End of the Day Upskirt

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Will Marissa's fatigued thighs shield her secrets?
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As the day drew to a close, exhaustion weighed heavily upon the professor's shoulders. He had already delivered the same lecture multiple times to various groups of students, leaving him drained both physically and mentally. The absence of his favourite student, Marissa, from his classes that day only added to his weariness. However, he couldn't help but hold on to a glimmer of hope.

Knowing Marissa's penchant for lingering in the front lobby of the college as she awaited her ride, the professor felt a flicker of anticipation ignite within him. The seating options in that area and the generous lighting pouring through the magnificent glass ceiling presented an enticingly dangerous combination, a tempting playground for his illicit desires. His imagination ran wild with every step he took towards the lobby, visions of Marissa's tight denim skirt squeezing her fatigued legs after keeping them firmly crossed throughout the day fueling his cravings.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through him, quickening his heartbeat and urging him to hasten his pace. For it was these moments when he could catch a glimpse of the guarded gap between Marissa's thighs that provided him with enough motivation to endure each passing semester.

As the professor ascended the long ramp leading to the front lobby, he found himself growing increasingly infuriated by the throngs of students standing about, engaged in their noisy conversations. Determinedly shutting out their noise, he scanned through the sea of bodies in search of a tantalizing pair of silky legs embraced by a snug denim skirt.

It took only a matter of seconds for his perverted gaze to lock onto Marissa amidst the bustling crowd. A twinge of disappointment coursed through him as he observed her standing instead of sitting, but his sinister smile widened when he noticed an empty bench positioned conveniently close to her. He could sense her weariness and restless posture, a telltale sign that she was fighting against an overwhelming urge to sit down after enduring a long and arduous day. Marissa's exposed legs, subdued by fatigue and framed enticingly by her short denim skirt, coupled with the vacant bench awaiting her surrender, what more could the professor ask for as he wrapped up yet another day?

With unwavering patience, he felt like a predator waiting for his prey to take the tempting bait, confident that his persistence would yield gratifying results in due time.

A devious flicker danced across the professor's lips as he secretly maneuvered himself through the crowd, carefully angling for an improved vantage point to feast his eyes upon Marissa. Amidst the sea of other girls in that lobby, she possessed one of the shortest skirts and most captivating legs, a stunning sight that effortlessly attracted not only her professor but also a swarm of envious onlookers.

Engrossed in typing yet another text message to her loving father, Marissa tapped away at her phone. The weight of perverted gazes bore down upon her exposed thighs and vulnerable tube top, causing a shiver to run down her spine. Sensing their lecherous stares piercing through her defences, she interrupted her message momentarily to give the tube top a quick adjustment.

The professor's predatory gaze fixated upon Marissa, his eyes hungrily drinking in every inch of her form from a safe distance. She stood there, unaware of the intense scrutiny she was under as she busied herself with her phone. Her tanned legs glistened enticingly in the light, their position slightly apart, almost as if they were subconsciously taunting others to steal a peek up her skirt. It was unusual to see Marissa standing with such an indiscreet stance, her fatigued thighs likely yearning for relief after being clamped shut throughout the day.

Her denim miniskirt clung tightly to her frame, reaching just shy of her mid-thigh. Though it didn't appear overly short while she stood, the professor knew that this stubborn little garment held the potential for delightful revelations should circumstances align perfectly. While other girls may falter in preserving their modesty within such a skirt length, he harboured unwavering confidence that Marissa possessed an uncanny ability to safeguard her secrets even amidst the shortest skirts, albeit only against those who were not him...

His eyes trailed further upward, a sinister smile crawling across his face as he took in the sight of Marissa's baby blue tube top. It clung snugly to her perky breasts, accentuating her alluring petite figure. Yet, a hint of confusion flickered across his mind as he examined the garment. Considering his unsettling familiarity with every article of clothing in Marissa's wardrobe, right down to her bras and panties, he distinctly recalled this particular tube top fitting much looser on her before...

Squinting his eyes, he delved deeper into this strange revelation. A sudden realization struck him like a bolt of twisted pleasure. Marissa must have sought the assistance of an expert tailor to reinforce the elastic strap on that very tube top. He couldn't help but chuckle at this feeble attempt to thwart him. After all, he had witnessed her nipple slipping out of that same top on several occasions prior. The professor knew all too well that this minuscule 'reinforcement' would do little to deter him from unleashing those delicate buds once again.

However, for now, his focus was unwaveringly fixed upon prying open those weary legs of hers and basking in the captivating view concealed beneath that denim skirt...

The professor's eyes keenly observed Marissa's every movement, relishing in the sight of her denim skirt inching up her thighs with each subtle shift of her weight. The strain of remaining standing was palpable, evident in the frustration etched across her face as she impatiently glanced at her phone. It wouldn't be much longer now, he thought eagerly, until she succumbed to the temptation of sitting down...

Annoyed by the prolonged wait for her ride, Marissa finally gave in to exasperation and plopped herself onto the nearby bench. Instantly, she crossed her legs, drawing immediate attention from several curious students who couldn't help but steal glances in her direction. Despite their best efforts, however, Marissa's tightly crossed legs proved to be an impenetrable fortress against prying eyes, a masterful display as she artfully angled them away to the side.

Despite Marissa's meticulous and airtight leg cross, the professor found himself in a desperate pursuit to confirm his suspicions. Were those indeed satin black panties concealed snugly between her tightly crossed thighs? As he observed the sea of oblivious onlookers, he couldn't help but revel in the fact that he alone had managed to steal an illicit glimpse up her skirt at precisely the moment she crossed her legs. It was all thanks to his careful pacing around the lobby, seeking out that perfect angle that provided him with an uninterrupted view up her little denim skirt.

Oblivious to his presence, Marissa remained engrossed in her phone, typing away with innocent nonchalance, the unknowing prey of a predator lurking intently in the shadows.

In a momentary lapse of caution, Marissa impulsively uncrossed her legs, smoothly gliding her right leg down to meet the floor. With practiced ease, she firmly pressed her hand against the middle of her skirt, desperately attempting to shield her panties from prying eyes. Squirming quietly in her seat, she exhibited an alluring grace as she placed her little rectangular purse delicately over her lap. Sensing his chance slipping away, the professor felt a tinge of disappointment wash over him. It seemed he would be denied the opportunity to confirm the hue of Marissa's panties for now. Little did she know that in her attempt to safeguard her modesty, she had become an unwitting subject of his voyeuristic gaze.

A wry smile played across the professor's lips as he quietly observed Marissa's actions. "They may learn," he murmured softly to himself, "but they always slip up eventually."

As minutes dragged on, each second stretching to an agonizing eternity, Marissa felt her confidence gradually erode under the weight of relentless stares boring into her thighs. The persistent gaze of others began to chip away at her defences, compelling her to recross her bare legs with cautious precision. Mindful of maintaining a shield against prying eyes, she skillfully positioned her little purse over her lap as she gracefully swung one leg over the other.

In a fraction of a second that seemed to hang in the air like a stolen breath, the captivating sight of Marissa's satin black panties teasingly peeked out from beneath the protective cover of her purse. Before anyone could fully revel in this unexpected pantie flash, however, Marissa swiftly closed off any further view by tightly crossing her legs once again, a swift motion that left even the professor momentarily stunned.

The professor was taken aback by this unforeseen pantie flash. Rarely had he witnessed Marissa utilizing her purse in such a manner. A realization dawned upon him, now understanding why she rarely relied on this method to hide her panties. In those fleeting seconds when her legs were uncrossed, it became apparent that her purses offered only minimal coverage for preserving the secrecy of her precious undergarments, especially when circumstances forced her legs uncrossed as they did just now.

With her purse momentarily set aside on the seat, Marissa fully immersed herself in her phone, patiently awaiting a text from her father. Her crossed leg bobbed rhythmically, mirroring the rapid thumping of the professor's heart, an unmistakable display of her overconfidence. The professor remained fixated on the taut expanse beneath Marissa's tightly crossed legs, desperately seeking even the faintest hint of her panties daringly peeping out between them.

Yet, to his dismay, there was nothing to be glimpsed down there. His quest for a sneaky view was thwarted. Defeated in this pursuit, he shifted his attention back to the small opening nestled within Marissa's lap, her legs now fused together like an impenetrable fortress. All that greeted him were mere shadows cloaking any further revelation.

Despite Marissa's unwavering diligence and defence thus far, an unshakable conviction seized hold of the professor's mind, he remained certain that she would eventually succumb to another slip-up, unveiling yet another glimpse beneath that irresistibly alluring skirt.

As Marissa's gaze flitted outside to check for her father's car, a sudden jolt of panic coursed through her veins as she noticed Professor Galloway lingering in her peripheral vision. An instant wave of unease washed over her, causing her heart to race. The professor's knowing smile only deepened the well of apprehension within her.

Reacting swiftly, Marissa instinctively shot a trembling hand down to firmly cover her lap, while clutching onto her cell phone with the other. Concerning thoughts swirled through her mind...had Professor Galloway already caught sight of what lay concealed beneath that treacherous skirt?

Every moment since she had taken her seat played back in Marissa's mind, a relentless reel of uncertainty tormenting her conscience. Though she was certain that she had kept her legs tightly sealed shut as she always had on campus, doubt gnawed at the edges of certainty. Had his intense gaze pierced past her thighs?

It was an anxiety that lurked in the deepest recesses of Marissa's fears, the possibility that this lecherous professor may have witnessed something he shouldn't have between those ever-vulnerable legs. Marissa could sense the professor's enjoyment in every second of it. The way she trembled nervously in her seat, desperately pressing down on every inch of fabric to seal the gap closed, her legs intertwined in a vice grip. He relished in her not-so-subtle attempt to discreetly angle her legs downward, pointed towards the ground, a conscious effort to divert his gaze from exploring any further up her thighs...

Shamelessly, the professor maneuvered himself once more, ensuring that Marissa's legs were pointed directly at him. She knew all too well the intentions fueling his actions, an insidious desire to probe the limits of her defences. Yet, with a determined resolve, Marissa attempted to reassure herself that perhaps her skirt wasn't as short as it seemed.

"It isn't that short," Marissa whispered softly under her breath, attempting to quell the rising panic within. "You can do this." Yet, deep down, doubts still lingered in the recesses of her mind.

But just as she gathered her composure, a jolt coursed through her body as her phone vibrated, her father's text informing his arrival outside in the car. Panic rippled through Marissa's veins. She didn't want to risk exposing herself now. However, faced with limited choices, she reluctantly acknowledged the reality that awaited her. She was acutely aware of how vulnerable she would become if she uncrossed those legs clad in a dangerously revealing mini-skirt.

Desperately hoping for an escape route, Marissa tried waiting out Professor Galloway's persistent stares, a futile attempt at regaining control over the situation. But he stood there with patience, his gaze alternating between tracing along the expanse of her bare thighs and lingering on the subtle emergence of cleavage peeking from her progressively slumping tube top. A twisted smile played upon his lips, a silent acknowledgement that Marissa was far too engrossed in defending her skirt to even contemplate the dilemma of her tube top. It was a calculated tactic on the professor's part, to divert Marissa's attention solely towards her skirt, amplifying her vulnerability.

With each persistent buzz of her phone, Marissa could feel the weight of urgency pressing upon her. Her father's texts served as a resounding reminder that she needed to leave, time was running out. Determination surged within her as she took a deep breath, pushing out her perky breasts against the constraints of her struggling tube top, inadvertently accentuating her cleavage even further.

Her face flushed with embarrassment and anticipation, Marissa knew that it was now or never. Biting down on her lip, she summoned all the courage within herself and finally uncrossed her legs, an act that seemed both daunting and exhilarating in equal measure. Drawing from her arsenal of defensive maneuvers, she employed every tactic she knew to ward off any potential panty flash...

Desperately clutching the hemline of her skirt, Marissa tried to secure it between her trembling thighs while subtly angling her legs away to protect against his prying eyes. Through sheer determination and a hint of luck, she managed to keep just enough fabric guarding the secrets concealed beneath.

Seizing the moment, Marissa swiftly rose to her feet. The urgency flickered in Professor Galloway's gaze as he witnessed not only the success of Marissa's skillful maneuvers but also the crooked state of her tube top. A testament to their frantic struggle for preservation. Surprising him further still, Marissa left it crooked, an unintended invitation for his lurid imagination to wander. The professor's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and anticipation, his mind envisioning all sorts of scenarios fueled by the sight of Marissa's slightly dishevelled appearance.

With a sense of urgency, Marissa hurried towards her dad's car, feeling the smooth glide of her naked thighs against each other with each step. Even as she made her way to the SUV, with her back facing Professor Galloway, Marissa couldn't help but sense his unwavering gaze upon her. Spreading her legs slightly apart, she gracefully hopped into the backseat of her dad's giant SUV, keeping her back turned towards him as if teasingly obscuring his view. With practiced precision, she maintained a firm grip on the back of her skirt, fully aware that his eyes were still fixated on every inch of exposed skin.

Professor Galloway found himself captivated by the sight before him, the expanse of Marissa's exposed rear thighs adorned only by the strained fabric of her skirt. He marvelled at how precariously close those black satin panties were to slipping out from their hiding place at any given moment. It left him questioning whether it was mere luck or an exceptional display of skill on Marissa's part.

Refocusing his attention on the half-tinted windows of the SUV, Professor Galloway's gaze pierced through the glass, yearning for another glimpse of Marissa. The chaotic campus traffic had forced the vehicle to a temporary standstill, granting him more time to indulge in his voyeuristic tendencies.

Inside the car, Marissa found herself momentarily freed from the battle to defend her modesty. Her legs now only pressed together, unable to cross them due to the constraints of her seated position. She glanced down at her dishevelled appearance, a consequence of maneuvering into the tall SUV. Her baby blue tube top clung precariously low, with one delicate areola teasingly peering out from over its edge. Despite all her tireless efforts to tug and safeguard her skirt, she couldn't help but notice how it had ridden up teasingly close to revealing the secrets concealed beneath it.

A mixture of frustration and self-disgust washed over Marissa as she observed this unintended exhibitionist display caused solely by Professor Galloway's mere presence. The fact that he could elicit such an effect without even laying a single finger on her left her both disturbed and intrigued...

Observing from outside the car, Professor Galloway's eyes remained fixed on Marissa. He could discern the purposeful tilt of her gaze downward, focusing intently on her thighs. A slight wriggle of her body allowed her to readjust her skirt to a more modest position. In that fleeting moment, he caught sight of her knee rising above the car door, a subtle signal that she had successfully crossed her legs shut inside the car.

As the car set off, thoughts whirled within the professor's mind. While part of him yearned for another glimpse beneath that defiant skirt, he derived immense pleasure from witnessing Marissa's relentless struggle. Each time she thwarted his advances, it only fueled his desire further, creating an irresistible allure within their provocative game of cat and mouse where neither party fully grasped the extent of their involvement.

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SyfterSyfter9 months ago

Another great story! Love to read your stories with these two. Always a sense of tension with Marissa's state of dress. I especially love your story with the tube top malfunction, and I'm looking forward seeing more of that in future works. Keep it up!

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