Emperor Marinianus' Grand Orgy


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Naira propped herself up on her elbows now, her fire returning to her as her daze began to lift. Martellus knelt on the bed and shuffled forward, holding his cock out toward her and the elf took it in her hands. She stroked him, staring up into his eyes for a time until she turned to look into Decius' again. Martellus grew impatient, and shuffled further forward, intending to put his cock in her mouth.

"Wait," said Decius, who was nearing climax and eager for a reprieve. He pulled his cock out of Naira, who frowned with disappointment. "Turn over," he bid her, and she bit her lip in consideration. She still stroked Martellus' cock, and Decius saw her purse quiver for him. He leaned back on his heels, holding his cock before him as Naira considered. At last, she turned over on hands and knees, presenting her ass to him.

Martellus shifted to kneel before her, his cock in her mouth, and Decius mounted her from behind. He reached underneath to grab her breasts, only to find Martellus' hands already there. Naira moaned between them as each man thrust his cock into her with lustful vigor. His hips loudly slapped against hers, drawing some attention from beyond their immediate area. Even in the midst of this grand orgy, the elf woman was a rare attraction for hungry eyes.

Two men drew close, watching Naira with great interest as she was fucked from both ends. Decius squeezed her breasts tighter in his hands. The audience he was gathering excited him. Another man arrived, this one with his wife under one arm and a red-haired courtesan under the other. All three watched him and murmured with interest. Decius gave the elf's ass a lusty slap, and she moaned around the cock in her mouth.

But the reaction was not enough to satisfy him. Instead, he reached up and grabbed her long, pointed ears that stood up from her head, cloaked at their base by her raven hair that fell down her arms to pool on the sheets below. He gave the elven ears a vicious yank and twist, and that drew the pained squeal he wanted. Naira wrenched her head around to face him, spittle trailing from her ruby mouth to Martellus' abandoned cock, and her glittering eyes narrowed upon him.

It was enough. Decius came. He spurted his hot seed inside her before he could stop himself, then pulled his cock from her and spurted another rope of cum onto her bare back. Naira purred with delight as he painted her back, and a third rope shot from his cock to land on her neck.

"Careful where you're coming!" Martellus chided, still holding his cock out in expectation that Naira would continue her pleasuring. "Ah, well," he went on after a moment, "You're no boy-slave, but I've bedded uglier men."

Decius smiled back at him, but then sagged to the warm silk underneath him. His slackening cock drooped, dripping cum to the already soiled sheets, and he could not bring himself to care. He stared up at the ceiling, where high above him the fresco showed the first emperors, heroically nude, receiving the equally nude gods in triumph. The musicians continued their playing in the upper gallery, and Decius could do no more than lay there, even as he was aware of Martellus mounting Naira to at last have his turn.

Decius paid them no mind, for he was in the godly paradise, and could think of little else.


Lucius Verus had situated himself on a couch under a mural that depicted three nymphs fucking naked in an idyllic forest glen. He had chosen his place carefully, being both near enough to the emperor's dais to attract the elite of the capital but also far enough away to be out of the watchful eye of the imperial bodyguards. He lay naked on a silk-draped couch, eating from a bowl of grapes and sipping dark red wine as a honey-haired slave girl sucked his cock. Two of her companions, also procured from his own harem, lay beside him on the couch while Aria, Lucilla Arcarius' handpicked catspaw, perched on the edge of the couch.

The girl was naked still, wearing only a gem-studded, gold-braided belt that did nothing to conceal her shaven sex from the ogling of passers-by. Even with two girls stroking his chin and a third sucking his cock, Aria enraptured him. She was as beautiful as any girl he had ever brought to his bed and he wondered if she was perhaps descended from Nystra, one of her divine servants, or was perhaps even the goddess herself.

Lucilla's plan required the girl to be unattached to his bed, but Lucius had not been able to pass up the opportunity to fuck her and had taken the girl twice in the carriage on the way over. His servants had recoiffed her hair and repair the damage to her makeup after he was finished, but as the ministrations of the honey-haired girl stiffened his cock again he found himself tempted to mount her yet again.

But that was not in the plan, he reminded himself. Instead, he pulled himself off the couch, brushing aside the other two slaves, and took Aria by the arm.

"Come here, girl," he whispered in her ear and she slid into his arms with a shy smile. "Let me hold you before you go running off."

"Yes, Dominus," she replied sweetly, and he moaned with desire for her. Verus kissed her cheek and cupped her perfectly round breasts in his old hands. Drinking deeply of her expensive perfume, he pawed hungrily at Aria. He looked down to the girl still dutifully sucking his cock and saw a mild flash of jealous annoyance on her face, which brought a grin to his own. Once this was over, Lucilla had promised he could bring Aria into his harem and he was excitedly anticipating the womanly row that would erupt among his playthings.

Verus nibbled at her ear, drawing a giggle from the girl as his hands played with her nipples.

"What about the plan, Dominus?" Aria said softly as he kissed her neck. Verus sighed. She was right. There would be plenty of time for him to play with her later.

"The plan..." he mused, gathering his wits. He reached down and grabbed the honey-haired girl by her long golden mane, then pulled her up onto the couch. "Ride me," he commanded her, and kissed Aria again. "Look around," he commanded Aria as the other girl mounted his cock. "Is anyone looking at you?"

"They all are," Aria whispered shyly. "There are so many men. I am naked..." she trailed off and made to cover herself, but Verus stopped her. His cock throbbed inside the other girl as she rose and fell atop him.

"Don't cover yourself," he commanded, his breath coming short. He clasped the honey-haired girl's waist and squeezed her supple flesh. "Let them look. Lead them on. You must lure one over here. I'll pretend to be distracted," he clapped his other hand onto the riding slave girl's waist and moaned loudly. "And you sneak off. There's the door," he nodded subtly in the direction of a side door that led out of the orgy hall, not into the bathhouse or dining hall, but to an upper gallery where the emperor displayed his treasures. "Now, can you identify a mark?"

"There is a man," she whispered back to him, leaning close to look into his eyes. The honey-haired girl's big tits shook on her chest as she rode passionately, and Verus signaled her to slow. He needed to look distracted, and it would not do to come too early. He hoped the two orgasms he had so recently had in the carriage would inure him to a woman's touch for some time.

"Which man? I probably know him," Verus replied, pretending to fix his attention upon the girl who rode his cock.

"He is middle-aged, with dark blond hair and a short beard. He drinks wine near the window."

Verus arched his back underneath the other girl, his feet scrabbling against the silken cover in overwhelming pleasure, and turned his head to the side to look in the direction Aria indicated with a finger. He nodded slightly.

"Pitzias, the historian. No, not him. He is too pushy. He will want to take you here, where I can see."

Aria nodded, her face now somewhat drawn. Verus raised his head to nuzzle at her breasts, then sat up to bounce the honey-haired girl in his lap.

"What about the fat one, Dominus?" Aria asked after a long moment watching him fuck his cock into the buxom blonde in his lap. Verus did not reply immediately, too taken with the girl in his arms and at last losing himself in another woman. "Dominus?" she asked again, and he tore enough attention away from his lover to respond subtly.

"Which fat man? This is the emperor's palace, my sweet, everyone here eats well."

"The fat man in the green sash. He is fucking a boy slave by the emperor's dais."

"Oh him," Verus said, studying the man out of the side of his eye. "Titus Gratian, a drunken and debauched sot if ever there was one, but also a coward and useless lickspittle. He inherited control of his father's trading coaster, but wastes the money on wine and whores when he should be concerned with argosies and trade rights. He is perfect. Draw him over."

Aria nodded slightly. She stole another glance at the fat man. He was boorish in appearance, with a double chin, heavy belly, and a mouth stained with spilled wine. Yet there was raw power in his thick arms and legs, exhibited by the force with which he slammed his cock into the boy slave between his legs. Despite the fury, Aria could tell Gratian had little passion for the boy. Men wanted women, and she caught his eye with a slight flip of her hair.

Gratian slowed his pounding, taking slow strokes with his cock now, absently looking at Aria, who smiled shyly at him. It was hard to feign interest in such a man, but her training had prepared her well. Some girls used the nymphflower drink to conjure up a lust for even the ugliest man, but Verus and Domina Arcarius had wanted her wits about her. Better that she choke down her bile than get too drunk on cock and forget the whole scheme.

She batted her eyes at the fat man, who slowed his fucking of the slave boy a halt, then pushed him aside entirely. His cock stood out before him, hard, wet, and twitching. Gratian smiled drunkenly, his mouth hanging half open. He took a lumbering step forward and Aria's heart leapt into her throat. She shook her head subtly but urgently toward Gratian and held up a finger, bidding him wait. He stopped with a confused look and looked back toward the slave boy, who was melting into the crows. Aria took a deep breath. It was time. She leaned over to Verus and kissed his brow.

"Bid me go now," she whispered, and Verus nodded.

"Wine!" Verus called loudly. "Damn it all, girl, get me some wine!" Aria nodded furiously, feigning eagerness to obey.

"There are servants, Dominus, they will—"

"Damn them, they are too slow! Get me some wine yourself, and stop waiting. Ah, a good fuck!" he slapped the honey-haired girl on her ample ass and shoved her away. "Which of you is next?" he asked of the other two concubines and they threw themselves upon him. Verus sank back into the silk-draped couch and sighed loudly.

Taking her cue to leave, Aria quickly padded naked across the floor, beckoning to Titus Gratian to make his way to her. All heads followed her across the floor, drinking in the sight of her perfectly formed body in motion. She felt their stares on her breasts as they bounced with each stride, her cheeks burning hotly with pride and embarrassment. Domina Arcarius had sent her to train at the Pleasure Palace with the empire's most expensive courtesans, and Dominus Verus had fucked her while she hung halfway out the window of his carriage, but never had she been so naked and vulnerable in front of so many men—or women. Her heart was in her throat as she neared the door to the trophy gallery and Titus Gratian staggered to meet her.

Two great carved and painted pillars blocked the light of the lantern's halls, affording her a shadowed space to shelter in as the drunken nobleman approached. Her heart was pounding and though her mouth was dry, she felt her own wetness between her legs. Leaning against the cold marble of a pillar, Aria took two deep breaths to steady herself. Her master was not an especially handsome man, though he had a sort of instinctive charm common in men who bedded many women. Gratian was another matter. The man was fat, slovenly, and boorish to the eye, not to mention drunk. She slipped a small vial from her braided belt and applied to her lips, coating them in a thick but invisible layer of a narcotic Domina Arcarius had provided her. Aria hoped it would make any intercourse with Gratian mercifully brief.

Heavy footsteps neared and Gratian rounded the corner, a nearly empty bottle of wine sloshing around in his hand. He let out a small belch and looked her up and down, then swigged from his bottle and threw a dull look over his shoulder.

"Why must I meet you over here?" Gratian slurred. Even here in the shadows, she could see his face was red with drink, and he swayed on his bare feet like a sailor just off the boat. His cock hung limp before him, the boy he had just been fucking long forgotten.

"My dominus is a jealous man," Aria replied hastily. She took a quick breath and tried to steady herself, reminding herself of the story Domina Arcarius had concocted for her to use. "If I am seen with another man, he will beat me. We must find some place hidden and out of sight. Perhaps behind this door?"

Gratian regarded her wordlessly for a long moment and her heart raced as she feared he had seen through her game. But in time she realized he was merely very drunk and struggling to form words. His mouthed worked useless for a few interminable moments, then he sputtered, gave up, and nodded in agreement. Aria smiled slightly to herself, then indicated the door.

"Can you open it?" she asked, then clenched her jaw as she realized she had not even tried it yet. Would he realize she had no reason to know it was locked?

But Gratian's mind was too addled by drink to think that clearly, and he puffed up his bare chest and strode toward the door with the confidence of a drunk man. He pulled eagerly on the gilded door handle, but the heavy oaken portal clanged loudly against its locking mechanism and would not open. Gratian stared at it in confusion a moment, then turned back to her.

"It's locked," he announced, and Aria nodded. He's so drunk that I could tell him the whole plan without risking anything, she thought to herself.

"Do you have the key?" she asked hopefully, and Gratian nodded. He fumbled for the belt that he was not wearing, then stared stupidly at his empty hand.

"The key's gone!" he cried, and Aria sighed to herself. Perhaps this one was too drunk to be of use. "Oh, I'm naked," he went on, somehow just remembering. "Well that's it, the key must be on my belt."

"Where is your belt?" asked Aria as sweetly as she could manage, and Gratian put a hand to his temple in thought.

"Home," he said to himself, though she could not tell if it was meant to be an answer to her question.

"Your belt is at home?" she asked. It likely was not, the guests all left their clothes with the temple acolytes when they arrive, and despite the debauchery of the aristocrats, none would leave home without a belt.

"No, no," Gratian replied, tugging at his sash. "This is a sash, not a belt." He looked at her like she was stupid and Aria gritted her teeth.

"Where is your belt?" she prompted again, and Gratian rolled his eyes.

"With the rest of my clothes, with the acolytes," he said. "But I don't need a belt now, I'm at the orgy. Turn around, I'll fuck you against the wall."

"Sir," she cried as he strode toward her with his arms outstretched, "We must be out of sight. Through the door?" she reminded him. Gratian stopped midstride and stroked his chin.

"Yes, the door," he agreed. "Your master. A jealous man?"

"Yes, that's right," she prompted, relieved that he had stopped trying to fuck her, at least for now.

"I can't open the door," he said, and she suppressed a growl of frustration. They were going around in circles!"

"It's locked," she agreed, and he nodded. Then Gratian shrugged.

"I don't have the key," he said simply and Aria sighed.

"Then we'll have to think of somewhere else." She again suppressed her frustration, but he was eyeing her again. He brushed his hands along her naked waist, maneuvering himself to stand behind her. "Not here!" she hissed again, sheltering herself behind a pillar.

"Your master is who, some petty lordling?" Gratain whispered hotly in her ear, the stench of strong wine thick on his breath. "I am Titus Gratian. Let him see. I'll crush his suit in the courts or cut him from ear to ear in a duel of honor. It is worth it to take you on my cock."

"That may be," Aria said, her heart pounding as this fat drunkard groped her between her legs, "but it will not spare me the beating. To the bathhouse! No one will see in all the steam if we're beneath the water's surface. I'll disguise myself and find you."

"Disguise yourself?" he said, his brow furrowed.

"I'll dye my hair," she pressed. The disguise had been a spur of the moment addition and now she fought to sell the idea to him. Fortunately, he was very drunk. "Sit in a bath and have some more wine, I'll see to it that my master thinks I am still close and meet you there."

Gratian nodded slowly. "And then we can fuck?" he asked.

Aria nodded. "And then we can fuck until you can't walk anymore."

He beamed with delight. "The bathhouse," he repeated, and slipped past the pillar into the hall again. Aria breathed a sigh of relief. She hoped he was drunk enough to forget why he was even in the bathhouse once he reached it, or perhaps even before then.

Peering around the edge of the pillar, she satisfied herself that no one was watching her. She took a deep breath, then crept out onto the floor of the main hall and made for Verus' couch again.

The floor of the orgy hall was a wild place of strange debaucheries. She passed a bed where two twin slave girls sat side by side, each with a man's cock in all three holes. Men grunted and moaned, thrusting their hard cocks in and out of the girls, who moaned and squealed with them such that she could not tell if the girls were enjoying it. She certainly hoped Verus would not make her do anything like that.

When she reached her master, he was lying on the couch, soaked in sweat as his chest rose and fell with exertion. The honey-haired girl lay against him, cum dripping from between her legs. Verus' other two concubines stood naked beside the couch as they fed him grapes while he lazily stared up into their eyes.

She crawled onto the bed and lay down beside him, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. She reminded herself to be careful, for her poisoned lips posed a danger to her master as well as any mark she lured to him.

"Mhmm," Verus murmured. "I like when you do that."

"When I kiss you?" she asked.

"When you pretend to be my concubine," he corrected. He clapped an eager hand on her bare bottom. "Soon you won't have to pretend anymore. Is it done?"

"Not just yet," Aria admitted, and Verus' exhausted smile of triumph vanished, replaced by a scowl.

"He was no use," she said, leaning closer to Verus and whispering in his ear. "He didn't have the key, and was too drunk to think of anything else."

"Damnation," her master muttered. "We'll have to try someone else."

"Yes, Dominus," she agreed demurely. Verus smiled back at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"That's a good girl, don't get discouraged yet. Now, look around the crowd and find a new mark." Laying cheek by cheek, they scanned the vast crowd of orgy-goers. Verus pinched her bottom to get her attention and pointed with a subtle nod of his chin. "What about him?"

Aria followed her master's direction to a man striding through the crowd toward one of the wine serving locations and smiled. Yes, she thought, he will do nicely.


Decius lay beside Naira on the bed, watching Martellus fuck her. She had been spent on Decius' cock, and offered him little in the way of passion, instead dreamily taking his cock in a half-asleep state. Martellus had been driven to the edge by watching, and came inside her soon enough. He rolled off the bed and called for more wine. A passing servant was quick to respond, and the patrician seated himself beside Decius to drink.