Ever After


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Kat narrowed her eyes, and opened a new document. She started writing about him. Trace. She even liked the way his name rolled across her tongue. She wrote, not a starting story, but about the morning she'd just had. She kept typing, and the next thing she knew, she was the main character, and her and Trace were getting frisky.

She smiled, typing away. Her juices were flowing, and she ended up writing six pages, most of it sex. Good lord, at this rate she could start directing porn. Her hands stilled as she realized she was aroused. When she shifted, she could feel a dampness between her legs. Good lord, I have got to get a hold of myself. She was sitting there stunned at her behavior, when she heard it.

"Hello? Earth to Kat..."

"Oh! Trace!" Kat scrambled to hit the save button then closed the new document.

"You sure were lost in thought."

"Yeah, I get like that when I write. I zone out." Kat set her computer to the side.

"I can tell. You feelin' all right? Your face is flushed."

"I'm fine. Just hot." In more ways than one.

"Hmm. I'm gonna run in and use the restroom. That okay with you?"

"It's fine. Just do whatever you normally do. Don't mind me." Kat smiled.

Once he was in the house, Kat dropped her head back. She had to get herself in line. This was no good, her lusting after him, and with a book to write. She stared at the screen, re-reading the last paragraphs she had written. She decided she liked her and Trace's story better. Kat smothered a laugh. It was going to be a long summer.

Trace waved as he climbed into his pickup and headed down the lane. Kat assumed he was going home to shower, so she figured it would be a good time for her to do so. As she soaped up her hair, she starting thinking about how he was probably doing the same thing, at the same time as her. Oh get a grip. Kat rinsed and conditioned her hair, and when she shut her eyes to wash her face, she saw Trace doing the same thing.

Kat was a woman obsessed. She had to shake him, or she'd never get any writing done. But as she blew her shoulder length brown hair dry, she discovered she wasn't opposed to getting to know him. Maybe she should sleep with him, get him out of her system so she could move on. But somehow she knew that wasn't the case. She'd be a goner if she slept with him. Instinctively she knew she would just want more.

After she had put on her make up and thrown on a pair of white Capri's and a sky blue blouse, Kat headed to the kitchen to make lunch. It was a little later than normal, but Gram hadn't rang for her yet. So she threw together some ham sandwiches, and made a couple extra in case Trace got back as they were eating. After making a salad, she went to the living room and helped Gram to the table.

She served her the sandwich and salad, then grabbed a bag of potato chips and put them on the table. Kat poured them glasses of iced tea, then sat down to eat.

After her first bite, the door opened.

"Afternoon ladies." Trace stepped through the threshold. Carrying a plastic grocery bag.

"Hi Trace." Gram beamed at him.

"Hello Trace. Would you like a sandwich?" Kat pushed back from the table.

"Sure, if ya got one."

"I got two." Kat turned and grabbed the two extra she had made, then got a bowl down for his salad.

The trio ate, having a nice conversation.

"What's in the bag?" Kat knew she sounded nosy, but she was curious.

"I almost forgot. It's cucumbers, green peppers, and some corn."

"From your garden?"

"Yep. It's good stuff." Trace gave Gram a wink.

"Sounds like we'll have a good supper. Care to stay?"

Trace looked mildly surprised. "Sure, if it's no bother."

"No, not at all. We'd like the company, wouldn't we Gram?"

"Certainly. Trace, did you bring my babies?" Gram daintily wiped her mouth.

"I did. Left 'em outside when I saw you were eating."

"Gram, why don't you get a dog of your own?" Kat stood and refilled their glasses.

"Oh, I'm too old to train one. And now with this busted hip..."

"Well I'm here for three months. That would get ya out of the puppy stage. We could train it together."

"When Kat's gone, I could help ya out. I think that's a great idea. Course, I'd still bring my mutts over." Trace flashed a grin.

"My, I think you two just talked me into it!" Gram laughed, delighted.

After lunch was finished, Trace let his dogs in and helped Gram to the living room. Kat left them to their visit, and returned to the porch and started typing away. She zoned out, on her book thankfully, and got several pages written before she came back to reality. She would see through the window, and Trace had Gram giggling like a school girl. His dogs had were taking up either side of the older woman's feet.

Kat watched them interact for a few minutes, then clicked open the Trace story. Rereading the last few paragraphs, she felt herself get into the mode, and she spaced out, writing out her fantasy.

The afternoon sun had sunk pretty low, and Kat realized that the dogs were at her feet. She hadn't heard the door open or anything. Her shoulders were cramped, and she rolled her head from side to side, stretching the muscles. The dogs had lifted their heads, and Kat set her computer aside and reached down to scratch them.

"Ya know, you guys sure are helpful. I don't even know your names." Kat smiled as she rubbed behind their ears.

"The big guy is Domino, and the little big guy is Boss."

Kat jumped. Trace was leaning against the doorjamb.

"You scared me. Where did you come from?" Kat laughed.

"Inside. Gram started to doze off, so I went to the bathroom and by the time I got back she was asleep. I guess I kept her awake for too long." Trace smiled and headed towards her.

"Yeah, she did miss her nap time." Kat stopped petting the dogs, and Trace grabbed her laptop and set it on the glass patio table.

"Mind if I join you?" Trace gestured to the swing.

"Not at all." She scooted over a little.

They sat for a few minutes in silence, watching the dogs as they wandered into the yard to play.

"Boss sure lives up to his name, doesn't he?" Kat smiled, tucking one leg beneath her.

"That he does. Out of the litter, he was the one calling the shots. Seemed like a good farm dog. Excellent herder."

"That little thing?"

"Oh yeah. And cattle, no less."

"Wow. I didn't see that coming." Kat laughed.

"Getting your writing done?"

"Mostly. Sometimes it flies out of my head, other times it's a bit more sluggish."

"Gotta get your juices flowin' I guess."

"Yep." If only he knew.

Trace moved his feet, and pushed off with his toes. The pair swung in silence for a bit, both content to just be. Finally, Kat broke the spell.

"Would you mind helping pick out a dog for Gram? I mean, I don't think she's really able to handle the trip to town and standing and all that. And ya seem to have a good eye for dogs."

Trace turned to face her, and for a moment he was silent. His eyes roamed over her face and hair, then downward. Kat started inwardly. She could almost feel his eyes touching her. So she took advantage and did the same, starting at his hatless head, his vibrant green eyes, and working her way down over his tight fitted black tee shirt and down to another pair of those trademark jeans. As she glanced back eye, their eyes collided. She could have sworn sparks flew.

"Does that mean it's just the two of us?"

"Well... yeah, I guess it does."

"Can we have lunch while we're out?"

"I suppose we could do that."

"Do I get a kiss before I leave?"

Kat let out a startled laugh that was more breathless than anything.

"If you're very, very good."

"Hmm. I don't make promises I can't keep." The corners of his mouth quirked into a grin.

"I bet when you're bad, you're better." The minute the words were out of her mouth, Kat almost passed out. She could not believe she just said that.

"You have no idea."

They watched each other for a few moments, and Kat felt herself flushing. God, she wanted this man. She had never been this attracted to someone, and she had no doubt it was written all over her face.

"Aw, to hell with it." Trace spoke, but his words didn't register until he was pressed against her side, one hand cupping her face with his lips slanting over hers.

Kat rocked back slightly, surprised but delighted. As she went back, Trace took that as a retreat and started to pull away. Before she knew what she was doing, she was leaning forward, following him, trying not to break contact. She lifted a hand and her fingers sifted through the hair at his nape.

Trace groaned and his lips parted, his tongue bumping against her lips for the split second it took them to open. Kat whimpered as she tried to get closer, almost getting dizzy as his mouth devoured hers. She wasn't sure who did what and who moved first, but the next thing she knew she was lifting one leg. Trace's hand was on her thigh, guiding it over his lap. She settled astride his strong thighs, and he scooted down so she was where she needed to be. His belt buckle pressed against her lower stomach, and she felt the fullness of his arousal between her legs.

Their mouths never fully left each other, and Trace took turns sucking and nibbling each of her lips in turn. She did the same back to him. His hands slid to her waist, holding her tight down onto him, but she was in no mood to leave the spot she was in. Her hands ruffled his hair, then she grazed her fingertips down his shoulders and arms, feeling his tanned skin, reveling in the strength of his muscles. Trace moved his hands behind her and he cupped her ass, squeezing, pulling her closer still.

Kat wasn't sure what could be better than what they were doing right then, but then he moved. His toes pushed off on the porch, and soon they were swinging. Kat gasped against his mouth. Their bodies moved naturally, rocking against each other. Her hips shifted with the movement of him, and she thought she could die a happy woman. His hands moved up, and he palmed her breasts, his thumbs brushing up over her nipples. They were already partially hard, but at that, they puckered so tightly it almost hurt.

Kat was restless. She had never wanted a man so badly, but she had just met him, and couldn't believe she was doing this. But nothing had ever felt so right either. She was torn. She was just glad Gram was inside so this couldn't get too out of hand. She was loving it while it lasted, and she knew for a fact she was doing to end up in bed with him. And it would probably be sooner than later. She rocked against him with the movement of the swing, and she felt herself growing wetter and wetter. Oh yes, she was going to have this man. His tongue dipped into her mouth once more, and thoughts flew from her head. He withdrew his tongue, then it plunged again, mimicking what he'd rather be doing. Kat almost came out of her skin. The combination of everything was perfect.

Trace slowly quit swinging, and they finally rocked to a stop. His kisses became more chaste, not having much tongue, then down to none. Then he pulled back completely. They were both breathing heavily, and Kat rested her forehead against his. They sat that way for a time, catching their breath.

"Kat." His voice was deeper than usual, and a bit husky.

"Yes?" Hers was breathless.

"It's takin' all I got to stop. The next time, I'm not going to. You understand?"



"What about it?"

"When I get my kiss before I leave."

"Oh." Kat was having a bit of trouble following his words.

"You're coming home with me."

"I see."

"Do you understand what I'm sayin'?"

And suddenly his meaning was clear as glass.

"I do."

"Are ya okay with that?" Trace's heart was still thumping.

Kat hesitated. Not because she didn't want to, but because she had only known him for a minute.

Trace's hand moved, and he unfastened her pants. Kat gasped. His hand wriggled it's way into her panties, and his fingers slipped between her lips. She was drenched. She was swollen and as his fingertips brushed her clit, it was a hard little nub that was so sensitized she had to bite back a yelp. He moved his fingers to the side slightly and started rubbing in slow, lazy circles.

"Kat, darlin', I asked you a question. Are you okay with that?" Trace's voice had that velvet sound. It was smooth and warm and sexy.

Kat couldn't think, couldn't speak.. She reached down with one hand and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, trying to stop him. She had already been on the edge before he got into her pants. She was just a few circles away from an orgasm, and she didn't think that's what he intended. She was pretty sure he was just trying to tease, then leave her hanging. He wasn't going to- he was going to get her off.

Their heads were still together, and Trace tipped his chin and nipped her mouth.

"Cat got your tongue?" He licked her lips. That voice..

"Oh, god, Trace.." Kat's muscles clenched and her hips jerked forward into his hand as she came.

Kat closed her eyes as another wave of moisture rushed from her. Trace's hand stilled. He swore he could feel her heartbeat through her clit and he was momentarily taken aback.

"Darlin', that was supposed to tease you, to tempt you into tomorrow." Trace's voice held an undertone of laughter.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm going home with you tomorrow."

Trace finally did laugh. "That's good to hear."

Kat bit her lip. "I tried to stop you."

"Mmhhmm, ya tried real hard." Again he laughed.

"I'm sorry." Kat felt tears sting her eyes for an unknown reason. Maybe she was embarrassed, maybe she felt bad she cheated him.

Trace tipped her face up and she looked away.

"From the sound of your voice you're gonna cry. Why?"

"I don't know." Her words were little more than a whisper.

Trace scooted her back onto his thighs. Kat felt a pang of pain, like he was rejecting her. Then he helped her off of his lap.

"Do me a favor. Be quick, and be quiet. Go put on a skirt."


"Do it." He spun her around and gave her a light shove towards the house.

Kat looked confused, but headed into the house.

Trace shifted around uncomfortably. He was rock hard, and he had never, ever wanted a woman this bad. He'd wanted women before, but this was an all consuming, fire in his gut type of feeling. He wanted this woman. He wanted to be inside her, and he wanted to be with her everyday. There was something about her that appealed to him. There was something about her that was right.

Kat stepped back through the door, shutting it gently.

"Gram still asleep?"

"Yeah, but Trace, I-"

"Shush and come here."

Kat sat back down and he helped her over his lap again.

"Feeling a little more freedom?"

"Yeah. Trace, I'm-"

"Are you wearing panties?" His voice was quiet, but still smooth.

"Of course. Why?"

"Ya don't get it." Trace smiled. "A romance writer, and ya have no idea why I wanted you in a skirt. For shame."

"Well, the only reason that comes to mind is- oh. Oh god."

Trace leaned up and his mouth took hers again, as he reached between them and unfastened his pants. The tightness of the fabric and the cramped quarters didn't make it very easy, but he managed. In the minutes that it took, Kat was as fired up as she'd been before, and Trace wasn't sure he'd make it inside of her before he came.

He reached and pulled on her panties, shoving them off to one side. He could feel the heat from her on his cock, and he groaned.

"If you're not sure, now's the time to tell me."

"I'm sure." Kat leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

With one hand, he guided the tip of his cock to the center of her, and when he slipped in a fraction, she gasped. His hands moved to her waist, holding her above him slightly. He slipped his tongue into her mouth at the same time he drove her hips down onto him. His mouth muffled the noises she made. Trace gasped, not expecting her to be so tight around him, but she was and he almost lost it right there.

He held her still for a minute, willing himself to calm down. Once he was able, he released his death grip on her hips and let her move. Immediately she was lost in the moment, rocking against him. She was so wet, so swollen, and he fit inside her perfectly. Trace was sure this was as close to heaven as he would get.

He caught her hips again and held her up while he thrust, pumping his cock inside of her.

"Trace... oh my god.." Kat held onto the back of the swing with one hand, and the other clutched at his shoulder.

Trace leaned in slightly and bit at her nipples through the cloth of her shirt. Kat whimpered, and her hips jerked against him frantically. He moved one hand down and found her clit again, rubbing it quickly. He wanted her to come one more time because he was on the verge of losing it. Almost as quickly as the last, she moaned his name and tossed her head back as she jerked against his hand. He quickly caught her by the hips and held her down while he slammed up into her, and finally let himself go.

He felt her pussy convulsing around him, drawing every last drop from him. Trace let his head fall back and he released his death grip on her hips, feeling every muscle in his body relax. His cock gave a few final twitches, and they remained joined together while their breathing evened out.

Trace rolled his head to the side to look at her, and Kat looked as spent as he felt.

"I am so writing a book about you." Kat murmured. She gave a breathy laugh.

"As long as it has a happy ending, I'm game." Trace grabbed one of her hands and brought it to his mouth and kissed it.

The sun had sunk low, and with it the day had chilled some. As the sweat dried on their bodies, Kat shivered. Trace groaned.

"Oh god, don't move." He gave a raspy laugh.

To that, Kat tightened her muscles around him.

Trace closed his eyes and sucked in a breath through his teeth. Kat laughed as she felt him slip from her.

"You're gonna be a mess."

"Yep. I'm gonna run home and change my pants. Then come back, cause some hot little thing invited me to supper."

"Oh my god, I hope Gram is still asleep." Kat sat back.

"You get supper started, and I'm gonna run home. If she wakes up, tell her I took the dogs home."

"No, leave them. She enjoys them so. Just be quick." Kat gave him a peck on the cheek. After all that had transpired between them, that seemed ridiculous, and they both laughed. Trace took off down the lane, and Kat went back into the house.

Gram was sleeping peacefully still, and Kat watched her chest, making sure she was breathing. She was, so Kat crept quietly past, heading for her room to clean up.

"Glad ya guys hit it off." Kat froze, and took a couple steps back, leaning backwards to look into the living room, thinking she had to have imagined that.

Gram's eyes were still shut, but a huge grin split her face.

Dinner was fun, though Kat was slightly uncomfortable since she knew Gram knew. Trace was oblivious though, and was his charming country self. Every time he glanced her way, Kat felt herself flush. She had to get a hold of herself! Gram looked very self satisfied, and shot them both smiles of adoration. Kat wanted to slide under the table. Then that brought dirty thoughts to her head, and she flushed again. Suddenly, as much as she enjoyed the company, she wanted to lock herself in her room.

"Gram, what kind of dog do you want?"

"Oh, I don't know. Anything. As long as it's cute. I have names picked out for a boy or a girl, so you guys just surprise me."

"Okay. Kat, what do ya say we head out pretty early that way we don't run out of time?"

"Sounds good.. I can get Gram her breakfast and get her situated and we can hit the road. You're driving right?" Kat smiled.