End of the Road Farm


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In his dream he traveled back to his childhood days, remembering the brief but happy times he had as a kid. He saw visions of his parents encouraging him in all his endeavors and then the dream turned unpleasant as he watched his parents leave the house for the last time when he was 14. He had been way too busy to get up and say goodbye and an hour later they were dead in a head-on collision on the freeway. He saw various foster homes, some good and some not so good and then he re-visited the time when he finally went out on his own – a total loner with no family members anywhere. The dream turned pleasant again as he remembered the brief but passionate love affair with Caitlin followed by an empty sadness when she called off their wedding the day before it was scheduled. His dream was like a roller-coaster...

In fact, the feelings of the roller coaster were caused by the movement of the cage as Mistress Gudrun and three other women, Nancy, Gloria and Bella guided it level with the end of the stainless-steel gurney. He awoke with a start, cried out and started a pitiful attempt to free himself from the bondage of the cage. Immediately she saw he was awake, Nurse Nancy gave him an injection in the neck and he relaxed instantly. Mistress Gudrun opened the end of the cage and proceeded to unlock the manacles, and then she and Bella loosened the harness. The cage was tilted to about 45 degrees and between them, the four women slid him out and laid him, face-up, out on the gurney then rolled it into a hallway next to the huge kitchen. All the women were dressed in similar clothing – thin rubber one-piece outfits that covered them from the neck to the wrists and ankles. All wore surgical gloves and all had what appeared to be rubber-swimming caps on their heads and tight thigh-length shiny latex boots. Mistress Gudrun was in red, while Bella was in yellow and the two handlers in black.

"The injection you were given has completely taken away your ability to move your arms and legs but will not affect your brain so you will see, hear and enjoy everything that happens. It is very important to us that you are able to fully-participate in our ceremonies." It was Mistress Gudrun that had calmly announced this to him. "Our great day has arrived and you will be just perfect. We have a total of thirteen women sitting down to dinner so there will be plenty for everyone – I know you will be pleased to hear that".

At this point the three other women left the room and Mistress Gudrun pulled up a chair and set next to the gurney, her head just a few inches from his. "To-day is a very special day for both of us, dinner. For me I will be able to fulfill the most important obligation of membership in our society. I will be serving my fellow members the dinner they avidly look forward to all year and I will be accorded the highest status of membership. Once, in the past, we had a member who quickly realized she was unable to fulfill her obligations and we had to have a second lottery the next month to ensure we had both a slave selected and adequate time to prepare him for the banquet. That member, believe it or not, was Bella. The next year she begged for the right to re-establish her credibility and, by special decree, she was allowed to host the following year's banquet. Her failure the first time cured her of any misgivings and, in fact, she has earned a reputation of being the most determined of all the members. As you saw, last year's dinner was put in the oven, alive, and a few of us were a little concerned about that. We each have our own standards of decency and she did step just a little over those limits, but she is a good-hearted member and we are all reasonable enough to forgive her for her little quirks."

As she spoke to Alex she gently massaged the back of his neck and, occasionally, brushed her latex-gloved hand across his cheek. "You have been a good slave and have served me well. I hope you have appreciated the kindnesses I have shown you during the last year – it could have been a lot worse you know. To day are both a difficult and an easy day for me. It is difficult because I have found you quite useful and training new slaves is an exhausting experience. I am getting a little old for it now but the annual banquet really does make it all entirely worthwhile. However, it is easy to overcome that difficulty knowing that, as I speak, the final preparations are underway and you will soon be in the oven, slowly and steadily changing from your present, inedible state, into a delicious meal that we shall all enjoy to the full.

You must not think of us as wicked or cruel women. Our taste is quite different from most of our sex but our numbers are slowly growing and I think will do so, exponentially, over the next few years. We are all intelligent women and have realized that we have the power to create in our wombs so why should we not have that same power to take, in order to nourish our bodies. We are not angry women or men-haters; in fact at our board meetings we have had many discussions about how we would keep such women out of our society. Neither do we consider our taste in male flesh to have any sexual connotations. We are the consumers and you are the food-source. Throughout your life, unless you are a vegan, you have consumed fish, meat and dairy products and much of the food you have eaten has been raised and killed specifically for that purpose. We have taken that one logical step further and see nothing wrong, and everything right, with our philosophy. I mentioned Bella's penchant for putting her contribution into the oven alive. Well, that would not be my choice, as I don't find that compatible with my views n cruel and unusual punishment. I have never really felt comfortable dropping live lobsters into boiling water so why should I feel any differently about how I cook you? The one, beautiful, difference between roasting a lamb or barbecuing a salmon and cooking you is that I can cherish these wonderful moments talking to you before the event and it seems, somehow, to make the entire experience – not just the meal – far more satisfying and meaningful.

She smiled into his eyes, comfortably ignoring the last desperate look in them and, patting him almost lovingly on the cheek said "well, dinner, I am glad we had this conversation. I know I will enjoy the rest of this magnificent day so much more as a result of it and I hope you do too. Now, it is time to proceed with the festivities. I am going to ring the summoning bell now and the ladies will come back in here to help me with your final move into the kitchen".

She stood up, rang a little silver bell that he had not seen before and door opened and the three other women came back in from the corridor.

Together they pushed the gurney through the doors then moved him slightly so that the weighing device on the gurney could give an accurate reading. "181 pounds, well-done Gudrun" said Bella with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Mistress Gudrun leant over him again and whispered soothingly in his ear "Oh, Bella's just upset because, had you not reached the minimum required weight, she would, under the rules, be entitled to consume your testicles but, at 181 pounds I get to eat them myself – oh that's so wonderful. They have done such a good job providing me with my skin treatment that I would have been devastated if I couldn't eat them at tonight's banquet – it just wouldn't seem right. Thank you, dinner, and well-done!"

Alex was in complete panic mode now as he could hear and see everything going on and, remembering the DVD he had seen, he knew he would be feeling tremendous pain over the next few hours before he was put in the oven. The women consulted a clipboard and determined that eight hours would be the optimum cooking time, plus they needed another hour or so for the roast to sit on display on the table in the center of the dining room. With dinner planned for 7:00 pm they agreed on a start-time of 10:00am. The gurney was turned slightly and Alex's head was raised just enough so that he could see Mistress Gudrun set the temperature on the front dial of the oven. At the same time he was able to see the clock on it and saw that it was 8:15, meaning that he had about one and three-quarter hours of sheer panic ahead of him before this nightmare ended in a very painful release from life.

One by one the four women came up and looked at him, expressionlessly, obviously sizing him up for whatever task was assigned to them, then Gloria picked up an old fashioned cut-throat razor and proceeded to shave his head, followed by his armpits, his chest, pubic area and finally his arms and legs. While she was doing this Nurse Nancy brought over a suction tube and dried out his mouth and throat. She then placed a stoneware spreader in his mouth and clamped it behind his head. "That's to prevent you from biting your tongue as it is quite a delicacy and we don't want it spoiled." She then pushed a plastic tube up his rectum and filled his belly with an ice-cold fluid. "That is a brine solution to season you from the inside. Then we'll season your flesh."

Bella was obviously in an unpleasant mood as she had counted on getting the testicles and kept bothering Mistress Gudrun about her plan. "Well, if you must know, I do not plan to place my offering in the oven alive like you do. I think that is rather cruel so I will terminate him immediately after I have removed his crown jewels and right before he goes in the oven."

Alex was in a state of total disbelief. Even at the darkest moments of this nightmare he had, deep down thought that this was some huge game that they were playing and, when the dust settled, he would be back in his cell under the workshop by nightfall and ready to being serving his Mistress again in the morning. All the preparations he had seen this morning made that faint hope totally disappear.

"OK ladies, a glass of sherry, I think, and then we'll get on with the tenderizing". They all left the room and he could hear nothing other than the ominous metallic clicking as the oven heated up. About fifteen minutes later they returned, carrying their glasses and a half-full decanter of sherry.

These were placed on the table next to the oven and all four women picked up heavy, serrated wooden or aluminum mallets from the utensil rack on the side of the gurney. "There is no point in lying to you, dinner, this is going to be painful but my personal pride demands that I serve an exquisite meal tonight and tenderizing you will help to ensure a very satisfactory result". With that the women stood, two on each side of the gurney and systematically started pounding him. The two women near his lower end concentrating on his thighs and lower abdomen, the two at the top attacking his upper arms and chest. After about ten minutes of this they stopped for a drink and then resumed for another few minutes. The pain was unbelievable, made much worse by the sploshing sound as blood, from the welts and cuts they were causing pooled on his battered skin. It was obvious now why the women wore the rubber outfits, as this was not a job for a squeamish person. When they were satisfied with their handiwork Mistress Gudrun brought over a bowl full of various herbs that were then rubbed into his flesh and under any remaining sections of skin. Then he was turned over and the same process was completed on his back, again stopping near the mid-point for another glass of sherry. By now the blood-splattered women were getting quite flushed, a little tipsy and, clearly, extremely excited as they made the final preparations to the roast.

Bella then lifted a huge aluminum roasting pan from under the gurney and, between them the women slid it into place and lifted Alex onto it. It had four large handles; two on each side and was about twenty inches deep. Alex was placed on his knees and elbows and held in place by metal straps that were threaded through the handles and tightened across his back. Because of the injection he was utterly powerless to move but could still feel, hear and see everything. Mistress Gudrun looked at the clock and said they still had about twenty minutes before he had to go on the oven so they finished off the rest of the sherry and relaxed for a few minutes, totally ignoring him.

Mistress Gudrun chinked her glass and got the attention of the other women.

"Ladies it is time for the "final moments of life as he knows it" for our wonderful dinner tonight and it is at this time that I will tell you my plan." She walked over to the gurney and selected a wicked looking knife from the rack on the side and held it up to look at the blade. "This should do a fine job of castrating him just before His final act of glory for us." She went close to the side of his head and leaned over. "This has been a wonderful year for us, hasn't it. We've enjoyed some good times together and you have made me so proud. I just know that I will score high marks at the banquet review next month – it's unfortunate that you won't be able to enjoy the praise with me but that is life, isn't it! I think you know by now just how truly privileged you are to have been selected for this banquet and, as is our tradition here at our club, I would like you to express your thanks for the honor before I slice off your testicles. The spreader in your mouth will prevent you from speaking but you will grunt three times to show your thanks".

Because his mouth had been suctioned dry it was virtually impossible for him to make any noise and all that came out was a faint rasp. For some reason this annoyed the usually mild-mannered Mistress Gudrun and she told him she would give him just one more chance and then squirted a small amount of water in his mouth so he could thank her properly. She walked over to the sink to replace the water bottle and, just as she got there, Alex heard the faint sound of a siren. He thought he was delusional, and not surprising really; after all he had gone through. But, no, Mistress Gudrun and the other women all stopped in their tracks and listened intently. The siren was definitely getting much louder and clearly coming toward the house. This was just too much for him, at the very last moment he was about to be rescued – the nightmare was going to end and these depraved women would spend the rest of their miserable, perverted lives in prison where they obviously belonged.

The siren stopped and, moments later he heard a hammering on the door.

"Police. Open up immediately!"

The four women stopped in their tracks and looks of sheer disbelief were the common denominator.

More hammering on the door. "Police – Open up immediately or I'll send in my swat team."

"Oh God! You'd better do it," said Bella, hardly able to contain her fear.

Alex was now shaking with pure unadulterated joy in spite of the incredible physical pain he was suffering.

"Gudrun, open that damned door!"

Mistress Gudrun appeared very reluctant to do so but, at Bella's continuing urging, finally went to the door, knife behind her back, and opened it.

In came none other than Vanessa Kruppski, the police chief. She strode over to the preparation table and looked at Alex, trussed up like a turkey. "Thank God you are here Ma'am" gasped Alex "these depraved women were just about to, God I can't even say it, they were... Please arrest them.

"Arrest them? You poor deluded fool. You think I am here for your benefit? You poor deluded no-good loner fool!" She turned and faced the four women, now all smiling broadly, "geez! I thought I was going to be too late for everything. He looks oven-ready," She said in her brisk, police voice. "Ok, let's get him cooking!"

Alex's last faint hope had obviously been a ruse on the part of the women to give him that momentary thought of salvation before the true and final reality struck home.

"Oh, dinner, you should have seen your face! It was a picture. Did you really think that we would have slipped so badly after all the trouble we have gone to reach this wonderful moment on our most important day of the year? Oh no. Your final moments have arrived."

From a pocket she pulled out a transparent latex hood and slipped it on to his head bringing it down to just cover his eyes. "Now, where were we before Vanessa made her striking entrance? Oh yes! Now I need that final expression of truly heartfelt thanks for my kindness and consideration this last year"

As if in a trance and realizing the end had come, Alex quietly grunted three times.

"That was very gracious, dinner. Now, I want you to look down very carefully as I remove your testicles and put them in my special poacher. Then I'll pull the hood down and you will suffocate quickly, and relatively painlessly, as there are no breathing holes for the mouth or nose. It is such a handy item – it comes from Denmark you know – those wicked Danes must have some really depraved ideas about... sex!"

As she said the word 'sex' she cleanly and expertly cut off his testicles, dropped them into the poacher, quickly put the knife down and pulled the hood completely over his head, smoothing it over his nose and mouth and creating an airtight fit around his neck. He tried holding his breath but knew it was hopeless and, as he sank closer towards oblivion, he finally started struggling desperately with Mistress Gudrun tightly holding his head close to her rubber-clad body and smiling, happily at him. His very last and fleeting memory was of feeling the increasing heat as the roasting pan was wheeled towards the open door. Immediately he had stopped breathing and Nancy had pronounced him dead and ready for cooking, Mistress Gudrun triumphantly removed the rubber hood from his head and put it back in her pocket. She had an expression of utter contentment on her flushed face as she firmly closed and locked the oven door, setting the timer to eight hours...

One week later

Bradley was a small time crook who didn't believe in working for a living. What cash he needed he got from holding-up 24-hour convenience stores and gas stations. Tonight he'd slipped up and had been caught on the security camera in a store so he needed to leave town in a hurry.

It was a miserable night and, with an unsuccessful hold-up and no money he walked out on to the highway, hoping to thumb a lift into the city. He stood just past the county – line intersection and after about twenty minutes a gray sedan pulled up. "You look like you could use a ride," the rather sensual female voice said "why don't you get in the back and we'll take you into the city".

He got into the back and the sedan quickly pulled away from the sidewalk. As it did so he heard a faint 'plop' as the back-door locks clicked shut and a swooshing sound as a partition swiftly rose up between him and the two people in front. A somewhat disembodied voice said, "Hi, I'm Nancy and this is my friend Gloria."


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