Fantasy Island


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"Here we are, the world famous Orient Beach," he said as they pulled into the dirt parking lot. There were probably 20 cars parked in a haphazard manner, certainly more than she'd seen at any other beach yet. "The Orient Beach resort is down that way," he said pointing down the shoreline, "but this is the area where most day users start."

Unlike the other beaches on the opposite side of the island the water was actually visible from the car. Steve opened the trunk of the car, handing her the bag she'd brought and pulling his own out for himself. Walking towards the beach, what caught her eye more than the beach itself was a boat just off shore with a parachute behind, a body hanging below it. "Is that parasailing?" Regina asked, pointing at the brightly colored parachute.

"Absolutely. It's great fun, have you ever been?"

"No, I've seen it on television shows, but never in person."

"Really?" he asked glancing sideways at her, "are you game to try?"

She bit her lower lip, her eyes widened in excitement. "We can do that?"

"If you would like. My treat. I know the owner; he'll give you a really nice ride."

Glancing around, despite the seemingly large amount of cars in the parking lot, there was virtually no one to be seen. Far down the beach to the right she could see two different couples lying out, another couple of people in the water. Off to the left was a beachside café with several patrons visible; still further down the shoreline she could see a couple walking toward them. Steve stopped, indicated they might as well stop right where they were, so she dropped her bag in agreement. Fascinated by the parasailing, she slipped her shoes off and started walking barefoot toward the water. Finding the sand too hot on her feet to walk slowly, she trotted rapidly forward to the water to cool them and watch the show.

The boat seemed to be barely moving, the person dangling below the parachute dropping closer and closer to the water. Just as his feet touched the water, she heard and saw the boat accelerate, rocketing the parachutist upward. Slowing again, the parachutist gradually sank to the water line. This time the boat accelerated early, bobbing him upward before he touched the water, but slowed immediately. Teasingly close, they didn't let him touch the water, bobbing him up and down like a yo-yo before letting his feet drag in the water once more. Hearing a shout of "higher" drift to her across the water she watched as the boat lazily drifted forward, the parachute barely moving, and she realized that somehow they were lengthening the rope between them. Once the rope reached its full length, the parachute started going up quite rapidly until he seemed to be directly above the boat.

She watched as the boat started slowly heading toward shore and a conglomeration of other boats perhaps fifty meters beyond the beach café. Realizing the ride must be over, she looked where it was heading and spotted two Jet Ski's just heading out, the noise from their motors reaching her just as she looked. She started to turn back to Steve, but stopped and did a double take as for the first time she looked directly at the couple walking toward them on the beach.

The man and woman were walking hand in hand. The man had on a ball cap; it was the only piece of clothing visible between the two of them. They were probably in their 60's or more and as she watched they stopped walking, the man taking his hat off. He was totally bald beneath the cap, but reaching into it he pulled a brightly colored piece of cloth out and handed it to the woman followed by a green piece of cloth that he held while he put the cap back on his head. Flicking the cloth opened, Regina realized it was a swimsuit, which he proceeded to step into. The woman also opened what she'd been handed, apparently nothing more than a large brightly colored piece of cloth, and wrapped it around her waist so it appeared to be a skirt. Turning toward the café, she watched them both walk in and sit down.

Turning to Steve, she started to ask him about their full nudity, but stopped when she saw him. Bending over facing away from her, he was doing something with his bag. He had spread a blanket on the hot sand, as he turned back she saw he'd gotten a towel out. But what really caught her attention was that he too was fully nude. The gorgeous ass that she'd so admired in the speedo walking away from her at Red Beach was now just as gorgeous, but totally naked and totally tanned.

A bit taken aback, she looked again at the distant couples on the beach. She could see enough everywhere to realize that most were also naked. Of the couple playing in the water slightly closer, she could see that the man was naked, his female companion had on bikini panties only. So much for topless, she thought. Just one step past the water line on the beach toward Steve, and the sand rapidly got too hot under her bare feet to just walk. She immediately started jogging toward him, thankful that Steve had spread a blanket.

Steve had just sat down, unabashedly naked before her eyes. No wonder I didn't see any tan lines, she thought. His skin was equally brown, where a swimsuit would be, as his chest and back were. Her eyes skimmed across his body, it was all she could do to not openly stare at his crotch. His penis hung comfortably between his legs; she immediately appraised it as the most beautiful part of his body. She knew that flaccid size was more a matter of temperature or arousal than anything; she'd been married for years - she knew what a limp and erect penis looked like. And, although not erect, Joe had never hung like this.

He had no pubic hair; obviously he shaved there. Although not overly hairy anywhere, he obviously hadn't shaved his chest, but she'd seen that on the beach before. I guess that answers the question about whether he was going to wear his speedo again. "You didn't tell me this was a nude beach," she said as she high stepped onto the blanket, the scorching of her feet immediately eased.

Steve looked up at her through his sunglasses, his face showing that at first he thought she was joking, and then realized she wasn't. "I'm sorry, Regina -- I thought you knew. Orient Beach is famous world-wide as a nudist beach..."

"It's ok, Steve," she answered, stepping forward and taking sunscreen out of her bag. "It just caught me by surprise."

"Would you like to go somewhere else? There's plenty of time, we can go back to Red Beach or Long Beach; there's still Grand Case..."

"No, this is fine," she answered, not looking directly at him. She knew if she did she'd want to look down between his legs, knowing that it was her fantasy on display.

"I should put my suit back on," he said, beginning to turn toward his bag, "you're uncomfortable."

"No," she said, reaching out to grip his arm. "You're fine and I'm Ok. I've just never been to a nude beach before; I'm not a prude, it takes a bit of getting used to."

"I think you'll love it. There's nothing more sensual than swimming naked or walking naked on the beach."

"I wouldn't know about that." He didn't answer.

She spread her lotion on the front of her body and legs before turning to Steve, handed him the bottle and asked him to do her back. He took the bottle and skillfully put it on her mostly naked back. His fingers ran under the strap of her swim top, covering the bits that weren't yet in the sun. He had her stand up, adding sunscreen to the back of her thighs, running it right up to her suit bottom, saying nothing about her still having it on and she showed no signs of taking it off. When he finished he asked her if she would do his back and shoulders also. Agreeing, he turned and knelt before her, his back arching.

She started by squeezing a dollop of lotion onto his shoulders and then began rubbing it in, gradually working her way down. With no swimsuit to demark where she should stop, and with him giving no indication, she soon found her hands sliding onto the smooth skin of his ass. At first she thought his butt was rock hard because of his kneeling but as he shifted slightly, she felt his muscles flex beneath her hands and realized that was not the case, he just had well-toned muscles -- apparently everywhere. Never had her fantasies ever included her fondling his bottom but she knew that her memories would forever more. Reaching the bottom of his buttocks, she ran her hand over his fine ass once more just because she could; realizing as she did that he had to know she was practically fondling him. Reaching back afterward she smacked his butt playfully. "Nice butt, Mister."

He turned and looked at her for a moment inscrutably before he broke into a smile. "I think I can say the same thing about you."

Oh my god, she thought, her insides turning to marshmallow with just a smile. Right then she knew, before the day was out, she was going to share herself with this man. She smiled at him in return, not trusting herself to give a proper retort. Turning, she spread her towel on top of the blanket and lay down on her stomach.

"So you've never been swimming naked before?" he asked perhaps twenty minutes later, interrupting their small talk. She rose up on her elbows; Steve was lying on his side facing her.

"I didn't say that," she answered. "I said I've never been to a nude beach."

He bobbed his head in puzzlement. "Where then, in a pool?"

"Our family has a cabin on a lake. It's well away from anyone else, when Joe and I have been there alone..."

"Ah, I understand. My first time was as a teenager. I was in Germany as a foreign exchange student. It was in the summer, before school started. I had only been there a couple of weeks and was still getting to know the family. We'd had a real hot spell; they decided since it was so hot we should go to the public pool and go swimming. It turned out it was Wednesday, and Wednesdays was nude day. My exchange mom and dad didn't know what to do and were discussing it in German, which I didn't yet speak, all I could do was pick up a few words. My exchange sister translated for me and explained that the problem was it was the day for the nudists, we could go swimming but we'd have to go naked." Steve chuckled.

"So you went?" Regina asked.

"Actually they decided that we'd go home and come again the next day. When Mom turned to explain that we would have to come back another day, I just said, 'what's the problem? We have nude beaches in Canada and we go all the time.' My exchange sister translated to make sure they understood, and finally they indicated that if I was OK with it that we would."

"But didn't you say that was your first time?" Regina asked, puzzled at the discrepancy.

"What can I say, I was a natural born salesman," he grinned, "I lied."

"Why did you lie?"

"What, and give up the chance to see my exchange mother and sister naked?" He laughed out loud. "What can I say, I was a horny teenager."

"You had a thing for the girl you were living with? How did that work out?" Regina rolled onto her side facing Steve.

"I'd only been with them just a few weeks at that time. It turned out that they were normally very open about nudity around the house, they'd been making an effort to not offend me, but after that it was different. There was only one bathroom in the house, which we all shared. I didn't even realize they'd all been waiting on me, I didn't even realize I'd sort of been hogging the bathroom. When I went in to take a shower, I went in, locked the door and did my thing. I'd grown up with two brothers and three bathrooms in the house, so it was normal that everyone went to another bathroom when one was busy."

"Yeah, but at the pool; you all decided to go swimming?"

"Yeah, we stayed. I did fine until we got into the pool, but then I lost it. Let's just say I wasn't decent to get out later. I thought I'd be able to handle it, but like I said, I was a young horny teenager." She was about to say something when he continued. "I was fine up until she started horse playing with me just before we got out. She realized almost immediately what she'd done to me. She said she was sorry, but I couldn't get out. Mom and Dad were getting out and I was hanging back. She just brought me a towel and left."

"What about your sister, did you ever, um..."

"Let's just say it was a year of many firsts." He glanced at the water and back at her. "I've gotta cool off, I'm going swimming. Coming?" He rolled onto his back and sat up, looking at her.

"Maybe in a bit."

"Okay," he said, standing up and walking for the water. She watched him nonchalantly walking through the sand as if it wasn't even hot. As he reached the water, Regina sucked her lower lip between her teeth, glanced up and down the beach. Standing up, she unhooked her top and dropped it on the blanket, skinning her bottoms off, dropping them on top of the pile. She stepped onto the sand, feeling the heat immediately and took off running. Hearing her feet splashing behind him, Steve turned just in time to have her grab his hand.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she said pulling away from him and splashing into deeper water. The beach dropped off fairly steeply, within just steps he was chest deep in the water, Regina had to swim.

"Nice, isn't it?" he said, reaching out for her hand. "A perfect day for it, nude on the beach for the first time on Nude Day!"

"What do you mean?" she asked, "nude on nude day?"

"Today is July 14th, International Nude Day. Didn't you know that?"

"How would I know that? I didn't even know that Orient Beach was a world famous nude beach. But I also think I sort of lied to you, about never going to a nude beach."

"What do you mean, sort of lied?"

"The other day, at Red Beach, um... Jan and I went snorkeling. We were way out from shore..." Her mind raced while she decided what she was going to tell him. The truth, she decided. "I've sort of had this fantasy..." she looked over at him, trying to gauge his reaction.

"A tropical paradise..." he prompted,

"I took my bottoms off, so I was snorkeling naked," she blurted out. "I haven't been to a nude beach, but I've been nude atthe beach. There wasn't anyone around except the two of us; I just figured I'd never have another chance." Her eyes went to his face finding a wry smile. "What? What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, it's just sort of ironic."

"What's sort of ironic?" Steve smiled back and then answered.

"I did the same thing that very same day. I love swimming naked, and the snorkeling at Red Beach is fantastic. I've been there snorkeling naked maybe 20-25 times. Did you go out around the point?"

"No, almost out to the end, and then we came back."

"Oh, just a little further and around the point, there's a little hidden beach back there; the only way to get there is swimming or boat."

"Oh my god, just like what I've dreamed of."

They drifted and swam for maybe 20 minutes before two Jet Ski's came flying by just meters further off shore. They watched them speeding down the beach, cutting the throttles and slowing where they'd started out an hour earlier. "Oh that looks like fun!"

"We can go if you'd like; have you ever been?"

She shook her head, no. "Never."

"Well let's go -- it's just down the beach. Let's go get a drink, and go rent some Jet Ski's."

"Really?" Steve just looked at her and stuck out his hand.

"This way," he said to Regina turning down the beach as soon as they reached the shore.

Stopping, she looked down the beach and then back at the blanket. "We're going naked?"

"Well, it is a nude beach. I generally go naked."

This was more than she'd bargained for. Getting naked and going swimming was one thing; going for a walk among other people -- well that was a little different. "You know," he added, "on a nude beach, nobody notices you if you're naked, but everybody wonders why when you're wearing clothes."

"I, um, I probably ought to put some sunscreen on."

"Oh, of course, you're right. Come on." Taking his hand, she headed toward the blanket. When she started running, he jogged right alongside. They both replaced the sunscreen, as she started to run her hands over her shoulders smoothing more lotion onto her back Steve stepped forward. "Allow me," he said, taking the container from her hand and dribbling it over her back. Adding more to his hands, he closed the lid and dropped it to the blanket before placing both hands on her back and slowly spreading it downward. She'd already easily put lotion on her bottom but he didn't stop his hands at her tan line, sliding them sensuously over her butt. They both knew he was lying when he said somewhat huskily "I think you might have missed a spot." His hands lingered on her bottom just a bit more before he pulled back and lightly smacked her ass. "You've got a pretty nice butt too, you know."

Regina jumped with a shriek of surprise from the smack on her bottom, but then laughed at his return of her compliment from before. "Come on," he said, reaching down and picking up his hat and swimsuit from his bag. Seeing her reach for her bikini he said, "You won't need that." She watched as he tucked the speedo into his hat, a questioning look to him on her face. "Don't worry; we'll get you something better."

Her mind numb from the experiences of the day, she couldn't quite get a grip on this. He was going to take his swimsuit, but make her leave hers behind? Sticking his hand out, she tentatively slipped her hand into his. Gripping it, he turned and she thought they were headed for the open-air café. Instead, he walked them up to the open-air boutique. Hanging on racks were hundreds of brightly colored rectangles of cloth, no two the same.

"Hello Marty!" he greeted the Caribbean native clerk by name, "I think we need a sarong for my friend."

Turning, she saw whom it was and with a "Steve!" she reached up, he bent over, and gave her a quick hug. "Who is this gorgeous creature?" she said, releasing Steve and turning to Regina.

"Marty, this is my friend Regina."

"Don't you worry Regina; we take good care of you," she said, putting her hand out to Regina. Holding her hand at arm's length, she watched as Marty's eyes ran up and down her naked body. "I think you wear clothes too much. Come," she said. Turning she pulled her two rows of racks over before stopping. Fishing through the hanging cloths, she held corners of several against Regina's body before turning back and looking for another. "Ah ha," she said, taking one off the rack, and turning, held the entire predominately multi-hued blue piece in front of her.

"Wow, that's gorgeous," she agreed, "but what do I do with it?"

"I show you. First we find right one. Do you like?"

Taking it from Marty, she held it in front of herself before turning to Steve, "What do you think?"

"It's just like jewelry, it's all in the colors and those colors are beautiful. They're all you."

Nodding in agreement, she turned back to Marty. "I like it." Steve indicated to Marty to put it on a tab in his name, Marty nodded in agreement and turned back to Regina.

Marty was dressed in a similar sarong, wrapped over her breasts and under her armpits, it left her shoulders bare but covered to her knees. Unexpectedly Marty reached up and, with a flick of her fingers, her dress fell loose in her hands. She wore nothing underneath; she was now just as naked as Regina. No, more so, Regina corrected herself, she's barefoot. Marty's body was much heavier than Regina with large, pendulous, breasts; but just like Steve she was all-over brown without any sign of a tan line.

"Ok, you wrap like this." Marty took her sarong, showed Regina how to fold, where to start wrapping and how to tuck it in around her waist so it was essentially a skirt. "Like this and it's not too tight so you can sit, but doesn't easily fall. When you want..." she moved the tuck and the "skirt" fell away. "Now again," she directed. She did it three times, started to wrap in the wrong place on the second, which Marty corrected.
