Falling in Love Pt. 01


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As if sensing my acceptance of the inevitable, Dev slipped her little hand into my mine to naturally entwine our fingers. "Oh, shit, what the heck is happening?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the darkness of my bedroom, I tossed and turned in my bed as I continued to wrestle with my surprised feelings that had arisen today, and found myself losing. How did this happen? How could a man my age let things get so far out of hand? How stupid had I been to dive into a relationship with a teenager...even if she was a lovely petite Asian angel...who constantly kept me intrigued. How did Devyn Toma steal into and take my heart?

"Brad?" was the question that jerked me from my fit of mental self-flagellation, "Can I come in? I am...I'm very lonely...unsure of myself...and uncertain as to what to do. I don't want to be alone. Please?"

I never got a chance to respond because Dev crawled under the bed covers and cozied up next to me. With her head resting on my beating chest, she murmured, "I know I said that we wouldn't be in the same bedroom...much less the same bed...but I really need you to..." And with that Devyn buried her face into my shoulder and began to softly cry.

"Hey, what's wrong, Dev? Come on, tell me."

For a while, Devyn didn't say anything and just hugged me. Then taking a deep breath, she struggled to compose herself before whispering, "You're going to laugh...but it's that damn song...yeah...the Elvis one. I can't get it out of my head and it's making me think...about me... you...and us.

"Oh, Brad, I have failed you miserably", whimpered Devyn. "I am supposed to be responsible for you...to take care of you...to watch out for you...and yet..." And with that, my Okinawan pixie started to sob again as she snuggled against me. When I held her small soft body to mine, she slipped an arm and a leg over me as I casually stroked her back, breathing in her intoxicating feminine scent.

"I now know why Marsha wanted me to listen to that damn song," Dev finally mumbled. "She was, in her own manipulative way, getting me to understand and accept that I...I love you. Oooh, I am not supposed to...it's happening so fast...but like the song said, 'Only fools rush in...but I can't help falling in love with you.' Please forgive me..." With that said Dev began to cry again as she clung even more tightly to me.

I didn't say anything. What could I do? Dev was running the same gauntlet of disbelief, doubt, and self-incrimination as I had just moments before and had arrived at a similar conclusion as I did...that we were falling in love with each other. Knowing that after my next step, there would be no turning back, I whispered, "Hey, Dev, don't cry for this is how I feel about you..."

"I don't know how or for that matter why, but I love you, Devyn Toma, more than you'll ever know."

And with that, I lifted the chin of my startled love interest and tenderly kissed her until Dev responded, hesitantly at first and then fervently. My tongue snaked into her open mouth and soon was passionately dueling with hers. When we reluctantly broke our lip lock, she moaned sensuously as my lips travel down her exposed throat and then back up.

Regaining her confidence in the knowledge that I loved her, Dev's little hand slithered down my body to blindly grope and then boldly squeeze my hardening manhood. "Now you've gone and done it, Brad. I know I shouldn't, but as my first love, I want you in the worse possible way. Make love to me...please...be my first man."

However, with a herculean effort, I grasped the wrist of her naughty hand and brought it to my lips. Gently kissing her dainty fingers, I murmured, "No, Dev, wait! Shit, I know that this sounds stupid and that I will regret this later, but I think we need to slow things down.

"Listen to me. As improbable as it may be, we can finally admit that we love each other. Let's not complicate things more by jumping into sex. Don't be in a rush to give up your virginity...and the truth be told...I don't know if I'm ready to...ah, shit, I don't know what to think...and as silly as it may sound, I just know that I love you."

"Oooh, I wish you weren't but you are right, damn it. It's just that I've never been in love, and all I want to do is to dive into lusty sex like a horny teenager...which I am right now! But going overboard to satisfy my sexual cravings wouldn't take care of you the way I am supposed to, would it? Sigh, it sucks being so goddamn responsible for you."

"Well, we both have our crosses to bear. You don't know what it's like being the proverbial 'older man who hasn't had sex for decades and who after meeting a very pretty and willing barely-legal teenager, has to say, 'Stop! Wait!' I must be nuts to say 'No' to a horny Asian minx like you. Sigh, and do you know what? No matter what I do, I will be seen by others as having groomed and seduced you, an innocent sweet virgin."

"Some might," slipped in Dev, "but there are those who will say that I conned you, a lonely widower, with my teenage sexual wiles, exchanging sex for a lavish lifestyle. Hey, would becoming your 'mistress' be my next step in sexual depravity? Nah, all joking aside, I can wait until you're ready. Ain't that a kick in the ass since it is normally the guy who has to wait until the girl is ready to 'give it up.' I hope you appreciate it! Hmmph!

"You know that Marsha will be delighted...and no, I won't say anything to her...but she'll know by the way we act when we're together. And speaking of us being together, did you know that Marsha wants me to become her protégé and replacement? What? She hasn't mentioned this to you. Well, she will...so, act surprised.

"Come on, Brad, think about it. Marsha is sixty-three already and eligible for Social Security and will soon be entitled to Medicare. The only reason she hasn't retired is...well...in her own words, 'Who will take care of the boss?'

"If Marsha gets her way, I'll go to college and be her part-time Assistant Executive Assistant. She wants me to learn the insides-outs of the position and bank... especially how to work with and protect you. Don't be surprised if she insists on using your charge card to take me clothes shopping since I have nothing to wear that would be becoming of the executive level of the bank and her apprentice.

"And before you ask, I'm open to the idea. That's because if you agree with Marsha's request, my part-time job will pay me enough so that I start paying rent for my condo unit. Brad, don't argue. If I don't, sooner or later someone will find out that you're paying for my place and I will really be called your 'kept woman' or worse.

"What? No, I've got to pay the full amount so as not to raise any suspicions about us. However, I wouldn't mind if you took me grocery shopping regularly...and spoiled me rotten by coming over to cook for me...or being my guinea pig as I learn how to cook. With the saved money not having to buy food, I could get a moped so that I wouldn't have to catch the bus all the time."

"Ah, Dev, why don't you use my jeep...yeah, the one that's parked outside? Much of the time, it is just parked in my second stall at my condominium. What? You don't know how to drive? Well, I know a friend of a friend who runs a driving school, and I'm sure you'll have your license and driving my jeep before long. Okay?"

"Deeper and deeper into your debt...sigh...I might be forced to...owww, twist my arm... o become your 'sex slave' to repay you...hey...what an interesting idea! And speaking of sex, we need to talk seriously about sex...or more so, having it. Now that I know you love me...when?"

"Ahhh, I think we should play it by ear since we met only a few months ago. Don't get me wrong, Dev, I want you in the worse way. However, there are some people out there who would love to accuse me of having groomed an underage orphan...using my generosity with new clothes, shoes, dinners, and a free condo unit against me. They will accuse me of committing statutory rape or worse.

"If we are unable to defend ourselves, such moral accusations might invalidate my bank contract and I'd be fired for cause...and you would be labeled a 'whore' or worse. However, if you can medically show that you're 'vaginally chaste'...a virgin...well...we should be protected."

When I saw the look of doubt and dismay mar Dev's lovely face, I hurriedly added, "It won't be forever, you horny little slut. Do you think I want to go on forever with a raging hard-on and swollen blue-balls? But can we hang in there...together...until we are seen as a couple...an eye-opening odd one...and gain a degree of acceptance?"

I thought Dev would start crying again, but to my amazement, she looked questioningly at me. "Brad, is vaginal sex the only form of sex? It isn't, is it? So, while we are waiting to become respectable in the eyes of whomever, we could...and I hope you agree...be secretly engaging in 'alternative' forms of physical intimacy and sexual pleasure? I mean what people don't know, well, they don't know. Right? Now, what can I do to persuade you to take care of my much-neglected sexual education?"

"Hmmm, now that's a hard one, Dev. Ahhh, for starters you might want to take off your sleepshirt and panties. What? You're not wearing panties...oh, you're such a shameless Okinawan hussy! "

Throwing back the bed covers to sit up, Dev grabbed the hem of her sleepshirt and yanked it off in one swift movement. Free of any clothing, her small fleshy ivory cones sloped gently from her chest to flip at the end for a perky look. Her puffy areolas had contracted in her excitement to merge with succulent pencil-eraser-like nipples, forming mouthwatering mini-Mount-Fujis just begging to be sucked.

My hands pulled her closer to leisurely caress her smooth soft body. Dev whimpered pitifully when my mouth traveled downward to completely inhale one of her pointy tits while I pinched her other nipple, rolled between my thumb and forefinger. I sucked her spongy yet firm boob from her heaving chest, making Dev gasp breathlessly when her rock-hard tip was lightly nipped by my teeth before finally escaping my tormenting mouth.

"Do you love that, you horny little girl?"

"Oh, God, yes! I never knew having my titties sucked and played with could...oooh, it feels so good...so damn good. My nipples...they're so hard...so achy. Yikes, that hurts when you lightly bite them...but...ohhh...but it also feels so damn good. I could definitely get used to you playing with and sucking my boobs all the time.

"Anytime you want, Dev, but now that I see your sweet hairless quim. I'm going to have a big helping of pussy-pie. Lay back, spread your shapely legs...yeah, that's the way... show me what you have, you sexy eighteen-year-old. Your cunt lips are so damn engorged...such a tight little fleshy slit...so juicy...so delicious looking!

Shrill cries ripped through the bedroom as my rasping tongue plowed up and down Dev's drenched pussy crack. She jerked when my tongue flicked on her stiff love nub and then was thrust into her quivering cunt. Her unexplored twat gushed with the sweetest nectar I had ever tasted, and I greedily slurped it up.

Her sopping wet snatch instinctively began to hump my buried face with greater urgency. "Oh, my God, Brad! I can't breathe," panted Dev as her petite body began to tremble uncontrollably. "I am burning up! My gut is getting tighter and tighter. What is happening to me? Oh, shit! Oh, damn!"

Dev's body suddenly arched sharply as she shouted vague obscenities and shuddered uncontrollably as the tension within her little body ratcheted tighter and tighter. Suddenly Dev screamed. "I can't stop! I've just got to...arrgghh!...arrgghh!!... arrghh!!!" Her hips shot upward, as her churning hairless pussy exploded with her liquid sexual excitement, spurting violently once, twice, three times.

"Shit! This little pixie is a goddamn squirter," exploded in my bewildered mind.

Dev collapsed in sweaty exhaustion against the mattress as her petite body convulsed with the aftershocks of her climax. "What...what the heck...just happened to me?" gasped a dazed Dev.

"You had an orgasm...what's that...your first? Well, Dev, I can guarantee that it won't be the last of your young life. Judging from your reaction, you loved it."

"But why am I so wet down there? Did I pee?"

"No, Dev, you didn't pee. Your orgasm was so intense that you 'squirted' your bodily fluids something like when a man ejaculates his spunk. It's nothing to be ashamed of...in fact, it is a sign of your sexuality as a young woman."

"Ummm, okay, I could get really used to...no, addicted...to having orgasms. Yeah, definitely," Dev murmured as she pulled me to her, kissing me tenderly. "Hey, wait a minute. Why am I the only one who's naked? Strip, damn you, Brad! It's only fair that if you can see me naked, I should be able to see you naked."

"Are you sure, Dev? I mean I'm no longer in my prime and have lost muscle tone and..."

"Shush, Brad, enough with the damn excuses and stop stalling. Take off your damn clothes... now!" When I did as she commanded, Dev exclaimed, "Oh, my, you're so 'big!'"

"Well, thanks, Dev, you've just made my day. This is what happens to me...when I see a certain Okinawan eighteen-year-old virgin in a skimpy string bikini... and then when she stripped butt-ass naked. My cock automatically gets thick, long, and rock-hard. With my testicles...yeah, those round things in that scrunched fleshy sack. It can be embarrassing as well as very painful because of the built-up sperm not being released."

"Painful? Oh, that's not right. I'm supposed to be taking care of you...and while you've given me a wonderful eye-opening climax, I haven't given you one." Then fondling my cock, Dev asked, "What can I do, Brad, to give you relief? Tell me what to do and I will do it."

"Oh, are you sure? Okay, if you insist. Play with my cock by gripping it...a bit tighter... yeah...and sliding your hand up and down my shaft. Now, lick my dick to lubricate your fist sliding...oooh, yeah, like that...oooh, jerk me off, baby girl. Do you feel my cock getting harder and pulsating?

"Now, kiss my dickhead...yeah...just like that. Open your mouth and relax your throat...take as much of my cock as you can in your mouth...suck on me, Dev...like how you'd suck on a popsicle. Yeah...oh yeah. You're so goddamn good that I'm going to cum real soon and spurt like you did. Take all my spunk into your mouth... don't spit it out...just swallow it...just swallow it!

"Oh, fuck, I'm going to cum...yeah...I'm going to fill your sweet little mouth...oh, oh, oh...I'm cumming...arrgghh...arrgghh...gulp down all my spunk...do it...suck me off! Yeah...like that...oooh, like that...you're so damn good...such a goddamn cock-sucker."

"Ummm, ummm, you taste so good," mumbled Dev after she sucked me dry and then leisurely licked my softening dick before mouthing my hairy balls. "I know that I am going to love doing this. What's that? It's called 'giving head'...'sucking off'...or, yeah, giving you a 'blow job'?

"Okay. I don't really care. I just love having your big fat cock in my mouth and feeling you shoot your cum down my gulping throat. Yeah... you're right...ummm...it tastes so good...so delicious...I love it. It makes me want to be really wicked so that a certain dirty old man cannot resist taking my virginity...yeah, the vaginal one. I know what you said, but I want to...can we please do 'it'? It would be an 'interesting' way of taking care of you."

"Sigh, no, Dev. I can see that this is going to be much harder than I thought. Hey, as much as I would love to...'fuck you'...yeah, that's what it comes down to...remember you're supposed to be responsible for me. That includes not giving my detractors ammunition to shoot me down. And I am supposed to be taking care of you which means protecting you and your reputation...hmmm...and what would happen if we did 'it' and you got pregnant?"

"Okay, okay, I get the drift. Thanks for reminding me that I did declare that I am responsible for and taking care of you. But for the record, you're no fun if you know what I mean...heh, heh, heh.

"Still...to show you just how responsible I am, I am getting on birth control pills. Yes, I will. Why? There may come a time when a certain closet pervert may be unable to resist the charms and willingness of a certain virgin. Me becoming pregnant would really cause all kinds of nasty rumors about us.

"Sigh, I guess I'll have to be content with alternate sex for now. Don't get me wrong... while it isn't bad...it just is not enough... sigh... definitely not enough! I hope I can hold on until we become accepted. So much for being foolish and just rushing in...hmmph!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's note: Stay tuned for the next part of this romance when Brad takes Devyn's hand and goes with the flow.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I love stories in which us old farts get to seduce and fuck (hey, I'll take a sucking mouth or an offered asshole any day) a willing Asian eighteen-year-old virgin like Devyn. Go for it, you dirty old man!

KinPAKinPAabout 1 year ago

Reading the dialog is like hearing half a telephone call…please, please, please make it flow more normally and share both sides of the conversation. Beyond that, excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Oh, come on, Brad! That little Asian cutie is practically throwing herself at you, and you are saying, "Let's wait," Get real and give her what she wants. After this teaser, Part 2 better very juicy!

teedeedubteedeedubabout 1 year ago

Yeah, wicked.......

des911des911about 1 year ago

You've set this up nicely and the route is fairly clear. But, you've also set up the more interesting part - how does a middle aged man have an intimate relationship with a teenager without attracting the opprobrium (at best) of society, his job, etc. I'm really looking forward to part 2.

Thank you

DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 1 year ago

You wicked elder dirt, you present us with this horny little Devyn you show us all her womanly wiles and subject us to her pleading and orgasmic screaming, then you tell us we'll have to wait to see what happens next. All I can say is make sure she takes the pill before we have to follow her perverted little schemes further. You go Devyn/Devil, examine it carefully before you sign any prenup agreement. You little minx!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Having read the first part o this intriguing story, I cannot help but wonder who is seducing who. You go, Devyn!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A dirty old man’s fantasy! Looking forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Five Stars! Cab;t wait for Part 2. More!

mrblizzard1112mrblizzard1112about 1 year ago

Looking forward to the part!

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