Emperor Marinianus' Grand Orgy


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"Tell me of your research, Decius," he mused after draining half the cup. Decius stirred, the haze of spice, wine, and sex clearing for the moment.

"Research," he echoed dully. He could not remember now. His mind was full of elves. Elves, he thought to himself, ancient sorcery, prophecy, the coming of a new world... was that what he had been working on? Yes, perhaps it was. The spice clouded his vision now as it faded, but he remembered an island. Hot, lush, green from shore to shore except where it was broken by tall spires of sandstone.

The Amazon Isles.

"Amazons?" Martellus said, and Decius realized he had spoken aloud. "Go on... and have another drink." He produced a tall crystal goblet and carafe of white wine from somewhere, and poured the golden drink into the crystal up to its gilded rim before handing it to Decius, who took it and sipped, trying to coax the memories from the recesses of his mind.

"The Amazons," he began. "are an ancient people, and learned of the old ways of sorcery. I made my way to their lands in search of forgotten magics. Their priestesses know the ways of prophecy unlike any except the elves, who," he looked to Naira, now almost entirely asleep and decidedly uninterested in their conversation, "are loathe to give away their knowledge."

"What magics do you seek to learn of?" Martellus pried. "What prophecies?"

"All of them," Decius shrugged. "But some in particular were written among the stars. The end of the world, and the emergence of a new world."

"Hm," Martellus sighed, and Decius could see he was losing interest. "These things are always of such concern to the peasants, who toil away in misery all their lives. They pray for the end of the world for it brings an end to their suffering. They hate this world so much that they will grasp any chance for an escape. But here," he waved his goblet-bearing hand at the magnificence of the emperor's palace—the frescoes, the gilded lamps, the wine fountain, the naked beauties—who would want an end to all of this?"

Decius shrugged. "It cannot hurt to be prepared."

"What could possibly bring down our empire? Keep your end of the world, I want nothing more than to never leave this hall. Here, have more wine. More spice, and tell me of something exciting."

Martellus handed him a small silver cup, no bigger than a thimble, filled to the brim with the rich indigo spice. Decius sighed, thinking that the prophecies were best saved for another time. He threw back the cup and started as the spice coursed through him again.

Visions of the Amazon Isles returned— emerald jewels in a field azure, seen from above as if from the eyes of a high-flying bird, or the legendary flying city. From the isles rose a great star of gold, rising higher and higher into the skies until it was all he could see, filling his vision.

The gold star suddenly burst into flames, then the fire was snuffed out and, encased in frost, the star plummeted out of the heavens. The rime grew thick around it, even as it blazed in its descent to the hot, humid isles from whence it had come. Soon, the ice was so thick that the star was lost within it and it appeared nothing more than a great sapphire that crashed into the sea with a tremendous splash.

The water boiled white, and from his high perch, Decius saw hawks stoop upon the site, talons thrust forward for a killing blow.

The vision faded, and he was back within the emperor's hall. Martellus was still talking, apparently oblivious to the journey he had just taken, and Decius shook his head with bemusement.

"Still," Martellus mused as the spice visions faded. "Amazons... come with me, there is something you should see."

He rose from the bed and began his way across the hall, with Decius following after a moment. They left the sleeping Naira and her admirers behind, passing through a knot of men fucking one of the Savonian prisoners on a couch. Along the near wall between the orgy hall and the bathhouse, six of the women had been lined up standing against the wall, braced with their hands on the wall and their backsides thrust outward. A line of men had formed to wait, and the emperor's servants called forth those patiently waiting to have their turn.

Each man came forward, took one of the slave girls by the waist, and fucked her roughly until he came, at which point he speedily retired and was replaced by another, leaving his seed dripping from the girl's purse lips.

Martellus stopped at the edge of the waiting crowd, looking over their shoulders with amusement as a man groaned, came, spanked the girl on her reddened ass and trundled happily away. The emperor's servant called out to the next man and the girl was quickly filled up again. As Decius stood watching, a quartet of dwarves hurried past, one of the ambassadors and his servants looking to have their fill of human women. Decius smiled at their lustful little legs carrying them along and shook his head in amusement.

"You weren't thinking of joining in, were you?" Martellus asked, and Decius shook his head again.

He was feeling the wine and the indigo spice in his head. Martellus offered him another goblet taken from a passing servant's tray, but he pushed it away.

"I must keep my head, at least for a while longer," he protested, and Martellus shrugged, then drained the goblet himself.

"As you wish, but these things are always more enjoyable when drunk."

"I am drunk," Decius replied, feeling his words beginning to slur. He steadied himself against a couch behind him.

"Joining in?" asked someone from the couch and Decius looked down. Just in front of him, three men had their cocks in a single girl, a dark-skinned, white-haired courtesan with jeweled rings pierced through her nipples. She looked up at Decius with big brown eyes, a long pink tongue deftly coiling around the cock in her mouth, and winked at him. Decius reached down to stroke his own cock in both hands, stroking himself hard, but he had spent himself in the elf woman too recently and could not but watch as the three men fucked the ebony courtesan, her jewel-bedecked breasts undulating on her toned chest.

"Gods, what a sight," he said to Martellus, as the other man sidled up next to him. Decius licked his lips and nodded. The girl winked at him again, caressing the cock in her mouth with her tongue while staring up teasingly at the both of them. "However, I must have offended the Goddess of Tits and Wine, for now she curses me with a limp cock."

"Yet Apliss smiles upon you," Martellus chuckled and pointed. A pair of polewrights approached them down the hall, pale, nude, and blonde, hand in hand with only golden chains about their waists for clothing and jewels glittering in their hair. Martellus took him by the wrist and raised their hands up high. The polewrights drew close to them with easy smiles and took no prompting to go to their knees. Before Martellus knelt a buxom girl with green eyes, and before Decius was a slight girl, freckled about her cheeks and shoulders, who stared up from below his cock with deep brown eyes.

His own efforts to arouse himself had been partially successful, but his cock hung only half-limp above the polewright's thin, pink lips. She kissed him on the shaft and took him between her soft, white hands. Decius felt a shudder run up his body. His toes curled on the floor as she took him in her mouth and his cock quickly began to harden.

The girls both worked quickly and expertly, their soft moans adding to the chorus of delights echoing about the hall. They writhed about as they sucked and stroked, their youthful, pretty faces masks of pleasure around the cocks in their mouths, and soon both men's cocks were hard and straight as spears. The ebon-skinned girl still bounced on the couch beside him, three new cocks thrusting in and out of her voracious holes, but Decius could not tear himself from the soft, wet mouth around his cock.

His pleasure built, and he pulled her long blonde hair into a tail, holding it up over her head like the reins of a horse. Martellus, he noticed through the dimmed edge of his vision, had dismissed his polewright, but stood stroking himself and watching Decius with curiosity. Decius stared down into the girl's warm eyes and felt himself panting with intensifying desire. Her skills were masterful, and he was close to coming.

It was considered a sign of indiscipline to come in one of the polewrights, who were provided to enable men to better enjoy the other entertainment provided, and so Decius reclaimed his cock from the girl before he could loose himself inside her mouth. She smiled and gave a slight bow from her knees, then rose and led her companion away. With hard, wet cocks, Decius and Martellus faced each other again, ready to fuck.

Decius turned to the dark-skinned girl on the couch again, but Martellus clapped a hand on his shoulder and Decius turned. "Forget that," said Martellus, pointing down the hall to another crowd of men. "I've something better for you."

He led Decius away and they approached instead a bed surrounded by eager men. To one side were onlookers stroking their cocks and waiting their turn, on the other side waited men who had already come. In between was a tall, fair-skinned woman with long blonde hair done up behind her head. She knelt on all fours on the bed, her toned body swaying back and forth between the man fucking her from behind and the man with his cock in her mouth. Bronze bracelets gleamed on her wrists, a silversteel collar glittered around her neck, and jewels shone in her hair. Her thick biceps were wrapped in gilded torcs that Decius recognized as being of Amazon make.

"Queen Taldra of Skyrra," Martellus announced proudly. "She was captured by pirates and sold from market to market until she ended up in the city, where my good friend Caepio here bought her for a tidy sum."

Up stepped Caepio, another patrician known to the Collegium.

"Good to see you again, Decius," he said, wiping his hands on his tunic. The richly embroidered garment was hiked up to bare his cock, hanging limp between his legs but showing wetness from recent use. "It's been too long since you have been at my home."

"I've been traveling," Decius said vaguely. It would not do to recount all of his adventures now, and he found himself enraptured by the Amazon queen in any case. Was she really a queen? How had her fortunes turned so poorly? "A real queen?" he asked, and Caepio nodded vigorously.

"Taken when her city was sacked by pirates. I know little of the Amazons, but I am told she was once the mightiest queen in the Isles."

"Who told you that?" Decius wondered aloud, "the man who sold her to you?"

"Yes, but not merely him. I'm not one to be taken in by tall tales, Decius." Caepio sounded slightly offended, and Decius let the matter drop. While Caepio would hardly be the first man to buy a former scullery maid believing she had been a princess, from what Decius knew of Amazons, this Queen Taldra looked the part, and he had heard rumors that Skyrra had been sacked the previous year. The queen's obedience to the hungry cocks around her could be explained by copious amounts of nymphflower and the many, experienced slave trainers throughout the city that specialized in breaking defiant pleasure slaves.

"Do you want to fuck her?" Caepio offered. "I've been charging an aureus per man, but you're a friend so I'll let you mount her free of charge. And I'll even let you cut in line."

"You are too kind, Caepio," Decius replied, "Do I not already owe you a favor?"

"For the matter with the villa? Pfaw! Consider it nothing. I was happy to help. So, what do you say? Have a go at the Amazon?"

"Very well," Decius agreed. She might not be a real queen, but it is the thought that counts, he decided. He stepped forward and Caepio pushed aside the next man in line. Martellus followed the two of them to the front.

"Step aside," Caepio commanded with a theatrical flourish of his arms. The two men enjoying his amazon slave, both minor noblemen unknown to Decius, looked quite annoyed, but scuttled aside all the same. Queen Taldra crouched on her hands and knees, spittle hanging from her mouth and wetness dripping from her cunt, panting and staring hard at the two new cocks standing out for her. "My friends, your whore-queen awaits you," Caepio pronounced, sweeping his arm toward the amazon slave in invitation.

Decius needed no more encouraging and stepped forward. He held his cock out before him with one hand and the other reached out to grab Taldra's golden hair and wind its fingers through the flaxen locks. He roughly pulled her to his cock, but she came eagerly. Her mouth engulfed his manhood with a moan, and both her soft, warm hands closed around his shaft. He thrust himself into her up to his base, and as his balls slapped softly against her spittle-wet chin, she stared up at him with pale blue eyes and groaned with desire.

Martellus was no less eager, and thrust his cock in Taldra's face with a demand that she pleasure him as well. He reached down for her hair and wrenched her pretty head off Decius' cock, then shoved himself into her wet and waiting mouth. Her eyes gleamed in the vast hall's silvery torchlight as she sucked, stroking a cock in each hand. Decius wound both hands through her hair, forcing her up and down on his companion's cock. She gurgled on the fleshy member, staring up at her partner with lustful abandon, and beneath her her breasts swung in time with her head. Decius felt his hunger for the slut grow until he pulled away from her hands and crossed to the other side of the bed to mount her cunny.

Her ass trembled before him, the slave-queen shaking with anticipation of yet another cock inside her. Decius stoked his cock, then looked to one side, where the queen's satisfied lovers reclined on a couch, watching. Dripping from the queen's sex was a veritable stream of their cum; hot and sticky when mixed up inside her. Decius grinned.

He clapped both hands on her fair cheeks, drawing a muffled squeal from Taldra's other end. She slowed her pleasuring of Martellus to turn her head and look back at him. Their eyes met. The queen moaned.

Decius thrust himself inside her with a moan of satisfaction. Inside, she was hot, wet, and sticky. He felt cum ooze out of her, displaced by his vigorous entry, and heard a murmur go through the crowd of onlookers. Below Taldra, the bedsheets were stained and filthy. And they were about to get much filthier. He slid himself all the way in, then back out, then slammed himself back in again. Taldra squealed and shuddered, her bare feet quivering on the sheets and her toes curling. Yet she did not take her mouth from Martellus' cock, and Decius decided he would have to win her attention in another way.

The reddening imprint of his slaps on her ass called to him. His hips clapped against hers, each thrust forcing other men's cum from her hot sex, and his hands clapped her asscheeks. Taldra's moans were still stifled by the cock she diligently sucked, and Decius' lust for her burned hotter.

He planted a foot on the silken sheets for better leverage and thrust into her harder. Taldra screamed again, sagging lower to the bed under his pounding. Decius growled with lusty fury. He planted a foot on head, pushing her down off Martellus' cock and pressing her face against the sheets. The amazon moaned, her whole body shaking under his foot as she writhed on the bed. On the spectators' couch, the men nodded in approved.

Martellus, however, stroked his neglected cock with annoyance, staring down into the slave-queen's eyes as he waited for his turn again. Decius slapped his hips against Taldra again, his cock throbbing inside her. By now he had expunged almost all of the other men's cum, preparing her silky purse for his own, but he was not yet ready. He bent low on the bed, bracing himself with a hand on the sheets as he drove his cock in and out of her. Behind him, he could feel the hot, admiring stares of many spectators as he roughly fucked the naked queen.

Patience soon abandoned Martellus, who lay himself on the bed and, his cock perilously close to Decius' crushing foot upon Taldra's cheek, shoved his cock in her mouth again. Decius felt the bulge in her cheek and pressed down harder. He heard Martellus groan with satisfaction, and felt Taldra's reply through her throat and chest.

"Gods be praised," he gasped, feeling her purse pulse around him. Taldra quivered, and he steadied himself with a hand on her soft breast. Feeling her delicate nipples in his hand, he groaned with exultation. The spice and wine still coursed through him, his cock throbbed with pleasure, and he involuntarily shouted with ecstatic elation. He loved royal cunny.

But he did not wish to share. He removed his foot from her head, stood up from the bed and pulled her away from Martellus again.

"You're a greedy rogue," Martellus laughed, though Decius could tell the patrician's frustration was beginning to mount.

"No matter," he muttered, "I'll be quick."

He gathered Taldra up in his arms, threading himself under her legs to interlace his fingers behind her neck. She faced away from him, as she had on the bed, but was now suspended entirely on his arms and, as he reentered her, his cock. Her feet flopped helplessly in the air as he fucked her. Taldra screamed in delight, her cries echoing around the lavish hall and all the way up to the musicians in the gallery just beneath the garishly frescoed ceiling. She grew hotter against his chest, nearing passionate climax in his powerful arms.

Planting his feet solidly on the floor, Decius ravished her willing cunt with animal fury, his naked flesh slapping against hers in a rapid, rhythmic hammering that drew in yet more spectators. Taldra screamed and gushed, and he roared with lust for the slave-queen, his cock crying out to be unleashed.

And unleashed it was, as Decius came inside her. He spurted, then spurted some more, gushing forth his seed inside her in a torrent that surprised him, coming so soon after he had fucked the elf woman. He felt himself grow limp, not merely in cock but in arms, and feared he would drop the whore to the marble floor, injuring not only her but also his precious cock that was inserted fast in her.

With a groan and grunt, he threw her back onto the bed, where she bounced a hand's height before coming to a rest. Yet rest she did not, instead spasming with orgasmic pleasure. Her long, bare legs kicked on the soiled bedsheets, and cum flowed out of her pulsing cunt like spring water bubbling from a rock.

Decius staggered backwards and collapsed onto a velvet chair that was hurried forth by a reliable servant. His breath came shallow and fast, and a naked servant boy pushed a glass of golden wine into his hand. Decius nodded in imperious acknowledgment, then looked around, wondering where Aelius had gotten to. The boy was nowhere in sight, and Decius hoped that he had not succumbed to Clodia's infamous clutches.

"My turn," growled Martellus, and mounted the amazon without even waiting for her spasmic kicking to subside.

"Fuck her," Decius gasped, watching the patrician shove his hard, impatient cock into the still spurting cunny. "Fuck her like meat."

Caepio smiled. "When my dear friend Martellus is finished, you others may resume." At the barest hint of invitation, the men who had had their turns postponed swarmed forward. Much self-pleasuring and the actions of polewrights had kept their cocks hard and in short order they were put to use. Taldra was turned over that men might use the fold between her breasts to pleasure themselves, and she accommodated with a lusty moan a pair of cocks in her mouth at once, but Martellus crouched beneath her legs to fuck her pink slit unaided.