Eros: The Dungeon of Despair

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Tascha & Sarah must escape a dungeon & its denizens.
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Like "A Day at the Academy," this is kind of a sequel to Lords of Eros, which is a sequel to Lost in Eros. The two main characters come straight from there, with pretty much nothing in the way of backstory or other explanation. There are also lots of little references that will make most sense if you've read the other stories (not "Academy"). The good news is that it's a stand-alone sequel, not a serial. Some bits of this might be spoilerish if you haven't finished Lords. I hope you enjoy this second somewhat brief return to Eros. Once again, thanks to SilkPanther for a couple of very helpful suggestions and some great feedback, and to Trixy for her patience and support.


"Did we miss anything?" Tascha frowned at the wall.

"I don't see how we could have," said Sarah, looking at her own implacable stretch of stonework.

Tascha and Sarah were trapped. Though they had spent the last hour poking and pushing on every inch they could reach of the dingy chamber's four stone walls, they could find no way out.

The Watchers' instructions had been fairly clear, "Escape the Dungeon of Despair." Tascha thought it sounded a bit more like Don's kind of quest, but then that's probably why the Watchers thought it would be a challenge. Neither she nor Sarah were gamers of either the Dungeons & Dragons or video game variety. Tascha had the nagging feeling Don and/or Evelyn would make short work of this quest, but she and Sarah were already stuck.

Their first two ring quests, as they were calling them, had been much easier. First, they had to have 100 distinct orgasms, together but not with each other. That is, they had to be in the same space but not give each other any of the orgasms; straight-up masturbation was also prohibited. Fortunately, they could give each other orgasms; they just didn't count. Second, they had to have 200 distinct men come in or on them in 48 hours.

Tascha had been both aroused and amused to watch Sarah throw herself into things here in Eros and particularly during those two quests. She had, of course, expected Sarah to enjoy herself here, but the enthusiasm with which Tascha's partner approached the sexual shenanigans was a bit surprising. As Sarah pointed out, unlike Tascha on her first trip to Eros, Sarah wasn't missing her lover in these adventures. Tascha had to admit, though she had enjoyed herself quite a lot with Don and company, she was having more fun now that Sarah was here.

Well, more fun until they'd been teleported to this damn cell!

Upon being given their quest, they had abruptly been sent here, a cubical room about four meters on each side with no trace of an exit. The floor was rough stone, with a dirty mat of loose straw in one corner, presumably for sleeping--uncomfortable sleeping. The ceiling was the same as the floor, minus the straw and plus an odd glow that illuminated the chamber.

Sarah chuckled, "You could ride on my shoulders and see if there's something higher."

With an arched eyebrow, Tascha turned to regard her partner. Taller than her by a couple of inches, Sarah was built sturdier, with wonderful curves and firm muscles, made firmer over the past weeks in Eros. Though the idea of riding on Sarah's shoulders would never have occurred to her back on Earth, it now seemed to make sense. This might have something to do with what Sarah was wearing.

On sending them to this dungeon, the Watchers had clothed them in what might pass as armor--in some teenage boy's wet dream. Tascha found herself wearing leather boots with hardened shin guards, matching forearm armor, and a short leather skirt. The only covering for her upper body was a pair of thin belts, or suspenders, that crisscrossed over her chest and her back, leaving her breasts exposed. Of course, there was no underwear. Although Tascha didn't think this was really any kind of actually useful armor, she had to admit she looked good in it. She was also given a dagger and a short sword, both of which turned out to be surprisingly sharp.

Sarah on the other hand was wearing boots with shiny metal shin guards, a chainmail skirt, and a breastplate that somehow managed to give her chest a modicum of protection while also exposing her full breasts to very nice effect. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she had a gold circlet around her head. She had a round shield slung on her back and a sword at her side. To top things off, Sarah had metal forearm armor and gold armbands that accentuated her strong biceps, which Tascha was finding exceptionally attractive.

Tascha found herself thinking they ought to give that straw mat a try. After all, it had been almost two hours since they'd left the enormous orgy in the Crimson Mountain. Then she realized Sarah was serious.

"Okay," Tascha laughed. "How do we do this?"

Sarah knelt and Tascha put her foot on Sarah's thigh so she could swing her leg over Sarah's neck. Tascha drew Sarah's ponytail out before settling down and adjusting her other leg. She asked, "Are you sure about this?"

Sarah laughed, "I think so," and began rising, bracing herself against the wall, at last concluding, "Oh sure, no problem."

Tascha began pressing her hands against the stonework, looking for anything that might open a door or give them some kind of hint as to how to proceed. She was keenly aware of her bare pussy pressed against the strong, warm back of Sarah's neck. She smiled, "I'm thinking I'm wrong-way-round up here."

"We can try that later," Sarah chuckled. "Keep looking; you're not that light."

Tascha, who was still half thinking about giving the straw mat a try, suddenly groaned, "Damn. I just thought of something."


"We didn't check the straw."

"What? Oh! Damn!"

In short order, they were on all fours rummaging through what they had supposed was just a crude bed. They had no idea what they were looking for, though Tascha was hoping to find a trap door. She gasped when her finger brushed against something small and metal. She laughed with relief as she lifted the tiny object, both to show Sarah and to examine it.

"A ring?" Sarah frowned. "How's that supposed to help?"

Tascha shrugged, "I have no idea. It's my first dungeon."

"I suppose one of us is going to have to try it on."

It was Tascha's turn to frown, saying, "Yeah, probably." Without any further thought she slipped it onto her right ring finger.

"Any change?" asked Sarah.


"Well, that's not a bad thing, I guess."

Tascha stood and waved her hand around a bit, hoping the ring would do something to indicate where they should be poking or do anything else that might help. Sarah knelt there in the mess they'd made of their ersatz bed.


"No," Tascha scowled. In frustration, she kept flailing her right arm about as she stepped back and then turned to pace angrily back and forth across their tiny prison. She didn't make it to the far wall, though, before something happened. A section of that wall, about the size of a normal door, began to glow a light blue.

"Whoa!" Sarah breathed as she got up and crossed to Tascha.

Tascha took a step closer, and the section of wall glowed brighter. She pressed her hands against the center of the area and pushed. With a grinding sound, the wall receded a bit.

"I know I pushed on that earlier!" Sarah said in a hushed voice over Tascha's shoulder.

"Me too," Tascha nodded. She caught herself whispering too.

With both of them pushing on it, the wall moved steadily and easily enough. Eventually, they had uncovered a side passage to the left, and the wall they'd been pushing would go no further.

"I guess we go left," Sarah said. She took a moment to get her shield off her back and to draw her sword.

Tascha smiled at her lover, thinking how hot she was, and then drew her own, much shorter, sword.


Just when I think I've gotten the hang of this place, it goes and gets weirder! Sarah thought to herself as she and Tascha crept through the grey tunnels.

It hadn't taken long for her to get in the spirit of all the sex. Knowing that they were safe and that Tascha was right there beside her all the way certainly helped to ease any apprehensions on that score. It also didn't hurt that the sex was amazing and so plentiful! Naturally, the XYZ situation, which she still didn't quite understand, also helped ease things along. Tascha had explained that water here wasn't really H-two-O water, but a substance, called XYZ, that did everything normal water did but also acted as an aphrodisiac and lubricant, along with other things. Sarah didn't think the science on that checked out, but she couldn't deny the water was delicious and seemed to have those effects.

Sarah had been taken aback by things like teleportation and the size of the great orgy in that red hall with the dizzying dome, but she understood that was just how things were here. She had accepted the stories Tascha had told her about animal-human hybrids, like satyrs and minotaurs, but she had quietly reserved a bit of skepticism until she saw anything like that for herself. Now that skepticism was a bit shaken.

Something about the way the ceiling was glowing, the silly, but sexy, armor they were wearing, and the fact that Tascha's magic ring kept illuminating movable sections of wall was making talk of wild sex monsters more believable. Also, the fact that there were odd sounds--growls, skitterings, and the occasional moans and groans--often echoing through the passages, strongly suggested some kind of creatures lurking about.

Tascha had shrugged off the possibility of menace, saying, "Even if there are 'monsters' here, they're probably just horny, sex monsters, looking to fuck. It is Eros, after all."

Somehow, Sarah couldn't convince herself that a place called "the Dungeon of Despair" would only be populated by happy, harmless playmates for them to discover. She reminded herself for the twentieth time that the Watchers had seen fit to give them sharp swords.

Still, Tascha's confidence was almost as comforting as it was sexy. With Sarah close behind, Tascha had led the way through a bewildering maze of gloomy passages, empty but for the unsettling noises, the sources of which most often sounded quite far away but sometimes seemed to be just around the next corner. Five times, sections of the wall had begun to glow as soon as Tascha and her ring drew close enough. Four of those times, they had pushed their way into another corridor. One time, though, they had discovered what could only be a rest area.

About four times the size of their initial cell, this one came equipped with a comfortable king-sized bed, quite a few soft pillows, a fountain of clean water, and a platter of eerily fresh and delicious fruit. After pushing the wall back into place behind them, they had made thorough use of the bed, taken a break to eat and drink, and then gone back to the bed. Eventually they fell asleep in each other's arms. When they awoke, and after some wonderful, lazy sex, they had breakfast and returned to their slow exploration of the dungeon passages.

After about an hour they came to a dead end. They had come to many dead ends, naturally, but this one was different. Instead of just the end of a corridor, this was a room that opened into a square chamber about three times as wide as the passage they were in. Without a word between them, they moved forward more cautiously than ever.

They were almost halfway into the room when something began to glow. This time it wasn't a section of the wall, but of the floor -- and there were two glowing bits! Close to the wall on either side of the room was now a glowing square, easily big enough for one of them to stand on, somewhat less so for both.

"Odd," Tascha frowned.

"Maybe we have to pick one," Sarah offered.

With a nod and smile, Tascha said, "Left or right?"

Sarah shrugged, "Uh, right." Then, after nothing happened when they both stood on the right square, she said, "Left, then, I guess."

Again, nothing happened.

"I don't like this," Sarah frowned.

"We could go back and look for another way," Tascha suggested, a bit weakly.

Sarah didn't find that option much more appealing. She was still convinced that there were dangerous creatures prowling those passages.

Tascha smiled reassuringly, perhaps as much for herself as for Sarah, "So far, the ring's only lit up good things, right?"

"A fair point," Sarah nodded. "Okay, I'll take the left and you take the right."

Sarah took the single step needed to put her back onto the leftmost square, and turned to watch as Tascha took her own place on the other.

As soon as Tascha's second foot set down, Sarah felt the ground drop out from under her. She caught a quick glimpse of Tascha falling through the floor and heard her shout "Fuck!" Then she was plummeting down through a stone chute, which was mercifully smooth as she banged against the sides. Sarah didn't drop far before the chute bent to the side, turning into a slide, which deposited her gently on the floor at the end of yet another passage, just like those above.

"Tascha?" she called out. Her voice echoed back at her, along with a hissing sound and, in the distance, what sounded like a woman moaning. In agony or ecstasy, it was impossible to say. Sarah decided it was better to keep quiet. She told herself that the moaning woman sounded nothing like Tascha.

Climbing to her feet, Sarah took up her sword, readied her shield, and set off in search of Tascha.


Tascha wished she had had her sword or even her dagger drawn when she'd fallen down that damned chute. If she had, she might have been able to cut her way out of the net that caught her at the bottom. As it was, she was helpless to resist as the net was pulled tight around her.

Peering about, she was surprised to see herself surrounded by strange, reddish-brown creatures about half her size with odd heads that seemed like a cross between a dog's and a lizard's, with hairless ears that stood up prominently. On each brow was a pair of tiny horns. They stood upright and were equipped with human-sized and shaped penises, which naturally looked enormous on their diminutive bodies. There didn't seem to be any females present. They also seemed to have long tails whipping around behind them. They were communicating with each other by way of sharp barks that sounded like "Yip yip!" to Tascha.

Remembering her past successes with the tactic, Tascha said, "Alright fellas, you got me. Why don't you let me out of this, and we can have some fun together?"

This was met with a chorus of more yipping, which Tascha thought sounded a bit derisive. Then she felt herself being prodded and poked by little hands and fingers--fingers which came with rather sharp nails, or claws. It wasn't long before one of the critters, then another, found a breast and began pinching and pulling at it. Other hands and fingers were exploring her flesh through the net, and Tascha found herself squirming a bit despite her captivity. She also found herself looking at the cocks so near and yet out of reach. Unsurprisingly they were beginning to harden as they tormented Tascha through their net.

Then, there was a loud series of yips from a creature Tascha couldn't see, the little buggers withdrew a bit and rearranged themselves, and then the net was being dragged along the rough floor. Naturally, Tascha was dragged along as well.

Being dragged around against her will was extremely irritating, of course. The fact that the Watchers had warned them that some of their ring quests might be dangerous, or that she knew full well that things like this were likely to happen, didn't help. The thought that Sarah was probably in some similar predicament only made the situation worse.

The creatures pulled their net and her into a big room and began to loosen it.

As soon as she could, Tascha fought to get an arm free, smacking out at the nearest of her captors. He dodged the blow, though, and a host of the bastards descended upon her. They were able to incapacitate her even as they stripped the net away and despite her persistent struggling. They managed to carry her over to a low, stone platform, upon which they laid her, on her back, spread-eagled. She felt metal bands snap into place around her wrists and ankles. This wasn't the first time Tascha had been tied up in this position. Luckily, she was on her back this time. She managed to get a look at the restraint around her right wrist and saw that it was sturdy metal, quite unlike the net. Tascha doubted that these creatures had made the bindings. This made her worry that the little fuckers were working for something or someone much more dangerous.

Then the creatures were on her again, pawing and licking at her skin, rubbing their erections against her. It wasn't even a minute before Tascha felt one of them pushing a hard cock up into her pussy. She felt her XYZ-fueled body responding immediately, as her vagina opened to welcome the intruder. Tascha found herself thinking she was glad that they had full-sized cocks. If she was going to be fucked, she was glad it was going to be done by appropriately sized dicks.

The creature fucking her paused and there were more excited yips all around, then that cock was working in and out of her with almost crazed enthusiasm. Tascha was only beginning to feel an orgasm building within herself when the creature's sex swelled and pumped what seemed to be quite a lot of its cum up into Tascha's pussy.

She felt that cock draw out of her, spilling warm jizz as it went, and then, as expected, another was promptly pushed in. There was no pause this time, but the new intruder immediately began fucking her as hard and fast as his little body and big cock would let him. Again, Tascha's body responded happily to this, and she found herself rocking her hips against the little rapist, trying to rub her clit against his body.

All the while, the others continued to swarm over and against her. The tongues that were licking at her breasts were beginning to make her a bit crazy, and she wished at least one of them would get between her legs to do that. She didn't really mind all the scratches or the fact that their tiny fangs were sometimes raking over her skin.

It was while the third of the little fuckers was driving into her messy cunt that Tascha finally had her first orgasm. She strained against her restraints and cried out loudly as the climax exploded in her pussy and tore through her body. She found herself calling out, "Yes! Yes! Keep fucking me you little bastards!"

She was still shaking when she felt several warm splashes on her belly and across her tits as some of her molesters couldn't wait any longer.

Then some of the braver creatures were rubbing their ruddy cocks on her face. When one of them turned her head, almost gently, to the side a bit, she happily opened her mouth and let him push his rigid penis in. She responded by eagerly sucking on that cock as one after another of its companions had their way with her pussy.

Tascha found herself wishing at least one of these guys would think of fucking her ass.


"Yes! Yes! Keep fucking me you little bastards!" echoed through the dull grey corridors. Sarah knew at once that that was Tascha's voice. She had come to an intersection and was unable to decide which of three paths to take, but since the sound of Tascha seemed loudest on the right, she hurried off that way. She decided not to worry about the fact that Tascha didn't sound particularly close.

Sarah chuckled a bit when she noticed that she was a little jealous that Tascha had somehow managed to fall into a more interesting situation than she had, but then she stopped abruptly in her tracks.

Ahead of her, effectively filling the passageway, was a monster.