Emperor Marinianus' Grand Orgy


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Decius signaled to a passing servant for more wine and got a fresh cup. He settled himself onto the couch to drink and watch. Martellus was rougher than he had been, likely having built up a great lust while watching Decius enjoy the amazon. But the other patrician could not contain himself, and soon enough came inside Taldra. He withdrew, a line of sticky white cum linking their pleasure organs until at last distance broke it.

The impatient waiters wasted little time and soon enough, Taldra was moaning around cocks in her mouth again as men fucked her holes. Decius drained his cup in short order as he watched. A quick succession of ten men fucked the fallen queen, emptying themselves into her and setting her screaming and shaking again. Some of them lasted long enough to come on rather than in her, and her body was soon sticky with seed. Caepio bid two slaves advance and wash her, which they did with silent professionalism. Taldra took little notice, too drunk on wine, cock, and other drugs to acknowledge the toweling of her naked body.

When the slaves had finished, they vanished off in whatever direction they had come from, leaving Taldra alone on her soiled couch, half-asleep in an orgasmic dream state as she writhed on the couch in the nude. All around her, men and their spent cocks slumped on beds, couches, chairs, or the cold floor, exhausted and pleased beyond measure.

Decius looked down into his empty cup and sighed. Martellus was nearly comatose beside him, the wine getting the better of him now.

"After all that," Decius breathed, "I am in need of another drink." He stood up and left the couches. The aisles between the clusters of couches were less crowded now, for the orgy had been going for some time and man men were spent and lounging on the beds, couches, or floors. The emperor's polewrights moved from bed to bed with smelling salts to revive them, and drugs to restore their stamina. Decius passed one old man, who looked even older than the emperor, lying naked on the floor as a very young polewright sucked his cock, her little breasts hanging under her slight frame to points. Her taut young ass beckoned to Decius, and he gave it a long lingering look as he passed by.

Some wine and smelling salts and I'll be back to fuck that, he told himself. Throwing another look over his shoulder, he noted her position through his drink-induced haze and reminded himself not to let her get lost and forgotten in the midst of all this drunken debauchery.

At last, he reached the wine servers, where a naked, shaven polewright boy was pouring goblets for rich men and women alike. One such rich woman was openly eyeing the boy, her lascivious gaze fixed on his gold-ring-adorned cock. Conscious of her gaze, the servant boy turned to Decius.

"What is your desire, master?"

Decius felt his head swimming in the drink but still pointed to one of the jars that stood behind the boy's table. "A goblet of the red," he said, uncomfortable with how much he was slurring his words already. "and salts for my cock."

The boy dutifully filled a goblet and handed it to him, then held forth a pouch of salts. Decius set the wine aside and raised the salts to his nose. The serving boy squeezed the pouch, crushing the tiny salt crystals and grinding them together against the rough stone within. Combined with a light dusting of indigo spice, the result was a powerful alchemical mixture that jolted Decius awake like the punch of a fiery titan. He staggered, gasping for breath as he gripped the table in two white-knuckled hands. Stars raced about his head, not little twinkling nighttime stars, but massive blazing orbs of terrible flame.

"Gods above," he gasped, his breath coming hard, "Thorbran's forge could not sear my mind and nose so! What is that?!"

"A new formulation," the boy answered meekly. "The emperor's alchemists have been at work."

"So they have," Decius muttered, regaining his composure. "I could fuck his entire harem now." He looked down at his cock, rapidly stiffening and eager for more. "Wine," he commanded, "a whore."

Upon saying the words, his eyes wandered over the boy. He was youthful in appearance, but toned in a manner pleasing to the eye. His naked flesh had been washed and oiled, and his cock shaven and encircled by a golden ring. Decius raised another cup of wine to his lips and considered the boy. But then the rich woman who had waited so impatiently could wait no longer. She reached over the table and clasped the boy by his hand, then led him away to a couch. Decius paid them little more mind. He sipped from the cup, looking around the room.

His eyes immediately alit on a most beautiful girl, sitting on the edge of a silk-draped couch, naked except for a gold embroidered belt around her slim waist. She was pale and blonde, with slender legs, brilliant blue eyes, and a shy, innocent smile that made him want to defile her. Her pert little breasts hung on her taut chest, their pink nipples standing out erect in the sultry air of the orgy hall, and her flushed cheeks grew redder as he stared at her.

Behind her, a man cavorted with three other girls, clearly drunk on both wine and cunny, ignoring her. Decius' mind worked slowly, dulled by the wine he was still sipping. Spice visions flickered through his mind. Over the girl's shoulder danced strange phantoms, a burning stone hot like the sun, then a raging thunderstorm. He frowned into his cup. Interpreting visions was tricky work even while sober.

Suddenly he was aware that the girl was watching him. Worried she might have misinterpreted his frown, he smiled genially back at her, and she gave him a shy smile in return. She looked over her shoulder to the man behind her, then smiled at Decius again. He felt his cock stiffening. The smelling salts had done their work, and he was ready to fuck again. He beckoned to the girl, but she shook her head. Nervously, she checked over her shoulder again. She turned, raising herself up onto her knees on the edge of the couch to afford Decius a view of her ass. She turned again ever so slightly, and now Decius was staring straight into her shaven sex, which shone wet in the lantern light that pervaded the hall.

The girl crouched there a moment, then slid off the couch and hurried away along the wall. She stole looks at Decius as she did, bidding him with her beautiful azure eyes to intercept her. Decius could not resist. With his fresh cup in his hand, he looked around for Martellus, but the other man had become lost in the crowd. He shrugged. He preferred to have a pretty girl all to himself anyway. He headed off to meet the girl further down the hall.

She attracted lustful stares with every step, and Decius quickened his pace for fear that someone else would catch her and fuck the girl before he could himself. She turned into an alcove that led to a stairwell, her beautiful naked form hidden from view by two tall, carved marble pillars. Thoughts of knives in the dark sprang into Decius' head, no doubt the spice acting up. But the girl was naked, she could conceal no weapon, and no knife-wielding assassin could slip into the emperor's hall unnoticed. Without a thought for his safety, he slipped into the alcove behind her.

He found her leaning against the wall, her arms folded behind her. She looked up at him with a pleased smile, or was it relief? His vision clouded by spice and wine, he could not tell. Instead, he slipped close to her and laid an arm around her shoulder, the other hand still holding his wine goblet. His cock stood out hard before him.

"What's your name?" he purred in her ear. She giggled, her cheeks turning red as his hand brushed her shoulder. "I've not seen you before, and I would remember a sight such as you."

"Aria, master," she replied softly in a melodic voice that set his heart pounding. Her accent was foreign, but still familiar to him. Patrassian, perhaps? Or from the other direction, maybe Diboria? That excited him. He loved Diborian women, especially the redheads. But he could not become too lost in thought, for the girl was still speaking. "I am slave to Lucius Verus," she went on, seeming somewhat ashamed of herself.

"Ah, poor thing," Decius murmured. He ran a hand through her lustrous blonde hair. "Such beauty is wasted on a rake such as him. Verus will mount anything that draws breath, mortal, animal, or divines from beyond the Veil."

"I... I wouldn't know," she stammered, "I only came into his household recently."

"I should think so," mused Decius. He leaned closer, drinking in the scent of her fragrant perfume. Lucis Verus had spent much gold on making his slave the most desirable woman at even this grand orgy. "But fear not," he continued, "You will not fail to make an impression. I am Decius Sallax Capricius, a sorcerer of the Collegium and very pleased to meet you, especially in this state that most befits you."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek, which was hot to the touch. She giggled anxiously again, and Decius stroked her hair - her long, beautiful, golden blonde hair - to soothe her. He cupped her chin and turned her head to face him. Her sapphire eyes stared back at him with desire, but when he leaned in to kiss her lips, she drew back.

"Not yet," she protested, pulling away from his embrace and further into the alcove. Decius suddenly found himself unsteady, and his wine sloshed about in the goblet. He recovered and straightened himself.

"Not yet?" he asked with amusement. "Dear sweet girl, this is an orgy. 'Not yet' is for outside."

"Not that," she said, her cheeks reddening again as she fought to control herself. "My master, Dominus Verus, is a jealous man," she sputtered, and Decius raised an eyebrow. Verus had many vices, but jealousy had never stood out as one before. Decius sighed to himself. He had been away so long that the bored patricians were developing new vices that he knew nothing of. "We must stay out of sight," Aria continued. "Perhaps beyond this door?" she asked hopefully. "What is this room?"

"A trophy hall," Decius replied slowly. "where the emperor shows off art and artifacts he has acquired from all across his realm. Not my first choice, I'd prefer a bed, but there are cushioned benches in there. Or I could take you up against the wall."

"Yes," she said, suddenly eager, "On a bench. But we must be out of sight." She turned and padded toward the door on soft, bare feet, but when she pulled the handle, the door banged loudly against its lock. "It's locked!" she cried with surprise. Decius chuckled with amusement.

"Of course it's locked, girl. There are so many valuables in there."

"Can you open it?" she looked the other way in the alcove, out through the tall, carved pillars to the great hall where her master waited somewhere. "If we are seen together... Oh please, Master Decius. My Dominus will beat me!"

Her pleading stare awoke in him a great desire to help, and he sighed. He thrust his half-empty goblet into her hands.

"Here, hold this." Spice visions still swam in his head, and dancing around the door he saw wispy shadows, black birds in flight, and a baleful eye staring down at him from an impossibly tall tower. He brushed them away and channeled the sorcerous energies of the spice for his own ends. He closed his eyes and opened his mind's eye. With his sorcerous sight, he peered into the complex mechanisms of the lock, only to find himself defeated by arcane wards. Naturally, he chided himself. The emperor calls upon the full expertise of the Collegium to secure his palace. This door will not be unlocked by any simple cat burglar.

But Decius was no simple thief. He had made his way into many places forbidden to him, starting from his days as a rebellious youth in the Collegium. He smiled in distant memory of expeditions into the Collegium's forbidden archives, some of them replaying before his sorcerous eye. He fixed the wards in his mind's eye, studying their interwoven patterns and threads for a weakness, a place to begin unraveling.

The lock appeared as a thick tube of brass banded and coiled in gossamer threads of sorcerous energy. Decius was no novice at piercing wards, but this promised to be his most challenging yet. While he would usually have simply cloven the warding threads in twain, these threads were not only strong and thick, but attached to golden threads that threatened to warn the emperor's guards if they were tampered with. His next measure would be to pry them apart that he might interfere with the lock beneath, but the threads were crossed over in such a fashion that made this difficult, and those same golden threads stood sentry as well.

Yet the promise of bedding this beauty was too alluring for him to simply give up and go his way, so Decius set himself to the task. He called upon his knowledge of ancient spells, some elven like the ambassador he had fucked, others taught to him by the Thieves Guild he had briefly run with in Torvuls. His mind's eye aflame, he conjured a thin pick and dexterously inserted it into the lock. While not enough to turn the tumblers on its own, it was needle-like enough to pass through the warding threads without alarm. Once within the lock, Decius took a deep breath and began to channel the sorcerous power through him.

He pulled energies from the surrounding threads, drawing them into his needle key. The key began to grow, filling the innards of the lock until it matched the form of the tumblers perfectly. He had conjured a perfect facsimile of the key just as if he had cast one with wax. With a self-sure smile, he turned the magical key within the lock.

With his eyes closed, the opening click of the lock resounded even louder, drowning out the sounds of the orgy not far behind him. In the distance, he heard a woman squeal with delight, but the noise was not half as pleasing as that of the door swinging slowly open before him. He opened his eyes and looked to Aria, who was smiling proudly at the widening portal to the room beyond.

"Hurry," she urged, "before someone sees."

Decius ushered her inside, taking the opportunity to put his hands on her round little bottom as they passed through the half-open door. He shut it softly behind them, taking care that it did not lock them inside. The muted noises of the orgy drifted through the door, now seeming so distant. They were alone.

He looked around the room. They were in a small trophy hall overlooking the Fountain Garden. It rose twenty feet to a ceiling painted with fields of brightly colored flowers, the walls painted ivory and gold. The floor of the room was polished marble. Three rows of furniture ran down the length of the room, the outer two consisting of glass-fronted cases displaying the emperor's many trophies, the middle row being velvet-covered couches of rich indigo, arranged so that the displays might be admired from a comfortable seat. While the room was closed off for the night's festivities, two lamps burned on opposite sides of the room, providing some light in the waning hours of the sun. Tall, many-paned windows looked out into the palace grounds, closed but unshuttered to allow the warm twilight in through their glass.

Below them lay an obsessively manicured garden of orange trees, carpeted by flowerbeds and centered around a white marble fountain. Four bronze horsemen rode in a circle around the fountain's central plinth, which was crowned by a sculpture of a whale spewing forth a stream of cold, clear water. Brightly colored fish swam in the fountain pool beneath the bronze horsemen, lit by softly glowing lanterns around the rim.

In the summer twilight, the courtyard made a romantic sight, though on Midsummer's Eve those couples were all inside, coupling. All except Decius and the shy little slave girl. Someone else's slave girl. He smiled at the thought. There were men who made an exclusive sport of seducing the wives of others, the more senior the husband, the better. There had been rumors that the emperor's own wife had been seduced by one such man, explaining his sudden reassignment to a minor post in the southern deserts, though a half dozen other explanations had also been put forth.

But Decius while had avoided such risky pursuits, the thought of taking what was someone else's held a certain roguish appeal to him. And, in this case, was he truly in the wrong? After all, she had first made eyes at him. Aria had been the one to suggest sneaking off to fuck somewhere else. And her master had been too busy to notice, entertaining himself with so many other beautiful girls.

All those girls, Decius thought, but he's still a damned fool to neglect one such as this. He stepped closer to Aria, who was looking around the room with wonderment. Her beautiful blue eyes were wide with awe, and Decius laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. His hard cock throbbed for her, but her interest in the displayed artifacts awoke his love of teaching, and he decided to delay physical pleasure in favor of expositing.

"What are these?" she wondered aloud, reaching up to clasp his hand upon her shoulder. She took a half step closer, staring into a glass case in which a strange skull carved with a spiraling script lay seated on a bed of crushed velvet. Aria leaned in to inspect it, apparently not realizing that it was indeed a skull, for after a moment and a half turn to see it from another angle, she gave a little squeak of fright and jumped. Blushing, she turned to Decius and laid a delicate white hand over her mouth.

"I am sorry," she apologized with a stifled giggle. "I thought it was ivory."

"That is the skull of a Churaxi goblin," Decius said with a smile. He pulled her closer, pressing her smooth asscheeks against his hard cock, but also holding her close to his chest in a protective embrace. Her frightened jump had evoked both his lust and his protectiveness, and he used the excuse to hold her against him. "Their bones are heavy, despite their size, and the Churaxian locals hunt them to carve their bones for sale, much like ivory traders."

"The poor things," she murmured, and Decius snorted.

"They are horrid little things when they're alive," he retorted. "Ugly, smelly, cruel... They are a hundred times more agreeable once their skin is cleaned off and something pleasing is engraved in its place. Look at the writing. Monks of Thorbran carve those letters. The skilled ones can inscribe an entire chronicle on the skull of a single goblin, so small is each character and so dense is their script."

"Dense?" she asked, straightening herself and rubbing her little ass against his cock. He was wild for her, but she had ignited his passion for explaining the wonders of the world. Sex could wait. They were not likely to be interrupted, and once he had told her of the trophies, this room offered few other entertainments.

"Dense," Decius agreed. "Each character tells you much more than one of ours. Of course, they use thousands of characters while we use a mere twenty-five."

"I see," she said, reaching back to caress his leg. She turned her head to one side, looking toward another display case. He ran his hands along her naked hips, hoping to encourage her to fuck first and gawk later, but instead she moved toward the next case. He followed and tried not to be offended that she would rather admire the emperor's priceless collections than suck his cock. "What is this one?" she asked, leaning over the case. Her little breasts hung forward from her frame, the pink nipples pointing the way, and Decius swallowed hard. She arched her back a little, stretching her slender legs to look longer in the warm lamplight. Decius could not resist giving her a little spank on her ass.

Aria giggled in delight. The girl bent forward, touching her bare skin to the cold glass of the case. He saw the gooseflesh spread outward from where she had made contact, prickling her skin and making Decius only more aware of how naked and alone they were. Her pink sex called to him, begging for a hard cock inside her.