Fantasy Weekend


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Ray laughed loudly at Joe then proclaimed, "Joe, by god, now you are a cocksucker by proxy!" This remark brought a guffaw from Pedro and a titter from Pat and Joyce.

Pat consoled Joe, "Come on Joe, be a good sport. Didn't you just get the best blow job you ever had?"

Joyce, who was naked by now, added "At least now you know how good it tastes!" Joe tried to smile and take it as a joke. I was sure that if the others weren't here, he would have attacked me. Pedro rolled Joyce to her back and began pumping away. This erotic sight served to distract Joe from his confused emotional state of mind and he began to casually stroke his limp cock as he watched Pedro in action.

Pedro and Joyce did put on quite a show. Pedro was long lasting enough to bring Joyce to several orgasms before reaching his own. Joyce's moaning and thrashing around left no doubt as to how much she was enjoying it. Ray was now having second thoughts about his own performance. Joe was unsure of whether or not he had enjoyed his blowjob enough to offset its aftermath. Pedro was clearly the guy entitled to bragging rights over this evening's entertainment! This was evident by how happily he kissed all of us as they were getting ready to leave. Ray kissed Pat and thanked her for a wonderful time, but just waved to Joyce and me. Joe kissed my hand before leaving, completely ignoring my pursed lips.

As soon as the guys had left, Pat and Joyce both hugged me. "That was priceless!" Pat squealed.

Joyce was chuckling hard, but managed to say, "I'd loved to have a picture of the look on Joe's face when he got a mouthful of his own cum!" I gave them a respectful curtsy and followed them to the bedroom. They stripped naked for bed, and then helped me get undressed. It was briefly painful when they ripped off the restraining duct tape, but it felt wonderful to have my cock free again.

Pat directed me, "Go ahead Slut, masturbate for us." I had been aroused by going out in public, shopping for lingerie, dining with the ladies, dancing and necking with Joe and this release was badly needed! While it was a bit embarrassing to be stroking myself in front of the ladies, it also felt great! As soon as it seemed my orgasm was imminent, Pat demanded, "Don't spill it on the carpet, catch it in your other hand."

I managed to gasp out, "Yes Mistress Pat." even though breathing rather heavily.

When I had milked myself into my hand, Joyce ordered, "Now swallow it Slut!" I lapped my semen from my own hand and swallowed it. At least I was used to the taste of my own stuff. I greatly preferred it to that of other men. Masturbating was less degrading than having to suck off another guy! Joyce praised me, "That's a good cum drinker we have here Pat."

Pat replied, "Yes indeed, Chris has trained Slut well."

Pat handed me a blanket and told me, "You will sleep on the floor beside our bed tonight like a devoted slave." I lay on the floor and covered my naked body with the blanket. The sounds coming from the bed made it obvious that Pat and Joyce were making female love. Even though it was exciting to listen to, due to my state of exhaustion, I was soon sound asleep.

The next morning I was awakened by Pat tapping my shoulder. The ladies had me get into bed with them and service each of them orally. They did toy with my nipple rings, but neither of them raped my ass this time. I was thankful for that, since it had become very sore from overuse the past two days. After each of them was satisfied, Pat told me, "Get yourself cleaned up. Better get back into your Slut outfit, Mistress Chris will be coming for you today." This exciting announcement meant that my ordeal would soon be over!

While getting "ready", I used extra care with every detail. I wanted Chris to be pleased when she saw me again. Pat and Joyce hadn't been brutal with me and I had served them to please Chris; but I desperately wanted to be out of this place before the gang guys returned. They really scared me as they had neither friendship nor allegiance to Chris and no regard for her property.

When I was fully dressed and made up, I was told to make breakfast. The ladies let me sit and eat with them this morning, which was a very pleasant experience. We chatted like three girlfriends discussing their Saturday night's fun. After breakfast I cleaned up the kitchen, made the bed and generally made myself useful while anxiously awaiting Chris's arrival.

Finally about 2pm, the doorbell rang. I hurried to answer its call. I opened the door and there stood Chris! She looked so beautiful! She had a radiant glow about her that showed that she had enjoyed her weekend. I gave her a curtsy, kissed her hand and led her into the living room. Pat and Joyce both hugged her and asked how her weekend had gone. Chris replied, "It was great! Jason took me to see a Broadway play, dancing and fine dining. We stayed in a fancy hotel. He sure knows how to treat a lady on a date!" They chatted a bit more about Chris's fun weekend before Chris looked at me and asked, "How was Slut? Did my sissy slave behave properly for you?"

Both Pat and Joyce assured her that I had been a good slave, and related and account of my weekends activities. Even Chris laughed when they told her about how I had given Joe a mouthful of his own semen. A few more pleasantries were exchanged, then Chris told me to get my bag, it was time to get going.

At the door Chris said, "I want to thank you ladies for babysitting my slave for the weekend."

Pat replied, "No problem Mistress Chris, it was our pleasure."

Joyce chimed in, "Any time you want to drop him off here again, feel free to do so."

Pat kissed me on the cheek, patted me on the head and said, "Slut is so cute."

As we walked to Jason's waiting car, another car drove up and King and his men stepped out. King retained his haughty air, but Tyrone and the rest of his men whistled, jeered and grabbed their crotches. Shouts of "Hey Slut, Want some more of this?" and other lewd comments made me blush. Chris simply ignored them and got into the car. I got into the back and Jason drove away. I felt great relief at leaving this place and shuddered to think of what would have happened if Chris had shown up just a bit later!

Jason drove us to our house. Home was a very welcome sight. It seemed like much longer than 2 nights since I'd left it! I hurried into the house and went right to the bathroom. Chris and Jason talked about how much they had enjoyed the weekend and said their goodbyes. Jason kissed her then said, "We'll have to do this again Chris darling."

Chris unhesitatingly answered, "Oh yes Jason, I'd love that!" Even being discretely out of sight in the bathroom, hearing this made me cringe. My wife was so charmed by this guy that it was frightening. I realized that if they had another date, it would likely result in my returning for another weekend of slavery to Pat and Joyce.

When Jason finally left, Chris came and kissed me warmly. She told me, "You were a good slave and I'm so proud that you didn't shame me in front of my friends." This praise was small payment for all I had endured over the weekend, but was all I was to receive. I'd been hoping that Chris would let me make love to her once we were alone, but my hopes were dashed when Chris said, "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me when supper is ready." She walked into the bedroom and closed the door. I was left standing in my Slut outfit with tiny tears running down my cheeks.

Chris Crosses the Line—Chapter 7

During the next ten days, I could tell that Chris's attitude toward me had changed to disdain and very nearly to contempt. Chris was reluctant to have sex we only had sex one time and it was just sex not love.

We geeks may be backward where women are concerned but we are not dumb. I look back at the last Fantasy Weekend and the safeword doesn't add up. Never before had I been given a safeword; plus for once Chris was not there. If I had of used the safeword "nigger" to those vicious black ex-criminals, I may have been castrated. Is that what Chris intended—to turn me into a woman.

Women can be so devious. Did I sense a moment of disappointment when Chris returned and I was okay? If so she hid it well. Chris is not the one that told me the safeword and, since she had not been there, had I been castrated she would not be suspect.

I decide it is time to do some investigating. After considerable searching on the internet I found an S/M website,, with a file titled "Safeword Nigger." The file was password protected. It took a long time but I was able to get the password "jewels" and downloaded the file which said:

NEUTERING: Neutered husbands have many advantages. They still function as good providers and fathers. They are docile and easy to control and will take on the household duties of cooking, cleaning, etc. Further, they don't pester you for sex when you are not in the mood. This permits you to enjoy sex with younger, vigorous, and more enthusiastic lovers to greatly enhance your sex life. Prudence dictates that a husband should believe his neutering to be an accident and that his wife was not responsible for his neutering...

SAFEWORD—NIGGER & SLAVE HUSBANDS: The following is an almost certain method of blamelessly getting your white slave husband neutered.

(1) Lend you cunt slave to another Dom female while you leave for a day or two.

(2) Dom female tells your white slave husband that the safe-word is 'Nigger.'

(3) By prior arrangements Dom female invites some black men (at least one should a convicted con) to join in on the fun and turn them loose on the white cunt slave. Invariable they get too rough and the white cunt slave will say, "nigger." The black men take this as a sign of disrespect and their first natural reaction is to castrate the white cunt slave.

(4) A few days earlier the Dom female should take a small jar labeled 'Jewels' containing the testis of a large dog obtained from a veterinarian. "Look at my trophy," she says. "I took them from a disrespectable white cunt slave. You really should get you some. Here is a box of surgical instruments and instructions. Keep them in the trunk of your car for when an opportunity comes up."

She should go on to explain that as long as the cunt slave is castrated neatly, he not beat up or put in the hospital they never prosecute because the juries will think it's funny. And in fact it is seldom reported—the man is too ashamed. "Just make sure you don't beat him up or otherwise hurt him badly because the law will get you for that."

Typically, when the black men get too rough and invariable they do, the following can be expected. White cunt says, "Nigger" and a black man will reply, "What you say?" "Nigger," he repeats.

"I'll cut your God damn balls out." By this time the white cunt is in a panic and instead of shutting up, loudly says, "NIGGER NIGGER." At that point it gets almost comical because, in effect, the terrorized white cunt slave is egging the blacks on. By this time all the blacks are calling for castrating the white cunt reinforcing each other's inclination to do so.

"Hold that sucker down," one black man will say as he goes to get the surgical instruments. Next he is cutting the testes out while the foolish white cunt is in shock and screaming, "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER."

The blacks will leave with their trophy jar, laughing and joking. Then the Dom female will give the castrated cunt some antibodies and a shot to put him to sleep. She then cleans him up and applies surgical glue to seal the cuts.

The cunt will awake at home in his bed and his wife should be very sympathetic telling him that she is so sorry and never expected any black men to show up. She should tell him that it doesn't matter, that she loves him just the same and that is really not much worse than a vasectomy because men without their testes can still enjoy great sex. That is true if he takes testosterone shots which after a short time the wife should discourage.

The wife can prevent the cunt from reporting the incident by telling him they don't want the embarrassment and besides the deed is done and can't be undone. If the cunt persists the wife can lie and tell him that the Dom female found out that the black man responsible was carrying a gun and got him arrested on a parole violation and that he going back to prison anyway.

In three or four months the wife should have the stupid cunt completely domesticated and can start inviting lovers over for great sex.

"My God!" I said to myself. "Chris followed that plan to the letter. That is probably Mistress Joyce web site and no doubt she is the one that Chris talked to. No wonder I sensed that Chris showed a moment of disappointment when she returned and I wasn't castrated."

I asked myself, what has Chris turned into? I realized that I was extremely lucky to escape that place with my testes. The rule about master/slave is the slaves are not really injured. It is mostly just kinky sex. Even Mistress Zelda didn't do major harm to any slaves. Nipple rings might be pushing the limit but Chris went way over the line with her plan to have me castrated.

I decided to investigate further and see what Chris might have on her computer. I have never invaded Chris's privacy and her computer has passwords but I know how to capture key-strokes and I decided it was time see what else Chris might be up to. I had time to set it up since I get home an hour before Chris.

That night, Chris logged onto her computer so the next morning I arrange for a day off. It was easy. With the captured key-strokes it took medabout 30 minutes to access her computer and find her emails and other recent files. I inserted a thumb drive and started copying files. It was not likely that Chris will unexpectedly come home but no need to take chances. After copying the files, I removed the thumb drive and shut down Chris's computer.

Altogether that required less than an hours and now I can examine her files from the safety of my own computer.

E-mail to Chris:

DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE! Identical twins, blue eyes, light-brown hair, age 23, 6'1", 180 lbs. Construction workers, played high-school football. Prefer straight sex—oral Okay. Let the two of us give you an hour-long, relaxing, all over foot and body massage with cocoa butter and then take turns giving you slow hard deep fucks all night long. Photos attached.

No surprise here. They are clean-cut, athletic, and handsome young men-nice size. I can see that Chris would find them sexually desirable. Actually, I am proud of her. They are the best ones yet and by selecting variety she is not forming bonding attachments. It pleases me to know that such sexy young men wish to fuck her and fulfill her fantasies. No doubt, this weekend she will be well fucked and sexually gratified. I only ask that afterwards she show her appreciation for my willingness to give her the opportunity by being very turned on during our fucking and love making.

I see she received the message three days ago. That was the night of our last sex and the only time in the last ten days. So that is why she was so turned on—she was thinking about sex with the twins. Chris was dripping wet and told me to hurry up and fuck her. It was sex—not love making. I see now that I was just a convenient cock to scratch her itch. That explains why she just turned over and went to sleep. I was so disappointed that she didn't want the kissing, caressing and cuddling that she used to crave from me.

There was a confirmation email for a reservation this weekend at the Hilton Inn with a king size bed. Obviously the reservation was for just Chris and the twins. If she wanted me around we would stay here at the house. I love Chris but our growing apart and not doing things together is painful. I really need to reevaluate what we are doing and try to reestablish our bond.

E-mail to Chris:

Chris, we are two gay men (see photos) that would be delighted to discipline, train and beautify your cunt slave. Three two day sessions about a month apart are ideal. Then with the application of plastic and certain molding you can dress your slave to exhibit a cunt that appears much like that of a real women. Even your slave's breasts will appear much more realistic. After training from us (see our collection of nipple rings) your cunt slave would be more obedient, docile, and show a greater willing to practice walking in 4" high-heeled shoes and wiggle its ass like a real woman. Your partners, both male and female will love the results.

The initial size reduction treatment is accomplished using crushed ice. After removal of the ice, clamping and other treatment, to restrict blood flow, will maintain and even enhance the effect. Later, to your amazement, you will find the crushed ice is not necessary. Details can be found on our web site and the attached file titled, 'Training & Beautification.pdf.' If you agree, we will be greatly pleased. Just type 'X' in the appropriate space and click 'Reply.'

I agree ____. I do not agree ____.

Checking her 'Sent Items' email folder showed Chris placed an 'X' in the space after "I agree" and that she added the following comment: "I look forward to giving you my cunt slave this weekend to enjoy in the comfort of our home while I stay at a local motel in the company of a couple of young men."

Their photos show they are late 30's about 200 pounds each with the appearance of sadistic bikers. "My God," I think, "Chris must have reached to the depths of depravity to find these two."

The message was full of code words. Especially, "discipline," "train," "collection," "plastic," "reduction," "removal," and "treatment." The words themselves don't sound too menacing. Perhaps that is deliberately to fool the naïve, should someone not check further. Therefore, I decided check out the file to make certain that I fully understand.

First I went to their website and download their 'Training & Beautification.pdf.' file which is over 200 pages with much legalize. I know that is a typical technique to keep people from reading and understanding a contract. I see the first fifty pages were bland. That too is not unusual. People get tired of reading so a common tactic is to hide things later in the document.

This might be interesting.

NIPPLE RING COLLECTION: Nipple rings collected by ripping them from men's titties. Great for future discipline. It cause such intense pain that most men vomit.

Fucking unbelievable! How could Chris agree to that? What have I done to justify that much anger?

PLASTIC: Plastic surgery to remove any remaining male sex organs and create a synthetic vagina. Can be accomplished after removal and size reduction.

Has Chris lost her mind? She is not satisfied with me being castrated; she wants to turn me into a fucking freak. I cannot believe she would think I would permit to that.

TREATMENT—INCLUDING REDUCTION AND REMOVAL: Removal of testes and injection of chemicals in the penis causing the cells of the penis to slowly die and be absorbed and expelled as waste material. When complete, usually after three treatments one month apart, the male sex organs are reduced to little more than slabs of skin. The ultimate intent is to inject female hormones for breast enlargement and plastic surgery to create a synthetic vagina. Will greatly enhance your status among the Doms as you will have a cunt slave with a vagina instead of a penis. Doms and your lovers will love fucking the vagina of your cunt slave.

Our treatment is brutal so wives should not be present. However, upon your return you have a completely docile and obedient cunt slave that will almost certainly agree to a sex change operations. For your and our protection, we will video the cunt slave masturbating while dressed in his slutty outfit and eating his own cum. The video will show the act, plus it will show him begging to be fucked in the ass by one of us and to suck the other's cock. Finally the video will show the cunt slave saying, "I want to be a woman" and pleading for us to castrate him and destroy his cock.
