Falling Up

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Siblings realize how much they need each other.
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Author's Note: All characters over eighteen.


Cade rolled his eyes when he heard the loud snap of a tree branch and the subsequent, "Fuck!" that accompanied it. He sighed and put his laptop carefully aside before investigating.

Anya lay groaning on her back under a tree. Cade crouched beside her. She didn't seem dead or dying, so that was a good sign.

"What'd you do this time?" he asked.

Anya moaned again, deliberately pitiful about it, but Cade had far too much experience with his little sister and her antics to be taken in by her.

"Fell out of the tree," she said.

"Yes, I thought you might have. Tried to climb the wrong branch?"

"It should have held. I've been using it lots. I can get to the roof from there. Or... I always could before."

"Uh huh. Got careless, didn't you?"

"Ugh. No chastising. I broke my wrist I think."

"I doubt it somehow."

"Since when are you a doctor?"

Cade stood up again and examined the tree Anya had fallen out of. "Not a doctor. I just know you'd be whining way harder if you'd actually broken anything."

"Well it hurts!" Anya insisted.

"I'm sure it does. Do we need to hit the hospital?"

"... yes."

"Fine. Do you need me to carry you?"


"Trick question. Not happening. On your feet."

Anya pouted. "So mean. And I thought I was your favourite sister and all."

"You are. Doesn't mean I'm going to encourage your constant attempts at injuring yourself."

"It's not a cry for help, dummy. I just like climbing."

"I know." Cade held up two fingers. "Second sign you didn't actually break anything, you're not too in pain to be lippy."

"Just wait 'til you break your arm. Then see how funny you think it is."

"Anya, dearest sister, I will bet you that it's not broken. Loser has to make supper."

"How am I s'posed to-"

"You'll win, right? Because your wrist is definitely broken?"

"... fine. You're on."


"Funny thing, isn't it?" Cade said. "Is that the doctor-"

"Shut up."

"-said the same thing I did."

"Blurgh," Anya said, gazing sulkily out her window.

"Not broken. Funny about that."

"You're the worst."

"I rescued you, didn't I?"

"You deigned to drive me to the hospital. No brother of the year awards for that."

Cade grinned wide. "You own me supper, anyway."

"I'm injured. It's not broken, but I'm still injured."

"Better think of something you can make one-handed, I guess."

"Ugh! Can we just stop somewhere and I'll get us take out?"

"That wasn't the bet."

Anya turned in her seat. "I just have to make supper. Buying it counts."

"There's no 'making' involved in just buying it."

"That's just a word."

"Yes. And the point of words is to communicate information."


"So I've heard, yes."

"Look, there's a good restaurant. Just stop there."


"Stop the car, or I'll jump out anyway."

Cade sighed. "You know, anyone else I'd call their bluff. But you're just self-destructive enough to-"

"I'm not! I'm just injured and cranky."

"Are the pain meds not helping?"

"They are. I think maybe I need another one."

"No you don't. You're not to abuse those."

"Ok, little mister nosey. For your info I can take two every four hours, and I only started with one, so maybe I shoulda taken two, how 'bout that?"

Cade nodded sagely. "In that case you'd best take a second."

"Are you gonna pull over?"

"We missed the place you wanted already."

"There's another good one ahead." Anya struggled with her pill bottle for a second, popped it open, then downed another pill. "Ooh, or hit a grocery store. We could make stupid-big-good sundaes later. With all the chocolate and syrup and bad stuff."

"Boy, those kick in fast."

"You're gonna insist on being a shit about this, aren't you?"

Cade considered. "Kinda seems that way, yeah."


Anya struggled with prepping food that evening. Part of it was just for show, mind you. Not that Cade fell for many of her tricks these days. She missed when they'd been younger and he'd been more of a sucker.

She missed when they'd been younger for other reasons too. It hadn't been just the two of them then. But that was a whole other thing.

The pain pills helped quite a bit. Her wrist hardly even bothered her, though it was awkward to use her hand at all and she did her best to do everything one-handed where possible. She also felt pretty happy and a tad light-headed from the meds, which she wasn't sure was a good thing, but she'd at least enjoy the feeling as long as it was there anyway.

"Need any help?" Cade asked.

"Ha, what happened to getting poor Cinderella to make your food and-"

"Poor Cinderella's been playing the pity card awfully hard today."

"... well we made a bet and all. Technically I gotta do this."

"Mmhm," Cade agreed. "That's true. Can I help anyway?"


"'Cause I love you, doofus. And I know you're acting pitiful on purpose, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still work."

Anya flushed and kept her face away from Cade for a moment so he wouldn't see. "You can do the hamburger," she said more quietly. "I'm having a hard time keeping the frying pan in line without burning myself."

"Good choice. What are we having?"


"Loaded up with all the good stuff?"

"Hell yeah. Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Just checking."

Anya busied herself cutting up more veggies and stuff. She was still reasonably able to handle that without too much trouble. Having Cade deal with browning the hamburger made a big difference. She hadn't thought he'd cave today, but she was glad he did.


Cade and Anya ate their nachos on the couch together. It was a somewhat messy affair, as well-loaded nachos tended to be. Cade had to help Anya a couple times to not make a total disaster. Her limited dexterity was a bit of a factor still.

"Mmm," Anya said, rubbing her tummy after. "That was good. Even worth you tricking me into cooking."

"Yeah. Tricking. That's what happened."

"Glad we're agreed," Anya said, deliberately not engaging with Cade's sarcasm.

"Are you not even gonna eat your ice cream with all kinds of junk on it? We specifically got everything you wanted."

"Ugh. You think I can do that now? That was hungry me talking. I'm very much full now."

Anya laid her head on Cade's shoulder as she shifted position and curled up next to him. He was still picking at the last of the nachos on his plate, but he put it aside as Anya was getting comfy.

She seemed much more docile now. Sleepy, even. She was kind of cute at times, for being a sister and all. This was one of those times, snuggled up calm and comfy, eyes heavily lidded, looking like she might just fall asleep at any moment.

"I got therapy tomorrow," Anya said, belying her otherwise comatose appearance.

"Mmhm. That's true."

"She's probably gonna ask about my wrist."

"Well it is fresh and all."

"It wasn't on purpose or anything."

Cade shrugged softly. "Don't have to tell me. I was there."

"Just sayin'. She thinks I'm... I don't even know. I don't think she likes me."

"I really don't think that's true. Even if she doesn't, she's gotta be professional, right?"

"Feels pretty personal sometimes."

"Yeah, well, it's all personal stuff."

Anya sighed. "I guess." She squirmed to get more comfortable. "How's yours going?"

"Got a session in... two days? I think?"

"Not what I asked. How's it going?"


"Ugh. Whatever. Don't tell me then."

Cade sighed an ran a hand through his hair. "It's fine. Really. Just... I still have trouble talking about some stuff."

"Well sure. So do I. That's part of the point, isn't it?"

"I guess."

"Mom and Dad?"

Cade nodded. "Yeah. Mostly them."


They were silent for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Is that anything to do with why you're always climbing stuff?" Cade asked softly.

"I like climbing stuff. That's all. That climbing gym I liked is still closed. What else am I s'posed to do?"

"I dunno. Just asking.

Anya curled up tighter against Cade. "Makes me feel good for a while, is all. Some things do."

"I get ya."


What Anya wouldn't say was that Cade was another thing that made her feel good. Not always. Sometimes he was a pain in the ass. But sometimes she was too, so it all kind of evened out.

It was hard to imagine not having him in her life. What she'd do. She didn't even want to think about it.

Besides, she was stuffed, and all happy-sleepy. So what was the point in getting existential now?

Anya liked the thrill and danger of climbing higher and higher. Trees, walls, their house. Whatever. Often any danger was an illusion as much as anything. A feeling she could bring herself when she felt like it. Though as today had proven, it wasn't always just imaginary.

Or maybe it was a rebellion of sorts against common sense and growing up. Maybe it was remembering childhood.

Whatever the case, Cade made her feel the same sense of chaotic peace, but from a different direction. There was no danger in him at all, real or otherwise. There was no thrill or daring. Just her brother. Always there. The only person or thing she could rely on one hundred percent.

And he was so nice to cuddle too. He'd just sit there and let her half-snooze. Sometimes maybe he'd shift, but often it was only to let them both be more comfortable, or to wrap an arm around her.

"I'm not carrying you to bed if you fall asleep on me," Cade warned.

"Don't worry. M'not."

"You sure? You're starting to drool on me."

Anya frowned and pouted at Cade. "Am not."

"I felt it."


"It's fine. Everyone drools."

Anya shook her head and secured a spot even further atop him. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Cade chuckled softly. "Can't imagine I ever would."


Cade lay awake in bed a while that night. Just staring at the darkness, alone with his thoughts.

He missed feeling Anya against him. It wasn't the first time either. It was something he'd come to recognize. How nice it felt having her next to him. She made him feel secure in a way that very little else could. Maybe nothing else, for that matter.

But he couldn't have that at night. When he really needed it. She'd probably help him fall asleep faster. And even if not, he'd enjoy his sleepless time in the dark more. Either way would be a win.

As he'd done before, intermittently, Cade got up and padded to the bathroom, not really needing to be there. It was an excuse more than anything. He made the soft trip to Anya's room after. Just checking.

Her door was half open. It was rarely closed. Maybe they didn't need to bother with closing doors. It was just the two of them. Cade, too, had become lax about it. Excepting for when he was jerking off or something. Then privacy still made a lot of sense.

Cade had thought about intruding at times. Thought about it now. The door was open. But that didn't mean anything, really, and it didn't feel right to just go in.

Maybe he was hoping Anya would still be awake and call to him. She never had yet. A foolish hope. Still, he was awake and had nothing better to do.

He went back to bed. He'd sleep sooner or later. Probably.


"My wrist hurts."

Cade nodded, busily typing at his laptop. "Makes sense."

"I wanted sympathy. Not confirmation."

"Oh. Sorry."

Anya sighed in frustration. "You're ignoring me."

"I'm working. Some of us do that."

"You don't have to."

"Mmm. True, I suppose. But I like it. Most of the time."

Anya cocked her head. "How about now?"

Cade sighed. "Right now it's a bit tedious, admittedly. Which is all the more reason to get it done."

"Ha, so responsible. How 'bout instead you braid my hair for me?"

Cade looked at Anya. She did her best to beam winsomely. She even batted her eyelashes, though as she soon as she saw her brother's reaction she knew that had been pushing it.

"Why would I do that?" he asked.

"'Cause I can't do it myself. My wrist hurts when I try holding it like that for too long."

"Sure. But I mean you don't actually need braids."

Anya shrugged. "I don't need lots of things. Doesn't stop me. Doesn't stop anyone, really."

"True. Give me an hour."

"An hour?!"

"Don't you have some way of imperiling yourself you should be getting to?"

Anya harrumphed and folded her arms. Cade was unmoved, and besides it wasn't an easy pose for her wrist either. Feeling she wasn't winning, Anya pattered off around the yard.

Cade liked doing his work outside sometimes when it was nice out. Which was fair enough. Anya liked being out in this weather too. But with her arm the way it was, she just felt bored and helpless.

Still, she could try.

She went straight for the tree she'd fallen from yesterday, cautiously pulling herself up with one hand and her legs, putting more work in with her lower body than she usually had to. She had some mild success, but didn't quite dare getting high enough to really feel anything. None of the freedom that often came with higher or riskier climbs.

Anya considered popping another painkiller, take the edge fully off. Maybe she could climb higher that way if her wrist wasn't bothering her. But then, she didn't entirely trust her judgement or reflexes she had a full dose in her, so probably best not to.

She climbed back down slowly, then at a sturdy lower branch she let herself hang upside down by her legs. She was close enough to the ground that it wasn't even much of a thrill hanging precariously like that, but she still liked the effect.

Somehow Cade sneaked up on her while she was hanging there just existing in the moment. Possibly she'd closed her eyes. All she knew was he was just there.

"Stuck?" he asked with quiet amusement.

"Nope," Anya answered.

"Uh huh. How you getting down then?"

"Gravity'll probably do the trick."

"I see." Cade tilted his head. "You know your shirt's-"

Anya yanked her top back into place, more or less. "Well it wasn't an issue until just now."

"Gravity. She giveth, she taketh away."

"S'fine. Didn't even come up over my boobs or nothin'." Anya thought for a second. "Which by the way is total nonsense. Girls should be able to go topless too if they want."

"Mmhm." Cade sat down on the grass cross-legged. He watched Anya while idly plucking the occasional blade from the ground. "I mean, they can. But then they have to deal with everyone staring."

"That's what I'm saying! It should be... more fairer. And stuff."

"I think maybe you should come down now. Too much upside down's not good for you."

"Yeah. Maybe. Catch me?"

"Thought you could do it yourself."

"I can."

Cade arched an eyebrow and just waited. Anya let go of her shirt, which made it slide up under her boobs again and expose her midriff. She needed her good hand for landing.

Her landing wasn't too bad, she thought, even if Cade immediately burst out laughing.

"Ah, so graceful. The things I didn't realize you could do."

Anya sat herself up from the tumbled pile she'd landed in. She brushed her hair back and discovered a leaf tangled in it.

"It was pretty graceful," she said defiantly.

"No," Cade said. "It really wasn't."

"I'd like to see you do better. Even with both hands."

"Alas, I've made the blunder of maturing some as I age."

Anya rolled her eyes. "Overrated, I say."

"There's another leaf by your ear."

"Ugh." Anya fished out the offending debris and discarded it with a faint scowl. "What are you doing anyway? Thought you had 'big important work' to do."

"I hadn't heard you breaking anything in a bit. Made me worried."

"Worried that I hadn't broken anything?"

"No. Worried that you'd broken something badly enough that you couldn't whine for help."

"Oh ha ha." Anya stood up. "It's good anyway. Now you can braid my hair for me like I wanted."

"I still have things to do."

"Mmhm. But you're procrastinating now, and I'ma help with that."

"You think so?"

"Yep. Come on."


Cade sat back in his chair in the sun, right where he'd been before. Only now instead of keeping his laptop on his lap, he had his sister in front of him on the grass, wiggling her way as close as possible. Anya settled herself between his legs and leaned her head back a bit toward him.

Anya was right. He wasn't really in the mood for more work right now anyway. Maybe she'd lured him into procrastinating, but that was fine. It was where he was now regardless.

"What do you want?" Cade asked, running his hands over Anya's hair and smoothing it down some. "One braid? Pigtails?"

"Hm, whatever," Anya said, unbothered. "Mostly just want the attention."

"You're not supposed to say that part out loud."

"Too late. You've been suckered already."

Cade sighed. "Uh huh."

Nevertheless, he started experimenting with Anya's hair, braiding small handfuls together rather haphazardly. Anya leaned into it and relaxed, just enjoying the process.

Cade put braids in and took them out again. Not really with any sort of plan. Just trying things. Just making his sister happy. Enjoying the quiet, sunny intimacy of it.

It was a rather soothing way to pass some time, really. Anya clearly felt the same. She may as well have been a cat for the level of satisfaction she showed. Practically purring in his lap.

Easy to forget one's troubles entirely. At least for a time.

"Were you outside my room last night?" Anya asked suddenly.

Cade faltered, losing his hold on the braid he'd been working on.

Anya just waited. Eyes closed. No evident concern on her features.

"Yeah," Cade admitted after a pause that hadn't quite passed into fully awkward territory.

"You do that sometimes, don't you? Not just me imagining it."

"I don't want to bother you."

"I know. Can't sleep?"

"Sometimes, yeah."

Anya nodded, then held still as Cade started undoing one of her braids. "You should come in if you need to. We can talk. Or not talk. Whatever."

"Don't want to disturb you."

"So you said. But I don't want to you to feel alone. That's what sisters are for, you know? Or brothers. We got each other still."

"I know. I really do."

"'K. Wanna rub my shoulders some as long as you're there?"

Cade gave Anya an appraising look. She couldn't see it with her eyes still closed, so it was wasted.

"Genuinely can't tell if you're being selfless or self-interested sometimes," he said.

"Mmm. That too is what sisters are for."


Anya was contemplative that evening. She took a long time showering, running her hands through her hair over and over as though they were Cade's. Not the same, of course. Not even close.

She wasn't sure why she'd even brought up his little nighttime check ins. She'd already been basically sure what was up. She didn't really need to confirm it or anything. Maybe something her conscious mind hadn't quite grasped yet. Maybe that was it.

Either way, she had an idea that was probably worth a shot. An idea that took full form in her mind as she dried off after her shower.

"I think we should try sleeping together," Anya said.

Cade gave her a look. "Slee-"

"I mean just sleeping. Obviously. Whatever pervy thing you just thought, stop it."

"Only just that sleeping together means sex, sometimes. You know?"

"I do," Anya said. "And obviously I didn't mean that."

"Mmhm. Sure. But, uh, why though?"

"Maybe it would help."

Cade waited a moment. "That's it? Maybe it would help?"

"Sure. That's what you're thinking when you can't sleep, isn't it? And you relax me, so... it could work."

"I think I mostly just want to talk when I can't sleep. Just... I don't know. Feel not alone maybe."

Anya nodded. "And this will help."

She was fully prepared for her brother to not agree at all. But at least she'd put the idea out there. Given it a try. And maybe he'd think about it more.