Emily's Story


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Christopher interjected:

"... but before you dry your tears slut, use it to clean your pussy, otherwise you will spoil the lovely velvet of that gorgeous sofa."

Emily gasped at their sudden aggressive crudity but saying no was not an option -- she was too far gone to resist. She grabbed the handkerchief and facing the wall, opened her thighs and clumsily shoved it into her cunt. God, it felt good, and she allowed herself a few seconds of relief before removing it and wiping her nose and eyes. The silk was wet, and for the first time she could smell her sweet arousal.

Yes - Helen and Christopher had divined her true nature - Emily could now recognise she was a slut, and, with their encouragement, she was beginning to act like one.

She gasped in short shallow bursts unable to stem the tears of her awful revelation.

Christopher smiled and switched the mood back to business:

"Emily you will be pleased to hear you have passed our first test, but we just need you to sign this before we proceed."

Emily was quietly sobbing and desperate. She took the paper and pen and scrawled in the box marked "Signature of Respondent". She was past caring.

Christopher produced a new smartphone:

"Listen carefully -- use this to communicate with us and we can exchange pics and websites. DO NOT use it for any other purpose. Yes?"

Emily nodded between sobs -- she just wanted the ground to swallow her and escape from the appalling scene of her disgrace, but every dab of her tears reminded her of her overpowering arousal.

"Your first task when you get home is to gather up all your panties, bras and tights and destroy them. They will no longer be needed. You will send us a video on our network -- you understand Emily don't you? -- YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Emily nodded and began to tremble as Christopher softened:

"Well -- that's settled. Thank you so much Emily for an enlightening and satisfying evening. Allow us to get you a cab to the railway station."

When they rose, Christopher helped Emily with her raincoat. All eyes turned again in their direction and there was much hushed whispering and pointing. Supporting her on each arm they walked her to reception and soon a cab arrived at the door.

With a kiss on each cheek from both Christopher and Helen, Emily was securely settled in the taxi and on her way to the railway station.


It was all a dream wasn't it?

Wait -- Paul!!

She stopped the taxi and looking behind saw Paul sprinting up gasping for breath.

They were soon on their way, but Emily was silent. Paul, respecting her need for quiet, let her be.

She was bewildered and disorientated. She could not reconcile her inherent decency with her shocking reaction to the stimulation provided by her new friends -- this newfound indecent yearning terrified her, and she shrank from herself in horror and revulsion.

Before she knew it she was home and as she fumbled for the key, the weather broke with a loud thunderclap and fork lightning illuminated the house. Rob was out for the night and John was in his room. She was jolted into an adrenaline-fueled hyperactive PTSD induced hysteria.

She ran into the house and violently tore off her raincoat, dress and heels before running up to her bedroom to remove the drawer from the cupboard containing all her underwear and tights.

She carried the drawer down the stairs and ran outside again, nude in bare feet despite the rain and mud, and tipped the contents into the incinerator at the end of the garden which she lit using newspaper and the remains of an old pallet.

With a crackle the flames leapt skywards, and she grabbed her new phone.

In an instant she took the video and pressed send with no message.

She stood naked and shivering in the warmth of the incinerator -- the flames shining livid on her wet, overheated, mud splashed body.


Chapter 4 -- Induction

Rob was naturally delighted when Emily dispensed with her underwear, but John was too far gone to notice. Rob's libido was now in overdrive, but she insisted that the daily sex was restricted to the evening to free up her day for John and her writing. Her journalism was important to her, and the income was still significant although nothing like the money she would earn from the "Project".

Dispensing with her underwear was surprisingly liberating and wonderfully sensual. She covered up in public with loose fitting tops and skirts to hide her curves but her weekly meeting with the publisher was now very stimulating. It was high summer and with no bra under her blouse, no panties under her pencil skirt and with bare legs shaped by her high business heels, the atmosphere with the male members of the team was hot. As a result, the work kept coming and she was delighted.

Paul was amazed when she stripped to reveal her nude body at their first masturbation session following her interview. He had not seen her naked for seventeen years and he stood to attention immediately. As a treat, she went down on him with her mouth, and she worked hard on her technique -- Christopher's comment had hurt. Paul exploded into her in double quick time - it was all over in seconds, and they spent the remaining hour in a cosy warm nude cuddle, reminiscing on the old days.

The following day, Emily felt the ping on her "Project" phone and shuddered -- this was IT -- the first "Chapter" in her adventure.


The package arrived, special delivery that morning.

The white halter neck crop top revealed her bare midriff and arms and clung to her breasts to highlight the provocative outline of her sumptuous areolae and proud nipples. Her body was no longer in hiding -- every delectable curve would be on display to attract both lust and scorn.

The leggings were in the same soft tightfitting fabric, terminating just below the knee to show off her shapely calves and profile her thighs, her bum, and, shockingly, the soft plump vulva lips at the mouth of her cunt.

A pair of canvas slip-ons completed the outfit.

When Rob saw her he sImply said "Fuck...".

Emily reddened and checked out the camera that Rob was to use in the car. It was agreed that she would drive to the town Christopher had selected for her introductory adventure.

The first instruction of the morning pinged down the phone:

"At 10.00AM Emily will walk to the car and Rob will begin to film. We will begin livestreaming to our subscribers once the filming begins. Emily will drive to the J5 services on the motorway."

Rob was warming to the task -- he had been briefed by Christopher to focus on Emily's quivering tits and the profile of her vulva lips as she spread her legs to operate the gas and the brakes.

Knowing that her body was being devoured, mentally undressed and fucked by thousands of live viewers, made her tremble and flush hot in embarrassment, but she kept to Helen's instruction and avoided staring at the camera.

Rob directed her into the J5.

Emily was nauseous and trembling. What had they planned for her at J5? Her imagination began to spin like a top and, hearing the next ping, she slammed the car into the nearest free space and grabbed the phone off the dash. Rob was still filming.

"Park at Door 20 at the loading bay at the rear of the Mall -- remove your top and pants and take the unit from the red box and slip it inside your cunt."

Emily cried out in horror at the outrageous instruction and immediately reversed out intending to escape.

"No No No -- I cannot do this -- I will NOT do it -- do you hear!"

She stared into the camera and yelled:

"Fuck you all."

Rob instantly corrected her while continuing to film:

"Yes you CAN do it honey and you WILL do it -- no escape -- do you remember -- they will take it all if you drop out -- you signed the contract -- and don't think they'll let Paul go -- oh yes -- they've done their research. In an instant everything will disappear -- John, Paul, house, career -- you'll be totally fucked. You've no idea of their power -- politicians, judges, CEO's -- you've got no option."

Emily pulled up and began to sob with the dreadful realisation of her commitment.

Rob had no sympathy:

"Door 20 babe."

She turned the car into the deliveries road and parked up at Door 20. A group of around a dozen men were waiting and a camera was already set up, operated by a guy in blue overalls. The men wore scarves and caps for disguise.

Rob told her to open her door and gave her a tissue to dry her eyes:

"Well Emily -- over to you":

In a blind panic -- desperate to get it done - Emily pulled the top over her head, kicked off her shoes and dragged the leggings down over her feet. Rob placed them all on the back seat. She was naked, hot and quivering and the group gathered around the car in a tight circle to take pictures and video on their phones. She began to hyper ventilate and Rob gave her a pill before passing over the red box.

"Open the box Em".

She ripped it open and found a dildo -- the long rubber sinuous sort about the size of a large penis with a front claw for clit stimulation and a rear plug for anal penetration and massage. Controlled remotely by smartphone, it could expand and change shape and the amplitude and frequency could be tuned to give the most acute of stimulations along its entire length and individually on both clit and rectum.

Rob gave her a white towel and a jar of lubricant:

"Sit on the towel babe it will soak up the mess."

She looked skywards and gasped in outraged astonishment but there could be no refusal.

Rob took the dildo and coated in it gel:

"Em -- do you want to put it in or shall I?"

Emily looked wildly at Rob and uttered a guttural:

"You -- You fucking do it -- I don't want to touch it!"

Rob took charge:

"OK Em -- let's lever your seat back a little. Now, lean backwards -- yes that's good. Close your thighs and raise your knees up to your chest and keep your legs up."

This vulgar inelegant pose exposed Emily's cunt, perineum and anus to the watchers, and all was pic flashing as one watcher gave way to another for a prime view. Finally, blue overall man with the movie camera took position to film as the others gave way.

Rob first lubricated her cunt and, with one finger, teased open her anus. Emily moaned deep from her throat as the two shafts of the dildo were gently inserted, the first between her vulva lips and the second into her anus. A series of gentle pushes opened her sphincter to penetrate her rectum, and the claw was finally bought up to her clit to complete the insertion.

Emily lay back with her mouth open and eyes closed. It felt like she was full to bursting but she was beginning to relax with the sedative given to her. All the while she could sense the continual movement and clicks around her and the camera flashes penetrating her eyelids.

Suddenly the dildo spasmed and she tensed. A slow undulating movement began to run up and down her vagina as the plug in her anus and rectum began to expand and a gentle buzzing reciprocation commenced at her clit.

Despite her situation, she immediately tremored, and the first orgasm came easily. She cried out:

"Oh my G... Oh my G... stop please. Oh my... I can't help... "

She squirmed, trying unsuccessfully to get some relief by easing the living thing out of her body and her flesh glistened in an adrenaline induced shining sweat. Attempting to lift herself in her sudden terrible ecstasy, she finally gave up and collapsed as the cum pulsed through her. Her resistance was swiftly broken, and she submitted to the most exquisite torture. In her passion she was able to float above her body and look down on her writhing and twisting nakedness -- spreadeagled and violated in erotic sacrifice - enduring a supremely desperate fulfilment -- subject to the whims of the nameless watchers.

What followed was relentless - her body reacting to each new cum like an electric shock - her flesh crawling, her breasts fluid and dynamic, her nipples engorged and raw and her crotch wet.

After what seemed hours to Emily a series of massive convulsions and loud screams caused her to give way and her juices were everywhere.

It took some time to force the last cum from her body and she finally lay still - docile, emptied and desolate - while the dildos were removed.

When she opened her eyes, they were alone -- the men had disappeared. She was exhausted and ashamed beyond imagining by her extreme reaction to the stimulation provided by those nameless watchers. To show her body to strangers in such an outrageous manner and then be forced to reveal her lustful predilections was humiliating and deeply disturbing. She would never be able to wash away the filthy memory of her first exposure knowing that her seduction had been recorded and stored on the network. She would be haunted for the rest of her life knowing that her disgrace could be gawped at and wanked over by any man anytime anywhere. The shame was too much to bear.

She sobbed and Rob gave her some wipes to clean herself and another towel to rub over her sweat shining body.

The inconsolable tears kept coming despite Rob's soothing but, once she was dressed, the phone pinged again.

It was not over yet.


"Congratulations Emily -- our subscribers are delighted and wish to see more of you. Now, drive to Town, park outside the Town Hall, and walk slowly down the High Street to the river. Take "River Lane" to the "Jacaranda Club". Walk through the bar to the Private Rooms."

She was too distressed to drive, and Rob took over. The camera was now on the dash pointing directly at Emily. It was still running, and Emily began to shiver uncontrollably in fear despite the heat in the car.

She now regarded the camera as an intrusive malignant presence, picking at her body, stripping her to the bone and corroding her soul.

As they pulled up to park on the High Street, Emily could see blue overall man in position and there were several others -- younger guys in hoods -- who were pointing their phones at her from different angles.

Rob helped Emily out of the car and, as she was still a little unsteady after the trauma of her earlier adventure, he took her arm and they walked towards River Lane.

People stared at her scandalously displayed body as they passed -- men with lusting eyes looked her up and down - assessing her -- undressing her. Women looked into her, shaking their heads in disgust. Others, having clocked her, deliberately avoided eye contact in their embarrassment, and lowered their heads as they passed, muttering to each other "whatever next" under their breath.

Emily, ashamed and flushed, stared down to the pavement -- not daring to look up but unable to avoid her swinging fulsome boobs and "fuck me" nipples -- proud and free under their slight covering -- exposed and inviting -- demanding everyone's attention.

Men followed her -- filming her -- everywhere.

Then a sudden stop outside a chemist:

Rob gave instructions:

"Em -- take this tenner and buy me a pack of rubbers and a tube of lubricant!"

Hoodies with mobiles were already going in before her and two were following.

Emma gasped but, knowing now that resistance was futile, snatched the money and entered the shop whispering "fuck you" under her breath.

The items she needed would be behind the counter, so she was forced to queue.

She began to shake again.

She felt fingers clasp her soft clad bum from behind. She froze but there was nothing she could do. The pressure on her anus from somebody's thumb was intense and grasping fingers searched forward to penetrate her cunt through the thin material.

She leapt forward as she was called and broke contact.

She blurted out her request to the guy behind the counter who repeated her words back to her in a loud voice while leering on her tits. The whole shop turned to stare, and she shrank in her degradation.

She handed the money over, grabbed the bag and didn't wait for the change.

Back in the street she flung the bag at Rob who just laughed.

They continued past the shops attracting attention as they went and it was a relief to Emily when they turned into River Lane -- a narrow, dingy, rubbish strewn, urine smelling alley off the High Street.

At the end was a cracked neon light flickering a faded image of a jacaranda tree above a dirty red door.

Rob knocked twice and the door opened. A little wizened old man greasily smiled at them and beckoned them up a narrow staircase. Rob began to film on his mobile at Emily's swaying bum as she climbed the stairs ahead of him.

They entered a room, dimly lit, with several pool tables, brightly illuminated from above and occupied. The players, mainly men, paused when they saw Emily, and turned to gawp. Strangely there was absolute silence.

Suddenly two strikingly large women with coarse features appeared from a side table, pool cues in hand. They wore leather with dyed, brightly coloured, pink and blue hair, pale complexions and kohl covered eyes giving them a harsh forbidding look. They both wore nose piercings.

The first woman raised her cue and poked Emily in the stomach, stopping her from walking further:

"Hey Draven look at this bitch!"

Emily saw Rob withdraw and the second woman -- Draven - moved behind her:

"Oh my gawd Jett, she's built for fucking -- look at this arse. Have you ever seen such a hole."

Emily felt a large strong hand grab her buttocks and squeeze tight.

Jett raised the tip of her cue and circled Emily's nipple leaving a trail of blue chalk on the white material.

Despite her terror, Emily began to swell.

Draven called to Jett:

"The bitch likes it -- do the over one."

Emily recoiled but strong hands grabbed her upper arms holding her steady and Jett switched breasts.

Emily tremored as the second circle was drawn.

Draven called out again:

"She loves it -- do her cunt!"

Jett directed the tip of her cue between Emily's vulva lips -- forcing them apart under the thin fabric. Emily winced but was helpless as the cue was pushed forward widening her lips to pressure her clit before passing between her legs to her bum. Jett then reciprocated the cue violently backwards and forwards while Emily cried out in pain. At the same time Draven lifted Emily's crop top and spilled out her breasts. Taking one in each hand she roughly kneaded the soft creamy flesh while pinching her nipples between her powerful fingers.

Emily cried out and the white material around her crotch began to darken as the violent stimulation -- top and bottom - forced the promise of an orgasm. She fought hard to resist but, after J5, her libido was on a hair-trigger.

Jett laughed:

"You dirty cunt -- we're really going to enjoy having you bitch. We'll give you some extra special fucking treatment."

Emily was dimly aware of spectators and cameras and had given herself up as lost, but, suddenly, she was released from Draven's iron grip and with a smart smack on the bum and a painful slap on her naked boobs, the two laughing women withdrew, and Rob moved forward to pull down Emily's top to shield her from the watchers.

He pushed her forward to a small room at the back and closed the door.

There was a thick dirty pile rug on the floor in the centre and several armchairs set in a semi-circle around the close hot stuffy room. There were no windows, and a dull yellow light provided the only illumination.

Emily was relieved to be out of the pool hall but once her eyes re-focused, she saw blue overall man in one corner filming as they entered.

With horror it came to her that whatever they had got planned for her was going to happen here -- in this seedy little room.

Shots were laid out on a corner table and Rob suggested she take a couple for courage.

He checked with her:

"Are you ready Em?"

She nodded wild eyed and terrified.