Fantasy Island


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"He'd suck my nipples and it would be so good. He'd get me all hot and bothered and then I'd go down on him. His cock is bigger than yours, I know it must be. That circumcised head sliding into my mouth; Oh, it would be so good. I love the way he looks naked; I'll even try to deep throat him. It's got to be so good without hair. And then he'll cum after I tease him forever, and I'm going to swallow it all and lick and suck until he begs me to stop." Joe's hand had worked its way under her thong, Regina's body turning and legs opening to allow him access. She'd been talking to arouse Joe -- but it had also increased her own arousal. Not that it needed increasing; she'd been getting increasingly horny ever since leaving Steve's apartment that afternoon. She hadn't cum when they'd fucked in the shower and now was in desperate need.

Reaching down, she grabbed the edge of her thong; Joe immediately removed his fingers from inside, allowing her to slide it down. Joe knew not to attempt to take her thong off himself. Although a couple of times in the past she'd gotten naked in a semi-secluded setting like now, he had learned if he'd instigated her taking it off, she fought back, and it didn't happen. He had to wait for her to be ready, and tonight it happened as fast as it ever had. As he slid his hand back onto her thigh, reaching for the Promised Land, her hand gripped his, stopping his foray. Joe looked up at her in surprise; with lust in her eyes she said, "I need you to lick me."

His eyes gleaming with his own lust, Joe turned toward her face and kissed her; a deep, tongue sucking, sexually explicit kiss, his one hand on her breasts, the other around her shoulder. Not a long kiss, he pulled away from her lips and began kissing down her body, slipping his body off the seat and between her legs as he did. As his knees landed on the hard tile floor, he stopped momentarily, looked around and then got the beach towel off the chair where Regina had put it to dry earlier. Folding it under her feet and his knees, he once again spread her legs, having her slide forward onto the seat to give him better access.

"Oh my God, Joe, I'm so horny. That's so good, so good," she practically moaned as his tongue pierced her to the quick. She stroked the back of his head, relishing the exquisite sensations of his tongue around her clit for a few moments before continuing her descriptions to him. "Steve's going to eat me too. I know he's going to be good at it. He'll know just how to lick and suck my clit. His fingers inside me..." Joe, practically out of his mind with lust, listened and tried to imitate what she was saying. When she said he'd put his fingers inside her, he did exactly that. When she said, 'lick my clit', he did. Realizing what he was doing, she directed his efforts exactly where she wanted, closing her eyes to soak in the exquisite sensations. Directing him to increase the pressure on her clitoris as she neared release, she arched her back pushing her pussy to his face before collapsing around her core, with a gurgled, "Oh my God, Steve, I'm coming."

She didn't even realize the Freudian slip.

Opening her eyes, Regina realized that her eyes had become accustomed to the dark and the near blindness of before was gone. Now the shimmering blue light made it seem like they must be visible to anyone that was out but looking at other balconies, all she could make out was the dim shape of chairs and tables, nothing distinctly human. Looking across to the opposite building, she saw a light behind the curtains that would be Steve's place, realizing he was probably getting ready to crawl into bed. I wish I was getting ready to crawl into your bed with you, she thought, as she reached down and put her hand on the back of her husbands head, unconsciously dismissing him.

Joe had stayed between her legs for a few moments after she came before standing to take his own clothes off. Now slipping his shorts down his leg, his cock sprang out from his body, hard and ready. "That was really nice," she told Joe, looking up at him with a smile and reaching over to grip his cock. "Did you like that?" Pointedly looking around at the other dark balconies she whispered, "Do you think anyone can see us?" With that she leaned forward and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth.

Joe groaned. Regina hadn't, until now, so much as touched him since they'd been home. Immensely turned on by her narration of what she would do with Steve and the intimacy of sucking her pussy, his knees almost buckled to the touch of her mouth on his cock. Pulling away she leaned back, bidding Joe to step forward so she didn't have to bend over; she stroked and sucked and licked his erection. Pulling her face away she wrapped her hand around him, her other dropping to squeeze and caress his balls. "Maybe I'll suck Steve off like this," she said. "Do you think I should? Hmm? Maybe I'll suck him all the way, but not you. When you're good and ready you're going to fuck me; or I should say I'm going to fuck you, because you owe me. You came in the shower and I didn't. I'm going to put this nice hard cock in my pussy and get myself off and then we'll see whether you get to come or not." She sucked him back into her mouth again, stroking his shaft as she did. Finally pulling away, she had Joe help her spread the towel onto the deck floor, and had him first sit, and finally lie down on his back.

"Can you feel how wet I am?" Regina asked as she lowered herself onto his erection. "All this talk about fucking Steve has gotten me so hot, and you're so hard." She kept changing the angle of penetration, sometimes leaning forward her hands on his chest; other times leaning back, forcing his cock to bend inside her. "Oh baby, you feel so good." Leaning back forward again so his cock pushed against the right spot, she knew she'd rapidly orgasm, something her whole mind and body ached for. "You make me feel so full, but not as much as Steve did." She again didn't notice her slip, continuing on, "Maybe that's what I should do, I should fuck Steve and have him fill me with his cum and then do you? Hmmm?"

Regina hadn't realized her dirty talk was having as much of an effect on herself as it was on Joe. At that instant, it was even more so. "Oh God, I need to cum," she croaked, reaching down to finger her clit with one hand, leaning on Joe's chest with the other. Joe's hands were on her breasts, pinching and squeezing her nipples, and when her own fingers started rubbing her little nub of nerves, it was all it took. Her pussy clinching, her legs quivering from their combined efforts, her eyes rolled back into her head as she orgasmed. Seconds later, when Joe's cock erupted inside her, it just heightened her ecstasy; his cock throbbing and depositing his own cum inside her already spasming and throbbing pussy.

Never before had she carried their dirty talk this far. She understood that he got aroused at the thought of her fucking someone else, but never had she talked about what it would be like to actually fuck another man, to suck his cock, and particularly to talk about fucking Joe after someone else. She'd never thought such a thing before, but apparently Joe had.


"Where are we going?" she asked Steve as they slowly pulled through town on the highway.

"Are you up for a little more snorkeling?" He asked, sliding a hand onto her sarong covered knee. She'd started by putting on her bikini, but had taken the top off, just keeping the bottoms on. She'd worn it as a skirt around the condo all morning, unmercifully teasing Joe in her topless state, but refusing to let him touch her until she let him kiss her goodbye as Steve watched. She'd rewrapped it as a dress before Steve had shown up, purposely letting Joe see her put her top into her bag rather than wearing it.

"Sure," she replied with more enthusiasm than she really felt. She had worn her bottoms just in case, but really had hoped they might go back to Orient Beach. She didn't even pay attention where he took them, just talking with Steve, looking at him and thinking about what she hoped would happen, but recognized where they were when they pulled into the parking lot at Red Beach.

"Leave the bag," he instructed as she reached for hers. Handing her a set of fins and mask, he grabbed a mesh bag with sunscreen and a couple of water bottles along with his own set of fins. "You might want to leave the sarong?" he suggested, adding, "It'll only get wet."

"But I don't have a top on," she said, glancing around and seeing no one.

"It won't matter; we're just going onto the beach." Convinced, more by no one being in sight than his statement, she pulled the tuck loose, the sarong coming loose into her hands. The beach wasn't deserted by a long shot, but with most of the women also topless she didn't feel as self-conscious as she had thought she would. Yesterday I was on a nude beach, and now I'm worried about being topless? She mentally chided herself.

Regina momentarily admired the view at the top of the rise before following Steve down to the water's edge. The dark green of the brush behind the beach offset the crystal blue water and the sparkling white sand. The water sparkled with the afternoon breeze; a sport fishing boat cruised slowly toward the town and harbor. The beach itself seemed slightly more crowded than during their previous visit; she attributed that to the later hour.

Steve just walked into the gentle surf then stopped to flip his water shoes off so he could walk barefoot in the water. They'd almost reached the cliff when he turned and walked in deeper. Just a couple of steps and it was deep enough that they were swimming; a few meter more and Steve stopped, treading water. He hung the loop of his mesh bag around his neck, thrashing with something. Regina, who had taken a bit longer getting her fins on and had started several strokes behind, caught up as he did so.

"What's wrong?" She asked pulling the mask up and slipping it off her eyes.

"Give me your suit," Steve answered with a grin, pulling the bag loop off his head. Opening the neck of the bag she saw him stuff his own suit in and, looking down through the crystal-clear water, realized he was now naked. Her eyes got big and she glanced back at the beach. Seeing that no one was close or watching, she smiled back at him and began pulling her fins off to help removal of her tight bottoms. Seconds later she too was naked and watched as he pushed her suit inside the bag with his suit and their water shoes. Reaching for his arm she pulled herself to him, wrapped her nude body around his, and gave him a kiss before reaching down to put her fins back on. Steve waited until she did, then reaching over he took her hand as they lazily swam away from shore.

Several times Regina looked over at Steve, swimming with just the fins and lazy leg kicks, his hand in hers. From the side she could see that his body was nude, his all over brown seemingly perfectly natural, perfectly normal. She knew her own white bottom and breasts probably accented her nakedness, but she didn't care. There was no one to see except Steve, and she wanted him to.

It seemed like no time at all when Steve pointed off to their right and she looked up to realize they were further out than they had been earlier that week. The boulders off the end of the cliff provided a hiding place for multitudes of different fish. When the bottom started rising to meet them, Regina looked up to gauge where they were and, just as promised, a small, totally secluded beach awaited her gaze. Probably only a hundred meters long, surrounded by un-scalable cliffs, the beach was totally private, and they had it all to themselves.

Making love on the beach was everything she had dreamed it would be.

It wasn't just sex; Steve made love to her. His lips caressed her lips; his hands stroked her body as her hands stroked his. They were waist deep in the water when they started playing with each other's bodies, but when Regina tried to guide his cock toward her waiting pussy, he took her hand and pulled her toward the sand. Steve had her lie down at the water line and they made love; a long, slow, sensuous coupling with the water lapping around their feet.

Regina, sitting cross-legged at the edge of the wet sand, looked around her at their beach. Every bit as romantic and ideal as she could have imagined, she couldn't help but sigh, knowing that in just minutes it was all going away.

"What?" Steve asked of her sigh. Sitting next to her, they had both been quietly observing the untrammeled beauty around them. Regina turned and looked at their footprints, most already washed away by waves, where they had walked naked, hand in hand, to the far end and back. Turning over her other shoulder she saw the place in the shade next to the cliff where they had begun to play the second time. They'd had to give it up and retreat to the water to wash unwanted sand away, finding that making love on a sandy beach did have its drawbacks.

"Oh, I was just thinking, how this wasn't quite as perfect as I thought it would be." Steve apparently didn't hear or didn't have the lifelong experience with her to hear, the impish tone to her statement.

"How's that?"

"There should have been blankets in the shade so we could have gotten out of the sand; and probably some umbrellas so we didn't have to go hide against the cliff." She paused momentarily then continued, "And we probably should have had some wandering minstrels to serenade us. Blind minstrels, of course, if they were going to be in our tropical bedroom with us."

"They would have had to have been deaf also, or they would have known exactly what was happening anyway -- the way you shouted, 'Oh God, I'm Cumming,'" Steve teased right back.

"We have to go back, don't we?" Regina said after several minutes of silence. She knew as she said it, she meant not just back to the car or apartments, but back to civilization and reality, back to her husband and eventually back to her real life.

"All good things must come to an end." When he stood, she did also, and after retrieving their swim gear they walked hand in hand into the water.


"No, don't come up," she said to Steve at the door of the elevator. Dropping her bag, she stepped up to him and put her arms around his neck, his lips meeting hers. She pulled away before she fell once again under his spell. "Thank you," she said, backing away, stepping into the open elevator. His hand trailed down her arm until his fingers gripped hers.

"I'm never going to see you again, am I?" she said, suddenly realizing what the true import of their parting meant. His head shook slowly back and forth in agreement. The door began closing and Regina pulled her arm back. Steve was still standing in front of the door when it completely closed.


Regina was sitting naked on Joe's stomach, in the bed for once. When she would quit talking, he would quit sucking on her breasts and fondling her bottom and beg her to tell him again how Steve had made love to her in his apartment or on the beach. Now that she had seen Steve for the last time she'd told him everything; the first day at Orient Beach, how they'd been interrupted by the Jet Ski's, how they'd returned to his apartment and fucked all afternoon. She told him how he'd fucked her on the kitchen counter, how she'd masturbated while he watched, how he'd fucked her in the chair, made her kneel on the arms so he could lick her pussy. She'd started giving generic descriptions, but the more explicit she'd gotten about what she'd done that afternoon with Steve, the more Joe loved it. She then told him how they'd made love that afternoon on the beach. Joe had loved it all, asking again and again for more details on how she made love to another man.

Deep down Regina didn't understand it, Joe's desire to be cuckolded, but she knew it turned him on. And if she was truthful, regardless of the cause, she was as aroused as he was. For her it had been in the telling, seeing the lust and arousal on Joe's face, feeling his cock hardening as she'd talked.

Sitting on Joe like she was, she was controlling the pace. She hadn't yet let him enter her; she'd slid his cock up and down along her slit, rubbing her clit against it, feeling how good he felt. She knew she'd soon enough rise up a bit and slide back down onto his cock, feel it slip inside between her slippery lips, filling her almost as well as Steve had earlier today. She lost track of what she was telling Joe, her thoughts filled with Steve; how he'd so easily manipulated her body and extended her pleasure into multiple orgasms, how he'd filled her body with his love stick, how he'd tasted her, how she'd tasted him, how he'd fucked her. When she finally rose that little bit and settled back on Joe, allowing his cock to finally pierce her wanton pussy, she tried three times to get him just that little bit more, to fill her that little bit deeper, that little bit fuller, the way that Steve had. Her twist, her squirm; spreading her legs a bit further and trying to settle harder against Joe's crotch -- she tried all she knew but it was no use.

Her mind grasped what was happening with sudden clarity. Stopping she looked Joe in the face, his moans of satisfaction from being in her easing as she stopped her movements and his eyes opened. Decision made, she rose off Joe's cock, hearing it slap back wetly to his belly as she did. "What..." Joe started, trying to decide why his wife had suddenly risen off his cock in the middle of their lovemaking and was now climbing off the bed. "Where are you going?"

Regina stopped without answering; standing naked beside the bed she just looked at Joe for a moment before she turned, picked up her sarong and began wrapping it around her body. In seconds she had it wrapped and again looked back at Joe's face. "I just suddenly realized, it doesn't have to be this way," she explained. "I love you, Joe. I always have and always will. Tomorrow, I'm going to climb back into your bed, and I'll make love to you, just the way we will for the rest of our lives. And later this week we'll climb into an airplane and fly back to our normal everyday existence." She paused, thinking of what to say before continuing. "You've given me something I never would have gotten without fulfilling your fantasy, at the same time making my fantasy come true better than I ever could have imagined possible. But... I am not ready for my fantasy to be over, and it doesn't have to be. I just realized that Steve isn't gone from the island yet. I'm going to his place and he's going to fuck me again and again until he has to leave for the airport in the morning." Finished, she turned and walked to the bedroom door.

"You're going to leave me? Just like that?" Joe asked incredulously.

"Just like that," she answered, stopping at the bedroom door, one hand on the jamb, glancing at the sliding balcony door through the darkened living room. She paused momentarily, thinking, before turning back to Joe.

"Do you know where Steve's apartment is?"

Jose shook his head. "No."

"Hmm." She nodded thoughtfully for a moment before saying; "I think you should go sit on the balcony." Turning she walked to the front door and let herself out.


"Regina!" Steve said in surprise when he answered the door. "What are you..." she interrupted him with a kiss, her arms going around him. He responded in kind, his hands running up and down her back as they kissed, rapidly realizing she had nothing on under the sarong.

"I couldn't let you go. I may never see you again, but you're still here now, and I want you." Steve had answered the door wearing nothing but a pair of satin gym shorts. She slipped her hands down his back onto his butt, then under the elastic and onto his bare ass.
