Earth Day, Sioux Indian Style Ch. 07

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Freddie makes a pass at his girlfriend's sister and mother.
3.5k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 03/28/2008
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"Ellen, get some napkins for our guest, please," said her mother.

The thought of Ellen, his girlfriend's sister and possibly his future sister-in-law, walking by his line of vision to get napkins burst his fantasy of hugging and humping his girlfriend's mother and possibly his future mother-in-law. Afraid to turn his head in either direction for fear of being caught leering at her, he couldn't help but lift his eyes ever so slightly to watch Lisa's younger 20-year-old sister pass by before him. Stunningly gorgeous, she was a sight to behold. She had nicely formed A cup tits with little pink, puffy nipples that were as high up as they were firm. He watched her perfect tits lightly bounce as she walked by him.

Her long, blue-black hair that draped down along her back stopping just short of her ass glistened in the overhead light. She had a rockin' ass, a flat stomach, and a shaved pussy. Truly, if there were more naked Indian squaws who looked as good as she did back in the days of the American Cavalry; there'd be no need for land treaties and Indian wars, just sex. She had a smokin' hot body and she knew how to move it as she walked. Damn, she was a sexy bitch.

The vision of her naked form took him away in a fantasy of making love to her, her mother, and his girlfriend. He wondered what it would feel like to go from one to the other in an incestuous threesome orgy of debauchery. His cock twitched with desire and he wondered if they had an Indian tradition where the bride shared her groom with all her female relatives the night of the wedding.

This by far was quickly becoming his favorite holiday. He loved Earth Day. He loved these naked women. He loved this naked family. He looked over at his girlfriend as he chewed his brownie.

'Man this brownie is delicious. This is the best brownie I have ever had,' he thought to himself.

"This brownie is delicious," he said deciding to voice his thoughts out loud. "This is the best brownie I have ever had."

"Well, thank you," said Sharon beaming her smile at him.

Mark had a full erection. He watched him stare at his 22-year-old sister's tits.

"Stop staring at my tits, pervert" said Lisa folding her arms across her breasts. "You're such a little horn ball. Mom!"

"I saw you sneaking a peek at your sister's tits," said his mother to her son while reaching out her hand and pinching the tip of his cock. Immediately, his cock deflated with the painful pinch. "Every year you get sexually excited over Earth Day. I never knew you were such a naturalist," she said with a laugh.

"He's been trying to cop a feel of my tits all night, Mom."

"Naughty boy," said his mother looking down at his cock as it started becoming erect again. She gave his erect cock another pinch and it deflated as quickly as it stiffened.

He couldn't believe that Sharon just touched her son's cock not only once but twice. Only, it wasn't a sexual touch, it was a pinch, but nonetheless, she touched his cock, grabbed it actually and pinched it. Oh, my God, this family gets more outrageous. After another bite of brownie, he suddenly imagined her giving her son a hand job before taking his cock in her mouth and blowing him.

"I can't help it, Mom," he said grabbing his cock and rubbing it, "it's the hormones. I've been thinking about baseball and math problems all day, but nothing works. Look," he said pointing over at me, "Freddie has a boner, too. You can't see it because he's concealing it with his hand, but he's got a big, stiff cock under there."

'Oh, shit! I'm busted. Ass, tits, pussy, ass, tits, pussy, ass, tits, pussy,' went through my mind in a whirlwind of sexually depraved thoughts. Even though he was trying his hardest not to think of asses, tits, or pussies, asses, tits, and pussies were all that he thought about.

He couldn't believe the little shit ratted him out. He felt his face flush a bright red. He was so embarrassed. He tried to play it cool. Yet, there he was hiding his stiff prick with both hands hoping that no one would see it and hoping that he wouldn't be seen as a lecher.

Unfortunately, that little shit brought it to everyone's attention. Whatever happened to the pervert code of ethical sexual behavior? There they were fellow perverts and as fellow perverts they were supposed to help one another out by, first of all, not ratting on them and second to help in their pursuit of gawking, leering, and lustfully desiring the naked female form. Apparently, he had not taken the pervert oath, yet.

Ellen walked back in the room with her father and everyone stopped to stare at my lap.

"Freddie's got an erection. Freddie's got an erection," she laughed as she handed me a napkin.

"Freddie, don't be shy. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's quite natural for a young man, especially a man your age, to become sexually aroused by the naked female form. You are just a victim of your testosterone. C'mon, now, move your hand away and show us your cock. Let's see your big prick," said Sharon. "This way, you'll move past being embarrassed, concentrate on being one with the Earth, and your erection will dissipate."

'Yeah,' I thought to myself, 'I'd like to be one with you on the Earth outside. I'd love to pound your hot body into the soil and roll you over and over on the grassy lawn.'

"I'm so sorry," I said moving my hand away and looking at my girlfriend's B cup tits and trimmed pussy. "It's just that you're all naked and I never expected this." My cock stiffened with the site of Lisa, her sister Ellen, and her mom Sharon all naked and all staring at my cock.

'Asses, tits, pussies...'

Lisa's mom even came over and leaned over me to have a closer look at my cock. Her mouth was only inches away. It took all the control I had not to wrap an arm around her neck and pull her forward. I expected her to reach out her hand, wrap her fingers around my stiff dick, and hold it up for her personal inspection. I half expected she'd pinch it as she did her son's cock, so as to dissipate my erection.

"You do have quite the erection," she said. I was so hoping she would touch it with her fingertip. I was hoping she would pinch it the way she did with her son's cock. I was hoping she'd wrap her hand around it and jerk me off before blowing me.

"I'm sorry, but this is my first time seeing my girlfriend naked and then to see her mother and sister naked, well, it's a bit exciting."

"Yes, it's understandable that you'd be sexually stimulated. In any event, you do have a very nice penis," said Sharon staring at my cock. "My daughter is a lucky girl."

"Thank you, Sharon," I said looking down at my cock. I wrapped two fingers around it and pushed it forward in her direction for her to have a better look at it. "You don't think it's too big do you?" I stared down at it. "You don't think that it's too long or too thick?"

I saw Ellen out of the corner of my eye staring at my cock while Lisa appeared to be embarrassed by my bold behavior.

'I freaking amazed myself asking her, my girlfriend's mom that question. What the Hell has gotten into me? What the Hell was I thinking to ask her that? Yet, I just didn't care.' As soon as I asked it I was embarrassed, but more than embarrassed, I was turned on and I was curious now what she'd say in response to my question. As soon as I was turned on, I didn't care if I made anyone feel uncomfortable. I just wanted to satisfy my sexual urges wherever they'd take me.

"Oh, God no," said Sharon practically jumping up out of her seat, "I'd gobble that big hairy dick right up in my mouth before shoving it straight up my pussy."

Well, if I was amazed asking her what I just asked her, then I was stunned by her answer. I couldn't believe my girlfriend's mom said she'd gobble my big, hairy dick before shoving it up her pussy. Had she not excited me so, she would have shocked me. Suddenly, I imagined her gobbling up my cock and sticking it in her mouth before sticking it up her pussy.

'Asses, tits, pussies...asses, tits, pussies...ass, tits, pussies...'

"Mother, really!"

"Oh, Lisa, have another brownie and relax. It's just a cock. It's no big deal." Then, Sharon looked at me and smiled. "Only, in your case it is a big deal," she said staring at my erection, "a very big deal," she said wiping away brownie crumbs from her lips with a blip of her big, red tongue.

Lisa stood and took a brownie from the plate.

"Only, Earth Day shouldn't excite you sexually," Sharon said to me.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

I was mortified. Actually, I'd be more embarrassed if I wasn't so sexually excited. Who was I kidding? I wasn't mortified or embarrassed and if given the chance, I'd do my girlfriend, my girlfriend's mom, and my girlfriend's sister, if I could. And if more of their family and friends showed up, aunts and female cousins, I'd do them, too. I was seriously hoping that friends of the family would show up, as well. I was hoping that this Earth Day celebration would be one big naked bash.

"These fucking brownies are delicious," I said out loud.

'Shit,' I said to myself, 'did I just blurt out that these fucking brownies are delicious?' I couldn't believe I just said that? Where'd that come from? Oh, my God. What's gotten into me? It just blurted from my mouth.

Mark was rolling on the couch laughing. Sharon ignored what I just said and Lisa and Ellen giggled between them.

"It's disrespectfully wrong to feel sexual about this holiday," said Lisa's Mom. "This is the one day that we are free of our confining clothes to explore our native traditions. This is the way that we bond with the earth. One day out of 365 we return to how our ancestors lived thousands of years ago when they lived off the land and ran naked through the forest."

She expressed her feeling with her hands, much like the Italians and Hawaiians do. The movement of her tits mesmerized me every time she moved her hands. I couldn't take my eyes off her nipples. Whenever she raised her hands while talking, her nipples moved up with them.

"My husband's ancestors are 99% Sioux Indians and 1% Irish, from when the American Calvary raped our lands and raped our women. My ancestors are 100% Native American Indian from a small tribe in British Columbia before a French trapper raped my great, great grandmother in British Columbia and impregnated her with twins."

"I'm so sorry," was all that I could say. Suddenly, as a Caucasian, I felt responsible for the violent actions of the white man against the Sioux nation and all the Native American Indians that they abused, raped, and murdered.

I wanted to go hide somewhere, that is, until the thought that this Earth Day celebration should be a week long, no, a month long celebration and should include the rest of the family members, aunts, female cousins, and female friends of female cousins. Yes, if I was to marry in this family, I'd work hard to make this Earth Day celebration bigger and last longer. I'd make this holiday last as the long as the Chinese do when celebrating their month long Chinese New Year.

'Happy Earth Day,' I imagined saying to every naked female who walked across the threshold of my home, as I hugged them in a tight embrace making sure my cock found that warm wet place between their legs. 'Happy Earth Day,' I imagined them responding to me as we hugged and I humped.

"You must remove the sexuality from this day and concentrate on nature and how man and women once coexisted without clothes and without feeling embarrassment or shame. Asking a fellow pervert to remove sexuality from hot naked females was like asking a man dying of thirst not to drink water. There are still tribes of people who dot the rain forest and who live as our ancestors once lived naked and free."

'...and loaded with bug bites,' I thought.

As much of a sexual pervert that I was, there was no freaking way that I'd be running around the rain forest naked. These people are nuts. At the very least, I'd be wearing my running shoes and underwear, okay, maybe a light cotton pair of pants and a nice Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, socks, and a floppy cotton hat. ...and I'd have my Blackberry with me, too, just in case...I wanted to leave and needed to call a rescue helicopter.

Suddenly, he saw two images of Sharon, as the room started circling his head. What the Hell was in that brownie? He smiled as he stared at his naked girlfriend, his naked girlfriend's mother, and his naked girlfriend's sister. Like a laser beam, looking from one to the other, surprise, surprise, surprise, his vision focused on their tits, nipples, and pussy.

"You are so beautiful, Sharon" he said smiling at her while reaching down between his legs and gently stroking his cock. He looked over at Lisa and Ellen and stroked his cock faster as he ogled both of them. "You are all so very beautiful and you all have beautiful asses, tits, and pussies."

"Look, he's playing with himself. He's jerking off over you, Mom and you Lisa and you Ellen," said Mark.

"Ewww!" Lisa hid her face in a pillow while Ellen laughed.

"Oh, that's just the brownie making him do that, the poor man," said Sharon. "He's not use to Peyote. It's probably his first time eating it."

Trying to remember what happened, he remembered that it all had started when Lisa had called him that morning to invite him over to celebrate Earth Day. He thought he'd be alone with her. He thought they he'd be planting trees, picking up recyclable trash, and painting fences, that is, until she opened the door naked. Then, he thought they'd be having wild, passionate, unbridled, lustful sex. He had no idea that her parents celebrated Earth Day by getting naked and eating peyote filled brownies. He had no idea they'd all be there naked.

"Earth Day? No one celebrates Earth Day? It's not even an official holiday," he said out loud as he relived the conversation that he had with Lisa earlier. "What do you do plant a tree, paint a fence, and recycle plastics?"

He verbalized his every thought now continuing the private conversation that Lisa had with him.

"No," said Lisa while dancing around the living room naked, "it's the one day of the year that we get in touch with our roots. We return to how our ancestors lived before moral conformity and puritan ethics strangled the life out of love for our family and friends. Yeah, baby, I'd like to make love to your naked family and friends."

"Mom, he's regurgitating everything that happened. He's spitting out his dialogue and Lisa's dialogue."

"Don't interrupt him, Mark, I want to hear what he has to say," said Ellen.

"The poor man," said Sharon. "He's so out of it."

Everything that happened before was jumbled in his mind, especially the sequence and time of events. He was so confused.

"Okay," he said repeating what he had said earlier to Lisa, "so what time is this Indian Earth Day celebration?"

"Since you are our special guest this year," said repeating what Lisa had said to him, "whatever time you arrive is when our celebration begins."

He continued the conversation repeating both parts of the dialogue, his and Lisa's.

"Special guest? Who was your special guest last year?"

"My Mom invited her boss last year and the year before my father invited a friend of his."

"Should I bring anything?"

"No, there's no need. My mom made brownies."

"This is too, funny," said Mark.

"Mom! Tell him not to make fun of my boyfriend."

"Don't make fun of your sister's boyfriend, Mark. Some people have a natural intolerance for Peyote."

"Aha! Brownies," he said, "that was a code word for you won't want or need any food or drink once you start eating these drugged brownies, so there's no need to bring anything."

"I remember arriving and my girlfriend answering the door naked. I remember seeing Lisa naked. She was naked. Yeah, I remember that she was naked when she opened the front door. Did I tell you that she was naked? Oh, shit, I'm repeating myself." Freddie rocked back in forth in his chair with his head tilted back.

"Oh, shit, am I saying all this out loud? Oh, shit, I'm stroking my cock as I'm staring at my girlfriend's naked mother and naked sister. Oh, shit, did I just say that out loud, too?" He started laughing.

"Lisa's sister is a siren. I'd love to bone her up the ass. I'd love to suck her pussy. I'd love to make love to all three of them. Oh, shit, I can't believe I said that. Happy Earth Day everyone! Isn't fucking Earth Day a great holiday? I just love this fucking planet."

"I think our special guest is high," said Lisa's brother laughing, "really, really high and higher than I've ever seen anyone."

"What the Hell? Why are you naked, Lisa? Yeah, I remember saying that," said Freddie rambling. "Why are you naked, Lisa? Man she's got a hot body."

"Oh, yeah, the brownie has definitely gotten to him," said Lisa's sister. "Fortunately, he'll have no recollection of this in the morning."

"This is how I celebrate Earth Day, she said to me. I'm starting to like this holiday I remember saying to her. Happy Earth Day!"

"Don't worry, Dude," said Mark, "I had an erection the first time we celebrated Earth Day a few years back and the first time I saw my sisters' and my mom's tits, ass, and pussy. Then, when I ate a brownie, I was a sexual animal. Now, I'm used to it, well," he said looking down at his stiff cock and looking over at Lisa's tits and then Ellen's tits, "almost." He looked up at his mother's tits. "Damn, I'll never get used to this."

"Mom, the little pervert is staring at my tits, again," said Lisa.

"Stop staring at your sister's tits, Mark."

"Mom, Mark grabbed my tit, again," said Lisa.

"Mark, leave your sister's tits alone."

"Oh, God, now this is embarrassing. I'm talking out loud and sharing my most private thoughts with people who I just met. I can't believe my girlfriend, my girlfriend's Mom, and my girlfriend's sister are naked, too. Boy, I'd like to make love with them. I'd love for them to take turns blowing me. Yeah, I'd love for them to suck my big cock. I would love to cum in Sharon's mouth."

"Dude, I can't believe you said you want to cum in my Mom's mouth," laughed Mark.

"Do you see what you did, Mark? I told you that I didn't want you talking sexually on Earth Day. Now you've given our honored guest the wrong impression of us and about this sacred Earth Day celebration. Sex has nothing to do with his celebration. Since sex was on his mind before ingesting the Peyote, which explains why he is like this now."

"Sex," said Mark smiling "has everything to do with this celebration." He pulled Lisa's hand and wrapped it around his cock.

"Stop it, you little perv," she said pulling her hand away and finishing her brownie.

"Mom, he just put my hand on his cock."

"Knock it off, Mark."

Mark took Ellen's hand and put it around his cock. She left it there while slowly stroking him.

"Don't encourage him, Ellen," said Lisa to her sister.

"It's just a hand job, Lisa. It's no big deal."

"Freddie, Freddie," said Sharon shaking me. "Are you okay?"

He looked up and Lisa's Mom was standing over him. Her big tits were so very close to his mouth. He reached up and felt one tit and then felt her other tit. He watched as his hand went from one tit to the other and back again. His fingers quickly found her nipples and he fondled them while caressing her big tits.

"I'm a little dizzy is all," he said with a giggle. "You have very nice knockers, Sharon. I would love to suck your big, brown nipples."

"Thank you, Freddie. I'm glad you like my tits. Let's get you some fresh night air," she said helping him to stand and escorting him out on the back porch.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Me very sad

Please... can't we all get along? Let me take you back to a more pleasant time....

A time when Indian fights were colorful sights and nobody took a lickin'. Where paleface and redskin both turn chicken.

So before we resume with a bang and a boom, let us learn from the Hekawi. Peace on all of you, and let us join hands and rejoice and embrace while the words of our spiritual leader BFW. All praises due, wacka do wacka do!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Hi Fweddie

I voted on this 1 2. 1-2 get it. Ha ha ha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I love this

A great series the only Tomahawks I know anything about are launched from submarines or other milatary systems,Native Indians love a good laugh,and you have done just that by providing us with this story[by the way we do not run around with our dicks or pussy,s uncovered ] But we do have very dark hair,pubics or otherwise,we also have a skin odour which you palefaces would not understand.J.

drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonabout 16 years ago
Oh give me a break....

You and your alts and wannabees sing your same stale song. And you bashed me long before I critiqued your attempts at writing. I may continue reviewing all of your work.

I'm done with you...for now.

You're brave old man, but if we ever met, you'd pee yourself.

You wrote that I bashed you. You are here on my story bashing me and I'm defending myself.

You are the pathetic one. I'm done with you...for now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
the squaw

known as drksideofthemoon speak with forked tongue

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Just to set the record straight . . .

Drksideofthemoon pulled her stories in a drama queen hissy fit and blamed it on scouries. Then she started posting her stories again under D_K-Moon. Sound familiar? She and that other psycho bitch have a lot in common, like the same vagina, multiple personality disorder, and a propensity to be a stalker. Click, click.

drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonabout 16 years ago
You're pathetic.

Let's review here. I've brought you to task for being racist, and demeaning towards Native Americans. Your story has no plot, and no point. It's a stream of meaningless drivel for the most part. Your characters are flat and lifeless, you make no attempt to make your characters in least bit life-like. Now, as to some of your other assertions. You're not 35, that lie was exposed last week when you stated that you remembered the riots in Boston of the '60s. Why would I be envious of your life? I'd hate to be you. I have the respect of my peers, what do you have? Even your pal, Scouries respects me for my honesty. Go read his thread, you'll see what he wrote. I always sign my name to my comments. And believe me, I wouldn't hesitate to say anything that I've said here to your face. For the rest of your meaningless blather...we've heard it all before. You're like a broken record, bleating the same things over, and over, and over again.

You are an ugly man inside and out.

First of all, darksideoflunacy, there was nothing constuctive about anything that I wrote. Moreonver, whenever I write a comment, I sign my name. Good, bad or indifferent, I want credit for everything I write.

Secondly, I'm not so little. If you were to meet me in person, you'd go hide. Certainly, you'd never have the balls to say anything to my face.

Besides, I don't hit senior citizens. How the fuck old are you, anyway? You're just jealous because you found out that I'm 35 and you're well, fucking old. Your life is nearly over and my life is just beginning. That must really piss you off, huh?

Why me? Why bash me? I think I know, though. It's because I write so many stories. This is your way to stay in the limelight, isn't it, by riding my coat tails.

Only, you are showing everyone the miserable, old man that you are. You are showing should anyone get on your dark side, you'd bashed them unmercifully. Further, I know it was you who erased all my red H's, not once by 5 times.

You can't get it through your thick head that I don't care about red H's or about your mean spirited bashing. I care about writing. I care about the story. That's the difference between you and me, dark side. You have the perfect name. You are mean, nasty, and evil. I'm having the time of my life writing.

You don't like my story? You think I'm a lousy writer? So?

I'm still going to write and you're still going to bash me. Only, now you do it publically instead of the way you did it before anonymously.

You're still going to erase my red H's. So?

I'm still wriing my stories. It must piss you off. What do you have writer's block? You can't think of anything to write but bashes?

Have you kicked your dog, yet, over the things that I write about you? Have you killed your dog, yet? A dog is the only animal that would go near you.

You are one ugly man inside and out. Get a life dark side. Go out into the light. There is life outside. Get away from your computer and go outside. Who knows, maybe you can meet a nice man to suck off. Asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Oh, DSotM has at least 2!

4 one thing, he might b the 1 always begging 4 money 2 help him keep the story about the guy w/the 8" long pecker that's under "6 times a day" going & u know DSotM & he could have 4 or 5 more 4 all I know. Ignore him if u don't like him. It's only 1 'boys' opinion, after all, so WHY THE FUSS?

drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonabout 16 years ago
You're a joke.

You're a joke BFW, you write many of the comments on your stories. It's easy to tell. I haven't bashed you, or your stories, I've left my comments. On the other hand, you have bashed me continually. If you can't deal with real, and constructive criticism, then you shouldn't be writing. What I've seen of your writing isn't particularily good. So what, you won a green E. You impressed one person with that particular story. It really doesn't mean much. As far as being jealous of you, dream on little man.

It must suck to be you, all alone, eh, Brian?

I see you can't resist bashing my stories, darksideoflunacy. If you are that good of writer, which I now seriously doubt that you are, why not tell everyone what name you post under so that we can read real writing instead of my terrible story. No matter, one writer would have respect for another writer. I agree with the other poster. You've never written a story here.

Then, why are you here, loser? You just love to bash stories? Wow, get a life!

Oh, you don't want anyone to know what name you use to write your wonderful stories because you are afraid of being bashed, retaliated against for all the other writers you have bashed?

I agree with the last poster. You have bashed many writers here on this site. Your diction is easy to recognize. You write like you have a cock in your hand, in your mouth, and up your ass.

I've never bashed another writer's story on this site, but that is all that you are capable of doing. It appears that many of the readers here have your number. They agree that someone like you could never win a contest unless the contest was fixed by your forum friends. But then, you'd still have to write a story to win a contest and, well, you can't write, just bash.

Apparently, by bashing my story, you fear that I may win a contest. You are afraid of me. You envy my writing. Otherwise, you'd allow my story to stand on it's own merits instead of you bashing it.

You are a miserable old man, darksideoflunacy. I've come up with the perfect name for you, darksideoflunacy.

Go ahead, bash my stories. It doesn't matter. I've already come to terms that because of sickos like you, I'll never win a contest on this site.

But I can still win Survivor. That must really piss you off, huh? And when I got that green E, that really pissed you off because that was when you started bashing me.

Do you have any green E's, darksideoflunacy? If you do, you'd still wonder how on Earth such a terrible writer like me was able to get a green E. It must suck to be you, all alone, eh, Brian?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Darkside won contests? Ha!

Oh, you consider winning a contest when your friends vote for you and bash other writers, as he's doing with Bostonfictionwriter. So, who have you chosen to win this time? Which regular is it their turn to win a contest.

Darkside, I agree with the other poster, if it is true that you write under a different name, how would you like having your stories bashed in the way that you bash other writers. Bostonfictionwriter is not the only writer you have bashed for no reason other than he's a better writer than you. You have bashed many writers.

Someone like you should be banned from posting here. It seems that you have some serious mental problems. Have you taken yourself off your medication or did you only friend, your dog die?

I'm beginning to wonder if it is true what I read that Bostonfictionwriter wrote that you are bashing him because he refused you for gay sex when he told you that he's not gay. I'm beginning to wonder what another poster called you, an old Queen.

It's best you go away, now, Darkside. You're making yourself look bad in front of your AH friends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
If what you

Say about darkside is true,what is he doing bashing another author it really does not make sense does it.Why is he not happy with his own success and why use another name ,answer that.Love to get you lot in the witness box?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I normally wouldn't make a comment against

another writer, but bashing Drksideofthemoon is ridiculous. I know for a fact that he has many stories under another name. No, I won't tell you what it is, but he's an excellent author and that's what this web site needs, not authors who use this board as a way of ranting and pissing and moaning. You people need to take a step back. Drk has won many contests which is more than I can say for this author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Go away darkside

Well, well, well, Darkside. It appears like you bashing this writer is not paying off much. What is your problem. It looks like you are just jealous of his writing. Maybe, you should try and write a story of your own. I checked your name and you've never written a story here.

You are such an asshole. Go away. We love reading this story.

T43HUNTER6T43HUNTER6about 16 years ago

Like rats in a trap all you anon .posters.Very stupid all of you.

T43HUNTER6T43HUNTER6about 16 years ago

What is your problem last poster,are you being paid by Darkside,I find your comment infantile and very vindictive,now contact me by e nmail to prove me wrong,and not only that leave me a means of replying,you wont because you are a kipper,spineless gutless a two faced,I love this sort of banter because I am a master at it.Ijust feel sorry for BFW that its on his story,but you dont care about tht do you S4B

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Looks Like BFD Has A Number Of Extra Logins

Because he's the only one who likes his own work. LOL The comments below certainly weren't made by anyone who actually READS BFD's crap. :)

Shitting_BullShitting_Bullabout 16 years ago
Playing the rascist card

is a typical troll tactic on this site. I do not believe that on a fucking porn site like this historical accuracy pertaining to Native Americans is as important as say like it was for the stereotypical western movies of years ago. You know, the ones where the Injuns knew only one word, which was "How." White eyes only found much later that the answer to "How?" was doggy style. Yours truly, Shitting_Bull (a real fucking Indian)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
An Outrage

Author my wife and like your stories,who is this person called Darksideofthemoon,is he or she an enemy of yours.Iknow we make mistakes but we do like your tales

T43HUNTER6T43HUNTER6about 16 years ago
Frustrated Rejected Old Queen

This is an excellent story,Darkside why are you doing this,are you really a "queen" because you are acting like it.Nothing worse for a queen to be ignored,Freddie supporters ignore him[or her].What a bastard to ruin someones submissions .Now Come On take me on,and leave this author alone

drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonabout 16 years ago
Very Weak

You did a little better in this chapter in allowing your characters to tell the story. Why would Native Americans from the Dakotas be using peyote? It's not a plant that was native to the area, it was used by Native Americans of the Southwest. Again, there was nothing particularily erotic about this chapter, despite the author's promises. There's nothing compelling about the plot, and there's nothing in the story that relates to Earth Day. Again, there's racist overtones in the story, and personally I find the author's demeaning attitude towards Native American's deplorable.

VULCAN4231VULCAN4231about 16 years ago
More Like It

I was madly in love with a young Indian girl on my frequent visits to Goose Bay,she worked in the Canadian officers mess,I got posted to the far east,otherwise who knows what would have happened.I love this series,it brings back such happy memories it doent matter about all the daft infighting.Thanks Freddie.

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