Dying for Sex


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Tim sat in his flat feeling miserable, even his trip to watch the match had not been able to improve his mood and garner any enthusiasm. He was at a loss as to what had gone wrong with his marriage. He had never messed around with other women, nor did he gamble their money away. Twice a week he went out for a couple of hours for a pint and on Saturdays, he would go and watch the football, that was hardly excessive he considered.

All those years of working hard had been for nothing as he stared at his sparse surroundings. He couldn't understand what had come over Lacey, if she had been unhappy, why hadn't she said something earlier? Despite having no proof, he was still convinced that her sudden change in demeanour was the result of another man.

'I'm going to find out,' he told himself, his mood turning to one of anger at what she had brought him to.

Over the next few weeks, he took to sitting in his car on the street, watching the house for any comings and goings. He would see his wife arrive home from work, closely followed by his son. After that, no matter how long he sat, they never left the house again. November had arrived cold and wet, Tim sitting out of sight, but where he could observe his home. It did nothing to improve his temper but nonetheless, he would sit until the living room light went out and her bedroom light went on as she covered the curtains.

'Jordon must have gone to bed as well,' Tim thought, though it was impossible to tell as his son's room was at the back of the house. Little did he know that once the curtains were covered, his wife and son were undressing each other.

Upstairs in their bedroom and without any idea that outside they were being stalked, Jordon and his mother unwrapped the package that had been left that morning. They didn't have a lot of money to spend on extravagances, but she had pleaded with Jordon to buy it for her.

She had undressed earlier, wearing nothing now but her robe as she watched her son undress, his cock bouncing as he moved about the room. The very sight of it drove her mad as with an impulse, she grabbed his shaft, using it to pull him towards her as she perched on the end of the bed. Lacey licked her lips in anticipation as she looked up at him, her hand dragging the skin of his cock downwards as it throbbed and pulsed in her hand. She teased him, running the fingers of her other hand around and under its engorged knob, now smooth and shiny as she excited him.

Ever so slowly, she began to toss him off, watching as pre-cum began to ooze from its tip and spreading it with her finger around his knob. Satisfied, she opened her lips and took his cock into her mouth, running her tongue over it and sucking at his bulbous head.

As he groaned, he reached down, his hand cupping her tits as he squeezed and fondled them, bringing her nipples to two prominent buds sticking from the centre of each breast.

Lacey could feel the moisture in her fanny as she released him, disposed of her robe, and inched up the bed, handing him the contents of the package. Jordon smeared a small amount of lubricant over its length and then some around her ring piece before pushing the toy against her entrance.

The butt plug slid easily up her arse, Jordon probing with it as he aroused her. Pushing the button on its end, he felt it begin to vibrate up her rectum as he scrambled between her thighs and slid his cock into her cunt. Both of them groaned and cried out constantly, the vibration resonating in her fanny and along his shaft each time he shoved it into her cunt.

Lacey's head moved from side to side, her mouth opening and closing as she licked her lips and moaned in pleasure. The veins stood out on her neck, her breasts forced upwards as she arched her back, the constant buzzing up her arse and her son's shaft stretching her cunt had her close to her limit as she tried to postpone her climax for a few minutes longer.

The vibration along his shaft made his imminent ejaculation seem more intense as he fucked his mother, his hips became a blur as his cock slid feverously in and out of her wet passage Lacey screaming that she was cumming as his sack exploded and pumped spurts of semen deep into her cunt as he continued to ram it up her until he collapsed exhausted.

By the end of November, the weather had turned extremely cold, a deep frost covering everything each morning and evening. Unbeknownst to his mother, Jordon had also bought her another present, something he was eager to try out.

On Saturday morning they went together and did the weekly shop, having to carry the bags home because Lacey did not drive and Jordon had yet to pass his test, it made no difference anyway because currently, they could not afford a car. The day was cold and frosty, but the sky was blue, and the sun shone brightly as they reached home. Jordon made the coffee's as he asked if she fancied a walk after lunch.

Lacey was suspicious of his request until he showed her what he had bought. Instantly, she wanted to try it out as he explained its purpose. Pulling on her knee-length boots she got her hat scarf and coat ready before sitting on the couch, raising her skirt, and pulling the gusset of her panties to one side.

'Are you going to put it in for me?' she asked with a laugh, watching as Jordon applied a small amount of lubricant to its bulbous end and gently slid it up inside her pussy. A length of the pink toy hung out of her fanny as she replaced her knickers and made it comfortable. Well rugged up, Lacey asked her son what happened next.

Placing his hand in his pocket, he pushed the button on the remote once and Lacey immediately felt the slight buzzing and vibration in her cunt as it took her by surprise.

'Oh my God. Can you do that anytime you like?' she asked. Jordon nodding his head and grinning at her.

'Yeah. No matter where we are or what we are doing, I can make it vibrate,' he told her, showing his mother the remote.

Lacey couldn't wait to be outside, the thrill of what she was about to do already making her randy as they closed the front door behind them and headed back towards town.

Jordon tested it a couple of times as they walked, his mother missing a step on each occasion that the toy vibrated in her fanny. They had reached the end of their road, a neighbour coming the opposite way with shopping, stopped to ask his mother how she was. Jordon found it hard to keep a straight face as halfway through he pushed the button, Lacey having to cough and excuse herself several times as her cunt came alive.

Buried up inside her passage, the toy made no noise when it vibrated, her neighbour apologising for keeping her as she went on her way, occasionally glancing back as Lacey burst out laughing. There was no way she was going to make it around town without climaxing, noticing the evil glint in her son's eye and wondering if it may have been a good idea to bring a spare pair of clean dry knickers, the one's she was wearing were going to be wet through by the time they returned.

Their afternoon stroll was more an adventure than a walk around the town. At every opportunity, whenever she stopped or went into a shop, her son would give her several seconds worth of vibration, her fanny by now extremely moist and her excitement level sky-high.

In town, he bought them both a coffee, sitting outside to drink it despite the cold weather. It was just as well they did because he gave her a burst lasting nearly a couple of minutes and which caused her to climax, several passing shoppers looking and wondering if she was ok as she screwed her face up and breathed rapidly.

The local park was empty as they passed, Jordon giving his mother another prolonged blast which had her walking on tiptoes and gripping his shoulder forcefully as another climax approached.

''I know it's cold out. But I know a spot where we can have a quick fuck if you want?'

As if to emphasise his point, he gave her another blast, this time at a higher speed. Lacey wasn't bothered what the temperature was, her fanny was demanding more than the vibrator as she took his hand and allowed him to lead her across the park.

There was a bench, surrounded by a hedge which was about chest high. Opening a bottom couple of buttons on her coat, she lifted a leg and placed it on the bench as she hitched her skirt up and slowly extracted the toy. She was ideally placed as her son whipped his cock out and moved against her.

From a distance, it looked as if they were stood talking and by looking over the hedge, they would see anyone approaching long before they got to them. Jordon stooped as his erection went between her legs, gripping his cock as he teased by rubbing its tip against her fanny. Lacey wasn't in the mood for teasing, all she needed at that moment was shafting and so told him so in no uncertain terms.

She let out a loud grunt as his cock filled her cunt, his hands gripping her buttocks as he fucked her, slow and steady initially. His fingers were cold at first when they touched her bare buttocks, but they soon warmed beneath her skirt and coat. Lacey would have liked to play with her tits, but it was far too cold to expose any more flesh, and anyway, her cunt was getting what it demanded.

His impetus had increased, both of them feeling relatively warm as their climax approached, Lacey unable to stop kissing her son. 'Fuck the consequences!' she thought, the excitement making her reckless.

And then he was having to steady her and keep her upright, his spunk bursting inside her quim causing her to orgasm as they brutally fucked until they were exhausted.

Taking the damp panties that she had already removed, she wiped her fanny several times, mopping up her juices and dribbling semen before popping them into her coat pocket as they adjusted their clothing and then set off for home, arm in arm and the promise of more sex to come

As Christmas approached, Lacey suddenly found a conscience, feeling mean at what she had subjected her husband too. The week before the big day, she phoned him and asked if he would like to come for Christmas lunch.

Tim readily agreed, wondering if at last, his wife was coming to her senses.

Lacey told her son, Jordon not completely sure it was a good idea, but it was her choice and Tim was still his father when all was said and done. It may have been selfish of him, but he felt no guilt that he had replaced his dad not only in his mother's affections but also in her bed.

The house lately was full of constant laughter as well as the strong smell of sex, windows having to be opened frequently despite the time of year and the cold snap they were presently experiencing. Every evening a fire raged in the hearth and before they retired to their bedroom, there was nothing better than lying in front of it naked.

On Christmas Day, Tim arrived just after ten, he had made an effort and smartened himself up after a comment at work that he was letting himself go. When he went to kiss his wife, he was saddened as she turned her cheek to him, not giving him the chance to get too close.

Perhaps it had not been the best idea Lacey thought later, her husband was eager to help, but she didn't want him fussing around her. He chatted constantly to Jordon who at least was making an effort to be friendly and jovial with his dad, but any conversation between her and her husband seemed stilted. Anything she had felt was gone and she didn't know what to say to him and felt guilty each time he looked in her direction.

Maybe that was the reason she started on the glasses of wine early, polishing off several more during the course of their meal.

In the kitchen afterwards, she cleared pots and pans, washing the dishes in the sink as Tim joined her.

'You wash and I'll dry.' He told her.

Lacey would rather have done it herself, she would rather it had been Jordon in the kitchen with her, sure his hands would have been all over her by now. As her husband was to be there that day, she hadn't dressed provocatively for her son, simply opting for a pair of tight blue jeans and a figure-hugging jumper.

Tim watched his wife stood at the sink. She had lost weight he was thinking as he admired her legs and bottom, noting how slim and sexy she presently looked. Even though she had just had her forty-eighth birthday she surprisingly looked ten years younger.

It was a bad idea he realised afterwards, but he could not resist the temptation to put his arms around her waist and kiss the back of her head.

Lacey spun around a look of indignation on her face. 'What do you think you are doing? Get off me,' she screamed at him. 'Don't touch me!'

Tim tried to explain, not making a very good job of it and then because she was angry with him, he got angry back, a row quickly ensuing until Jordon rushed into the kitchen.

'Get him out of the house,' Lacey screamed, 'I don't want him here.'

'You had better go, dad,' Jordon said to his father, Tim grabbing his coat and storming out of the house.

The day had been ruined, his mother going upstairs to their bedroom and slamming the door shut. That evening when Jordon retired, it was locked and for the first time in several months, he slept in his own bed that night.

Lacey apologised the next morning, she hadn't meant to lock him out, it was the shock of her husband touching her that had set it off.

As it was Boxing day, nothing was planned, just the normal recovery from the day before. After they had bathed together, they made the decision not to get dressed, but to stay in their nightwear all day, Jordon donning shorts and a t-shirt while his mother put on a nightdress and robe. Curled up on the couch, they watched the festive offerings on tv, Lacey polishing off a bottle of wine while Jordon had downed several bottles of beer.

After lunch, which was basically a "help yourself" affair, they settled back on the couch, Jordon producing another DVD, this time full of clips that his mother had requested.

The young woman was tied to a chair, completely naked, while an older woman purporting to be her mother used a large vibrator on her tits and cunt, Lacey immediately coming in to heat as she watched the scene unfold. Her fanny was stirring, aided by her son's hand which was beneath her nightdress, his fingers gently stroking her twat. The next clip was again two women, only this time the older woman was bound and suspended as the younger woman wearing a harness with a huge rubber cock, rammed it up her fanny.

Lacey just knew that she wasn't going to get much further without being fucked her hand inside her robe while she played with her tits.

Tim cursed himself for yesterday, imagining that his wife's invitation meant that her resolve was thawing. After a meagre lunch, he got himself rugged up, it was Boxing day and there were always football matches on that day as he ventured out, heading for the ground.

There had been a heavy hoar frost the previous night, the trees and bushes looking like a magical winter wonderland as he made his way across town.

The fire made the lounge hot, maybe a little too hot as Jordon and Lacey both stripped off, Jordon laid behind her so that his hands could play with her tits and fanny as they continued to watch the pornographic clips. Lacey's cunt was on fire, juices already moistening her labia and her son's fingers as they slid inside her passage, her breathing quickening and her eyes closing as Jordon fingered her.

Tim was already heading back; he had met other fan's on his way to the ground as the news was passed around.

'The referee has called the game off. The pitch is frozen and dangerous, so it looks like I'll have to put up with the missus,' he heard one bloke grumble.

As he headed back towards his flat, his hands dug deep into his pockets against the cold, he suddenly felt the small gift he had bought for Lacey. He had been going to give it to her yesterday, but then the argument had happened, and he had forgotten all about it.

'I'll not stay. I'll just drop it around there and apologise,' he thought to himself as he headed for the house.

His shaft had entered her cunt from behind, a slow teasing thrust as she felt her body come alive, sensations shooting through her as her son fucked her and continued to play with her tits. When he had aroused her sufficiently, they changed positions, Lacey slumped upright on the couch, her legs pulled up and wide as Jordon, knelt on a couple of cushions and between her legs, rammed his shaft into her minge while she tried to watch the screen, her eyes continually closing as her climax drew nearer.

Tim stopped outside the house, wondering why the front curtains were covered. In his coat pocket, he had found his set of house keys as he approached the front door and slid the key into the lock.

As the door opened, he could hear noises, some coming from the tv as he wondered what his wife and son were watching, while the other's seemed to be coming from the occupants. Easing the lounge door open, he stepped inside, instantly stunned as he saw the back of his naked son knelt in front of the couch, his hips moving backwards and forwards and making it obvious what he was doing.

'Lacey must be out,' Tim thought to himself, 'There was no way Jordon would be doing this with his girlfriend if his wife were in.'

Lacey left out a long withering groan as Jordon's cock slammed into her passage and her orgasm overcame her, her body shaking as she wailed and felt his cum fill her fanny. She urged him onwards, her language coarse as she told him how much she loved his cock in her cunt.

Tim was glued to the spot, unable to move or say anything as he suddenly realised that the woman hidden by his son's body was his wife. He felt sick to his stomach, a wave of disgust and revulsion sweeping over him and a red mist descending as he reached down to the fire irons and grabbed the poker.

Lacey's orgasm refused to end, Jordon still thrusting his shaft into her as she gazed into his eyes. Suddenly there was a loud thud and he looked surprised for a moment before his eyes went blank as his head and body slammed forcibly into her, momentarily stunning her, and pinning her on the couch. When she opened her eyes and focused, she saw her husband stood in front of them, the poker raised high above his head and a look of fury on his face as he brought it down again and she felt something wet splatter across her face.

Lacey wanted to scream, she wanted to move, but her son was a dead weight keeping her in place as she saw her husband's arm, rise once more.

The pain was like nothing she had ever felt, her head seeming to explode. She manage a blood-curdling single scream before the pain came again, thankfully only for a second before everything went black.

Tim sat in the armchair, his arm, still gripping the poker, felt tired, as blood and bits of matter dripped from it.

He had been right all along, his wife was playing around, there had been someone else.

The someone else he now realised, was his son, no wonder he had never been able to catch her at it.

'The bitch! The perverted fucking bitch had enticed their son to fuck her.'

He looked at the two bodies still slumped together in some gory sexual embrace and now covered in blood which soaked into the couch and covered the wall behind them.

'The fucking cheating cow won't be doing that again,' he sniggered to himself as he continued to gaze blankly into the distance, oblivious to the sex playing out on the television screen.

I apologise if it was not the finish you were expecting, but the world is a dangerous place when you cross the line. Life isn't a bed of roses and not every relationship and story has a happy ending.


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AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Damn that's a sudden and brutal ending. While I don't like it in the incest stories, this is how I would prefer the cheaters end up in Loving Wives stories.

MfkndragonMfkndragon11 months ago

To the person who last comment I only go by what the term means in north America which is the ass as I don't live anywhere else no need to look up from another country is there so again I was right you talk about Google you try it sometimes though Google is not correct half the time you still might be surprised what you could learn when you are able to carry on a conversation then comment otherwise no 1 has time for little boys

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Mfkndragon, google isn't hard to use. Fanny refers to the female sexual organ in just about every country that was once a colony of Britain, other than the US and Canada. Seriously, Google it.

MissDMena, I understand the low score, but disagree with the reviewers. This was an excellent depiction of one of the potential consequences of actually acting out some of the insane erotic fantasies on Literotica in real life.

In reality, very few men would be "instantly cowed" by their son's virility, or their wife's callous cruelty. Very few men would be too afraid of humiliation to strike out at people who had betrayed them so utterly. Seriously, people die from arguments about hot pockets. You think a brother can cuck a brother, a son cuck a father (or vice versa!) etc, and it'll be fine for everyone but the poor cuckolded bastard? Riiight.

Escape and fantasy is all well and good, but there's a place for reality checks, as well.


MfkndragonMfkndragon12 months ago

1 other thing you use fanny in the wrong complex fanny isn't in terms of pussy but is in terms of the ass in any country the term for pussy would be either cunt or cunny or as even said quem you already showed the son was at least bisexual so that could have been a possible ending him raping the dad but glad you didn't go that route no 1 wants to read about gay sex

MfkndragonMfkndragon12 months ago

Your right not every relationship has a happy ending but they don't end up with murder you have a twisted mind I have to say I like it lmao as for story in a whole well the forcing her into at the start ruined it for me really it doesn't matter if she started to wanting him it was still rape I only kept reading cause I started the story so I had to finish the twist at the end did help it quite a bit but the rape was still a big no no it's an average story balancing everything out

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