Emperor Marinianus' Grand Orgy


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Her maids stood demurely behind her, topless but wearing skirts to drive sexual traffic to their mistress. Decius knew from past orgies that noblewomen also diverted unappealing suitors to their maids when they wished to diplomatically decline their advances. But that was not Clodia's intention tonight, and she looked jealously at the ambassador as the crowd of men grew thicker.

"My lady," Decius called, beckoning with one hand. "Sit with us, the ambassador is telling of magic."

Clodia perked up at the call and moved closer. She seated herself beside him on the bed, and her smile dimmed a bit as the men used the opportunity to shift away, closer to the naked elf.

"Thank you, Decius," Clodia said with a slight stammer of disappointment. Her maids moved with their mistress and stood beside the bed, attracting a few interested stares, but their beauty paled in comparison to both their mistress and the elf. "I am afraid I have little interest in magic, but I have interest in men. Perhaps you and I could find another bed?" she suggested.

Decius tightened his jaw. While he did not find her unappealing, and had mounted her at more than one orgy already, he wanted to hear what the elf had to say before becoming lost in the pleasures of flesh. And if he spent himself in her, he might miss his chance to fuck the elf, an opportunity he would sorely miss.

"I am afraid I would like to hear what the ambassador has to say," he replied carefully, but his heart fell with her face. Her thin smile vanished and he thought he saw tears forming at the edges of her warm brown eyes.

"You men are all the same," she whined hotly. "You fawn over this elf bitch because she is beautiful and leave poor me to rot! I have come from four beds to here and still cannot find a man to fuck me! I see seven cocks at the ready, but you all pine for the elf instead of thrusting yourselves inside me. For the crime of not being a willowy goddess, I am reduced to nothing more than decoration or one of the emperor's polewrights."

Decius sighed internally. Clodia was a pretty woman, though surely she did not rank among the city's most beautiful. While the high courtesans and various pleasure slaves worked hard to remain slender and desirable, Clodia lived a wealthy lady's life, stuffing her pretty mouth with rich foods that thickened her waist and made heavy the breasts that shook on her angry chest. Her face flushed red and she gesticulated wildly with her hands, driving men further from her and into Naira's arms.

Her moods were well-known as well, and Decius acted quickly to forestall this one before it became a fury.

"My servant," he added quickly, reaching behind him to grab Aelius by the wrist, "Is an eager young man and would be happy to penetrate you." Clodia turned her wet eyes on him and Aelius smiled hopefully. She sniffed and wiped a tear from her eye.

"He's a handsome lad," she mused, "though a bit on the young side."

"He's got a cock that works and he is eager to serve, my dear Clodia. And perhaps once you and he are finished, and Naira and I have spoken, we can find ourselves a couch."

"Indeed," she said, her angry flush fading and her composure returning. "Come here, boy," she said as she stood to her bare feet and extended a hand toward Aelius. The youth nearly leapt to obey. His cock stood out harder before him and he beamed an elated smile at Decius as he followed the noblewoman to a plush divan across the table from the bed, overjoyed to fuck a buxom woman nearly a decade and a half older than him. Clodia lay herself down on the diwan and spread her legs, her wet, pink sex beckoning to the youth.

"I am impressed," Decius heard Naira say in her melodic fey voice. He turned, all thoughts of Aelius and Clodia fleeing his mind. "You defused that woman quite expertly," the elf continued.

"Oh, yes," Decius sighed. "I've seen it before. She always takes it too near the heart when she cannot have every man at the orgy begging to come inside her. But she just needs a cock in her and she will sort herself right out."

"Right he is," agreed Septimius Martellus with a nod and a sip from his own goblet.

"And what of you?" she asked Decius. "What do you need to sort yourself out?"

"Oh, my interests are many. I have some questions I would like to ask you."

"Now?" she laughed. She gestured at the men around her, all eagerly waiting to mount her and growing mildly annoyed at Decius' interruptions. "Perhaps there is another time?"

"Perhaps," Decius conceded coyly. "Did you have something you would rather do?"

"Indeed," she replied and reached for a pipe. It was made of ivory and carved with the flowing elvish script, whose letters were painted in scarlet, azure, gold, and many more colors to give it a garish and yet mysterious look, like the wings of some strange butterfly or bird of paradise. In its bowl smoked the familiar scent of spice. Naira passed the pipe to him with a sly look in her blue eyes. "Smoke with me."

Decius was no stranger to the pipe, nor was he a stranger to smoking naked and surrounded by strangers, but the look in the elf's eyes gave him a moment's pause. It was a test, he knew. Taking the briefest of moments to steel himself, he raised the pipe to his lips and took a long draw.

The familiar mystical energy of the indigo spice coursed through him, standing his hair on end and setting his skin tingling. He felt sparks of lightning dance down him from mouth to toe, and as the spice sharpened his vision into the unseen world, he could see them racing along his form as well. He inhaled sharply as the spice burned his lungs. Blinking away the pain, he swallowed and looked around the hall.

The haze of spice had intensified, and now he could barely see beyond their immediate cluster of beds and couches. Even Aelius and Clodia, laying together atop a further couch in each others' arms, were nothing more than an indistinct smudge of flesh in his vision. But when he turned to look at Naira, she was as clear as ever.

The elf seemed to glow in his spice-infused eyes and her smile broadened. She was speaking and he shuddered as her voice rang loud and clear inside his skull, the previously ever-present din of the orgy now reduced to a low buzz.

"What do you see, Decius Sallax Capricius?" she asked in a voice like the ringing of silver bells. She spoke in the elvish tongue, and though the spice could make such tongues intelligible to those who did not speak them, Decius had long studied and spoke the various tongues of the elves and replied in kind.

"I see..." he started, but then trailed off. The spice was strong, and sparks reached out from his naked form to hers. He saw them leap from his outstretched hand and alight on her bare breasts, first a single spark, then a dozen, then rapidly they grew into a torrent that linked the two of them. They burned white hot, searing his eyes but not his flesh, and the pale light intensified until he could see nothing. It all winked out into utter blackness, and then he saw everything.

He saw the world. The whole world, a brilliant blue jewel adrift in a silent starry black void, so alone and rudderless and utterly at the mercy of everything. Slowly, a form came into view, blotting out the stars with its massive bulk, and Decius felt his heart leap into his throat. Impossibly wide wings stretched across the void until all the light of the stars was snuffed out and Decius wanted to run, wanted to scream, wanted to cover his face and cower, but he could not move, could not speak, could not even think.

Light flared. A molten light shining through the impossibly vast thing's chest, and quickly it spread all throughout it until Decius could see that it was a dragon. The dragon roared, its noise deafening in the silence of the void. Its head lashed forward on a whipping neck and it swallowed the world whole. The dragon's wings stretched out even wider now and beat to propel it through the midnight void. Star twinkled into existence before it, only to be snuffed out as soon as they were born, and the dragon soared on without care.

But inside it, Decius could see something growing. Its belly swelled up, and the dragon snapped its head around to stare in horror. Its belly burst asunder, and a thousand thousand worlds spilled forth, scattering themselves across the void where new stars lighted themselves in greeting. The dragon screamed its death cry, shattering apart like glass as its shards withered away into nothingness and there were only stars and impossibly beautiful new worlds before them.

Decius was wrenched back into the emperor's hall by the soft, sudden touch of Naira's hand. He gasped for breath and looked around. A dozen faces stared expectantly at him, but Naira was all he could see.

"I saw it all," he muttered breathlessly, and only when he stopped speaking did he realize he had spoken in Elvish, Naira's mother tongue. The other men looked at him with either suspicion or confusion, by Naira smiled with slight admiration.

"You speak it well enough, for a mortal," she replied in the tongue of Tirannion. "There are few who can master it that are not of the people."

"I have been among the people," Decius replied, "and spent many hours of study. The most important texts of magic are written in the tongues of the elves."

"Indeed," she agreed with a nod. She sipped from her wine goblet and considered a moment before going on. His eyes wandered from hers down to her perfectly shaped breasts and Naira chuckled. The crowd of naked men around them seemed hungrier. The elf extended a hand. "Consider me impressed. Come, lie by my side and drink wine with me."

Decius handed the pipe to Martellus and did as bidden. Naira welcomed him by her side, her pale flesh soft and hot to the touch. She laid a white arm around his shoulder and her impossibly deft fingers caressed him from shoulder to elbow. Decius smiled, looking from Naira's eyes that glittered in the lamplight to the envious stares of the jilted men around him.

From across the way, he heard a moan and before he even turned to investigate, he recognized Clodia's voice. His servant lay atop the woman, thrusting eagerly and anxiously into her as he clung desperately to the couch beneath them for control. Clodia's big breasts undulated even as Aelius' weight pressed them against her chest and the sight brought Decius back six months to the orgy at the Temple of Nystra when it had been him making those waves.

"Your servant impresses," Naira said with a silvery laugh. Decius nodded.

"I have ensured that he does."

"And so do you," she said, her fingers sliding along his chest to brush through his chest hair. Decius laid his arm around her shoulder.

"I aim to please," he purred into her pointed ears. Naira's smile broadened, and her hand crept down his stomach toward his waist. Two of the men hanging around Naira now lost their patience and moved off toward Clodia. Naira watched them go with a slight smile of amusement before turning back to Decius.

Decius crept his hand along her arm to her breast, which he gently squeezed in one hand. Naira responded with a hand on his cock. She stroked him slowly at first, hardening his cock between her deft fingers, then moved faster and tightened her grip upon his member. Decius pinched her nipple between his fingers. Her hands on his cock sent shivers along his whole body. His toes curled involuntarily and he realized with a sharp pain that he was biting his lip.

"Enough," he hissed, "mount my cock."

Naira smiled, set aside her goblet and straddled his hips, stroking his erect cock in both her hands. Decius stared raptly at her, her naked body a single expanse of bare white flesh above his cock, sensuously promising irresistible pleasure. Around him, he was only dimly aware of the crowd of her admirers dispersing, though some remained behind to watch her body in motion, Martellus among them.

Naira grinned at the remaining spectators, holding Decius' cock beneath the bare lips of her woman's purse. She rubbed the head of his cock against her soft, warm, wet lips and Decius felt his member throb in her hands. He could take no more of her teasing.

He reached to her waist and pushed her down onto his cock, exhaling with awe as he spread her pink lips and entered her. Naira's own breath escaped her at the penetration, and she sank down on his cock. Her arms hung limp by her side for a moment, her head thrown back to stared white-eyed at the frescoed ceiling and gilded lamps high above them. Decius laid his hands on her hips, caressing her fair, supple flesh beneath his fingers, and slowly stroked his cock into her.

Naira stiffened as his cock buried itself in her up to the base. He could feel her hot, wet sex close in around him. She bent forward, planting her hands on his chest and looking down into his eyes. He could see the whole world in her glittering blue orbs. Like stars shining through the daytime sky, flecks of light danced across her irises and Decius felt his breath catch.

The elf woman clenched her fingers and her painted nails raked thin white lines in his skin. But Decius could not care. His whole world was his cock inside her, and he thrust himself up into her again as his hands clenched on her hips. Naira gasped slightly, her mouth falling open. Her pert round breasts swayed on her chest, as perfectly formed as those of any marble statue of the Goddess of Beauty.

She bent to him and her lips brushed his. Her eyes sparkled in the lamplight and Decius threw his arms around her and crushed her to his chest. Naira kissed him passionately, moaning through their locked lips as her hands groped at him in the throes of pleasure. Her hips bounced on his cock in rhythm with his strokes inside her, and Decius felt the slap of naked flesh on naked flesh break through the spice and lust-induced haze of ecstasy that had overwhelmed him. All his vision was hazy, save for the sight of Naira, her eyes glowing with white fire now as she bounced herself up and down on his cock.

She was so near, her scent overpowering, her hands clawing at his chest as she was unable to contain herself. He grabbed her by her long black mane and pulled her close to kiss again. Hot against his chest, she purred in his arms, then broke the embrace to sit upright again. Naira threw back her head with a guttural cry of satisfaction, the slap of her hips against his drowned out by her scream toward the ceiling.

Decius shared in her delight. His cock was hard as a rock, his heart pounded, his brow beaded with sweat despite the cool breeze drifting through the long hall's windows. His head lolled to the side, and he found himself looking upon his servant Aelius again. The boy had come early, leaving the voracious Clodia still unsatisfied, and while she pleasured another man's cock in her mouth and a second in her hand, Aelius servilely pleasured her cum-dripping purse with his fingers and tongue, happily looking up to Clodia's buxom, heaving chest as she stroked and sucked two men to orgasm on her breasts.

Decius smiled breathlessly. He was proud of his servant for taking to the orgy so naturally, but he could spare no more thought for anyone that was not the rapturously beautiful elf woman on his cock. Naira leaned back on his cock, lifting herself to afford him a view of his cock between her lips as she rose and fell on him while she ran her fingers through her waist-length raven hair that swayed behind her.

She cried out as if about to come, and Decius sat up, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close. Her breasts pressed against his chin, and his mouth latched on to her bouncing nipples, which he sucked like a newborn calf. Naira quivered in his arms with pleasure, hot against his skin and hot in his ear. Decius crushed her to his chest, kissing her breasts as she kissed his cheeks, all the while feeling her tremble in his arms on the verge of orgasm.

He thought to slow his thrusting, to prolong their coupling, but the spice and wine and thrill of sex were too much for him and he could not relent. She screamed in his ear as she came, drenching the silken sheets beneath them with her wetness, but Decius did not stop, even as she lost control and went half-limp in his arms, panting against his shoulder.

Naira was spent, but not him. He at last mastered his lust and slowed his fucking, but did not, could not stop. Gathering the elf in his arms, he laid her out on the bed, on her back and looking up to the ceiling with her legs spread wide that he might fuck her still from his knees. Her glittering eyes rolled back into her head, her arms stretched out languidly on the sheets, weakly grasping at the air. Decius knelt between her spread legs, his arms supporting her legs below the knees and his hands around her waist to hold her steady.

The crowd of admirers drew close now, and in her half-blind grasping, she was induced to grip two of their cocks, which she stroked lazily in her cock-drunk stupor. Decius steadied his breathing and looked around the room.

Aelius had finished with Clodia, and lay naked on the cool marble floor beside the couch. The patrician woman was not finished, however, and now straddled a man on the couch, bouncing on his cock while another man fucked her in the ass and a third fucked her hungry mouth. Three other men, all disappointed admirers of Naira, impatiently waited their turn. Clodia's face was that of triumph, all wrapped around a thick cock.

There came a commotion in the hall, as through the doors passed a man in a swordbelt, marshal's sash, and nothing more. Behind him came four soldiers bearing standards of their legions, and behind them the cornicines blowing their trumpets. Decius recognized the man; the emperor's cousin, rewarded for his loyal service with command of the northern frontier, where he had launched a war against the Savonian petty kingdoms along the border.

Now he returned the conqueror, and behind him entered porters bearing chests of gold, silver, amber, and rich northern furs. Behind such material gains came the prisoners, forty naked slave girls, all fair, blonde, and slender. They came chained at the wrist in silver shackles, and bore collars round their necks, each joined to the woman before and after her with a gilded chain. These trepidatious slaves were paraded from one end of the hall to the other and then arrayed before the emperor's throne, where they were unchained and unshackled and distributed among the guests for entertainment.

The emperor's seniormost prefect, Caius Butilinus, stepped forward to bar the conquering hero's way to his sovereign. He considered the man for a spell, then bowed his head and permitted him to climb the dais. Emperor Marinianus proclaimed the campaign a great victory, thanked his loyal servant for the gift of plunder, and crowned him with laurels, after which he was permitted to keep the comeliest of girls for himself, along with a portion of the plunder his legions had taken.

Decius watched with delight, remembering his own days with the legions, conquering the barbarians and enriching themselves with great hauls of plunder. Yet none of the plunder had shone as brightly as the elf woman on the bed before him.

Naira looked up at him from the bed, her mouth slightly agape and her breasts undulating on her chest. Looking back at her, Decius felt about to come. He slowed, loosening his grip on her legs and letting them slide to the bedsheets.

"Come now," Martellus urged, holding his cock in one hand and a freshly filled goblet of wine in the other. "Finish so that others might enjoy her."

"My lady?" Decius inquired of the ambassador, and she gave a breathless laugh and shrug.

"Do as you will," she replied, "but do not leave me unfilled." She reached between her legs and spread her lips again, two pink petals on either side of his cock. Decius bent over her again, thrusting himself deep.