Fall and Rise


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"He's always been good with names."

"I was never a big drinker so, even though I didn't drink much that night, I was pretty buzzed. I saw this guy at the party and I was pretty...well, pretty horny, and we ended up in one of the bedrooms. He's the father of my baby. I'm sorry, Sam. I never wanted to tell you about that."

"It's okay, Holly. Really. Now, I know this is going to be really personal, but this all has a point, okay?"


"Are you sure he's the father? I mean, there was no one else that night or around the same time?"

She gave me a funny look, obviously getting more and more curious as to why I was asking, and for a minute I thought she was either going to get angry or just tell me it was none of my business, but then she answered.

"No, Sam, no one else. I hadn't had sex with anyone since Terry had broken up with me and I didn't do it again until our wonderful first time together."

"What did this guy look like?"

"I don't really know. He was taller than me and was in good shape, but we were all in costumes and masks."

"What was his costume?"

"Sam, what..."

"Please Holly, it's important."

"It was a...Scottish thing. He had on a loose, white shirt and a...a...shit, what do you call them? The skirt thing?"

"A kilt."

"Yes, a kilt. He was wearing a beret-looking thing and he even had this ridiculous set of kid's plastic bagpipes."

As she talked I was searching the pictures on my phone. I finally found the series of shots I was looking for and held it up so Holly could see it.

"Did he look like this?"

Her eyes widened at the picture on the screen and she leapt to her feet.

"THAT'S HIM! What the hell is going on here, Sam? Why do you have a picture of him on your phone? I think I've been pretty understanding here but you need to tell me what's going on!"

"Baby, I'm sorry I upset you. I just wanted to be sure before I said anything."

"Sure about what, damn it?"

"Holly...the person in that picture is me."

She couldn't have been more stunned if I had walked over to her and slapped her across the face as hard as I could. It was fortunate there was a chair behind her because she just flopped down in shock.

"Huh?" she finally managed.

"Tim took that picture of me when I got to the party last year. Holly, baby, I...I think that's my baby you're carrying."

Holly just stared at me in disbelief. I really wondered what she was thinking. I just waited for her to process it all. Heck, I was still processing it myself. She slowly lowered her eyes and looked at her belly and then back at me.

"This...I...this is your baby?"

"Looks like it."

"My God, Sam. Wishes really do come true!"

"What?" I asked, being a little slow and not getting it.

"Ever since I met you I've been wishing this was your baby, wishing that it wasn't just some random stranger's baby. I know it didn't matter to you and that's one of the reasons I love you so much. But I really wanted it to be our baby in every way, and now it is. Oh Sam, I'm so happy!"



Holly and I arranged a quick marriage at the court house, beating the arrival of Ashley Barbara Beckman by just a couple of weeks. After Holly was sufficiently recovered from giving birth, we had a big party to celebrate.

Barbara surprised us all by marrying one of the firm's outgoing partners and retiring to a lifetime of motor home travel. She left the house to Holly and confessed to me, in absolute secrecy, that she had been waiting for Holly to come to some sort of decision about her life before moving on. It turns out the number of men she had supposedly been meeting had dwindled to just one.

With nothing left to hold us in North Carolina, except for my job of course, Holly and I made plans to move back to Texas to be near my girls. With the experience I had gained working for Tim I was able to get a much better job at a decidedly higher salary, allowing Holly to be a full-time mom. Considering we soon added two more to the brood, that was more than a full-time job itself.

For all the time I was in North Carolina, which in the end was just about 3 years, Tim had never stayed with one woman very long and never gave any indication that he was going to. We had been back in Texas for another two years when the wedding invitation arrived in the mail. Neither of us recognized the bride's name.

We flew out for the wedding and met the bride. The way Tim was, I had always assumed that if he settled down with someone that she would be totally hot, like Victoria's Secret model worthy. Cassandra (call me Cassie) was anything but. She was barely taller than 5-foot and I believed her breasts owed much of their size to the extra weight she carried, and even then they were smaller than Holly's, who barely filled a b-cup. She had shoulder-length brown hair and wore glasses. But when she and Tim were together the love they felt for each other was palpable, and I had never seen him so happy.

By the time I moved back to Austin, Karen was enrolled at UT and Wendy was finishing her senior year in high school. She had been accepted at UT as well as several other schools and was still considering her options. I encouraged her to do what was right for her and I'd be there whenever she came back.

Pauline and Dave were having problems. For some reason, Dave was having some trust issues with being married to a woman that had previously cheated on her husband. I don't know if Pauline had done something to make him worry or if it was just something that sprung up in his mind. Apparently, it coincided with Karen leaving for college, so perhaps it was simply a product of having more time to themselves. I didn't really care, exactly, but part of me saw this as a little bit of karma.





Inspiration: Not much of a secret here. Took inspiration from all those crappy divorces that ended up with part-time dads while the women they had loved move on with someone else.

I had worked out most of the story before I thought of the twist of making the baby Sam's. Up until then I had liked the story, but after making that change I...REALLY like it.

I'm not a medical professional, nor do I play one on TV. And I didn't really do any research either. So, if I got the medical stuff wrong, please don't judge too harshly.

Permission: I hereby give my permission to anyone interested in writing a follow-up or alternate version of any one of my stories. Please just remember to give credit where credit is due. I'm not always very diligent about checking my email for permission requests.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Very good writing. I would have enjoyed the ending a lot more with another paragraph about him and Holly instead of the bitch and ex-best friend.

LechemanLecheman17 days ago

One remarkable item that highlights a good author is their ability to stir emotions in their readers. That occurred with this story - from memory, I believe this is the second time I've read it and as previously, my emotions were stirred up.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker21 days ago

I must have read this a while ago but I can't find my review. So. I liked it. 5 stars, the Bear approves. But the bitch didn't get enough shit thrown back at her. the M/C got a VERY happy ending, but all he got up till then was the shaft. The cunt had everything else. (You know, goldmine, gold, castle, etc., etc.) Other than that, Karma says 'So sue me, he was an idiot. ALL teenagers are idiots, and he should have sucked it up.) Good story. The Bear approves.


AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

A very good tale (a story line that many men could relate to). Thanks BG!

somewhere east of Omaha

Just_WordsJust_Words25 days ago

This was a great 5***** story about a broken man struggling to rebuild himself. The improbable parentage of the baby was just delightful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Mist was good, but there's no payback on the cheaters.

willyk1212willyk1212about 1 month ago

holly is great i think he really got the best end of the deal pauline is evil very evil

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

If Pauline was so concerned her daughters would be upset when he left the state, she could have told them he was moving right away. She didn't because she secretly wanted them all to herself. His confrontation with Pauline on second to last page was well written. She just cares about assuaging her guilt. Minimizing the damage she inflicted. And yes she did commit an evil betrayal. Suspect she subtly manipulated the daughters to appreciate "Daddy Dave", more and more over time. She wanted it that way, with minimal intrusion from her ex. Despite her protestations to the contrary, sounds like her marriage to Dave is eroding. And yes she did commit multiple evil acts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good story, BigGuy, thanks for posting it here.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The Cinderella effect. (A sprained ankle from a 'glass slipper?) A one off with Wonder Woman? Great Scot!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Hmmm... You'd have to drink an awful lot (and I mean gallons) of very strong beer, to get alcohol poisoning from it. Just sayin...

Harvey8910Harvey89102 months ago

This was a great story. Sam met a wonderful woman in Holly and Pauline was having problems with her marriage to Dave because she cheated on Sam and now Dave was worried that she would cheat on him. Life goes on. It was wonderful that Sam stopped drinking himself to death. The girls accepted Holly and they had a good relationship with their father. Pauline was the loser in this story. She is in an unhappy marriage and it is her fault. She deserves the negative karma that she received. Consequences of your actions can be a bitch. Great story and five stars!!!

mourambamouramba3 months ago

I don't get why you mentioned the old Nissan? Is that a clue that Pauline is cheating?? But no way right? cause the girls were in the house.. Or did Dave's business tank so he switched to a used old car???

I don't get it!

H. JekyllH. Jekyll3 months ago

I enjoyed the story, enjoyed that the divorce wasn't caused by a Martian slut ray (as people refer to it) sex frenzy by the wife, was happy that he crawled out from under the bottle, glad that he met someone, and glad that he decided to never forgive his wife but did reconnect with his kids.

Criticisms? My perspective? In the late conversation, he didn't have to go through the snarky dialogue, listing every, single, untoward thing his ex had ever done. In real life, she'd then come back with a snarky list of things he'd done, his role in the divorce, his alcoholism, yadda, yadda. It would go nowhere. In my (humble) opinion it was enough to say she shattered the family and his life and that he would never forgive her, so live with it. He'd be cordial.

(frankly, I half expected her to say that Dave was gone, and to beg him to return. That happens in a lot of these stories. This was much more realistic)

And, oh, I like that Holly's kid is his, but for me it's a bit too much of a coincidence.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Sorry. Can't equate the selfishness of his teenage daughters with the treachery of Dave and Pauline. Admittedly they didn't know he had left six months ago. They had their own lives and Pauline and Dave kept them pleasantly diverted giving then all their materialistic needs. So like many teenagers they were bored to see their father in a separate, cheap apartment. Not sure it warrants wholesale abandonment. But then again he certainly wasn't being given chance to see them two weekends a month.

Btw without mental cruelty or abuse claims, no way she gets him evicted from house during divorce proceedings, so long as hisnam4 is on deed.. first thing a divorce lawyer, especially defending men, instructs is to "stay in the house"

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I really enjoyed this story as he picked his life up with friends!! Thanks DerMtMan

AmbivalenceAmbivalence3 months ago

"Sam, it's Pauline. ... I finally told them that you had moved away. As I predicted, they are badly hurt. They always assumed they could see you whenever they wanted and to finally find out that was no longer the case struck them deeply. I hope you're proud of yourself for hurting your girls."

- Interesting that their definition of "whenever they want" apparently amounts to maybe once or twice a year since it took them six months to even notice. It's a good thing for him that they *dumped* him in June. If they'd opted out in January, it could have been almost a whole year before they realized he was gone.

And it's not just that they didn't care if they hadn't 'seen him' for six months - they also didn't care that they hadn't called him or emailed him or texted him. Yeah, his kids just love him to death...


"I had already lost your mom and I felt like I was losing you, too, and I didn't handle it very well."

- Don't be delusional. He *had* lost them. "Gosh, Dad, we love you but, you know, in the 'we don't care if we have any contact with you' sort of way."


"Your mom says I can keep you until I got back home on Sunday, so get your bags packed."

"Oh, dad, but this weekend..."

- See? If up to *them* they'd have passed on that weekend too. You know, because 'hugs, we love you, sorry' was the full extent of their desire to interact given *their* choice.

AmbivalenceAmbivalence3 months ago

"Hmmm, Dave, why should you worry? I'm *sure* she's faithful. After all, women love faithful, honest, loving-father, hard-working, good-looking-men type of husbands. Plus, I'm sure there's not a dishonest bone in her body..."

Oh, and you've got money... though she has *specifically* and repeatedly said that *wasn't* why she married you."


Oh yeah, I forgot, *you* aren't honest, are you? And though you didn't have a wife to be unfaithful to before you seduced her, you *did* cheat on your friendship with Sam. Oh, and I guess she *does* have cheating or dishonest bones in her body... huh...?"

Well, maybe you *should* worry...?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What was the point of mentioning the old Nissan on the drive when he went to pick up his daughters?

moultonknobmoultonknob3 months ago

He sounds like a pathetic fuckwit and why the need to get pissed every night just because the bitch left him, by the sound of her he should be grateful she did.

Odess83Odess834 months ago

История неплохая. Правда я не понимаю зачем автор помирил отца с дочерьми? Они открыто показали, что им плевать на него! В 15 лет уже есть мозги и девочки должны были понимать ЧТО они значат для одинокого отца. Они виделись всего 4 дня в месяц и они были готовы выбросить эти встречи на свалку. Лучше бы он их забыл, а они мучились потом стыдом всю жизнь!!

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