Exit with a Bang: Marcel


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They pull up on the scales in Kamloops and are told the Coqu is open, bare and clear. Mike curses under his breath. He mutters, "I should have brought that empty."

Since its two AM he plans to make Merritt for the night.

When they reach the town it is easy to see traffic is flowing smoothly up into the pass. Mike parks at the truck stop and nods his head to the sleeper. He locks the doors in case Bambi's on site then goes to rest by his mistress of the road. They curl up together and Mike makes slow passionate love for her.

He never cums although she does many times. He is there for her convenience tonight. They bundle together and fall asleep.

His cell phone wakes him. "Good morning, Trudy. What's up?"

"Apparently you aren't. Have you tuned into the weather yet?"

"No. What's happening?"

"A storm front has closed number three highway and is heading for the Coqu. Are you in Merritt?"

"Guilty and sleeping like a lamb." He glances at his watch. "Oh lord, its after eight. I see what you mean."

"She wore you out, didn't she?"

"I suppose and the wear and tear. We had a theft of cigarettes from this pup I picked up. Lost about 20 cases."

"Did you report it?"

"Of course and resealed it so we are clear but the driver that brought it out of Calgary might be stuck with it."

"It's a shame but get your ass around and get on the road or you'll get stuck there."

Mike signs off and quickly they are dressed for the road. He runs to get fresh coffee and they pull out for the pass.

Meanwhile Marcel is shaking himself awake and wishing Betty was here. He grumbles as he goes for a shower then puts on a clean uniform for church. He looks for Don and can't find him. He mutters, "Damn incompetent is never there when you want him. He is getting too uppity lately and I don't like the way he watches Betty all the time." He putters around waiting his limo and finally calls an MP friend.

"Will you check around the base and find my limo driver?"

"We have them here in the brig. You know there will be trouble over that."

"What? What did he do this time?"

"It's the lady. He beat her pretty bad. She's in the hospital."

"I'll be right over." He hangs up and heads across to the guardhouse. He sees the limo by the gate. An investigator is checking it out.

Marcel goes inside and speaks to the Sergeant on the desk. "What exactly did he do?"

"He beat the lady quite soundly and used a knife on her. She's in intensive care but I think she'll survive."

"Okay, I'll see him now."

"Yes sir." He leads Marcel back to the cells and opens Don's door.

"Leave us."

"Yes sir." He goes back to the front.

"Alright, what happened?"

"It was all her fault," stammers Don. "She called and wanted to be brought out to your office. I mean you weren't waiting on her or anything like that so we had all night if we wanted."


"I stopped over by the drugstore in the shadows and told her we were going to have a fuck and she went ballistic. What the hell, we both fucked her before but she acted like a fucking virgin." He laughs, "She fought like a fucking wildcat but I nailed her good. I think I taught her a lesson, boss. I screwed her ass to that limo seat good."

"So where is she now? And why are you here?"

"I went for a smoke and the bitch sneaked out of that car. I guess she waved down a passing car and they brought the law. Next thing I knew I was in jail."

"Okay, you keep your mouth shut and I'll take care of it." He thinks of Betty and he hates this man but he must control the situation because Don knows by far too much.

"Don't you believe a word the bitch says. I bet she's mouthing off already. We may have to shut her up. Just so you know, boss."

Marcel goes to the front desk, "Turn him loose on my recognizance. I'll be responsible for him."

"Yes sir, we have his particulars. He's all yours, sir."

Marcel stomps out of the guardhouse with Don and they go to the limo. Don looks at Marcel while he looks at Don. "Well, let's go."

"Do you have the keys, boss?"

"Don't you have them?" He glares at Don.

"I guess the MPs must have them," mutters Don.

Marcel stomps back into the guardhouse. "Give me the keys for the limo."

"Sorry sir, we are not finished collecting evidence from it."

"Evidence? For what? So he fucked a broad in it. Just give me the keys right now."

"As you wish, sir." He tosses Marcel the keys.

"And there better not be any report about this incident tomorrow if you know what's good for you, Sergeant."

"Uh, yes sir."

Marcel marches out to the limo and tosses Don the keys. He looks crafty as he says, "Do you carry?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She was beat so you might have pistol whipped her. Give it to me."

"I didn't."

"She can claim that. Give." He holds out his hand and Don places a silenced Beretta in it from a shoulder holster. Marcel thinks, 'Now I can kill the bastard with his own gun and claim I fought him to get it. The plan is working.'

"Drive to Bruce's place. We have to shut him up."

And so they drive into Chilliwack and around to the address of Bruce and Betty. Don goes to the door and brings Bruce out to the car.

"Why aren't you at the hospital? Haven't you heard Betty was admitted this morning. She was apparently beat up by some bastard."

"What do I care? She's your woman now, you snake."

"You better go look after her and make sure she knows enough not to talk about it to the wrong people. Understand?"

"Or what?"

"You still have your life, man. Think about it."

"Marcel, you're lower then a snake. I'll look after her." he leaves the vehicle defeated.

Marcel runs over things in his mind. Everything seems to be in place except how to escape Canada after he has his daughter and he is on the run. He has to arrange a private plane or something of that sort. He asks, "Where is that fucking truck driver my ex fucks?"

"He's on the road with a load but he should be back today."

"So we are looking at a early weekday when he's on the road. Is that it?"

"Yeah. Do you want to do it next week?"

"Not yet. Let's make sure there are no fuck ups."

They drive around by the bank and Marcel deposits another large sum. It's a sunny day in the valley and he feels good.

Mike has dropped Veronica and is nearing home as he drives into POCO. He calls home. "Hello most beautiful lady in Abbotsford."

"Oh Mike, you flatterer. Where are you?"

"Just coming up on Abbotsford. If you're free perhaps you'd like to join me to POCO."

"I guess I could. I think Shelly can handle things here. How be I bring Emma with me?"

"Sure, why not. I'll pull in and pick you up."

"Isn't that how we started this life together?"

Mike laughs with her and hangs up pulling into town and in close to the house. He climbs down to help get Emma up and then some playing with her bottom as he helps her. When all are settled in he pulls away to the freeway and town.

"Did you have the Kurdish lady with you this time?"

"Veronica, that's her name and yes, she was with me."

"Trudy says she's due. I hope you're easy on her."

"The doctor says three weeks."

"Do you still... take her to bed?"

"We do and we're careful. How about you. What have you been doing?"

She pouts, "Without. It's not fair." she grins, "but you're home more so I guess its not too bad."

"I have been lately. I guess we're not as busy at CPX."

"You almost could give up trucking, couldn't you?"

"Now Trudy set you up to ask that, didn't she?"

"We talked about the opening on Valentine's Day and how busy the security business is now so yes, we discussed you quitting driving truck."

"You know my feelings, don't you?"

"Oh Mike if we asked you, you would never give it up." Mike nods in agreement. "Okay, so who's bigger? Trudy or I?" she adds, "Or maybe the Kurdish..."

Mike thinks about it. "I guess it's likely Trudy except Veronica is much closer so she is right now."

"You mean I am the smallest?"

Mike laughs, "Oh no, you are very prominent but Trudy seems a bit bigger of the two of you. I'm sure you're catching up to her though."

Mike pulls into the parking lot in POCO and stops near his car. They get down and he leaves her to bring the car into the yard while he parks his trailers in the incoming lineup. He cleans out his tractor as Marlene comes to pick him up.

Mike tells her, "Boss wants to see me. Pull over to the office."

It's over the broken seal as Mike expected and soon they are on their way home. He explains the loss on his way home. The sun feels good on his shoulders this winter day.

In the afternoon Marlene puts Emma down to nap and she goes with Mike to rest as well. Its a quiet afternoon and Marlene feels like its a holiday as Shelly helps her put on supper. They quietly discuss the opening of his head office and work out a lot of details. Marlene feels she is part of the discussion and Mike feels satisfied she is joining in.

It's Monday, the 26th already and Mike wakes to find Marlene gone. He showers, shaves and gets dressed to come out to breakfast. "Good morning, sweetest lady in Abbotsford. Kids off to school already?"

"Yes. What would you like for breakfast?" she hands him a cup of coffee. He holds out his arms and she slips onto his lap. "What else would you like?" she wiggles in his lap as he kisses her neck. "Oh hell, forget it." She stands to pull up her robe at the back then sits again.

Mike reaches under her to feel her bare bottom and set his throbbing rod free. He whispers, "Wow, wet already. You must have known I was coming."

She laughs, "It won't be long and you'll be coming, baby." She wiggles and twists in his lap until he gets nicely seated up in her. "And then again it might be me that's coming." She moans and shuffles herself ahead and back on him squealing and moaning openly. It has been in her mind that he hadn't fucked her yet this morning so she is apprehensive and cums easily. "Oh Mike! I am cumming right now!" she finishes it with a squeal and rigidity as she bears down.

"Easy does it girl. Remember your bundle." He works her shoulders and helps her get down from the high she's on. "We don't want to have the next one at the breakfast table."

He moves easily up and down in her playing with her breasts as he hugs her. She mutters, "What do you mean, easy? And then you drive me up the wall again. Oh Mike, just keep doing what you're doing."

Eventually he has breakfast and heads down to the office at the airport. Everyone is in and Mike greets Laura at the front desk. "Good Monday morning, Laura. Did you have a good weekend?"

"I sure did. We went up to the lake and played around there all day. No swimming, of course but a wood fire with hot dogs and marshmallows. It was fun even in the winter."

"Yep, it can be. I know what you mean." He goes on into his office. Quickly she brings him coffee.

She says, "The boss would like to confer with you." She grins openly. "No calls, I take it."

"You're rather precocious, aren't you?"

"Don't forget I saw you with her in the bathroom when you took her to the hospital. I suppose you were just innocently helping her out?"

Mike rolls his eyes. "Dang, I forgot that. Well keep it to yourself please."

"I have and I intend to. My lips are sealed. What happens in her office stays in her office. Okay?"

"Thank you, Laura, I appreciate it."

"You might treat me more like an adult then. Is that fair?"

"Whew! You got me. I'll try to do that. Thanks again."

She leaves his office with her chin high and a firm step.

Mike goes in to visit with Connie and she says, "I think we got lucky. I don't think I'm pregnant."

"I guess we better stop doing that, then. Next time we will likely do the job and then what will we do?"

She sulks, "That was one of the perks of this job I liked best."

"I don't mean we can't do it once in a while but we have to be more careful."

"Shall I lock the door."

"Better not. Let's take coffee out to the terrace."

So that's what they do bringing her son with them. They settle down together and Mike says, "You know Laura is fully aware of what we're doing in your office?"

"I don't think so. She's guessing, at best."

"She told me she knew but it would stay a secret."

"She told you that?"

"Yep." he goes on, "I think it's because I always think of her as a child and she resent it. She was trying to tell me she wants to be recognized as an adult."

"Is that true? Have you always thought of her as a child?"

"Yeah, she got me on that one."

"So how does she know what we do?"

"Remember she was the one to come to our assistance when I had to clean you up in the washroom to take you to the hospital?"

"Oh dear, I guess I had forgotten that."

"Yep, but she says her lips are sealed. What happens in your office stays in your office is how she put it."

"Hmmm, uh good, I guess,"

"Does it put you off? We can quit if you want."

"I'll have to think about it. I knew Janine knew what we were doing and it didn't matter, I wanted you all the same. But Laura is different, I just don't know." She regards him, "Wouldn't you think me a slut if I did something like that even if others knew?"

"I don't know what a slut is. Every woman has the same rights as a man, as far as I am concerned. That's how I feel about it."

"Well that's nice but not everyone thinks like that. I'll have to think on it."

Mike goes back to his office deep in thought. He can understand Connie's way of thinking and it is best to keep things clear with her at this time since she is not fully onboard yet and he does want her to head things up here. In some ways she gives him balance to Trudy so he doesn't have to rely on her alone, he shifts some of the load to Connie instead.

He notes his phone is flashing. He picks it up and speaks to Laura, "Did I have a call, Laura."

"It was Trudy. Stay on the line and I'll see if she is still there."

"Good morning, love." Its Trudy on the line.

"Well, hi there. What's happening?"

"Marcel. I just was told by an informant he has put a woman in the hospital and she was beat up rather bad. She was also cut up with a knife. Somehow it doesn't sound like Marcel but my informer was adamant that it was him. I guess we won't have to worry so much about him for a while."

"Who was the woman?"

"Betty is the only information I have. Oh, and she is married."

"I'm sure you'll dig up more on her so keep in touch. I agree that this should tie up your ex for a while. We'll keep an eye on it."

"So what are you up to this morning?"

"I was chatting with Connie about her duties when she officially starts here. We were also chatting over coffee about raising kids."

"Oh yeah, you're such an expert. Might be better if you stay out of that discussion." she laughs lightly. Mike doesn't comment. "Can't she find something for you to do." she adds, "I'd find something."

"I never thought of that. Maybe I should go and hit on her."

"Michael! You know what I mean. It's a good thing I know she's a happily married mother. I worry more about that young Laura. Don't you think I won't find out if you mess with her."

"Don't worry, I still regard her as a child, love."

"Yeah, I know. I know what goes on you know."

"Yep, you're sharp as a tack." he grins.

"Don't you patronize me, mister. I love you but I'm not blind like that wife of yours."

"I think it might be wise to let Anna and Crystal know that Marcel is involved in this mess when you establish that he really is."

"Yeah, I agree. Well, take care and I love you. Bye for now."

"Good bye love."

Mike hangs up and the button flashes again. "Yes Laura?"

"Connie wants you again. Would you like fresh coffee or is it too near lunch?"

"I could go for a fresh cup, thanks."

He raps on Connie's door and she calls for him to come in. "Yes Connie, what can I help you with?"

"You could start by manning my desk so I can feed junior."

"Right on, I can do that." He comes forward as she gets up to attend to Bernard. She feels his diaper as she releases one breast from her nursing bra then lifts him into place. He is sucking and swinging his head even before he gets hooked on to her. Mike and Connie laugh over his antics as she settles across from him.

Mike admires her anatomy with his eyes as she nurses the child. She turns a delicate pink and looks away from him. "Oh Mike, stop that. You're making me leak."

"Its not me that's doing that, its the baby."

"Well lock the damn door, I'm coming around there."

Laura comes in with coffee. "Can I get you fresh, Connie?"

"Not now, we are going to be busy for a while." She leaves the office and Connie seethes, "I was about to ask her to leave! Lock it!" She is coming to his side lifting her skirt. "You better not cum in me again." she mutters as she backs to sit in his lap.

Mike clicks the lock and reaches to pull aside her panties as she lowers herself. Quickly he sets himself loose to meet her slick wet vaginal lips. He slides on her flesh up her opening then repositions himself to enter as she settles on him. He can feel her enclose his throbbing tool in a wet sheath of warm flesh as she slides down so her bottom connects with his belly.

She sighs a long held breath as she wiggles to make herself comfortable and Mike moves some so she slides further down on him. "Does that feel better?"

"Oh God, yes. It feels so damn good, you will never know." She eases and tightens the muscles in her pelvis trying to get more of a feeling of his presence. "It doesn't itch now. In fact it feels perfect. Just hold me like that and he can nurse quietly."

Mike reaches for his cup and enjoys the coffee Laura has fixed just for him. He feels pretty pampered. Life is good.

Mike never does cum so she is safe for another day. Of course he makes sure she climaxes a couple of times after she puts the baby to rest against her chest. She says he helps her burp him.

Mike decides to go home for lunch as Marlene expects him.

Of course she expects him to take up where he left off with her this morning since the kids are in school and she only has Emma home. She teases by trying to sit in his lap as they joke around but she has to mind something on the stove and has to jump up. Mike takes advantage of the event to grab his coffee and the paper to head to the living room recliner.

He chats with Emma as he passes her playpen. "And what did you find to get into this morning, papoose?" he winks as he passes. He settles with the paper until Marlene calls.

Lunch is good and light so he decides to do some yard work this afternoon around home. When the kids come in from school he greets them from a riding mower behind which he has a trailer with shovels, an axe and assorted tools. Jan rides around the yard with him while Shelly watches then goes in the house.

Mike makes a run to the office to make a showing before they close and catch anything new that might have come up. He chats with Connie as she locks up the office.

"I guess we have you scheduled to be taken on strength here so we will do it on Valentine's day. How does that fit your schedule?"

"Would you change it to suit me?" She glances at him slyly.

"I suppose I could and if necessary I would. What..."

She cuts him off, "I'm kidding, I knew your schedule from Trudy and your hints. I'll be ready." She goes on, "How about you, are you ready to have me on a regular basis?"

"I don't know, you are a high demand customer but I think I can handle it." They laugh together. "Good night now."

He watches her drive away with the baby by her side in a car seat. He's very happy with her running things here in his head office and hopes Trudy feels the same. He's pretty sure she does.
