Engagement Metrics

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Adam grows when he's desired. Then the Internet finds him.
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The modification program sat on his datapad, waiting. Adam wondered if anyone else had ever had this experience, wanting a life-changing opportunity so very badly and finally getting it, only for fear to make them hesitate. It was probably not uncommon, especially when you were getting a custom mod that was definitely illegal. He'd worked so hard to get this, he'd dreamed about the possibilities for so long, and now he couldn't do it. That last step was beyond him, there was so much finality to the decision that he couldn't bring himself to make it. He swiped to his contacts, and did what he so often had to do: call a friend for advice.

The moment her face appeared on the screen, she rolled her eyes and sighed with a smile, running a hand through her shock of pink hair, flattening down one of her distinctive feline ears for a moment. He knew she could read the flustered, troubled look on his fine-boned and highly expressive features, and could see the high puff levels of his curly blonde hair that he'd mussed nervously several times. "Hey Adam, rough night? What can I do for you?"

"Hi Dana. Yeah, I uh, oh jeez, you know that modder you hooked me up with? The one your friends worked with?"

"Of course I know, Adam. What's the, oh, I get it. It's ready, and you're scared."

"Uh huh. I just, you know, I'm bad at making decisions, and it's a big change, and you've been such a help. Do you, I don't know, do you think it's the right thing to do?"

She laughed, not in a mean way, but definitely at him. "Look, bud, you saved up for this for months. It can't hurt you, it can only give you what you want. You've met Jesse, you know that. Hell, she felt the same way, but she went through with it, and it turned out great."

"I know, I know, but her mods were a one-time change to her appearance. A big change, like, whoa, really big, just not one that would keep happening, you know?"

"Okay, but I told you about Miri. We should hang out with her sometime, by the way, she'd love you. Anyway, she's got an ongoing effect, and she's fine. Heck, you said you wanted to use the same modder because what she's got is what you've dreamed of!"

Adam hung his head and grimaced. She was right, of course; the moment Dana had told him about Miri's ability to grow in response to her emotional state, the idea had clicked inside his mind, bringing his needs into sharp focus. He looked up at her, his blue eyes wide and pleading. "Dana, I know, I told myself all this a hundred times, and I want it so badly, I just can't do it."

"Yes, Adam, you can. Fuck, you know I can't resist that look. Fine. Adam, buddy, pull up the mod program."

He closed his eyes for a second, and smiled. He swiped to the program and opened it.

"Good. Run it. Right now." Dana sounded serious, which wasn't like her, but damn did it work.

Adam tapped the icon to execute the modification. He felt a strange twisting sensation as the routines began the complex updates to his code. "I did it. It's going to happen now. Thank you, Dana."

She settled back into comfortable casualness. "You goof. I hope the new equipment teaches you a little more confidence. I'm proud of you, bud. Enjoy it, and we'll talk later, 'kay?"

"Okay. Thanks again, really, I mean it."

As he closed the call, Adam looked down at his body, feeling his image being altered. Of course, he had to feel it, because he hadn't asked for changes he could see, not yet. He was short, a handful of inches over five feet, but he didn't want to be taller. He was trim and fit, not especially muscular, but he didn't want to look strong or overly masculine. What he needed to change, what he wanted more than anything in the world to alter, was his cock. It felt almost cliche, the only stereotypically "guy" aspect of his personality, but the dreams wouldn't stop. He was nothing special, on the low end of average, not enough to excite any particular interest, but it wasn't exactly that he felt inadequate. He didn't mind what he had, he just couldn't shake the feeling that he was meant to have oh so much more.

The fantasies had started out simple enough, wanting to be a little bigger, maybe a bit above average, attractive but not excessive. Then he'd thought how fun it would be if he were this slim, short, shy guy who everyone would underestimate, only for there to be a really big surprise once you got him in the sack. Or what if it wasn't a surprise, what if he was so big it was hard to hide, and he'd get to watch women lick their lips wanting a little guy with an obviously huge dick? His idea of what counted as huge grew steadily larger, as his dreams became more insistent that he was supposed to have a bulge halfway down his thigh, or maybe down to his knee. He even found a holo that was intended to give data surgeons a detailed look at what changes a patient wanted, and pushed it to its (admittedly more realistic than his dreams) limits, just to get an idea of how it would feel. That was what made him realize he could get mods, while at the same time told him that he'd have to go looking for more than what legitimate sources had to offer.

He didn't really know where to begin, not on his own, so he turned to his friends. Some of them had mods, so he figured maybe they'd know, and that's where Dana stepped in. She'd introduced him to Jesse, who had the most extreme mods he'd ever seen; she was heart-stoppingly beautiful, she had the biggest...well, everything of anyone he'd ever seen, and she wasn't afraid to show off. She had thought his expression was extremely cute, the way he'd stared hungrily at every inch of her exaggerated sexual features while blushing furiously, and he nearly fainted when she kissed him. Of course, when getting a kiss involves having enormous tits and a monstrously huge cock pressed against your body, who wouldn't get a little fuzzy-headed? He had managed, though, to ask her how she'd become so...blessed, and she'd pointed him towards an illicit modder in Arizona.

That night, he'd felt so energized he even kept up with Dana in conversation, and he told her about the dreams, and about his plan to be able to grow, and how he hoped that guy in Tucson could do it. She told him then that the guy probably could, because he'd developed a similar set of routines for Miri. Miri grew when she felt affection for someone, which was almost exactly what Adam wanted. The only difference was, he wanted to grow when anyone lusted over his cock. That seemed close enough to his mind, so he decided to go for it. He'd saved up, sent the message to Tucson, worked through the details, waited while his gene profile was acquired and the code written, and here he was.

It turned out the concept for his mod was solid, and the emotion-based processing done for Miri's mod was a useful model. The complexity was in how it wasn't just his emotions to take into account. It was going to be somewhat experimental, and the effects not entirely predictable; he was probably going to end up somewhat bigger as a baseline, just as a side effect of the updates to his image routines needed to enable the growth, and how much he would grow was unclear. It would depend on how strong the lust was, how long the attention lasted, how many people were fantasizing about him, far too many variables to say much with certainty. Adam had been told all of this as a warning, but honestly, it was perfect. The risk, the danger, the lack of control, it turned him on for a reason he couldn't quite articulate. Sure, he'd frozen up when the moment came, but now that he'd crossed that threshold, his heart was pounding with anticipation of just how chaotic his life was going to get.

The modifications flowed through him, a swirling ache settling in the pit of his stomach, as though he were being mixed and molded into his rightful self. The instructions had said this wasn't going to be as quick as most mods, and would probably run through the night. Adam decided he should probably get some sleep, although it was going to be a challenge, with both that strange sensation low in his body and the fact that he was harder than he'd ever been in his life. But he slipped naked under his blankets, relaxed every muscle he could, and managed to drift off. His dreams were expected, and vivid, and he could only hope that they'd prove prophetic.

Adam awoke feeling refreshed and energized, in a better mood than he'd been in a long time. There was a familiar, tense feeling between his legs, and he tossed his blankets aside to take care of his morning business. When his hand wrapped around his stiff shaft, though, he abruptly recalled what he'd done the night before, and bolted upright. It had happened, he was bigger. Not a lot, maybe on the high end of average rather than low, but the difference was palpable. A smile spread across his face, and his breath quickened as a light squeeze helped him notice how much more his cock filled his hand. This was a side effect he could get used to.

Then it hit him: this was a side effect. What about the effect? He closed his eyes, and there it was, a slight sensation of his skin stretching, like he was slowly getting an erection even though he already had one. He was the only one thinking lustful thoughts about his member, but that was all it took to start him growing. This called for more than a quick relief of tension; he needed to experiment. A few taps on his datapad brought him to a favorite vid channel, and as a smooth feminine voice reached his ears, giving instructions that would keep him on the edge for a good hour, he bit his lip imagining how far he could take himself.

It was the most intense experience he'd ever had, feeling his cock slowly grow as he stroked it, his fantasies gradually making their way into reality. The hour passed quickly as he lost track of time in the pleasure, finally being allowed a release that left him gasping and quivering, and messier than he was used to. Cleaning up and taking stock of himself, he noted that he'd gained about an inch over that hour, and although his body felt the fatigue, his dick didn't seem to care about how recently he'd erupted, it was eager for more. He was going to have to send that modder a thank-you note, because even the side effects of this were awesome. Adam wished he could spend all day in bed, but life went on, and he did need to eat. After finishing his morning routine, he slipped on a pair of boxers and headed to the kitchen. His mind calmer now, the mundane demands of his body intruded more forcefully, and he started prepping an omelette. It was more than he usually had for breakfast, but he was starving, probably as a result of the energy demands from the changes. While he worked, he decided he needed to share this euphoria with someone, and one person immediately came to mind. It was late enough in the day, she'd be up, so he called Dana.

"Hey, 'sup Adam. You're looking pleased with yourself this morning."

He grinned at her while he whisked the eggs. "I am so happy right now, Dana. It worked! It's perfect! Thank you so much for all your help."

"I told you it was a good idea. Although I have to say, at first glance, what you asked for is way more subtle than Jesse, or Miri, or even me. Just the one change, and it's easy to hide, huh?"

"Yeah, you know me, I don't like to stand out. Although the potential, hmmm, I can't wait to really push this. Even before I start growing, I'm bigger than I used to be, and I'm actually above average in something for the first time in my life right now. Do you, uh, wanna see?"

"Not particularly. No offense, bud, you're handsome and all, but you're not exactly my type."

Adam paused as he chopped the vegetables, then continued, a bit deflated. "I understand. Is it, you know, because I'm shy? Or short?"

Dana let out a laugh, as though he'd said something funny, which wasn't the plan. "No, Adam, it's because you're a guy. Did you not know?"

He blushed, and tried to cover his embarrassment by busying himself cooking. "Oh. Yeah, no, I didn't, sorry, um, guess I didn't realize."

"Hate to burst your bubble, dude. What, were you hoping I'd come over there, tie you up, and see how big your dick gets now?"

"...A little. Yeah. But it's cool."

"Don't you worry, man, there's plenty of people out there who'd love to get their hands on you. Seriously, I'm happy for you, you deserve this. I've got some stuff to do, I'll talk to you later, alright?"

"Sure, sounds good. Thanks again, Dana."

After a hearty breakfast that he definitely needed, Adam was ready to see how far he could push himself. Upon returning to bed, he could tell he'd lost some of his earlier size, at a much faster rate than he'd grown; that was probably for the best, now that he thought about it. Of course, he planned to get it all back and then some. With his favorite vid streams available, and all the time he could want, he commenced teasing himself and indulging in the sensation of growth. He found that about two hours pushed him to the limits of his endurance and attentiveness; much as he'd like to think he could fantasize about growing all day, his mind wandered well before that. Still, that was enough to swell him to well above average, enough to be impressive for a man of his stature. It wasn't what he'd dreamed, not yet, but it was only the first day; he'd get much bigger if he weren't on his own, which was when it would count the most, and there was time to come up with creative options. On impulse, he grabbed his datapad and snapped a picture, thinking perhaps to keep track of new records he reached. Over the rest of the day, he treated himself to personal enjoyments; his favorite movies, meals he didn't have to rush through, a classic novel, and frequent bouts of fantasizing to let him feel big for the first time ever. He was going to be very distracted until he got used to this situation he'd put himself in.

He slept well enough that night, which wasn't surprising considering his efforts to exhaust himself throughout the day. What followed, though, was a hurriedly prepared bagel for breakfast on his way to the cafe where he cooked, a long and busy shift maintaining their reputation for having the best brunches in the city, and decidedly few chances for lustful self-directed attention. Despite it all, he was still riding high on the fulfillment of his dreams, and the positive comments from customers about his food rolled in steadily. He was just hanging up his apron for the day when the server told him that he was wanted in the dining room. That was unexpected; he was a cook at a brunch cafe, not a chef in a fine dining establishment, and he'd never been asked to speak with a customer before. He washed his hands, straightened his shirt, and followed the server to a table where a young woman sat alone. She was quite attractive, with long, lustrous black hair, a cute round face with a button nose, and a figure that was curvaceous enough that he wondered how the buttons of her blouse were intact. She was savoring the last of her meal with obvious delight, and held up her hand to quiet the server for a moment while she finished the last bite. After a sip of water, she motioned for him to continue.

"Miss, you asked to meet the cook so you could thank them for the meal. This is Adam, he prepared your food today."

The young woman turned her attention to him, and a smile came to her face that looked remarkably like the one that she'd had while eating. "Well hello there. Adam, was it? I am ever so pleased to meet you. Do you have time to sit?"

"I just finished my shift, I'd love to."

She shooed the server away, and motioned him to a chair, which he took. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Serena, and oh my goodness I have never had a quiche like that one. You're a genius, and I had to let you know, and now you walk out here looking like that. I don't know what I was expecting, but boy, you are a snack."

She was looking at him with undisguised hunger, and Adam felt a stirring deep inside him that wasn't his own desire. Serena wanted him, he could literally feel it, and he blushed under her steady gaze. "Oh, um, thank you, I guess I was, you know, just trying my best today. It's, uh, it's really n-nice to have someone say they like my cooking. And, well, the other part, too."

"Adam, are you blushing? That's so cute, but I'm not just blowing smoke here. That was honestly fantastic food, far better than you'd expect even here. You've got talent, and I love talented men. What else are you this good at when you try your best? You can tell me."

He hid his face in his hands for a moment; why was she saying this, nobody came on to him this strong. He knew for a fact, though, that she wasn't kidding; his steadily tightening pants told him clearly enough what she was thinking. "Ha, um, oh th-thank you, Miss Serena, that's, uh, not necessary, I'm just a cook, I just like making food, and I like p-pleasing women, I mean customers, customers. You know, it's nice to, like, make people happy, and I can do that with food, so I do. I guess, well, um, oh gee, I always try hard to please, you know, so I think I'm good at, um, that." He took a deep breath and tried to stop babbling. "Did you have s-something in mind that I could, um, do for you? To make you happy?" He bit his lip and looked at her expectantly. He knew what she wanted, and he wanted it too, but as always, he couldn't bring himself to reach for it.

She grinned. "Indeed there is, Adam, indeed there is. You said you just got off shift? Why don't you come over to my place, and you can try to please me. I'd just adore seeing your...talent."

"I, uh, I could do that. Sure." The feeling of growth was becoming quite distracting, and as his own thoughts turned to showing her his newly enhanced size, he had to suppress a gasp as he started growing faster. "Lead the way, Miss Serena."

The walk to her apartment was short, which Adam appreciated for a few reasons, not least of which was that he wanted to show off his growth. It was hard to say, especially with how new the sensation was, but he thought it was more than twice as fast as when he was on his own. Serena's place was quite cozy, with dark wood furnishings and low lights, quite unlike the open, airy feel of his own apartment. It seemed more intimate somehow. She closed the door behind them and leaned against it, casual but subtly blocking his exit.

"I don't know why exactly, but I just knew you'd be up for this the moment I saw you, my little genius. Go ahead, make yourself comfortable. Stay a while."

Adam swallowed hard, but he hung up his jacket on a coat rack and stepped into the main room. He could sense her following him as he walked towards the leather sofa. He turned to take a seat, and there she was, that hungry look in her eyes; she reached out a hand and pushed him gently, and he fell onto the couch with a gasp. "Oh, um, I, okay. You don't waste time, huh? That's, that's fine. I'm glad I could, you know, spark your interest."

Serena licked her lips and smiled down at him. "I was interested before I even saw you. Let's see if you can grab my attention. You let me know if it's too much, okay babe?" She leaned over, her full breasts threatening to spill out of her top, and kissed him fiercely. He returned the kiss eagerly; it had been a while since he'd been close with anyone, and it felt fantastic. She pulled back when he started whimpering, and patted his cheek before she stood. "You're even better than I hoped, Adam. Keep this up, and I won't have much choice but to make you a regular part of my day. Now, let's see what we're working with." She unbuttoned her top and tossed it aside, revealing a lacy black bra that made his mouth water.

Adam tried to find his voice as her hand trailed down his chest, but watching her kneel between his legs and unbuckle his belt left him speechless. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore her hands rubbing his thighs before moving towards the button off his jeans. "I, I should, hmm, should tell you, I'm, it's, it gets..."