Eager to Please Pt. 01


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Finally, finally, Trish hissed and then humped against me, pressing deep while I choked with joy at the feeling of my cervix being massaged with such a brutal toy. She rode me out for what was apparently one hell of an orgasm, her cries wild behind me, leaving me breathless and stunned.

Morgan smiled and stroked my hair. "Sweet kitten."

I quivered when Trish pulled out of me, still bent over in my position, still spread wide to take more. "I-" I didn't know what to say. I felt a little lost and I never wanted to leave my state of submission to either of them. I think that was the scene that I really got it, you know? That was the scene where pleasing them truly sank in and made perfect sense. That was the scene where they absolutely felt like my Dominants and I was their submissive.

It was Trish who broke my uncertainty. She stroked my hair from behind and turned me, helping me to my knees in front of her. "We'll talk in a moment. Suck Mistress clean."

I opened my mouth, greedily. The strap on toy she had was black and the sight of the amount of dripping white cum I had creamed over it? I couldn't resist that. And I served like a good girl, lapping the cum off, grateful to Trish for keeping me in their spell for just a little longer.



Okay, so, sometimes this thing happens in D/s play where if, say, a dominant or submissive or, in this case, two dominants and a submissive have a chemistry that just clicks together, then they end up going a little too deep together. I don't mean that they end up going too far or doing too much or being too rough, although sometimes that happens too. I mean that they fall into the mindset too far too quickly. The submissive gives herself over to a mindset of pleasing another and the Dom(s) have the mentality of another being in their care and under their power. It gets heady and it's easy for it to happen.

And that's where drop comes from. The good news for Trish and I was that we had enough playtimes from previously failed relationships that we knew these ins and outs very well from all of our trials together. So when Gigi looked down at me with that bereft expression and her shoulders shook a little, it was a tell-tale sign. Trish got her back on her knees and had her sucking the strap on while I leaned forward and stroked her hair, telling her what a good girl she was in a soft enough voice.

Nice and easy was how you went about it when drop threatened either party. You brought each other back to reality nice and slow. The shock of being that deep and finding yourself back down to earth was the real jerkoff sensation. Usually if you could avoid that together then it was okay. And that was another thing. You see, Doms feel the depth too, so we have a gauge to know when the mindset went so far as well and we want to come back to ourselves gently with a sub. The two sensations do hold hands.

Trish and I knew what to do. I worked Gigi's face with a hand in her hair, not brutally, but we kept her under control together. And for Trish and I, this was a choreography that we knew well. "That's it. Make sure Mistress' toy is sucked nice and clean from all that mess you left. What a naughty girl you were for your discipline. But that's a good thing, kitten."

"A very good thing." Trish finally stepped away and Gigi looked up at both of us. At our touch, she crawled to my knees and snuggled close there, like a good submissive. "Let Mistress change into something more comfortable."

"Yes, Mistress," Gigi breathed. And I smiled, stroking her hair.

"Such a brave girl you were for us, kitten. After we have moments together, we will generally want to relax quietly at the end. That way we come down to earth together." I grinned. "Also because Trish and I are really touch oriented after these things and I'm afraid we absolutely love to cuddle our playmate between us, little kitten." Which was weird because we literally hated to cuddle each other.

She looked up at me and her smile had a little bit more mischief in it. Not that her submission didn't have all of her personality in it, just that the first couple of times could be a bit disorienting or overwhelming. "Really, Sir?"

It was Trish who answered behind her. "Really, really." She had changed really quick and gestured to me. "But I need Sir's help for the next part."

I stood up, curious for a moment, but then when I followed her to our spare room, I laughed. "Yes!"

Trish's idea was that we take our huge spare mattress and lay it across our living room floor. Gigi's eyes went wide and she scrabbled to help us lay it out. And I covered it with cozy blankets while Trish made popcorn. But we didn't let Gigi up from her submission, either, no matter how cute and fun we were being. "Sit in the middle of the mattress, dead center, and wait for us like a good kitten."

She obediently crawled, grinning up at me, and I got the pleasure of her sitting adorably in the center of the mattress with her teensy stripper outfit and her slightly messed up kitten ears. And then I helped Trish finish putting everything up and we went to where she waited for us, putting on a Star Wars movie.

Trish and I snuggled on either side of our kitten, making sure she was nestled safely between us. And we used the opportunity to break a few barriers down. "Kitten," I said softly. "Would you like to sleep between us out here?"

"Yes, please, Sir and Mistress."

"Such pretty manners for a pretty kitten. Alright, Sir and I generally sleep naked. Is that alright with you?"

I kissed her neck gently. "It's quite alright if it feels too fast after our scene together."

"N-no. No, that's fine."

Oh, thank God for that. Being sexually unsatisfied during her training was something Trish and I had both talked about and braced for - it took training to learn how to please two Doms - but I had slept without clothes for way too long and they felt restrictive anymore. I stripped down quickly while Trish did the same and then we cuddled back over our submissive. My arm crossed over Gigi's torso so that my hand rested against my wife's tits. And rather than move to grapple with me, she lay still because her arm was over Gigi's waist and her hand rested on my thigh.

And that was why we craved to have a third in our relationship. If we were almost perfect before, then we were whole with Gigi resting so peacefully between us. We were a circle complete, two Dom life mates with someone to top.

I almost didn't want to sleep. Gigi was so soft and she was adorable. And it was so satisfying that she was new to the game, that she didn't know anything. Oh, the possibilities on how to best train her... And I really wanted to explore all of those with Trish, so much so that it actually scared me a little to think of Gigi leaving.

"Meow." I blinked in the darkness, almost to sleep. The word was so soft beside me that I almost didn't hear it. Then I couldn't help but smile slowly when I realized what was happening. Gigi loved our games together, I realized. "Meow." Again, so soft, just to herself.

I tapped her lips. "Naughty kitten. If you wake Sir up with your mewling again, then you lose future orgasms."

She made a soft moan of a sound, aroused, but then just as softly whispered back, "Yes, Sir. I'm sorry."

But now I knew for sure. She fucking loved playing with us. Trish's hand caressed my waist and I delighted to the thought. Of course, Gigi's arousal from our session had been wild and she had given signs that she enjoyed this. But it was nice to have one more sign to make it all the clearer.

If red meant stop, yellow meant slow down, then these little things definitely seemed to qualify as green lights.


Of course, I got another more obvious sign about a week later, as we were nearing Christmas. We gave Gigi some space after our playtime, enough to let her go to her own place and consider how she felt about it, if playing helped her or satisfied her or not. But it seemed immediately obvious that we had helped her in some way. She was bright and sunny again, as if a shadow had been lifted from her shoulders. Once, Trish asked her if she missed the strip club when she had to go to Calloway's office to clean it and Gigi made this face that was the best thing ever. It was something I totally understood when placed in context with Ezra Calloway.

"Not going to lie, yes. It's sooooo freaking stuffy in his offices. Everything is black and white and colorless and it feels like I'm going to break something every second, you know? Like it's not Ezra that bothers me about it at all and it's not doing it! Don't get the wrong idea. It's just that... well, it's scary. Is that what all legitimacy feels like? Because the strip club was dramatic and catty at times, sure, but at least the people there were there for fun. At least there was some chaos, you know?"

Trish had a laughing fit while I grinned. The thing was it did make perfect sense, actually. What would it be like to have her cheerful personality and go from flirting in a party place all the time to the office of a tidy plastic surgeon? I could imagine what it'd be like for me. Stuffy, like she'd said. Suffocating. "I think you're confusing legitimacy for a strict atmosphere, honey. Ezra's job requires him to be like that, to his credit, and he thrives very well in that atmosphere. He has to protect himself and cover everything with paperwork and documentation. Hell, he gave his wife Devi a brand because she was dying for one and she can't even show it off sometimes. Because he could get in trouble with that kind of thing and she'd sooner chew off her own arm than cause him stress. Trish and I are legitimate, for instance. Do we seem stuffy?"

She looked back to where Trish lay in her tattoo chair, using two pens to air drum Metallica. And she had to laugh. "Okay, yeah, no. So your place is like this middle ground, you mean?"

"I wouldn't say that either." It was Trish who answered. "I would say that every single job I've heard of or been around has had its own atmosphere. Learning which one makes you more fulfilled is a trick of life."

Gigi grinned. "I like that thought. It seems like infinite possibilities. It's why I like this city too. This place literally never actually sleeps, does it? My old home was way different. We had, like, three gun racks and the only sounds at nights were coyotes."

There were things like that that she would randomly say that would make me more and more infatuated as well. You see, Ezra had mentioned that she was using a learned skill set to fulfill her ambition. There were these little threads that made me wonder at the mystery behind this girl. Gage Grayson. A feminine figure with a male's name. A girl who knew her ins and outs of rifle and hunting gear and who could shyly hustle poker games without getting caught. A girl who looked sweet and innocent and who could work as a stripper with the best of them.

Also a girl who had a sunny disposition and was somehow still a pessimist.

Some people would want nothing to do with that kind of duality and they'd probably be the smart ones, but we've already established that I rarely did the smart thing. I found it entrancing and curious. How did a girl like Gigi come to be? How did Ezra pull her out of what sounded like a rough situation? I wondered these things with more than a little bit of amorous intent.

At nights I had started talking with Trish, to tell her I thought I felt more than just affection for Gigi. We talked through these things because if we didn't, then what was the fucking point? And it was wonderful because Trish felt no jealousy.

Because Trish felt the same way. She went on and on about Gigi and her music, Gigi and her DMX, Gigi and her Star Wars, Gigi and her curiosity, Gigi and her artwork. We didn't even have sex that night. I just listened to Trish talk and had the realization that I thought she might be even more attached than I was. During one of these talks, we ended up breaking and we called Gigi to ask her to trade her sexual health papers with us. And Trish had laughed when she instantly sent them over because our little health conscious stripper had apparently heavily kept up with those papers. Trish and I had ours from where we played at Sulfur's and traded back the next day.

And it was after one of those nights when Trish and I talked together that Gigi asked her soft question. She went to Trish in a break, while I did a belly button ring and when I came back downstairs, Trish had Gigi under her arm. "Morgan, are we doing anything tonight?"

Honest to God, I'm the worst at social cues. "Trish, we're literally the most boring fucking people- oh." I grinned at the shy look Gigi was giving me. "I mean no. But we could be."

Trish snickered and tugged Gigi closer. "She wants to know if submissives ever get to ask for playtime."

This was why we never ended up shutting off our dominance with a playmate. It never started that way, but Trish fed me and I fed her and it always ended down a road of 24/7 playing. Not total power exchange, not even hardcore playing, but it was all the time. "Of course they can." I stroked Gigi's hair back.

"I'd like to ask to play, please."

So polite. So sweet. And so much the request I was eager to say yes to. "I think we can do that."

Lesson three. Edging and orgasm denial for pleasure, sucking cock, and eating pussy.



I missed Morgan and Trish and it took me a couple of days to realize it. Before Ezra had bought some of my freedoms, I had lived in this co-living place that had decently low cost. And I lived there because I absolutely hated being alone. The problem with it was also why it had low cost.

It wasn't exactly in a safe place. So when Ezra came there to visit, he had put his foot down. "Gigi, you have to understand why I'm saying no to you staying here, don't you?"

The bedrooms were private and I had sighed and nodded. "I could afford other places before but I just liked this place."

"And, no offense, but I'm not letting you stay in it. I did not get you away from all the drugs you were around with your mother to put you around other drugs."

Okay, and that was actually really fair. Two of the people I lived with did have some major addiction problems, not that I judged them for that. "I hate being lonely, Ezra."

He ran a hand through his hair. "I can understand that." And his voice was soft, gentle even. "Let me look around and I'll find you a different place."

And his different place had been pretty cool actually. It wasn't co-living exactly. I had my own rooms but it was more like nicer and bigger college dorms and there was a common area. And it actually was a hell of a lot safer. It just took some getting used to after mostly always being around so much company all the time. It made me miss Morgan and Trish all the more because the common area was neat and I liked the people well enough, but it was nothing like snuggling between the two of them.

So I ended up quietly asking Trish if, in their world, submissives were allowed to ask for play nights. And she had been thrilled to have me ask, I realized. So much so that it made me consider something. I had been thinking of Morgan and Trish in a little different light ever since I learned what they were and how they liked their sex. Somehow, because they were both Doms, it seemed to make me think that they were more secure about their desires or something. But the delighted look on Trish's face made me realize they were just people. They needed to know I was interested in what they had to give and needed to know I wanted more too.

And that was another thing. Oh, I definitely wanted more. The first time they had made me dance and it had just felt like sexy fun, but that second time had shown me that special mindset. It had shown me something deeper and, rather than push me away because of the emotions, it had only served to make me more interested. Why had I felt so vulnerable at the end and why had it instantly made me feel better to hear Trish command me to suck her cock toy clean? Why was that special place on a chain to my arousal and how deep could it go? I wanted to know more.

So I ended up at their door again, but I was excited this time. The last time I'd been more nervous, but now I had more trust and I knew a little more. I had my cute Teasers duffel bag with a baby blue stripper outfit since they always told me to bring one to sleep in.

And something else I was learning was the differences between Morgan and Trish. Because, while I could think of them as the perfect couple and while they could finish each other's sentences, they were most certainly not the same person. They had different preferences and sometimes I worried that it would be overwhelming dating two people when I was supposed to serve their pleasure, but so far it hadn't felt like a problem since Morgan and Trish knew each other so well. For instance, Morgan - Sir - was always the one to meet me at the door. And I learned that this was so he could dress me for whatever game they wanted to play because he was obviously the more visual of the two.

He smiled at me when he opened the door and I waved. "Hello. I'm looking for two tattoo artists who teach me fetishes and I think I'm in the right place. Can you help me out?"

He laughed and tugged me in. "Oh, I'll show you the right place, kitten." And he always gently tugged my clothes off when I was in the doorway. "Speaking of teaching fetishes, what do you know about orgasm denial and edging?"

I froze and looked over my shoulder at him so that he laughed. "Yellow?"

And that was another thing. He let me say the word whenever I liked and he was playful enough and calming enough to explain. He and Trish were wonderful teachers, with endless amounts of patience. "Read a book or two, huh?" I nodded because I might not have known much about this stuff but I did read and watch movies. "That's fair actually. There are a lot of sadists who do use it for the types of things you might have read, then. It can be torture. It can be flat fucking awful actually, but then so can paddles. And it's the type of awful that most masochists don't even enjoy so it gets a pretty big terror reputation. Kind of like canes do, but even those can be fun."

Canes fun? I found that hard to imagine, but he and Trish knew way more than I did. "I can see that."

He smiled when he had me naked. "See, this is a wonderful thing about you and how new you are to all this. Even if you've heard of something, you're willing to try it out. Trish and I would like to show you a different kind of edging along with denial. And I think you'll love it way more than you'd ever expect to. Can you trust us, kitten?"

"Yes, Sir. I can do that."

"Brave girl. I'm going to blind you because... well, I think you're going to love the end visual of this and it will take me a while. And I think you'll find a mindset you like in being blind while you feel the steel around you."

"Yes, Sir." I lifted my head for his soft blindfold and then stood still and waited. He stopped talking after that and I realized very quickly that this was on purpose. His silence made me fall silent. There was something about being around Morgan and Trish for these scenes that... it didn't exactly quiet me. I would say it more restricted when I spoke. You see, they felt like my teachers and my Doms and the vibe naturally followed that made me speak less when I wasn't spoken to first.

And it only got more intense when he started. The feeling of chains around the back of my neck made something of a very loose necklace that ended between my breasts and the metal alone placed me in that special mental place where I fell calm. It was wonderful, something I could get addicted to, because it soothed my generally frantic mind. With my happy disposition came all this energy and it went still in that mental state. An unmistakable collar was next and this one was a little thicker than my usual one, a little heavier, a little more noticeable. And there was a click as if of a lock closing.
