatever you do to prepare yourself for sex."

"Pearl!" Jason said. "Subtlety."

Pearl shrugged innocently, but Telly said, "Hey, she's right. You guys work your magic. Just let me know when Lillian gets here."

Telly exited to his room. Jason said, "And she should be here in about half an hour. That'll give the chicken enough time to rest once it comes out."

"I have to admit," Pearl said, "I do like this cooking for pleasure."

"Live and learn," Jason said. "Not everything enjoyable involves dominance and defending territory."

"On the contrary," Pearl said. "What would you call cooking, if not taming the ingredients, and making them submit to your will?"

"Christ on a pogo stick," Jason said. "Well, at least there's no sex in the kitchen."

Pearl mulled this over. "Well, with some imagination, the cheesecake - "

The timer on the range dinged, cutting Pearl off. "Saved by the you-know-what," Jason said. He grabbed a couple of kitchen towels and took the chicken breasts from the oven.

"Nice," Jason said. "All done. And while that absorbs all those delicious juices back into the meat, we have to get dressed up."

"Do we have to?" Pearl whined. "That wasn't part of the deal."

"I have changed the deal," Jason quoted. "Pray I don't change it further."

"What?" Pearl said.

"Star Wars," Jason said. "Considering our guests, a nerdy quote seemed appropriate."

"Is that the one with the bald captain?" Pearl said. "I'd like to take him on a five-year mission."

"Come on, you horny devil," Jason said. "Let's get changed."

* * *

Today. Evening.

"Come on in," Jason said, opening the door for Lillian. "Dinner's ready when you are."

Lillian was taken slightly aback. She had expected Telly to answer, not his musician roommate dressed in slacks and suit jacket. "Oh!" she said. "You must be Jason."

"Yep," Jason said. "Me and my friend Pearl will be your waitstaff tonight. Well, for the first part of tonight anyway." He resisted the urge to wink at her. "Have a seat. Telly'll be out in a sec."

Lillian came in and sat on the couch. She was definitely a member of the nerd tribe. Glasses, a little on the heavy side, with wide hips and substantial breasts. And while she wasn't dressed up, she was rocking a frilly peasant top and long skirt. The backpack slung over her shoulder ruined the effect somewhat, but it probably couldn't be helped. Those things seemed like pathological requirements of tribe membership.

Telly came out looking like regular Telly, which meant jeans and t-shirt, with an unbuttoned button-down shirt over it. He and Lillian hugged a hello, before Pearl motioned them to the table. Lillian was taken aback again at the sight of Pearl, the tall, one-armed woman with the incredibly large breasts that even Jason's extra sport jacket couldn't hide. But she didn't say anything awkward, and dinner began.

The meal proceeded as planned. Jason and Pearl brought out each course and then hung back, only appearing at the table to refill drinks and bring out each course. For their part, Telly and Lillian had lively conversation, dancing around such important topics as the latest Minecraft mods, DLC for an MMO they were both playing, and gossip about some of their mutual tabletop gamer friends.

Jason was waiting to bring out dessert, and checking Facebook, like he had so many times in the last week, to see if Kristin had logged on recently. She had, but she hadn't posted anything new in days. He was wondering if he should try to send her another message. She hadn't responded to his last one, and he didn't want to be pushy, but he wanted to at least clear the air.

He felt Pearl's hand on his thigh.

"They're getting on very well," Pearl purred in his ear. She pulled herself in closer, and Jason could feel her enormous breasts pressing into his back. "I wager there will be much frantic, sweaty flesh in your apartment tonight."

"Probably," Jason said, feeling his dick swiftly growing erect, "but not for us. This is their night."

"Poopie," Pearl said. "This sucks. I want to be the one getting naked and naughty. I feel like I'm going to explode. I mean, look at me."

She spun Jason around by his shoulder, to give him a good look.

She was wearing her jacket open on top, with only the bottom two buttons fastened, but the white t-shirt underneath was stretched so thin that Jason could easily make out the seams and stitching of the bra she wore, including the few areas of her bosomy vastness that were uncontained. Below, she wore a flowy, ankle-length black dress that showcased her shapely hips. Her hair was slightly damp from the heat of the kitchen, and a few strands curled around her jawline, almost like one of those silent movie stars from the twenties. But with tits like hers, no one would mistake Pearl for a flapper.

"Pearl, you look as tasty as the food," Jason said.

"I know you feel it too," Pearl said. She glanced down between Jason's legs. "You're about ready to explode yourself."

She stepped forward, reaching out to place her hand on his dick. "We could help each other out. Maybe the elixir has - "

With enormous effort, Jason grabbed her wrist. "We can't chance it," he said. "And not tonight, anyway. Tonight is all about those lovebirds in there. We do dessert and then we skedaddle. Got it?"

Pearl growled. Like, really growled, and for a split second, there was the tiniest glint of a spark in her eyes.

"Got it?" Jason repeated.

The moment passed. "Fine," Pearl said. "But I swear by the three that when you're functional again I'm going to fuck you so hard your brain explodes."

"Big talk," Jason said, "maybe you're not the hot stuff you think you are?"

"Fair warning," Pearl said.

"Dessert time!" said Jason.

They brought out a slice of cheesecake for each of them, and then placed the rest of the dish on the table.

"This is where we leave you," Jason said. "Place is yours for the next few hours."

"Oh," Lillian said. "I didn't mean to put you guys out. You shouldn't have to leave just because I'm here."

"Nah," Jason said. "We've got a thing. A show. We'll be gone till at least eleven."

"Or maybe midnight," Telly said quickly, with a sidelong glance at Lillian.

"Or maybe midnight," Jason agreed. "What's on tap movie-wise?"

"Telly's never seen 'Equilibrium'," Lillian said. "I think its Christian Bale's best role."

"Never heard of that one," Jason said. "He's the Batman guy, right?"

"Yeah," Telly said. "If it's any good, we might have to watch it twice."

"A little ambitious," Lillian said, with a sly look at Telly, "but we'll see how the night goes."

Pearl suddenly got a strange look on her face. "Alright," she said, "let's get going. To the show. The show we're going to go to. Right now."

They doffed their jackets and said their goodbyes, and were out the door before the first slice of cheesecake was gone.

Outside the door, Jason said, "Jeez, Pearl, what's with the bum rush?"

"Not here," Pearl said. "Let's go downstairs."

Once they'd gotten to the parking spaces of the apartment complex, Jason said, "Okay, spill."

Pearl shook her head and blurted out, "She's going to eat him alive."

"I don't think he's complaining," Jason said. "I say l'chaim."

"No, you don't understand," Pearl said. "I can pick up surface thoughts, remember? Lillian hides it well, but beneath that frumpy frock that woman's got some appetites."

"You're off your rocker," Jason said. "I thinking that wild for her is probably doggie-style with the lights on."

"Then you would suspect wrong," Pearl said. She glanced up in the direction of the apartment. "I don't think Telly is ready for this."

"He'll be fine," Jason said. "He knows what to do. I think. It's not like he's a virgin."

"Of course he is," Pearl said.

"Oh," Jason said. "I guess I never thought about it."

"And she is not," said Pearl.

"Well, it might be a little awkward at first," Jason said, "but it's just sex."

"I could skim both of their minds," Pearl said, "and there's such a dissonance between their expectations that I'm sure there's going to be trouble."

"Trouble like how?" Jason said.

Pearl looked at him. "Remember that night we met?" she said.

"At the party?" Jason said.

"No," Pearl said, "after."

"Yeah," Jason said, "how could I forget?"

"Would you say that I came on a little strong?" Pearl said.

"I wouldn't call it a 'little' strong," Jason said.

"Imagine Telly in your place," Pearl said.

Jason grimaced. "I see your point," he said. "Why do you care, though? You've offered to slay the guy at least twice a day since you got here."

"I was joking!" Pearl said. "Granny's right: you suck at humor. But I have grown to like him somewhat, and I don't want all our hard work to go to waste."

And then it kind of made sense to Jason. He'd noticed that both of the demon women had softened a bit in general since coming to Earth. Pearl was sympathetic towards Telly, and Granny herself seemed downright protective of him.

That stuff Granny had said, both on Tarterus and here, about the soul of a world affecting its inhabitants, maybe there was some truth to it, and this was one way it manifested. Still...

"Look, he's a big boy, and this is his rodeo," Jason said. "Nothing we can do about it now."

"Maybe there is," Pearl said. "A way that we can help them both out."

Pearl reached out and cradled Jason's stiffening cock in her hand. His mind went slightly numb at her touch, and when she leaned in to whisper in his ear, her breasts, enticingly warm and full even through the layers of fabric, pressed against his chest.

"And maybe help ourselves out in the process," she said. "Come on. You trust me, right?"

Jason knew she was manipulating him, both figuratively and literally. But she'd taken an interest in building up his trust, so that was something. And she did seem like she honestly wanted to help. He could always say no.

"I'm listening," Jason said.

* * *

Pearl explained what she had in mind. Jason thought it was kind of a crazy plan, but he agreed that it made some sense. Just a bit of insurance, he told himself.

It did require a bit of practice, though. They'd need to use the mental link they shared, and so they worked on developing it while sitting on a bench in a nearby park. He found the experience thrilling and a little dangerous, but after a couple of hours and a few practice runs, it started to feel more natural.

"Let's go," Jason said, rubbing his temples. "We need to check in on the lovebirds."

It was a quarter past nine when they came back to the apartment. Pearl concentrated, and said, "They have retired to his lair to finish the movie."

They went back inside the building and ascended the stairs to the second floor.

Outside the apartment door, Pearl said, "I'm going to put a mental fog around us. Since their focus is elsewhere, it shouldn't be a problem for us to go unnoticed. Even so, be as quiet as you can."

"This is crazy," Jason whispered. But he quietly unlocked the door and opened it. Jason went in first, to make sure the coast was clear.

As promised, the living room was empty and the television off. Telly's door was closed, and the muted sounds of people fighting came from inside his room.

Jason motioned for Pearl to enter. She closed the door behind her and glided into the apartment. She caught up with Jason in the hallway, and paused, staring at Telly's door.

Jason quietly opened his own bedroom door. "Come on," he whispered.

"By the three," Pearl murmured. "There's so much energy in there."

"I said come on," Jason hissed, but Pearl held up her hand.

"Wait," Pearl said. "There is something I need to do."

Pearl closed her eyes, and steadied herself. She began to chant in her strange demon language. Then she opened her eyes, and Jason saw that they were pure black, with faint amber sparks popping around their edges.

She extended her arm, palm out, and revolved a complete circle, repeating a phrase in her foreign tongue as she did so. For those few seconds, it was like having the Pearl he remembered back again.

Then the sparks disappeared, and Pearl's eyes returned to their normal colors.

"There," Pearl said, with a relieved sigh.

"What was that?" Jason said.

"Just a little silence spell," Pearl said. "Things might get loud, and I don't want there to be any interruptions."

"I thought you were out of magic," Jason said. "You been holding out on me?"

"Only a little," Pearl said with a grin. "Anyway it's a simple spell. No sound can enter or escape your apartment for the next few hours."

Jason raised an eyebrow, but decided that this was harmless enough. He grabbed Pearl by the wrist and pulled her into his bedroom, then closed the door with the barest of clicks.

"They want each other so much," Pearl said. "But there's such a tragic mismatch in experience."

"That's why we're doing this, right?" Jason said.

"Yes," Pearl said. "To even things out. Take the edge off."

"Well, let's get started," Jason said. "How do we do it?"

"Just remember what we practiced," Pearl said. "Now lie down on the bed."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Pearl," he said, "if this is just a ploy to get me - "

"Staying stationary will help our concentration," Pearl said.

"Oh," Jason said. "Right." He hoped Pearl didn't notice the note of disappointment in his voice. He lay down on the bed, leaving enough room for Pearl to lie down next to him. She linked the fingers of her hand with Jason's. Even this innocuous touch inspired his dick to hardness.

"Alright," Pearl said, "this is the trickiest part. I have to slip in to Lillian's thoughts. I'll start by skimming, just feeling her out. Once I find the shape of her mind, we'll be linked. You'll do the same for Telly."

"I might need a little more how-to than that," Jason said. "You forget I've never done anything like this before."

"You'll understand when you're in it," Pearl said. "I'll be there to help you through." She squeezed Jason's hand reassuringly.

"Okay," Jason said. "And the touching ... does that help with the linking and stuff?"

"Maybe," Pearl said. "Not really. But how it makes you squirm!" She squeezed his hand again. "Close your eyes."

Jason did so. "Calm your mind," Pearl said. "Imagine you're in the room with them. Like a ghost. It's fuzzy at first, but you can see shapes, and hear voices. The shapes are becoming clearer, the voices more distinct."

At first, Jason wasn't getting anything like that. All he could see was darkness, all he could hear was Pearl, and all he could feel was Pearl's hand in his, and his cock pressing firmly against his jeans.

"You hear them," Pearl said. "You hear them as if you were right in the room with them."

And then he did hear them. Fuzzy conversation, back and forth, as if from far away. And he could sort of see them, too. Laying down ... sideways on Telly's bed. Both of them facing the computer monitor, with Lillian in front, and Telly spooning her from behind.

And strangely, the Jason could now feel the sensations of Telly's penis, superimposed onto his own. Telly was hard as a fucking rock. Lillian's ass was big, warm and soft, and she had slowly snuggled her butt into him, taking many opportunities to give Telly's cock a good rub, as if daring him to make a move. Telly himself was making no secret of his erection, occasionally "adjusting" his hips to make sure that Lillian could feel what he had to offer.

"What do you feel?" Pearl whispered.

"I feel him," Jason said. "I feel him feeling her."

Telly was keeping it together, playing it cool like a good boy, but Jason had no idea how much longer that would last.

"I feel it too," Pearl said, and Jason could hear the smile in her voice. "I feel her feeling him feeling her. It's delicious."

"So, I think it's safe to say that we're in?" Jason said.

"Just about," Pearl said. "The next step is to go non-verbal. Imagine yourself like that insect with the top hat, giving good advice to others."

Jason chuckled. "You're bringing up Jiminy Cricket?" he said. "Kind of a mood-breaker."

"Calm your mind!" Pearl snapped. "We are in a delicate place. Imagine a core of yourself, and give that core to Telly. I'll help you."

Jason tried to do what Pearl said, and felt his thoughts leave his body, collected and shaped by Pearl's will, and then carried across some unseen void.

And then he felt himself inside Telly's mind, inhabiting his body. He felt like he was mostly Telly now, except for a small part that was uniquely Jason. It was unnerving, but also comfortable. He still wasn't sure how this was possible, but Pearl seemed quite capable of doing the heavy lifting.

Pearl's voice sounded in the part of his mind that was Jason.

We are here, Pearl sent, If you want to say something to me, just think it clearly. If you want to give a suggestion to Telly, simply imagine yourself doing it.

Okay, Jason thought. He wasn't sure if that thought made it to Pearl, but he forged on anyway, and paid attention to Telly.

Jason could see that Telly's eyes were still watching the movie, where a white-suited Christian Bale was in a futuristic city, having some sort of close-range gunfight with someone who was clearly the bad guy. But though Telly's eyes tracked the movie, his cock was aching, hard and heavy, surrounded by the delicious warmth provided by Lillian's buttocks.

Lillian, under the pretense of something shocking onscreen, ground against his crotch, pressing maybe a little harder than was warranted. Telly's mind was immediately consumed by the image of sinking his hard-on into that ass and unloading, right then.

Seemed like a good time as any to test out the process. Uh, slow it down, there, buddy, Jason thought at him. The night's still young, and that's a fine lady you got there. There's a lot to explore. Take your time.

And like that, Jason felt Telly relax. Telly instead moved the hand on Lillian's shoulder, and gave her a gentle squeeze. Lillian responded with a pleasant little moan.

Good, Jason heard Pearl send to his mind. That's exactly how to do it.

Thanks, Jason sent to her. Or he thought he did. He wanted to make sure, so he sent Pearl a test question. How are things on your end?

Moist, came Pearl's response, somewhat dreamily. Not wet yet, but definitely moist.